#include "vjoystick.h" #include "api/plugin-api.hpp" #include "compat/util.hpp" #include <cstring> #include <QDebug> #include <QPushButton> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QDesktopServices> #include <QUrl> // required for api headers #include <windows.h> #undef PPJOY_MODE #include <public.h> #include <vjoyinterface.h> #define OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID 1 const unsigned char handle::axis_ids[6] = { HID_USAGE_X, HID_USAGE_Y, HID_USAGE_Z, HID_USAGE_RX, HID_USAGE_RY, HID_USAGE_RZ, // HID_USAGE_SL0, // HID_USAGE_SL1, // HID_USAGE_WHL, }; constexpr double handle::val_minmax[6]; void handle::init() { #if 0 bool ret = true; for (unsigned i = 0; i < axis_count; i++) { ret &= GetVJDAxisExist(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID, axis_ids[i]); if (!ret) { qDebug() << "axis" << i << "doesn't exist"; break; } ret &= GetVJDAxisMin(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID, axis_ids[i], &axis_min[i]); if (!ret) { qDebug() << "axis" << i << "can't get min value"; break; }; ret &= GetVJDAxisMax(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID, axis_ids[i], &axis_max[i]); if (!ret) { qDebug() << "axis" << i << "can't get max value"; break; }; } if (!ret) { (void) RelinquishVJD(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID); joy_state = state_fail; } else (void) ResetVJD(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID); #else (void) ResetVJD(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID); #endif } handle::handle() { const bool ret = AcquireVJD(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID); if (!ret) { if (!isVJDExists(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID)) joy_state = state_notent; else joy_state = state_fail; } else { joy_state = state_success; init(); } } handle::~handle() { if (joy_state == state_success) { (void) RelinquishVJD(OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID); joy_state = state_fail; } } LONG handle::to_axis_value(unsigned axis_id, double val) { const double minmax = val_minmax[axis_id]; const double min = axis_min[axis_id]; const double max = axis_max[axis_id]; return LONG(clamp((val+minmax) * max / (2*minmax) - min, min, max)); } vjoystick_proto::vjoystick_proto() { if (h.get_state() != state_success) { QMessageBox msgbox; msgbox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgbox.setText("vjoystick driver missing"); msgbox.setInformativeText("vjoystick won't work without the driver installed."); QPushButton* driver_button = msgbox.addButton("Download the driver", QMessageBox::ActionRole); QPushButton* project_site_button = msgbox.addButton("Visit project site", QMessageBox::ActionRole); msgbox.addButton(QMessageBox::Close); (void) msgbox.exec(); if (msgbox.clickedButton() == driver_button) { static const char* download_driver_url = "https://sourceforge.net/projects/vjoystick/files/latest/download"; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(download_driver_url, QUrl::StrictMode)); } else if (msgbox.clickedButton() == project_site_button) { static const char* project_site_url = "http://vjoystick.sourceforge.net/site/"; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(project_site_url, QUrl::StrictMode)); } } } vjoystick_proto::~vjoystick_proto() { } void vjoystick_proto::pose(const double *pose) { if (h.get_state() != state_success) return; for (unsigned i = 0; i < handle::axis_count; i++) { SetAxis(h.to_axis_value(i, pose[i]), OPENTRACK_VJOYSTICK_ID, handle::axis_ids[i]); } } OPENTRACK_DECLARE_PROTOCOL(vjoystick_proto, vjoystick_dialog, vjoystick_metadata)