/* Copyright (c) 2023 Eyeware Tech SA https://www.eyeware.tech * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ #include "eyeware_beam.h" #include eyeware_beam_tracker::eyeware_beam_tracker() { } eyeware_beam_tracker::~eyeware_beam_tracker() { QMutexLocker lck(&mtx); tracker_client.reset(nullptr); } module_status eyeware_beam_tracker::start_tracker(QFrame* videoframe) { QMutexLocker lck(&mtx); try { tracker_client = std::make_unique(); } catch (...) { return error("Eyeware Beam initialization has failed"); } return status_ok(); } void eyeware_beam_tracker::extract_translation(const eyeware::Vector3D& t, double& translation_x_cm, double& translation_y_cm, double& translation_z_cm) { translation_x_cm = +t.x * m_to_cm; translation_y_cm = -t.y * m_to_cm; translation_z_cm = +t.z * m_to_cm; } void eyeware_beam_tracker::extract_rotation_angles(const eyeware::Matrix3x3& R, double& pitch_deg, double& roll_deg, double& yaw_deg) { double r00 = static_cast(R[0][0]); double r01 = static_cast(R[0][1]); double r02 = static_cast(R[0][2]); double r10 = static_cast(R[1][0]); double r11 = static_cast(R[1][1]); double r12 = static_cast(R[1][2]); double r20 = static_cast(R[2][0]); double r21 = static_cast(R[2][1]); double r22 = static_cast(R[2][2]); double dy = std::sqrt(r00 * r00 + r10 * r10); last_yaw_deg = -std::atan2(-r20, dy) * rad_to_deg; last_roll_deg = 0.0; if (dy > epsilon) { last_pitch_deg = -std::atan2(r21, r22) * rad_to_deg; last_roll_deg = +std::atan2(r10, r00) * rad_to_deg; } else { last_pitch_deg = -std::atan2(-r12, r11) * rad_to_deg; } } void eyeware_beam_tracker::data(double *data) { QMutexLocker lck(&mtx); if (tracker_client && tracker_client->connected()) { eyeware::HeadPoseInfo head_pose_info = tracker_client->get_head_pose_info(); if (!head_pose_info.is_lost) { extract_translation(head_pose_info.transform.translation, last_translation_x_cm, last_translation_y_cm, last_translation_z_cm); extract_rotation_angles(head_pose_info.transform.rotation, last_pitch_deg, last_roll_deg, last_yaw_deg); } } data[TX] = last_translation_x_cm; data[TY] = last_translation_y_cm; data[TZ] = last_translation_z_cm; data[Yaw] = last_yaw_deg; data[Pitch] = last_pitch_deg; data[Roll] = last_roll_deg; } eyeware_beam_dialog::eyeware_beam_dialog() { ui.setupUi(this); connect(ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(doOK())); } void eyeware_beam_dialog::doOK() { close(); } OPENTRACK_DECLARE_TRACKER(eyeware_beam_tracker, eyeware_beam_dialog, eyeware_beam_metadata)