/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Wei Shuai * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. */ // silence #pragma deprecated in bluetoothapis.h #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic push # pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro" #endif #undef _WIN32_WINNT #define _WIN32_WINNT _WIN32_WINNT_VISTA #ifdef __clang__ # pragma clang diagnostic pop #endif #undef NTDDI_VERSION #define NTDDI_VERSION NTDDI_VISTASP1 #include "wii_camera.h" #include "wii_frame.hpp" #include "compat/sleep.hpp" #include "compat/camera-names.hpp" #include "compat/math-imports.hpp" #include #include #include namespace pt_module { WIICamera::WIICamera(const QString& module_name) : s { module_name } { cam_info.fps = 70; cam_info.res_x = 1024; cam_info.res_y = 768; cam_info.fov = 42; cam_info.idx = 0; } WIICamera::~WIICamera() { //stop(); } QString WIICamera::get_desired_name() const { return {}; } QString WIICamera::get_active_name() const { return {}; } void WIICamera::show_camera_settings() { } WIICamera::result WIICamera::get_info() const { if (cam_info.res_x == 0 || cam_info.res_y == 0) return { false, {} }; return { true, cam_info }; } WIICamera::result WIICamera::get_frame(pt_frame& frame_) { cv::Mat& frame = frame_.as()->mat; struct wii_info& wii = frame_.as()->wii; const wii_camera_status new_frame = get_frame_(frame); //create a fake blank frame frame = cv::Mat(cam_info.res_x, cam_info.res_y, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0)); wii.status = new_frame; switch (new_frame) { case wii_cam_data_change: get_status(wii); get_points(wii); break; case wii_cam_data_no_change: return { false, cam_info }; default: break; } return { true, cam_info }; } bool WIICamera::start(int, int, int, int) { m_pDev = std::make_unique(); m_pDev->ChangedCallback = on_state_change; m_pDev->CallbackTriggerFlags = (state_change_flags)(CONNECTED|EXTENSION_CHANGED |MOTIONPLUS_CHANGED); return true; } void WIICamera::stop() { m_pDev->ChangedCallback = nullptr; m_pDev->Disconnect(); Beep(1000, 200); m_pDev = nullptr; cam_info = {}; cam_desired = {}; } wii_camera_status WIICamera::pair() { #if defined __MINGW32__ // missing prototypes and implib entries return wii_cam_wait_for_connect; #else wii_camera_status ret = wii_cam_wait_for_sync; HBLUETOOTH_RADIO_FIND hbt; BLUETOOTH_FIND_RADIO_PARAMS bt_param; HANDLE hbtlist[10]; int ibtidx = 0; bool wiifound = false; bt_param.dwSize = sizeof(bt_param); hbt = BluetoothFindFirstRadio(&bt_param, hbtlist + ibtidx); if (!hbt) { ret = wii_cam_wait_for_dongle; return ret; } do { ibtidx++; } while (BluetoothFindNextRadio(&bt_param, hbtlist + ibtidx)); BluetoothFindRadioClose(hbt); int i; bool error = false; for (i = 0; i < ibtidx; i++) { BLUETOOTH_RADIO_INFO btinfo; btinfo.dwSize = sizeof(btinfo); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != BluetoothGetRadioInfo(hbtlist[i], &btinfo)) {break;} HBLUETOOTH_DEVICE_FIND hbtdevfd; BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_SEARCH_PARAMS btdevparam {}; BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_INFO btdevinfo; btdevinfo.dwSize = sizeof(btdevinfo); btdevparam.dwSize = sizeof(btdevparam); btdevparam.fReturnAuthenticated = TRUE; btdevparam.fReturnConnected = TRUE; btdevparam.fReturnRemembered = TRUE; btdevparam.fIssueInquiry = TRUE; btdevparam.cTimeoutMultiplier = 1; btdevparam.hRadio = hbtlist[i]; hbtdevfd=BluetoothFindFirstDevice(&btdevparam, &btdevinfo); if (!hbtdevfd) { int error= GetLastError(); qDebug() << error; break; } do { if (wcscmp(btdevinfo.szName, L"Nintendo RVL-CNT-01-TR") && wcscmp(btdevinfo.szName, L"Nintendo RVL-CNT-01")) { continue; } if ((btdevinfo.fRemembered)&&error) { BluetoothRemoveDevice(&btdevinfo.Address); } wiifound = true; if (btdevinfo.fConnected) { break; } WCHAR pwd[6]; pwd[0] = btinfo.address.rgBytes[0]; pwd[1] = btinfo.address.rgBytes[1]; pwd[2] = btinfo.address.rgBytes[2]; pwd[3] = btinfo.address.rgBytes[3]; pwd[4] = btinfo.address.rgBytes[4]; pwd[5] = btinfo.address.rgBytes[5]; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != BluetoothAuthenticateDevice(nullptr, hbtlist[i], &btdevinfo, pwd, 6)) { error = true; continue; } DWORD servicecount = 32; GUID guids[32]; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != BluetoothEnumerateInstalledServices(hbtlist[i], &btdevinfo, &servicecount, guids)) { error = true; continue; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != BluetoothSetServiceState(hbtlist[i], &btdevinfo, &HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClass_UUID, BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_ENABLE)) { error = true; continue; } break; } while (BluetoothFindNextDevice(hbtdevfd, &btdevinfo)); BluetoothFindDeviceClose(hbtdevfd); } for (i = 0; i < ibtidx; i++) { CloseHandle(hbtlist[i]); } if (wiifound) { ret = wii_cam_wait_for_connect; } return ret; #endif } wii_camera_status WIICamera::get_frame_(cv::Mat& frame) { (void)frame; wii_camera_status ret = wii_cam_wait_for_connect; if (!m_pDev->IsConnected()) { qDebug() << "wii wait"; ret = pair(); switch (ret) { case wii_cam_wait_for_sync: m_pDev->Disconnect(); goto goodbye; case wii_cam_wait_for_connect: break; default: break; } if (!m_pDev->Connect(wiimote::FIRST_AVAILABLE)) { Beep(500, 30); Sleep(1000); goto goodbye; } } if (m_pDev->RefreshState() == NO_CHANGE) { Sleep(14); // don't hog the CPU if nothing changed ret = wii_cam_data_no_change; goto goodbye; } // did we loose the connection? if (m_pDev->ConnectionLost()) { goto goodbye; } ret = wii_cam_data_change; goodbye: return ret; } bool WIICamera::get_points(struct wii_info& wii) { bool dot_sizes = (m_pDev->IR.Mode == wiimote_state::ir::EXTENDED); bool ret = false; int point_count = 0; for (unsigned index = 0; index < 4; index++) { wiimote_state::ir::dot &dot = m_pDev->IR.Dot[index]; if (dot.bVisible) { wii.Points[index].ux = dot.RawX; wii.Points[index].uy = dot.RawY; if (dot_sizes) { wii.Points[index].isize = dot.Size; } else { wii.Points[index].isize = 1; } wii.Points[index].bvis = dot.bVisible; point_count++; ret = true; } else { wii.Points[index].ux = 0; wii.Points[index].uy = 0; wii.Points[index].isize = 0; wii.Points[index].bvis = dot.bVisible; } } m_pDev->SetLEDs(0); return ret; } void WIICamera::get_status(struct wii_info& wii) { //draw battery status wii.BatteryPercent = m_pDev->BatteryPercent; wii.bBatteryDrained = m_pDev->bBatteryDrained; //draw horizon if (m_pDev->Nunchuk.Acceleration.Orientation.UpdateAge < 10) { horizon.p = m_pDev->Acceleration.Orientation.Pitch; horizon.r = m_pDev->Acceleration.Orientation.Roll; } wii.Pitch = horizon.p; wii.Roll = horizon.r; } void WIICamera::on_state_change(wiimote &remote, state_change_flags changed, const wiimote_state &new_state) { // the wiimote just connected if (changed & CONNECTED) { /* wiimote connected */ remote.SetLEDs(0x0f); Beep(1000, 300); Sleep(500); qDebug() << "wii connected"; if (new_state.ExtensionType != wiimote::BALANCE_BOARD) { if (new_state.bExtension) remote.SetReportType(wiimote::IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR_EXT); // no IR dots else remote.SetReportType(wiimote::IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR); // IR dots } } // another extension was just connected: else if (changed & EXTENSION_CONNECTED) { Beep(1000, 200); // switch to a report mode that includes the extension data (we will // loose the IR dot sizes) // note: there is no need to set report types for a Balance Board. if (!remote.IsBalanceBoard()) remote.SetReportType(wiimote::IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR_EXT); } else if (changed & EXTENSION_DISCONNECTED) { Beep(200, 300); // use a non-extension report mode (this gives us back the IR dot sizes) remote.SetReportType(wiimote::IN_BUTTONS_ACCEL_IR); } } } // ns pt_module