#pragma once

/* Copyright (c) 2016 Stanislaw Halik <sthalik@misaki.pl>

 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this
 * software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
 * provided that the above copyright notice and this permission
 * notice appear in all copies.

#include "tobii-settings.hpp"

#include "api/plugin-api.hpp"
#include "options/options.hpp"
using namespace options;
#include "compat/timer.hpp"

#include <EyeX.h>

#include <functional>
#include <atomic>

#include <QObject>
#include <QMutex>

class tobii_eyex_tracker : public ITracker
    ~tobii_eyex_tracker() override;
    module_status start_tracker(QFrame *) override;
    void data(double *data) override;
    bool center() override
        do_center = true;
        return true;
    static constexpr inline const char* const client_id = "opentrack-tobii-eyex";

    static void call_tx_deinit();

    static bool register_state_snapshot(TX_CONTEXTHANDLE ctx, TX_HANDLE* state_snapshot_ptr);
    static std::atomic_flag atexit_done;
    static void TX_CALLCONVENTION connection_state_change_handler(TX_CONNECTIONSTATE state, TX_USERPARAM param);
    static void TX_CALLCONVENTION event_handler(TX_CONSTHANDLE async_data_handle, TX_USERPARAM param);
    void gaze_data_handler(TX_HANDLE gaze_data_handle);
    static void TX_CALLCONVENTION snapshot_committed_handler(TX_CONSTHANDLE async_data_handle, TX_USERPARAM param);
    static void TX_CALLCONVENTION display_state_handler(TX_CONSTHANDLE async_data_handle, TX_USERPARAM param);
    void process_display_state(TX_HANDLE display_state_handle);

    using num = double;

    num gain(num x);

    TX_TICKET conn_state_changed_ticket;
    TX_TICKET event_handler_ticket;
    TX_HANDLE state_snapshot;
    TX_HANDLE display_state;

    QMutex global_state_mtx;
    settings s;
    Timer t;

    struct state
        TX_REAL display_res_x, display_res_y;
        TX_REAL px, py;
        TX_REAL last_timestamp;
        bool fresh;

        state() : display_res_x(-1), display_res_y(-1), px(-1), py(-1), last_timestamp(0), fresh(false) {}
        bool is_valid() const { return !(display_res_x < 0 || px < 0); }
    } dev_state;

    double yaw, pitch;
    std::atomic<bool> do_center;

class tobii_eyex_metadata : public Metadata
    QString name() { return QString("Tobii EyeX"); }
    QIcon icon() { return QIcon(":/images/tobii-eyex-logo.png"); }