/* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Stanislaw Halik * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ #pragma once #include "options/options.hpp" using namespace options; #include "spline-widget/spline.hpp" #include "main-settings.hpp" struct Map final { Map(QString primary, QString secondary, int max_x, int max_y, axis_opts& opts) : opts(opts), name1(primary), name2(secondary), spline_main(max_x, max_y, primary), spline_alt(max_x, max_y, secondary) { } void save(QSettings& s) { spline_main.save(s); spline_alt.save(s); } void load() { spline_main.reload(); spline_alt.reload(); } axis_opts& opts; QString name1, name2; spline spline_main, spline_alt; }; class Mappings { private: Map axes[6]; public: Mappings(std::vector<axis_opts*> opts) : axes { Map("spline-X", "alt-spline-X", 30, 75, *opts[TX]), Map("spline-Y", "alt-spline-Y", 30, 75, *opts[TY]), Map("spline-Z", "alt-spline-Z", 30, 75, *opts[TZ]), Map("spline-yaw", "alt-spline-yaw", 180, 180, *opts[Yaw]), Map("spline-pitch", "alt-spline-pitch", 180, 180, *opts[Pitch]), Map("spline-roll", "alt-spline-roll", 180, 180, *opts[Roll]) } {} inline Map& operator()(int i) { return axes[i]; } inline const Map& operator()(int i) const { return axes[i]; } inline Map& operator()(unsigned i) { return axes[i]; } inline const Map& operator()(unsigned i) const { return axes[i]; } template<typename f> void forall(f&& fun) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < 6; i++) { fun(axes[i]); } } };