/* Copyright (c) 2013 Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ #pragma once #include "ui_ftnoir_tracker_joystick_controls.h" #include <QComboBox> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QSpinBox> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QSettings> #include <QList> #include <QMutex> #include <QFrame> #include <cmath> #include "facetracknoir/plugin-api.hpp" #ifndef DIRECTINPUT_VERSION # define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x800 #endif #include <windows.h> #include <commctrl.h> #include <basetsd.h> #include <dinput.h> #include <oleauto.h> #include <shellapi.h> #include "facetracknoir/options.h" using namespace options; struct settings { pbundle b; value<QString> joyid; settings() : b(bundle("tracker-joystick")), joyid(b, "joy-id", "") {} }; class FTNoIR_Tracker : public ITracker { public: FTNoIR_Tracker(); ~FTNoIR_Tracker(); void start_tracker(QFrame *frame); void data(double *data); void reload(); LPDIRECTINPUT8 g_pDI; LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 g_pJoystick; QMutex mtx; QFrame* frame; DIDEVICEINSTANCE def; int iter; // XXX bad style settings s; static constexpr int AXIS_MAX = 65535; }; class TrackerControls: public ITrackerDialog { Q_OBJECT public: TrackerControls(); void register_tracker(ITracker *foo) {} void unregister_tracker() {} QList<GUID> guids; Ui::UIJoystickControls ui; FTNoIR_Tracker* tracker; settings s; private slots: void doOK(); void doCancel(); }; class FTNoIR_TrackerDll : public Metadata { public: QString name() { return QString("Joystick input"); } QIcon icon() { return QIcon(":/images/facetracknoir.png"); } };