/* Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl> * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this * software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice and this permission * notice appear in all copies. */ #pragma once #include "export.hpp" #include "bundle.hpp" #include "slider.hpp" #include "base-value.hpp" #include "value-traits.hpp" #include "compat/macros.hpp" #include "compat/linkage-macros.hpp" #include <cstdio> #include <type_traits> #include <typeinfo> #include <typeindex> #include <utility> #include <QVariant> #include <QString> #include <QPointF> #include <QList> #include <QMutex> namespace options { template<typename t> class value final : public base_value { using traits = detail::value_traits<t, t, void>; using stored_type = typename traits::stored_type; static bool is_equal(const QVariant& val1, const QVariant& val2) { return val1.value<stored_type>() == val2.value<stored_type>(); } cc_noinline t get() const { if (self_name.isEmpty()) return def; QVariant variant = b->get<QVariant>(self_name); if (!b->contains(self_name) || variant.type() == QVariant::Invalid) return def; const stored_type x(variant.value<stored_type>()); return traits::from_value(traits::from_storage(x), def); } public: cc_noinline t operator=(const t& datum) { if (self_name.isEmpty()) return def; if (datum != get()) store(traits::to_storage(datum)); return datum; } static constexpr inline Qt::ConnectionType DIRECT_CONNTYPE = Qt::DirectConnection; static constexpr inline Qt::ConnectionType SAFE_CONNTYPE = Qt::QueuedConnection; cc_noinline value(bundle b, const QString& name, t def) : base_value(b, name, &is_equal, std::type_index(typeid(stored_type))), def(def) { if (!self_name.isEmpty()) QObject::connect(b.get(), SIGNAL(reloading()), this, SLOT(reload()), DIRECT_CONNTYPE); } template<unsigned k> inline value(bundle b, const char (&name)[k], t def) : value(b, QLatin1String(name, k-1), def) { static_assert(k > 0, ""); } cc_noinline t default_value() const { return def; } cc_noinline void set_to_default() override { *this = def; } cc_noinline operator t() const { return get(); } cc_noinline t operator->() const { return get(); } cc_noinline void reload() override { if (!self_name.isEmpty()) *this = static_cast<t>(*this); } cc_noinline void bundle_value_changed() const override { if (!self_name.isEmpty()) emit valueChanged(traits::to_storage(get())); } cc_noinline t operator()() const { return get(); } template<typename u> cc_noinline u to() const { return static_cast<u>(get()); } private: const t def; }; #if !defined OTR_INST_VALUE # define OTR_INST_VALUE OTR_TEMPLATE_IMPORT #endif #if !defined __APPLE__ OTR_INST_VALUE(value<double>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<float>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<int>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<bool>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QString>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<slider_value>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QPointF>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QVariant>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QList<double>>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QList<float>>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QList<int>>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QList<bool>>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QList<QString>>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QList<slider_value>>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QList<QPointF>>); OTR_INST_VALUE(value<QList<QVariant>>); #endif } // ns options