/* Copyright (c) 2016 Stanislaw Halik
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
 * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
 * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

#pragma once

#include "export.hpp"
#include <QMetaType>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QDebug>

namespace options
    class OPENTRACK_OPTIONS_EXPORT slider_value final
        float cur_, min_, max_;
        slider_value(float cur, float min, float max);

        template<typename t, typename u, typename v> slider_value(t cur, u min, v max) :

        slider_value(const slider_value& v);
        slider_value& operator=(const slider_value& v);
        bool operator==(const slider_value& v) const;
        operator float() const { return cur_; }
        double cur() const { return double(cur_); }
        double min() const { return double(min_); }
        double max() const { return double(max_); }
        slider_value update_from_slider(int pos, int q_min, int q_max) const;
        int to_slider_pos(int q_min, int q_max) const;


inline QDebug operator << (QDebug dbg, const options::slider_value& val)
    return dbg << val.cur();

inline QDataStream& operator << (QDataStream& out, const options::slider_value& v)
    out << float(v.cur())
        << float(v.min())
        << float(v.max());
    return out;

inline QDataStream& operator >> (QDataStream& in, options::slider_value& v)
    float cur, min, max;
    in >> cur;
    in >> min;
    in >> max;
    v = options::slider_value(cur, min, max);
    return in;

