#include "thread.hpp" #include "compat/sleep.hpp" tobii_thread::~tobii_thread() { exit_thread = true; wait(); if (device) tobii_device_destroy(device); if (api) tobii_api_destroy(api); quit(); } void tobii_thread::run() { /* See https://developer.tobii.com/consumer-eye-trackers/stream-engine/ */ if (tobii_api_create(&api, nullptr, nullptr) != TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { error_last = "Failed to initialize the Tobii Stream Engine API."; exit_thread = true; } std::vector<std::string> devices; if (tobii_enumerate_local_device_urls(api, [](char const* url, void* user_data) { auto list = (std::vector<std::string>*) user_data; list->push_back(url); }, &devices) != TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { error_last = "Failed to enumerate devices."; exit_thread = true; } if (devices.size() == 0) { tobii_api_destroy(api); error_last = "No stream engine compatible device(s) found."; exit_thread = true; } std::string selected_device = devices[0]; unsigned int retry = 0; tobii_error_t tobii_error = TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR; do { tobii_error = tobii_device_create(api, selected_device.c_str(), TOBII_FIELD_OF_USE_INTERACTIVE, &device); if ((tobii_error != TOBII_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED) && (tobii_error != TOBII_ERROR_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS)) break; portable::sleep(interval); ++retry; } while (retry < retries); if (tobii_error != TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { tobii_api_destroy(api); error_last = "Failed to connect to device."; exit_thread = true; } if (tobii_head_pose_subscribe(device, [](tobii_head_pose_t const* head_pose, void* user_data) { if ((*head_pose).position_validity != TOBII_VALIDITY_VALID || (*head_pose).rotation_validity_xyz[0] != TOBII_VALIDITY_VALID || (*head_pose).rotation_validity_xyz[1] != TOBII_VALIDITY_VALID || (*head_pose).rotation_validity_xyz[2] != TOBII_VALIDITY_VALID) return; tobii_head_pose_t* tobii_head_pose_storage = (tobii_head_pose_t*)user_data; *tobii_head_pose_storage = *head_pose; }, head_pose) != TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { error_last = "Failed to subscribe to head pose stream."; exit_thread = true; } tobii_error = TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR; while (!exit_thread) { tobii_error = tobii_wait_for_callbacks(1, &device); if (tobii_error == TOBII_ERROR_TIMED_OUT) continue; else if (tobii_error != TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { error_last = "tobii_wait_for_callbacks failed."; } tobii_error = tobii_device_process_callbacks(device); if (tobii_error == TOBII_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED) { unsigned int retry = 0; auto tobii_error = TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR; do { tobii_error = tobii_device_reconnect(device); if ((tobii_error != TOBII_ERROR_CONNECTION_FAILED) && (tobii_error != TOBII_ERROR_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS)) break; portable::sleep(interval); ++retry; } while (retry < retries); if (tobii_error != TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { error_last = "Connection was lost and reconnection failed."; exit_thread = true; } continue; } else if (tobii_error != TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR) { error_last = "tobii_device_process_callbacks failed."; } } }