* FaceTrackNoIR		This program is a private project of some enthusiastic		*
*					gamers from Holland, who don't like to pay much for			*
*					head-tracking.												*
*																				*
* Copyright (C) 2012	Wim Vriend (Developing)									*
*						Ron Hendriks (Researching and Testing)					*
*																				*
* Homepage:			http://facetracknoir.sourceforge.net/home/default.htm		*
*																				*
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it		*
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the			*
* Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your		*
* option) any later version.													*
*																				*
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but			*
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY	*
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for	*
* more details.																	*
*																				*
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along		*
* with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.				*
*																				*
#include "ftnoir_tracker_udp.h"
#include "facetracknoir/global-settings.h"

// FaceTrackNoIR Client Settings-dialog.

// Constructor for server-settings-dialog
TrackerControls::TrackerControls() :
	ui.setupUi( this );

	// Connect Qt signals to member-functions
	connect(ui.btnOK, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doOK()));
	connect(ui.btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doCancel()));
	connect(ui.spinPortNumber, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged()));

	connect(ui.chkEnableRoll, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int)));
	connect(ui.chkEnablePitch, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int)));
	connect(ui.chkEnableYaw, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int)));
	connect(ui.chkEnableX, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int)));
	connect(ui.chkEnableY, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int)));
	connect(ui.chkEnableZ, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(settingChanged(int)));

	// Load the settings from the current .INI-file

// Destructor for server-dialog
TrackerControls::~TrackerControls() {
	qDebug() << "~TrackerControls() says: started";

// Initialize tracker-client-dialog
void TrackerControls::Initialize(QWidget *parent) {

	QPoint offsetpos(100, 100);
	if (parent) {
		this->move(parent->pos() + offsetpos);

// OK clicked on server-dialog
void TrackerControls::doOK() {

// override show event
void TrackerControls::showEvent ( QShowEvent * ) {

// Cancel clicked on server-dialog
void TrackerControls::doCancel() {
	// Ask if changed Settings should be saved
	if (settingsDirty) {
		int ret = QMessageBox::question ( this, "Settings have changed", "Do you want to save the settings?", QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Discard );

		qDebug() << "doCancel says: answer =" << ret;

		switch (ret) {
			case QMessageBox::Save:
			case QMessageBox::Discard:
			case QMessageBox::Cancel:
				// Cancel was clicked
				// should never be reached
	else {

// Load the current Settings from the currently 'active' INI-file.
void TrackerControls::loadSettings() {

//	qDebug() << "loadSettings says: Starting ";
	QSettings settings("opentrack");	// Registry settings (in HK_USER)

	QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/settings/default.ini" ).toString();
	QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat );		// Application settings (in INI-file)

//	qDebug() << "loadSettings says: iniFile = " << currentFile;

	iniFile.beginGroup ( "FTNClient" );
	ui.chkEnableRoll->setChecked(iniFile.value ( "EnableRoll", 1 ).toBool());
	ui.chkEnablePitch->setChecked(iniFile.value ( "EnablePitch", 1 ).toBool());
	ui.chkEnableYaw->setChecked(iniFile.value ( "EnableYaw", 1 ).toBool());
	ui.chkEnableX->setChecked(iniFile.value ( "EnableX", 1 ).toBool());
	ui.chkEnableY->setChecked(iniFile.value ( "EnableY", 1 ).toBool());
	ui.chkEnableZ->setChecked(iniFile.value ( "EnableZ", 1 ).toBool());

	ui.spinPortNumber->setValue( iniFile.value ( "PortNumber", 5550 ).toInt() );
	iniFile.endGroup ();

	settingsDirty = false;

// Save the current Settings to the currently 'active' INI-file.
void TrackerControls::save() {
	QSettings settings("opentrack");	// Registry settings (in HK_USER)

	QString currentFile = settings.value ( "SettingsFile", QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/settings/default.ini" ).toString();
	QSettings iniFile( currentFile, QSettings::IniFormat );		// Application settings (in INI-file)

	iniFile.beginGroup ( "FTNClient" );
	iniFile.setValue ( "EnableRoll", ui.chkEnableRoll->isChecked() );
	iniFile.setValue ( "EnablePitch", ui.chkEnablePitch->isChecked() );
	iniFile.setValue ( "EnableYaw", ui.chkEnableYaw->isChecked() );
	iniFile.setValue ( "EnableX", ui.chkEnableX->isChecked() );
	iniFile.setValue ( "EnableY", ui.chkEnableY->isChecked() );
	iniFile.setValue ( "EnableZ", ui.chkEnableZ->isChecked() );
	iniFile.setValue ( "PortNumber", ui.spinPortNumber->value() );
	iniFile.endGroup ();

	settingsDirty = false;
// Factory function that creates instances if the Tracker-settings dialog object.

// Export both decorated and undecorated names.
//   GetTrackerDialog     - Undecorated name, which can be easily used with GetProcAddress
//                          Win32 API function.
//   _GetTrackerDialog@0  - Common name decoration for __stdcall functions in C language.
//#pragma comment(linker, "/export:GetTrackerDialog=_GetTrackerDialog@0")

    return new TrackerControls;