
  - WiiYourself! - native C++ Wiimote library  v1.15
    (c) gl.tter 2007-10 - http://gl.tter.org

 LICENSE:  My Wiimote library is free for any use (including
            commercial), with the following conditions:

1) You may not use it to harm anyone, directly or
    indirectly. * this includes, but is not limited to, any
    kind of direct or indirect MILITARY use or related
    research *
   (but bruising egos is fine ;).
2) Any distribution in binary form (ie. linked with your
   program) must include the following text in your
   distribiutions's documentation (ReadMe file, help file,
   About box and/or splash screen):

   "contains WiiYourself! wiimote code by gl.tter

3) Any distribution in source code form must keep all my
   copyright notices intact unmodified (you can add to
   them if you've made changes), and must include this
   license text (either include this file in your
   distribution, or paste its contents into your 
   distribution's own licence file).

4) You may not use the code to produce a competing
    library, unless you rewrite all of it considerably
    (for example to convert it to another language, but
    you need to contact me for written permission first).
   Instead please contribute new features, fixes and ideas
    to my mailining list (see ReadMe.txt).

gl.tter  (http://gl.tter.org | glATr-i-lDOTnet)