/* Copyright (c) 2015, Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl> * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this * software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice and this permission * notice appear in all copies. */ #pragma once #include <QString> #include "opentrack/options.hpp" #include "opentrack/plugin-api.hpp" using namespace options; struct axis_opts { pbundle b; value<double> zero; value<bool> invert, altp; value<int> src; axis_opts(pbundle b, QString pfx, int idx) : b(b), zero(b, n(pfx, "zero-pos"), 0), invert(b, n(pfx, "invert-sign"), false), altp(b, n(pfx, "alt-axis-sign"), false), src(b, n(pfx, "source-index"), idx) {} private: static inline QString n(QString pfx, QString name) { return QString("%1-%2").arg(pfx, name); } }; struct main_settings : opts { value<QString> tracker_dll, filter_dll, protocol_dll; axis_opts a_x, a_y, a_z, a_yaw, a_pitch, a_roll; value<bool> tcomp_p, tcomp_tz; value<bool> tray_enabled; value<int> camera_yaw, camera_pitch, camera_roll; value<bool> center_at_startup; value<int> center_method; main_settings() : opts("opentrack-ui"), tracker_dll(b, "tracker-dll", ""), filter_dll(b, "filter-dll", "Accela"), protocol_dll(b, "protocol-dll", "freetrack 2.0 Enhanced"), a_x(b, "x", TX), a_y(b, "y", TY), a_z(b, "z", TZ), a_yaw(b, "yaw", Yaw), a_pitch(b, "pitch", Pitch), a_roll(b, "roll", Roll), tcomp_p(b, "compensate-translation", true), tcomp_tz(b, "compensate-translation-disable-z-axis", false), tray_enabled(b, "use-system-tray", false), camera_yaw(b, "camera-yaw", 0), camera_pitch(b, "camera-pitch", 0), camera_roll(b, "camera-roll", 0), center_at_startup(b, "center-at-startup", true), center_method(b, "centering-method", true) {} };