/* Copyright (c) 2016, Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl>

 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this
 * software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
 * provided that the above copyright notice and this permission
 * notice appear in all copies.

#include "connector.hpp"
#include "value.hpp"

#include <utility>

namespace options::detail {

static bool generic_is_equal(const QVariant& val1, const QVariant& val2)
    return val1 == val2;

connector::~connector() {}

bool connector::is_equal(const QString& name, const QVariant& val1, const QVariant& val2) const
    QMutexLocker l(get_mtx());

    auto it = connected_values.find(name);

    if (it != connected_values.cend() && !std::get<0>((*it).second).empty())
        return std::get<1>((*it).second)(val1, val2);
        return generic_is_equal(val1, val2);

bool connector::on_value_destructed_impl(const QString& name, value_type val)
    QMutexLocker l(get_mtx());

    auto it = connected_values.find(name);

    if (it != connected_values.end())
        std::vector<value_type>& values = std::get<0>((*it).second);
        for (auto it = values.begin(); it != values.end(); it++)
            if (*it == val)
                return true;
    return false;

void connector::on_value_destructed(const QString& name, value_type val)
    if (!name.size())

    const bool ok = on_value_destructed_impl(name, val);

    if (!ok)
        qWarning() << "options/connector: value destructed without creating;"
                   << "bundle"
                   << val->b->name()
                   << "value-name" << name
                   << "value-ptr" << quintptr(val);

void connector::on_value_created(const QString& name, value_type val)
    if (!name.size())

    QMutexLocker l(get_mtx());

    int i = 1;
    while (on_value_destructed_impl(name, val))
        qWarning() << "options/connector: value created twice;"
                   << "cnt" << i++
                   << "bundle" << val->b->name()
                   << "value-name" << name
                   << "value-ptr" << quintptr(val);

    auto it = connected_values.find(name);

    if (it != connected_values.end())
        tt& tmp = (*it).second;
        std::type_index& typeidx = std::get<2>(tmp);
        std::vector<value_type>& values = std::get<0>(tmp);

        if (typeidx != val->type_index)
            std::get<1>((*it).second) = generic_is_equal;
        std::vector<value_type> vec;
        connected_values.emplace(name, tt(vec, val->cmp, val->type_index));

void connector::notify_values(const QString& name) const
    auto it = connected_values.find(name);
    if (it != connected_values.cend())
        for (value_type val : std::get<0>((*it).second))

void connector::notify_all_values() const
    for (auto& pair : connected_values)
        for (value_type val : std::get<0>(pair.second))


} // ns options::detail