path: root/FaceTrackNoIR
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-09-21Fixed Auto-Start and minimize issues.Wim Vriend
2012-09-21Fix function-config and Accela after recent refactoring.Stanislaw Halik
2012-09-20corrected vc9 project file debug settingsPatrick Ruoff
2012-09-17Added Mouse-keys to the ShortKeys. Needs some more testing.Wim Vriend
2012-09-17added pointtrackerPatrick Ruoff
2012-09-16Change showHeadPose function, regarding refreshVideo.Wim Vriend
2012-09-16Initialize newpose before getting data from the Tracker.Wim Vriend
2012-09-14These files should not be in the repo anyway...Wim Vriend
2012-09-14Added notifyCenter method for Arduino (and Patrick)Wim Vriend
2012-09-14registerTracker and unRegisterTracker methods added to TrackerControls (4 Pat...Wim Vriend
2012-09-13Class TrackerDll added, to get info about the TrackerWim Vriend
2012-09-05Modified 4 Arduino TrackerWim Vriend
2012-08-27For update v170 alpha 2Wim Vriend
2012-08-05Busy adapting changes from Stan.Wim Vriend
2012-07-21BezierConfigurator replaced bt FunctionConfigWim Vriend
2012-07-07Seemed missing.Wim Vriend
2012-04-27Changed filling protocol Listbox to match the Filter and Tracker.Wim Vriend
2012-03-17Forgot the iconWim Vriend
2012-03-17Changed Tracker code, so the DLL's are true plug-ins.Wim Vriend
2012-01-15Finished making the Filter a plug-in and implemented the DZ1 filter.Wim Vriend
2012-01-09Implemented filter-settings changeably while Tracker is active.Wim Vriend
2012-01-08Making Filter-DLL into plug-inWim Vriend
2011-10-22git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 19e81ba0-9b1a-4...Wim Vriend
2011-10-04Fiddling with Reverse Axis: UI.Wim Vriend
2011-08-15Some minor changes to the interface. Also moved to new dev.hardwareWim Vriend
2011-06-04Eagle Dynamics API implemented, added some 'nice to haves'.Wim Vriend
2011-04-30Added Mouse-look protocolWim Vriend
2011-04-26Start on Mouse LookWim Vriend
2011-04-156DOFWim Vriend
2011-04-07PPJoy in DLLWim Vriend
2011-04-07PPJoy in DLLWim Vriend
2011-04-04Move protocols to DLL: TrackIRWim Vriend
2011-04-01Started with placing the protocol's in DLL's. First one: FlightGear.Wim Vriend
2011-03-28Added the display for the output-pose, with the 'man in black'.Wim Vriend
2011-03-25Released alpha. Changed Video-widget size and avoid restart if faceAPI is yet...Wim Vriend
2011-03-22Successfully use console app for faceAPI 3.2.6. combined with tracker class i...Wim Vriend
2011-03-21New effort to embrace faceAPI 3.2.6Wim Vriend
2011-03-10faceAPI inside DLL works; no video-display yet...Wim Vriend
2011-03-08Start after update 1.5Wim Vriend
2011-02-12Displaying headpose-data seemed to cause crashes.Wim Vriend
2011-02-11Some more work on the Client/Server protocol.Wim Vriend
2011-02-08Updating FlightGear protocolWim Vriend
2011-02-07Added option to stop tracking, but keep the engine running.Wim Vriend
2011-02-04Testing Client/Server configuration.Wim Vriend
2011-02-01Fixing alpha-update 5 issues.Wim Vriend
2011-01-29Testing filter.Wim Vriend
2011-01-25Fixed beta filter-initializeWim Vriend
2011-01-24EWMA2-filter implemented.Wim Vriend
2011-01-23Start merging new filterWim Vriend
2011-01-22Work on DLL-FTNoir-Tracker.Wim Vriend