/******************************************************************************** * FaceTrackNoIR This program is a private project of the some enthusiastic * * gamers from Holland, who don't like to pay much for * * head-tracking. * * * * Copyright (C) 2013 Wim Vriend (Developing) * * Ron Hendriks (Researching and Testing) * * * * Homepage * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * * more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * * with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * * FTServer FTServer is the Class, that communicates headpose-data * * to games, using the FreeTrackClient.dll. * ********************************************************************************/ /* Modifications (last one on top): 20130209 - WVR: Some games support both interfaces and cause trouble. Added ComboBox to fix this (hide one interface by clearing the appropriate Registry-setting). 20130203 - WVR: Added Tirviews and dummy checkboxes to the Settings dialog. This is necessary for CFS3 etc. 20130125 - WVR: Upgraded to FT2.0: now the FreeTrack protocol supports all TIR-enabled games. 20110401 - WVR: Moved protocol to a DLL, convenient for installation etc. 20101224 - WVR: Base class is no longer inheriting QThread. sendHeadposeToGame is called from run() of Tracker.cpp 20100601 - WVR: Added Mutex-bit in run(). Thought it wasn't so important (still do...). 20100523 - WVR: Implemented the Freetrack-protocol just like Freetrack does. Earlier FaceTrackNoIR only worked with an adapted DLL, with a putdata function. Now it works direcly in shared memory! */ #include <algorithm> #include "ftnoir_protocol_ft.h" #include "ftnoir_csv/csv.h" /** constructor **/ FTNoIR_Protocol::FTNoIR_Protocol() { useTIRViews = false; useDummyExe = false; intUsedInterface = 0; // // Load the INI-settings. // loadSettings(); ProgramName = ""; intGameID = 0; viewsStart = 0; viewsStop = 0; pMemData = NULL; force_dummy = false; force_tirviews = false; } /** destructor **/ FTNoIR_Protocol::~FTNoIR_Protocol() { qDebug()<< "~FTNoIR_Protocol: Destructor started."; // // Stop if started // if (viewsStop != NULL) { qDebug()<< "~FTNoIR_Protocol: Stopping TIRViews."; viewsStop(); FTIRViewsLib.unload(); } // // Destroy the File-mapping // FTDestroyMapping(); } void FTNoIR_Protocol::Initialize() { return; } // // Read the game-data from CSV // // // Load the current Settings from the currently 'active' INI-file. // void FTNoIR_Protocol::loadSettings() { QSettings settings("opentrack"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER) QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/Settings/default.ini" ).toString(); QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat ); // Application settings (in INI-file) iniFile.beginGroup ( "FT" ); intUsedInterface = iniFile.value ( "UsedInterface", 0 ).toInt(); iniFile.endGroup (); // // Use the settings-section from the deprecated fake-TIR protocol, as they are most likely to be found there. // iniFile.beginGroup ( "FTIR" ); useTIRViews = iniFile.value ( "useTIRViews", 0 ).toBool(); useDummyExe = iniFile.value ( "useDummyExe", 1 ).toBool(); iniFile.endGroup (); } // // Update Headpose in Game. // void FTNoIR_Protocol::sendHeadposeToGame(double *headpose, double *rawheadpose ) { float virtPosX; float virtPosY; float virtPosZ; float virtRotX; float virtRotY; float virtRotZ; float headPosX; float headPosY; float headPosZ; float headRotX; float headRotY; float headRotZ; // // Scale the Raw measurements to the client measurements. // headRotX = getRadsFromDegrees(headpose[RY]); headRotY = getRadsFromDegrees(headpose[RX]); headRotZ = getRadsFromDegrees(headpose[RZ]); headPosX = headpose[TX] * 10; headPosY = headpose[TY] * 10; headPosZ = headpose[TZ] * 10; virtRotX = getRadsFromDegrees(headpose[RY]); virtRotY = getRadsFromDegrees(headpose[RX]); virtRotZ = getRadsFromDegrees(headpose[RZ]); virtPosX = headpose[TX] * 10; virtPosY = headpose[TY] * 10; virtPosZ = headpose[TZ] * 10; // // Check if the pointer is OK and wait for the Mutex. // if ( (pMemData != NULL) && (WaitForSingleObject(hFTMutex, 100) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) ) { // // Copy the Raw measurements directly to the client. // pMemData->data.RawX = headPosX; pMemData->data.RawY = headPosY; pMemData->data.RawZ = headPosZ; pMemData->data.RawPitch = headRotX; pMemData->data.RawYaw = headRotY; pMemData->data.RawRoll = headRotZ; // // pMemData->data.X = virtPosX; pMemData->data.Y = virtPosY; pMemData->data.Z = virtPosZ; pMemData->data.Pitch = virtRotX; pMemData->data.Yaw = virtRotY; pMemData->data.Roll = virtRotZ; // // Leave some values 0 yet... // pMemData->data.X1 = pMemData->data.DataID + 10; pMemData->data.X2 = 0; pMemData->data.X3 = 0; pMemData->data.X4 = 0; pMemData->data.Y1 = 0; pMemData->data.Y2 = 0; pMemData->data.Y3 = 0; pMemData->data.Y4 = 0; // // Check if the handle that was sent to the Game, was changed (on x64, this will be done by the ED-API) // If the "Report Program Name" command arrives (which is a '1', for now), raise the event from here! // // // The game-ID was changed? // if (intGameID != pMemData->GameID) { QString gameID = QString::number(pMemData->GameID); bool tirviews = false, dummy = false; QString gamename; CSV::getGameData(gameID, tirviews, dummy, pMemData->table, gamename); if (tirviews) start_tirviews(); if (dummy) start_dummy(); pMemData->GameID2 = pMemData->GameID; intGameID = pMemData->GameID; QMutexLocker foo(&this->game_name_mutex); connected_game = gamename; } ReleaseMutex(hFTMutex); } pMemData->data.DataID += 1; } // // Set the Path variables and load the memory-mapping. // Simplified function: No need to check if the DLL's actually exist. The are installed by the installer. // If they are absent, something went terribly wrong anyway... // // Returns 'true' if all seems OK. // // void FTNoIR_Protocol::start_tirviews() { QString aFileName = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/TIRViews.dll"; if ( QFile::exists( aFileName ) && !force_tirviews ) { force_tirviews = true; FTIRViewsLib.setFileName(aFileName); FTIRViewsLib.load(); viewsStart = (importTIRViewsStart) FTIRViewsLib.resolve("TIRViewsStart"); if (viewsStart == NULL) { qDebug() << "FTServer::run() says: TIRViewsStart function not found in DLL!"; } else { qDebug() << "FTServer::run() says: TIRViewsStart executed!"; viewsStart(); } // // Load the Stop function from TIRViews.dll. Call it when terminating the thread. // viewsStop = (importTIRViewsStop) FTIRViewsLib.resolve("TIRViewsStop"); if (viewsStop == NULL) { qDebug() << "FTServer::run() says: TIRViewsStop function not found in DLL!"; } } } void FTNoIR_Protocol::start_dummy() { if (!force_dummy) { force_dummy = true; QString program = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/TrackIR.exe"; dummyTrackIR.startDetached("\"" + program + "\""); qDebug() << "FTServer::run() says: TrackIR.exe executed!" << program; } } bool FTNoIR_Protocol::checkServerInstallationOK() { QSettings settings("Freetrack", "FreetrackClient"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER) QSettings settingsTIR("NaturalPoint", "NATURALPOINT\\NPClient Location"); // Registry settings (in HK_USER) QString aLocation; // Location of Client DLL qDebug() << "checkServerInstallationOK says: Starting Function"; // // Write the path in the registry (for FreeTrack and FreeTrack20), for the game(s). // aLocation = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/"; qDebug() << "checkServerInstallationOK says: used interface = " << intUsedInterface; switch (intUsedInterface) { case 0: // Use both interfaces settings.setValue( "Path" , aLocation ); settingsTIR.setValue( "Path" , aLocation ); break; case 1: // Use FreeTrack, disable TrackIR settings.setValue( "Path" , aLocation ); settingsTIR.setValue( "Path" , "" ); break; case 2: // Use TrackIR, disable FreeTrack settings.setValue( "Path" , "" ); settingsTIR.setValue( "Path" , aLocation ); break; default: // should never be reached break; } // // TIRViews must be started first, or the NPClient DLL will never be loaded. // if (useTIRViews) { start_tirviews(); } // // Check if TIRViews or dummy TrackIR.exe is required for this game // if (useDummyExe) { start_dummy(); } return FTCreateMapping(); } // // Create a memory-mapping to the FreeTrack data. // It contains the tracking data, a handle to the main-window and the program-name of the Game! // // bool FTNoIR_Protocol::FTCreateMapping() { bool bFirst = false; qDebug() << "FTCreateMapping says: Starting Function"; // // A FileMapping is used to create 'shared memory' between the FTServer and the FTClient. // // Try to create a FileMapping to the Shared Memory. // If one already exists: close it. // hFTMemMap = CreateFileMappingA( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE , 00 , PAGE_READWRITE , 0 , // sizeof( TFreeTrackData ) + sizeof( HANDLE ) + 100, sizeof( FTMemMap ), (LPCSTR) FT_MM_DATA ); if ( hFTMemMap != 0 ) { bFirst = true; qDebug() << "FTCreateMapping says: FileMapping Created!" << hFTMemMap; } if ( ( hFTMemMap != 0 ) && ( (long) GetLastError == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) ) { bFirst = false; qDebug() << "FTCreateMapping says: FileMapping already exists!" << hFTMemMap; CloseHandle( hFTMemMap ); hFTMemMap = 0; } // // Create a new FileMapping, Read/Write access // hFTMemMap = OpenFileMappingA( FILE_MAP_WRITE, false , (LPCSTR) FT_MM_DATA ); if ( ( hFTMemMap != 0 ) ) { qDebug() << "FTCreateMapping says: FileMapping Opened:" << hFTMemMap; pMemData = (FTMemMap *) MapViewOfFile(hFTMemMap, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, // sizeof(TFreeTrackData) + sizeof(hFTMemMap) + 100); sizeof(FTMemMap)); hFTMutex = CreateMutexA(NULL, false, FREETRACK_MUTEX); } if (!hFTMemMap || !pMemData) { QMessageBox::information(0, "FaceTrackNoIR error", QString("FTServer Error! \n")); return false; } pMemData->data.DataID = 1; pMemData->data.CamWidth = 100; pMemData->data.CamHeight = 250; pMemData->GameID2 = 0; memset(pMemData->table, 0, 8); return true; } // // Destory the FileMapping to the shared memory // void FTNoIR_Protocol::FTDestroyMapping() { if ( pMemData != NULL ) { UnmapViewOfFile ( pMemData ); } CloseHandle( hFTMutex ); CloseHandle( hFTMemMap ); hFTMemMap = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Factory function that creates instances if the Protocol object. // Export both decorated and undecorated names. // GetProtocol - Undecorated name, which can be easily used with GetProcAddress // Win32 API function. // _GetProtocol@0 - Common name decoration for __stdcall functions in C language. //#pragma comment(linker, "/export:GetProtocol=_GetProtocol@0") extern "C" FTNOIR_PROTOCOL_BASE_EXPORT IProtocol* CALLING_CONVENTION GetConstructor() { return new FTNoIR_Protocol; }