Form Tracker settings Camera settings Head Center Offset mm Use only yaw and pitch while calibrating. Don't roll or change position. Start calibration Right Forward Up Exposure preset Camera Configuration Tuning / Debug Number of threads. Can be used to balance the CPU load between the game and the tracker. ROI Smoothing Alpha ROI Zoom Show the image patch that the pose estimation model sees. Show Network Input Amount of smoothing of the face region coordinates. Can help stabilize the pose. Thread Count Zoom factor for the face region. Applied before the patch is fed into the pose estimation model. There is a sweet spot near 1. Camera override neuralnet_tracker_ns::NeuralNetDialog Default Tracker Offline %1x%2 @ %3 FPS / Inference: %4 ms %1 yaw samples. Yaw more to %2 samples for stable calibration. %1 pitch samples. Pitch more to %2 samples for stable calibration. %1 samples. Over %2, good! Stop calibration Start calibration