UICFTControls Qt::NonModal true 0 0 515 429 0 0 0 0 freetrack protocol settings :/images/freetrack.png:/images/freetrack.png Qt::LeftToRight false 0 0 Select interface Qt::AlignJustify|Qt::AlignTop false 9 Disable one of the protocols if game is confused by presence of both at the same time. true 0 0 TIRViews Qt::AlignJustify|Qt::AlignTop false 9 0 0 Memory hacks Only for very old and buggy old games such as CFS3. false Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter true 0 0 Repair NPClient location Qt::AlignJustify|Qt::AlignTop false 9 Locate DLL 0 0 Replace the registry entry if you want to use other software with the NPClient protocol and it doesn't work automatically. Starting tracking will again overwrite the DLL locations. true QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok 0 0 Disable tracking for games on exit 9 0 0 Disable on program exit Use this for games that disable mouselook when opentrack isn't running, and you're not running opentrack that much. To use opentrack with this option you need to start it before the games to have it work at all. true startEngineClicked() stopEngineClicked() cameraSettingsClicked()