path: root/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_ErrorCode.h
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authorStanislaw Halik <>2023-11-07 16:29:54 +0100
committerStanislaw Halik <>2023-11-07 16:29:54 +0100
commitab6683fdb2805f0f041bda7eccde49be661c5bfa (patch)
tree753c339ce12c01a5d0811a1da5749288b28c8a2f /ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_ErrorCode.h
parente660703009de3f5229d30214867595c2c687b74d (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_ErrorCode.h')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_ErrorCode.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_ErrorCode.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80a67d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_ErrorCode.h
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_ErrorCode.h
+ \brief This header provides LibOVR error code declarations.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_ErrorCode_h
+#define OVR_ErrorCode_h
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "OVR_Version.h"
+#define OVR_RESULT_DEFINED ///< Allows ovrResult to be independently defined.
+/// API call results are represented at the highest level by a single ovrResult.
+typedef int32_t ovrResult;
+/// \brief Indicates if an ovrResult indicates success.
+/// Some functions return additional successful values other than ovrSucces and
+/// require usage of this macro to indicate successs.
+#if !defined(OVR_SUCCESS)
+#define OVR_SUCCESS(result) (result >= 0)
+/// \brief Indicates if an ovrResult indicates an unqualified success.
+/// This is useful for indicating that the code intentionally wants to
+/// check for result == ovrSuccess as opposed to OVR_SUCCESS(), which
+/// checks for result >= ovrSuccess.
+#define OVR_UNQUALIFIED_SUCCESS(result) (result == ovrSuccess)
+/// \brief Indicates if an ovrResult indicates failure.
+#if !defined(OVR_FAILURE)
+#define OVR_FAILURE(result) (!OVR_SUCCESS(result))
+// Success is a value greater or equal to 0, while all error types are negative values.
+#define OVR_SUCCESS_DEFINED ///< Allows ovrResult to be independently defined.
+typedef enum ovrSuccessType_ {
+ /// This is a general success result. Use OVR_SUCCESS to test for success.
+ ovrSuccess = 0,
+} ovrSuccessType;
+// Public success types
+// Success is a value greater or equal to 0, while all error types are negative values.
+typedef enum ovrSuccessTypes_ {
+ /// Returned from a call to SubmitFrame. The call succeeded, but what the app
+ /// rendered will not be visible on the HMD. Ideally the app should continue
+ /// calling SubmitFrame, but not do any rendering. When the result becomes
+ /// ovrSuccess, rendering should continue as usual.
+ ovrSuccess_NotVisible = 1000,
+ /// Boundary is invalid due to sensor change or was not setup.
+ ovrSuccess_BoundaryInvalid = 1001,
+ /// Device is not available for the requested operation.
+ ovrSuccess_DeviceUnavailable = 1002,
+} ovrSuccessTypes;
+// Public error types
+typedef enum ovrErrorType_ {
+ /******************/
+ /* General errors */
+ /******************/
+ /// Failure to allocate memory.
+ ovrError_MemoryAllocationFailure = -1000,
+ /// Invalid ovrSession parameter provided.
+ ovrError_InvalidSession = -1002,
+ /// The operation timed out.
+ ovrError_Timeout = -1003,
+ /// The system or component has not been initialized.
+ ovrError_NotInitialized = -1004,
+ /// Invalid parameter provided. See error info or log for details.
+ ovrError_InvalidParameter = -1005,
+ /// Generic service error. See error info or log for details.
+ ovrError_ServiceError = -1006,
+ /// The given HMD doesn't exist.
+ ovrError_NoHmd = -1007,
+ /// Function call is not supported on this hardware/software
+ ovrError_Unsupported = -1009,
+ /// Specified device type isn't available.
+ ovrError_DeviceUnavailable = -1010,
+ /// The headset was in an invalid orientation for the requested
+ /// operation (e.g. vertically oriented during ovr_RecenterPose).
+ ovrError_InvalidHeadsetOrientation = -1011,
+ /// The client failed to call ovr_Destroy on an active session before calling ovr_Shutdown.
+ /// Or the client crashed.
+ ovrError_ClientSkippedDestroy = -1012,
+ /// The client failed to call ovr_Shutdown or the client crashed.
+ ovrError_ClientSkippedShutdown = -1013,
+ ///< The service watchdog discovered a deadlock.
+ ovrError_ServiceDeadlockDetected = -1014,
+ ///< Function call is invalid for object's current state
+ ovrError_InvalidOperation = -1015,
+ ///< Increase size of output array
+ ovrError_InsufficientArraySize = -1016,
+ /// There is not any external camera information stored by ovrServer.
+ ovrError_NoExternalCameraInfo = -1017,
+ /// Tracking is lost when ovr_GetDevicePoses() is called.
+ ovrError_LostTracking = -1018,
+ /// There was a problem initializing the external camera for capture
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraInitializedFailed = -1019,
+ /// There was a problem capturing external camera frames
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraCaptureFailed = -1020,
+ /// The external camera friendly name list and the external camera name list
+ /// are not the fixed size(OVR_MAX_EXTERNAL_CAMERA_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE).
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraNameListsBufferSize = -1021,
+ /// The external camera friendly name list is not the same size as
+ /// the external camera name list.
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraNameListsMistmatch = -1022,
+ /// The external camera property has not been sent to OVRServer
+ /// when the user tries to open the camera.
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraNotCalibrated = -1023,
+ /// The external camera name is larger than OVR_EXTERNAL_CAMERA_NAME_SIZE-1
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraNameWrongSize = -1024,
+ /// The caller doesn't have permissions for the requested action.
+ ovrError_AccessDenied = -1025,
+ /*************************************************/
+ /* Audio error range, reserved for Audio errors. */
+ /*************************************************/
+ /// Failure to find neither audio input or output device.
+ ovrError_AudioDeviceNotFound = -2001,
+ /// Generic COM error.
+ ovrError_AudioComError = -2002,
+ /// Failure to find the specified audio input device.
+ ovrError_AudioInputDeviceNotFound = -2003,
+ /// Failure to find the specified audio output device.
+ ovrError_AudioOutputDeviceNotFound = -2004,
+ /**************************/
+ /* Initialization errors. */
+ /**************************/
+ /// Generic initialization error.
+ ovrError_Initialize = -3000,
+ /// Couldn't load LibOVRRT.
+ ovrError_LibLoad = -3001,
+ /// LibOVRRT version incompatibility.
+ ovrError_LibVersion = -3002,
+ /// Couldn't connect to the OVR Service.
+ ovrError_ServiceConnection = -3003,
+ /// OVR Service version incompatibility.
+ ovrError_ServiceVersion = -3004,
+ /// The operating system version is incompatible.
+ ovrError_IncompatibleOS = -3005,
+ /// Unable to initialize the HMD display.
+ ovrError_DisplayInit = -3006,
+ /// Unable to start the server. Is it already running?
+ ovrError_ServerStart = -3007,
+ /// Attempting to re-initialize with a different version.
+ ovrError_Reinitialization = -3008,
+ /// Chosen rendering adapters between client and service do not match
+ ovrError_MismatchedAdapters = -3009,
+ /// Calling application has leaked resources
+ ovrError_LeakingResources = -3010,
+ /// Client version too old to connect to service
+ ovrError_ClientVersion = -3011,
+ /// The operating system is out of date.
+ ovrError_OutOfDateOS = -3012,
+ /// The graphics driver is out of date.
+ ovrError_OutOfDateGfxDriver = -3013,
+ /// The graphics hardware is not supported
+ ovrError_IncompatibleGPU = -3014,
+ /// No valid VR display system found.
+ ovrError_NoValidVRDisplaySystem = -3015,
+ /// Feature or API is obsolete and no longer supported.
+ ovrError_Obsolete = -3016,
+ /// No supported VR display system found, but disabled or driverless adapter found.
+ ovrError_DisabledOrDefaultAdapter = -3017,
+ /// The system is using hybrid graphics (Optimus, etc...), which is not support.
+ ovrError_HybridGraphicsNotSupported = -3018,
+ /// Initialization of the DisplayManager failed.
+ ovrError_DisplayManagerInit = -3019,
+ /// Failed to get the interface for an attached tracker
+ ovrError_TrackerDriverInit = -3020,
+ /// LibOVRRT signature check failure.
+ ovrError_LibSignCheck = -3021,
+ /// LibOVRRT path failure.
+ ovrError_LibPath = -3022,
+ /// LibOVRRT symbol resolution failure.
+ ovrError_LibSymbols = -3023,
+ /// Failed to connect to the service because remote connections to the service are not allowed.
+ ovrError_RemoteSession = -3024,
+ /// Vulkan initialization error.
+ ovrError_InitializeVulkan = -3025,
+ /// The graphics driver is black-listed.
+ ovrError_BlacklistedGfxDriver = -3026,
+ /********************/
+ /* Rendering errors */
+ /********************/
+ /// In the event of a system-wide graphics reset or cable unplug this is returned to the app.
+ ovrError_DisplayLost = -6000,
+ /// ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain was called too many times on a texture swapchain without
+ /// calling submit to use the chain.
+ ovrError_TextureSwapChainFull = -6001,
+ /// The ovrTextureSwapChain is in an incomplete or inconsistent state.
+ /// Ensure ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain was called at least once first.
+ ovrError_TextureSwapChainInvalid = -6002,
+ /// Graphics device has been reset (TDR, etc...)
+ ovrError_GraphicsDeviceReset = -6003,
+ /// HMD removed from the display adapter
+ ovrError_DisplayRemoved = -6004,
+ /// Content protection is not available for the display.
+ ovrError_ContentProtectionNotAvailable = -6005,
+ /// Application declared itself as an invisible type and is not allowed to submit frames.
+ ovrError_ApplicationInvisible = -6006,
+ /// The given request is disallowed under the current conditions.
+ ovrError_Disallowed = -6007,
+ /// Display portion of HMD is plugged into an incompatible port (ex: IGP)
+ ovrError_DisplayPluggedIncorrectly = -6008,
+ /// Returned in the event a virtual display system reaches a display limit
+ ovrError_DisplayLimitReached = -6009,
+ /****************/
+ /* Fatal errors */
+ /****************/
+ ///< A runtime exception occurred. The application is required to shutdown LibOVR and
+ /// re-initialize it before this error state will be cleared.
+ ovrError_RuntimeException = -7000,
+ /**********************/
+ /* Calibration errors */
+ /**********************/
+ /// Result of a missing calibration block
+ ovrError_NoCalibration = -9000,
+ /// Result of an old calibration block
+ ovrError_OldVersion = -9001,
+ /// Result of a bad calibration block due to lengths
+ ovrError_MisformattedBlock = -9002,
+/* Other errors */
+} ovrErrorType;
+/// Provides information about the last error.
+/// \see ovr_GetLastErrorInfo
+typedef struct ovrErrorInfo_ {
+ /// The result from the last API call that generated an error ovrResult.
+ ovrResult Result;
+ /// A UTF8-encoded null-terminated English string describing the problem.
+ /// The format of this string is subject to change in future versions.
+ char ErrorString[512];
+} ovrErrorInfo;
+#endif /* OVR_ErrorCode_h */