/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl> * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this * software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice and this permission * notice appear in all copies. */ #pragma once #include "export.hpp" #include "value.hpp" #include <QComboBox> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QDoubleSpinBox> #include <QSpinBox> #include <QSlider> #include <QLineEdit> #include <QLabel> #include <QTabWidget> #include <cmath> namespace options { template<typename t> typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<t>::value>::type tie_setting(value<t>& v, QComboBox* cb) { cb->setCurrentIndex(cb->findData(int(static_cast<t>(v)))); v = static_cast<t>(cb->currentData().toInt()); base_value::connect(cb, static_cast<void (QComboBox::*)(int)>(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), &v, [&v, cb](int idx) { run_in_thread_sync(cb, [&]() { v = static_cast<t>(cb->itemData(idx).toInt()); }); }, v.DIRECT_CONNTYPE); base_value::connect(&v, static_cast<void (base_value::*)(int) const>(&base_value::valueChanged), cb, [cb](int x) { cb->setCurrentIndex(cb->findData(x)); }, v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } template<typename t, typename... xs> void tie_setting(value<t>& v, QLabel* lb, const QString& format, const xs&... args) { auto closure = [=](const t& x) { lb->setText(format.arg(x, args...)); }; closure(v()); base_value::connect(&v, static_cast<void(base_value::*)(const t&) const>(&base_value::valueChanged), lb, closure, v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } // Clang 3.9 has a bug // error: missing default argument on parameter 'args' // cf. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29098835/can-parameter-pack-function-arguments-be-defaulted template<typename t, typename F, typename... xs> decltype((void)((std::declval<F>())(std::declval<const t&>()))) tie_setting(value<t>& v, QLabel* lb, F&& fun, const QString& fmt, const xs&... args) { auto closure = [=](const t& x) { lb->setText(fmt.arg(fun(x), args...)); }; closure(v()); base_value::connect(&v, static_cast<void(base_value::*)(const t&) const>(&base_value::valueChanged), lb, closure, v.SAFE_CONNTYPE); } OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<int>& v, QComboBox* cb); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<QString>& v, QComboBox* cb); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<QVariant>& v, QComboBox* cb); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<bool>& v, QCheckBox* cb); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<double>& v, QDoubleSpinBox* dsb); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<int>& v, QSpinBox* sb); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<int>& v, QSlider* sl); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<QString>& v, QLineEdit* le); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<QString>& v, QLabel* lb); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<int>& v, QTabWidget* t); OTR_OPTIONS_EXPORT void tie_setting(value<slider_value>& v, QSlider* w); } // ns options