/* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl> * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this * software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice and this permission * notice appear in all copies. */ #include "mapping-window.hpp" #include "logic/main-settings.hpp" #include "spline/spline-widget.hpp" MapWidget::MapWidget(Mappings& m) : m(m), widgets{} { ui.setupUi(this); load(); connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(doOK())); connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(doCancel())); tie_setting(s.a_yaw.altp, ui.rx_altp); tie_setting(s.a_pitch.altp, ui.ry_altp); tie_setting(s.a_roll.altp, ui.rz_altp); tie_setting(s.a_x.altp, ui.tx_altp); tie_setting(s.a_y.altp, ui.ty_altp); tie_setting(s.a_z.altp, ui.tz_altp); tie_setting(s.a_yaw.clamp, ui.max_yaw_rotation); tie_setting(s.a_pitch.clamp, ui.max_pitch_rotation); tie_setting(s.a_roll.clamp, ui.max_roll_rotation); tie_setting(s.a_x.clamp, ui.max_x_translation); tie_setting(s.a_y.clamp, ui.max_y_translation); tie_setting(s.a_z.clamp, ui.max_z_translation); } void MapWidget::load() { struct { spline_widget* qfc; Axis axis; QCheckBox* checkbox; bool altp; } qfcs[] = { { ui.rxconfig, Yaw, nullptr, false, }, { ui.ryconfig, Pitch, nullptr, false, }, { ui.rzconfig, Roll, nullptr, false, }, { ui.txconfig, TX, nullptr, false, }, { ui.tyconfig, TY, nullptr, false, }, { ui.tzconfig, TZ, nullptr, false, }, { ui.rxconfig_alt, Yaw, ui.rx_altp, true, }, { ui.ryconfig_alt, Pitch, ui.ry_altp, true, }, { ui.rzconfig_alt, Roll, ui.rz_altp, true, }, { ui.txconfig_alt, TX, ui.tx_altp, true, }, { ui.tyconfig_alt, TY, ui.ty_altp, true, }, { ui.tzconfig_alt, TZ, ui.tz_altp, true, }, { nullptr, Yaw, nullptr, false } }; using a = axis_opts::max_clamp; for (QComboBox* x : { ui.max_yaw_rotation, ui.max_pitch_rotation, ui.max_roll_rotation }) for (a y : { a::r180, a::r90, a::r60, a::r45, a::r30, a::r25, a::r20, a::r15, a::r10 }) x->addItem(tr("%1°").arg(y), y); for (QComboBox* x : { ui.max_x_translation, ui.max_y_translation, ui.max_z_translation }) for (a y : { a::t30, a::t20, a::t15, a::t10, a::t100 }) x->addItem(QStringLiteral("%1 cm").arg(int(y)), y); for (int i = 0; qfcs[i].qfc; i++) { const bool altp = qfcs[i].altp; Map& axis = m(qfcs[i].axis); spline& conf = altp ? axis.spline_alt : axis.spline_main; spline_widget& qfc = *qfcs[i].qfc; if (altp) { connect(&axis.opts.altp, static_cast<void(base_value::*)(bool) const>(&base_value::valueChanged), this, [&](bool f) -> void {qfc.setEnabled(f); qfc.force_redraw();}); qfc.setEnabled(axis.opts.altp); qfc.force_redraw(); } connect(&axis.opts.clamp, static_cast<void(base_value::*)(int) const>(&base_value::valueChanged), &qfc, [i, &conf, &qfc](int value) { conf.set_max_input(value); qfc.reload_spline(); qfc.set_x_step(value + 1e-2 >= 90 ? 10 : 5); if (i >= 3) qfc.set_snap(1, 2.5); else { const double x_snap = std::fmax(.5, conf.max_input() / 100.); qfc.set_snap(x_snap, 1); } }); // force signal to avoid duplicating the slot's logic qfc.setConfig(&conf); axis.opts.clamp.valueChanged(axis.opts.clamp); widgets[i % 6][altp ? 1 : 0] = &qfc; } } void MapWidget::closeEvent(QCloseEvent*) { invalidate_dialog(); } void MapWidget::refresh_tab() { if (!isVisible()) return; const int idx = ui.tabWidget->currentIndex(); if (likely(idx >= 0 && idx < 6)) { widgets[idx][0]->repaint(); widgets[idx][1]->repaint(); } else qDebug() << "map-widget: bad index" << idx; } void MapWidget::save_dialog() { s.b_map->save(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { m.forall([&](Map& s) { s.spline_main.save(); s.spline_alt.save(); s.opts.b_mapping_window->save(); }); } } void MapWidget::invalidate_dialog() { s.b_map->reload(); m.forall([](Map& s) { s.spline_main.reload(); s.spline_alt.reload(); s.opts.b_mapping_window->reload(); }); } void MapWidget::doOK() { save_dialog(); close(); } void MapWidget::doCancel() { invalidate_dialog(); close(); }