UICFTControls Qt::ApplicationModal true 0 0 645 416 645 0 FreeTrack 2.0 settings FaceTrackNoIR images/FaceTrackNoIR.icoimages/FaceTrackNoIR.ico Qt::LeftToRight false 0 70 TIRViews 80 30 88 17 Qt::RightToLeft Use TIRViews 189 10 421 16 TIRViews is only required for some older games (like CFS3). For it to work, TIRViews.dll 189 30 421 16 must be placed in the FaceTrackNoIR program folder. If the checkbox is disabled, the true 189 50 411 16 the DLL was not found. You can get it from NaturalPoint. 0 70 TrackIR.exe 20 30 145 17 Qt::RightToLeft Start dummy TrackIR.exe 189 10 351 16 Some programs check, to see if a process called TrackIR.exe is running, 189 30 261 16 before enabling head-tracking (EZCA is one of them). true 189 50 231 16 Check the checkbox, to overcome this problem. 0 70 Select interface 189 10 351 16 Some games support both FreeTrack and TrackIR and may get confused, 189 30 261 16 when both interfaces are visible. true 189 50 381 16 Try to disable one interface, if you experience problems. 6 30 168 22 0 70 Repair NPClient location 188 10 381 20 Users who use other software with an NPClient DLL (like TrackIR, FreeTrack or 184 30 411 20 GlovePIE) may need to repair the location of the DLL, after running FaceTrackNoIR. true 187 50 391 20 Use this button to locate the desired NPClient DLL. 4 30 171 23 Locate DLL Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint 0 0 100 0 100 16777215 OK 0 0 100 0 100 16777215 Cancel Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 10 20 startEngineClicked() stopEngineClicked() cameraSettingsClicked()