/* Copyright (c) 2012-2015, Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl> * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this * software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice and this permission * notice appear in all copies. */ #include <QMutexLocker> #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QPointF> #include <QList> #include "functionconfig.h" #include <QtAlgorithms> #include <QtAlgorithms> #include <QSettings> #include <QPixmap> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> void Map::setTrackingActive(bool blnActive) { activep = blnActive; } Map::Map() : _mutex(QMutex::Recursive), activep(false), max_x(0), max_y(0) { } float Map::getValue(float x) { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); float q = x * precision(); int xi = (int)q; float yi = getValueInternal(xi); float yiplus1 = getValueInternal(xi+1); float f = (q-xi); float ret = yiplus1 * f + yi * (1.0f - f); // at least do a linear interpolation. last_input_value.setX(std::fabs(x)); last_input_value.setY(std::fabs(ret)); return ret; } bool Map::getLastPoint(QPointF& point ) { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); point = last_input_value; return activep; } float Map::getValueInternal(int x) { float sign = x < 0 ? -1 : 1; x = abs(x); float ret; int sz = cur.data.size(); if (sz == 0) ret = 0; else ret = cur.data[std::min<unsigned>(x, sz-1)]; return ret * sign; } static QPointF ensureInBounds(QList<QPointF> points, int i) { int siz = points.size(); if (siz == 0 || i < 0) return QPointF(0, 0); if (siz > i) return points[i]; return points[siz - 1]; } static bool sortFn(const QPointF& one, const QPointF& two) { return one.x() < two.x(); } static inline bool nanp(double value) { return std::isnan(value) || std::isinf(value); } static inline double elide_nan(double value) { if (nanp(value)) return -1; return value; } void Map::reload() { if (cur.input.size()) { qStableSort(cur.input.begin(), cur.input.end(), sortFn); QList<QPointF> input = cur.input; auto& data = cur.data; data = std::vector<float>(value_count); const int mult = precision(); const int mult_ = mult * 30; const int sz = data.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) data[i] = -1; if (input.size() == 1) { for (int k = 0; k < input[0].x() * mult; k++) { if (k < sz) data[k] = input[0].y() * k / (input[0].x() * mult); } } else if (input[0].x() > 1e-2) input.prepend(QPointF(0, 0)); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { const QPointF p0 = ensureInBounds(input, i - 1); const QPointF p1 = ensureInBounds(input, i); const QPointF p2 = ensureInBounds(input, i + 1); const QPointF p3 = ensureInBounds(input, i + 2); const float p0_x = p0.x(), p1_x = p1.x(), p2_x = p2.x(), p3_x = p3.x(); const float p0_y = p0.y(), p1_y = p1.y(), p2_y = p2.y(), p3_y = p3.y(); // multiplier helps fill in all the x's needed const int end = std::min<int>(sz, p2.x() * mult_); const int start = p1.x() * mult; for (int j = start; j < end; j++) { const float t = (j - start) / (float) (end - start); const float t2 = t*t; const float t3 = t*t*t; const int x = .5 * ((2. * p1_x) + (-p0_x + p2_x) * t + (2. * p0_x - 5. * p1_x + 4. * p2_x - p3_x) * t2 + (-p0_x + 3. * p1_x - 3. * p2_x + p3_x) * t3) * mult; const float y = .5 * ((2. * p1_y) + (-p0_y + p2_y) * t + (2. * p0_y - 5. * p1_y + 4. * p2_y - p3_y) * t2 + (-p0_y + 3. * p1_y - 3. * p2_y + p3_y) * t3); if (x >= 0 && x < sz) data[x] = elide_nan(y); } } float last = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { if (data[i] < 0) data[i] = last; last = data[i]; } } else cur.data.clear(); } void Map::removePoint(int i) { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); if (i >= 0 && i < cur.input.size()) { cur.input.removeAt(i); reload(); } } void Map::addPoint(QPointF pt) { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); cur.input.append(pt); reload(); qStableSort(cur.input.begin(), cur.input.end(), sortFn); } void Map::movePoint(int idx, QPointF pt) { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); if (idx >= 0 && idx < cur.input.size()) { cur.input[idx] = pt; reload(); // we don't allow points to be reordered, so no sort here } } const QList<QPointF> Map::getPoints() { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); return cur.input; } void Map::invalidate_unsaved_settings() { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); cur = saved; reload(); } void Map::loadSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& title) { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); QPointF newPoint; QList<QPointF> points; settings.beginGroup(QString("Curves-%1").arg(title)); int max = settings.value("point-count", 0).toInt(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { newPoint = QPointF(settings.value(QString("point-%1-x").arg(i), 0).toDouble(), settings.value(QString("point-%1-y").arg(i), 0).toDouble()); if (newPoint.x() > max_x) { newPoint.setX(max_x); } if (newPoint.y() > max_y) { newPoint.setY(max_y); } points.append(newPoint); } settings.endGroup(); if (max == 0) points.append(QPointF(maxInput(), maxOutput())); cur.input = points; reload(); saved = cur; } void Map::saveSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& title) { QMutexLocker foo(&_mutex); settings.beginGroup(QString("Curves-%1").arg(title)); int max = cur.input.size(); settings.setValue("point-count", max); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { settings.setValue(QString("point-%1-x").arg(i), cur.input[i].x()); settings.setValue(QString("point-%1-y").arg(i), cur.input[i].y()); } for (int i = max; true; i++) { QString x = QString("point-%1-x").arg(i); if (!settings.contains(x)) break; settings.remove(x); settings.remove(QString("point-%1-y").arg(i)); } saved = cur; settings.endGroup(); } int Map::precision() const { if (cur.input.size()) return value_count / std::max<float>(1.f, (cur.input[cur.input.size() - 1].x())); return 1; }