#pragma once #include <QSerialPort> #include <QByteArray> #include <QThread> #include <QMutex> #include <QFile> #include <QCoreApplication> enum results { result_ok, result_open_error, result_error, }; //#define HATIRE_DEBUG_LOGFILE "d:/putty-hatire.log" #ifdef HATIRE_DEBUG_LOGFILE # include <QFile> # include <QTimer> #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ # define unused(t, i) t __attribute__((unused)) i #else # define unused(t, i) t i #endif struct thread_settings { QByteArray sCmdStart; QByteArray sCmdStop; QByteArray sCmdInit; QByteArray sCmdReset; QByteArray sCmdCenter; QByteArray sCmdZero; QString sSerialPortName; QSerialPort::BaudRate iBaudRate; QSerialPort::DataBits iDataBits; QSerialPort::Parity iParity; QSerialPort::StopBits iStopBits; QSerialPort::FlowControl iFlowControl; int iDelayInit; int iDelayStart; int iDelaySeq; bool bBigEndian; volatile bool bEnableLogging; thread_settings() : iBaudRate(QSerialPort::UnknownBaud), iDataBits(QSerialPort::UnknownDataBits), iParity(QSerialPort::UnknownParity), iStopBits(QSerialPort::UnknownStopBits), iFlowControl(QSerialPort::UnknownFlowControl), iDelayInit(0), iDelayStart(0), iDelaySeq(0), bBigEndian(false), bEnableLogging(false) { } }; #include <QMetaType> Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(thread_settings) struct serial_result { serial_result() : code(result_ok) {} serial_result(results code, const QString& error) : error(error), code(code) {} QString error; results code; }; struct Diag : public QFile { Diag() { setFileName(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/HATDiagnostics.txt"); } }; class hatire_thread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT #ifdef HATIRE_DEBUG_LOGFILE using serial_t = QFile; QTimer read_timer; #else using serial_t = QSerialPort; #endif QByteArray data_read; serial_t com_port; thread_settings s; void run() override; private slots: void on_serial_read(); void teardown_serial(); void sendcmd_impl(unused(const QByteArray, &cmd)) { #ifndef HATIRE_DEBUG_LOGFILE QByteArray Msg; if (cmd.length() > 0) { if (com_port.isOpen()) { QString logMess; logMess.append("SEND '"); logMess.append(cmd); logMess.append("'"); Log(logMess); com_port.write(cmd); if (!com_port.waitForBytesWritten(1000)) { emit serial_debug_info("TimeOut in writing CMD"); } else { Msg.append("\r\n"); Msg.append("SEND '"); Msg.append(cmd); Msg.append("'\r\n"); } #if 0 // WaitForReadyRead isn't working well and there are some reports of it being a win32 issue. We can live without it anyway if ( !com_port.waitForReadyRead(1000)) { emit serial_debug_info("TimeOut in response to CMD") ; } else { emit serial_debug_info(Msg); } #else emit serial_debug_info(Msg); #endif } else { emit serial_debug_info("ComPort not open") ; } } #endif } void serial_info_impl(); serial_result init_serial_port_impl(); void update_serial_settings_impl(const thread_settings& s); thread_settings serial_settings_impl(); signals: void serial_debug_info(const QByteArray &MsgInfo); void sendcmd(const QByteArray& cmd); void serial_info(); serial_result init_serial_port(); void update_serial_settings(const thread_settings& s); thread_settings serial_settings(); public: void start(const thread_settings &s_); ~hatire_thread() override; hatire_thread(); void replace_data_nolock(QByteArray&& data); QByteArray& send_data_read_nolock(bool& ret); void Log(const QString& message); QMutex data_mtx; };