#include "spline.hpp" #include "compat/math.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <memory> #include <cinttypes> #include <utility> #include <QObject> #include <QMutexLocker> #include <QPointF> #include <QSettings> #include <QString> #include <QDebug> namespace spline_detail { settings::~settings() = default; base_spline_::~base_spline_() = default; base_spline::~base_spline() = default; spline_modify_mixin::~spline_modify_mixin() = default; spline_settings_mixin::~spline_settings_mixin() = default; spline::spline(const QString& name, const QString& axis_name, Axis axis) { set_bundle(options::make_bundle(name), axis_name, axis); } spline::~spline() { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); disconnect_signals(); } spline::spline() : spline(QString{}, QString{}, Axis(-1)) {} void spline::set_tracking_active(bool value) const { std::shared_ptr<settings> S; { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); S = s; activep = value; } emit S->recomputed(); } bundle spline::get_bundle() { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); return s->b; } void spline::clear() { std::shared_ptr<settings> S; { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); S = s; s->points = {}; points = {}; update_interp_data(); } emit S->recomputed(); } double spline::get_value(double x) const { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); const double ret = get_value_no_save(x); last_input_value = { std::fabs(x), std::fabs((double)ret) }; return ret; } double spline::get_value_no_save(double x) const { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); double q = x * bucket_size_coefficient(points); int xi = (int)q; double yi = get_value_internal(xi); double yiplus1 = get_value_internal(xi+1); double f = (q-xi); double ret = yiplus1 * f + yi * (1 - f); // at least do a linear interpolation. return ret; } bool spline::get_last_value(QPointF& point) { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); point = last_input_value; return activep && point.y() >= 0; } double spline::get_value_internal(int x) const { const float sign = signum(x); x = std::abs(x); const float ret_ = data[std::min(unsigned(x), value_count - 1)]; return (double)(sign * std::clamp(ret_, 0.f, 1000.f)); } void spline::ensure_in_bounds(const QList<QPointF>& points, int i, f& x, f& y) { const int sz = points.size(); if (i < 0 || sz == 0) { x = 0; y = 0; } else if (i < sz) { const QPointF& pt = points[i]; x = (f)pt.x(); y = (f)pt.y(); } else { const QPointF& pt = points[sz - 1]; x = (f)pt.x(); y = (f)pt.y(); } } int spline::element_count(const QList<QPointF>& points, double max_input) { const int sz = points.size(); for (int k = sz-1; k >= 0; k--) { const QPointF& pt = points[k]; if (max_input > 1e-4 && pt.x() - 1e-4 >= max_input) return k; } return sz; } bool spline::sort_fn(QPointF one, QPointF two) { return one.x() < two.x(); } void spline::update_interp_data() const { points_t list = points; ensure_valid(list); int sz = list.size(); if (list.isEmpty()) list.prepend({ max_input(), max_output() }); const double c = bucket_size_coefficient(list); const double c_ = c * c_interp; const float cf = (float)c, c_f = (float)c_; for (unsigned i = 0; i < value_count; i++) data[i] = magic_fill_value; if (sz < 2) // lerp only { const QPointF& pt = list[0]; const double x = pt.x(); const double y = pt.y(); const unsigned max = std::clamp((unsigned)iround(x * c), 1u, value_count-1); for (unsigned k = 0; k <= max; k++) data[k] = float(y * k / max); // no need for bresenham } else if (sz == 2 && list[0].y() < 1e-6) { unsigned start = std::clamp((unsigned)iround(list[0].x() * c), 1u, value_count-1); unsigned end = std::clamp((unsigned)iround(list[1].x() * c), 2u, value_count-1); unsigned max = end - start; for (unsigned x = 0; x < start; x++) data[x] = 0; for (unsigned x = 0; x < max; x++) data[start + x] = (float)(list[1].y() * x / max); } else { if (list[0].x() > 1e-6) { double zero_pos = 0; while (list.size() > 1 && list[0].y() <= 1e-6) { zero_pos = list[0].x(); list.pop_front(); } list.push_front({zero_pos, 0}); sz = list.size(); } // now this is hella expensive due to `c_interp' for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { f p0_x, p1_x, p2_x, p3_x; f p0_y, p1_y, p2_y, p3_y; ensure_in_bounds(list, i - 1, p0_x, p0_y); ensure_in_bounds(list, i + 0, p1_x, p1_y); ensure_in_bounds(list, i + 1, p2_x, p2_y); ensure_in_bounds(list, i + 2, p3_x, p3_y); const f cx[4] = { 2 * p1_x, // 1 -p0_x + p2_x, // t 2 * p0_x - 5 * p1_x + 4 * p2_x - p3_x, // t^2 -p0_x + 3 * p1_x - 3 * p2_x + p3_x, // t3 }; const f cy[4] = { 2 * p1_y, // 1 -p0_y + p2_y, // t 2 * p0_y - 5 * p1_y + 4 * p2_y - p3_y, // t^2 -p0_y + 3 * p1_y - 3 * p2_y + p3_y, // t3 }; // multiplier helps fill in all the x's needed const unsigned end = (unsigned)(c_f * (p2_x - p1_x)) + 1; const f end_(end); for (unsigned k = 0; k <= end; k++) { const f t = k / end_; const f t2 = t*t; const f t3 = t*t*t; const unsigned x = unsigned(f(.5) * cf * (cx[0] + cx[1] * t + cx[2] * t2 + cx[3] * t3)); const float y = (float)(f(.5) * (cy[0] + cy[1] * t + cy[2] * t2 + cy[3] * t3)); int ret = std::fpclassify(y); if (ret == FP_NAN || ret == FP_INFINITE) continue; if (x < value_count) data[x] = y; } } } float maxy = (float)max_output(); float last = 0; #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic push # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal" // stupid clang #endif for (unsigned i = 0; i < value_count; i++) { if (data[i] == magic_fill_value) data[i] = last; data[i] = std::clamp(data[i], 0.f, maxy); last = data[i]; } // make sure empty places stay empty (see #1341) if (auto it = std::find_if(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), [](QPointF x) { return x.x() >= 1e-6 && x.y() >= 1e-6; }); it != list.cend() && it != list.cbegin()) { it--; unsigned max = std::clamp((unsigned)iround(it->x() * c), 0u, value_count-1); for (unsigned x = 0; x < max; x++) data[x] = 0; } #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif } void spline::remove_point(int i) { std::shared_ptr<settings> S; { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); S = s; const int sz = element_count(points, max_input()); if (i >= 0 && i < sz) { points.erase(points.begin() + i); s->points = points; update_interp_data(); } } emit S->recomputed(); } void spline::add_point(QPointF pt) { std::shared_ptr<settings> S; { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); S = s; points.push_back(pt); std::stable_sort(points.begin(), points.end(), sort_fn); s->points = points; update_interp_data(); } emit S->recomputed(); } void spline::add_point(double x, double y) { add_point({ x, y }); } void spline::move_point(int idx, QPointF pt) { std::shared_ptr<settings> S; { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); S = s; const int sz = element_count(points, max_input()); if (idx >= 0 && idx < sz) { points[idx] = pt; std::stable_sort(points.begin(), points.end(), sort_fn); s->points = points; update_interp_data(); } } emit S->recomputed(); } const points_t& spline::get_points() const { return points; } int spline::get_point_count() const { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); return element_count(points, clamp_x); } void spline::reload() { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); s->b->reload(); } void spline::save() { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); s->b->save(); } void spline::invalidate_settings_() { points = s->points; clamp_x = s->opts.clamp_x_; clamp_y = s->opts.clamp_y_; update_interp_data(); } void spline::invalidate_settings() { std::shared_ptr<settings> S; { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); S = s; invalidate_settings_(); } emit S->recomputed(); } void spline::set_bundle(bundle b, const QString& axis_name, Axis axis) { if (!b) b = make_bundle({}); std::shared_ptr<settings> S; { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); disconnect_signals(); s = std::make_shared<settings>(b, axis_name, axis); invalidate_settings_(); S = s; conn_points = s->points.connect_to(&*ctx, [this] { invalidate_settings(); }, Qt::DirectConnection); conn_maxx = s->opts.clamp_x_.connect_to(&*ctx, [this] { invalidate_settings(); }, Qt::DirectConnection); conn_maxy = s->opts.clamp_y_.connect_to(&*ctx, [this] { invalidate_settings(); }, Qt::DirectConnection); } emit S->recomputed(); } double spline::max_input() const { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); if (clamp_x == axis_opts::x1000) return std::fmax(1, points.empty() ? 0 : points[points.size() - 1].x()); return std::fabs((double)clamp_x); } double spline::max_output() const { QMutexLocker l(&mtx); if (clamp_y == axis_opts::x1000 && !points.empty()) return std::fmax(1, points.empty() ? 0 : points[points.size() - 1].y()); return std::fabs((double)clamp_y); } void spline::ensure_valid(points_t& list) const { std::stable_sort(list.begin(), list.end(), sort_fn); const unsigned sz = (unsigned)list.size(); QList<QPointF> tmp_points, all_points; tmp_points.reserve(sz); all_points.reserve(sz); const double maxx = max_input(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; i++) { QPointF& pt{list[i]}; bool overlap = false; for (unsigned j = i+1; j < sz; j++) { const QPointF& pt2{list[j]}; const QPointF tmp(pt - pt2); const double dist_sq = QPointF::dotProduct(tmp, tmp); constexpr double min_dist = 1e-4; if (dist_sq < min_dist) { overlap = true; break; } } if (!overlap) { all_points.append(pt); // all points total // points within selected limit, for use in `update_interp_data' if (pt.x() - 1e-4 <= maxx && pt.x() >= 0) tmp_points.push_back(pt); } } // simply storing to s->points fires bundle::changed leading to a livelock // hence only store if we can't help it if (all_points.size() < points.size()) { // all points that don't overlap points = std::move(all_points); s->points = points; } if (tmp_points.size() < list.size()) // points that are within currently-specified bounds list = std::move(tmp_points); last_input_value = {}; activep = false; } std::shared_ptr<base_settings> spline::get_settings() { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); return std::static_pointer_cast<base_settings>(s); } std::shared_ptr<const base_settings> spline::get_settings() const { QMutexLocker foo(&mtx); return std::static_pointer_cast<const base_settings>(s); } double spline::bucket_size_coefficient(const QList<QPointF>& points) const { constexpr double eps = 1e-4; const double maxx = max_input(); if (maxx < eps) return 0; // buckets are only used between 0 and the rightmost point's // x coordinate. even if `clamp_x' is set to a much larger value, // buckets retain more precision lower the x coordinate of the // last point. const int sz = element_count(points, maxx); const double last_x = sz ? points[sz - 1].x() : maxx; return std::clamp((value_count-1) / std::clamp(last_x, eps, maxx), 0., (value_count-1.)); } void spline::disconnect_signals() { if (conn_points) { QObject::disconnect(conn_points); conn_points = {}; QObject::disconnect(conn_maxx); conn_maxx = {}; QObject::disconnect(conn_maxy); conn_maxy = {}; } } settings::settings(bundle const& b, const QString& axis_name, Axis idx): b(b ? b : make_bundle({})), opts(axis_name, idx) {} } // ns spline_detail