path: root/SixenseSDK/include/sixense_utils/fps.hpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SixenseSDK/include/sixense_utils/fps.hpp')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SixenseSDK/include/sixense_utils/fps.hpp b/SixenseSDK/include/sixense_utils/fps.hpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44bcb51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SixenseSDK/include/sixense_utils/fps.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Sixense Entertainment Inc.
+ * All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ */
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning( disable:4251 )
+#include "sixense.h"
+#include "sixense_math.hpp"
+#include "sixense_utils/interfaces.hpp"
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+using sixenseMath::Vector2;
+using sixenseMath::Vector3;
+using sixenseMath::Matrix3;
+using sixenseMath::Matrix4;
+using sixenseMath::Quat;
+#include "export.hpp"
+#include "sixense_utils/derivatives.hpp"
+#include "sixense_utils/button_states.hpp"
+#include "sixense_utils/sixense_utils_string.hpp"
+namespace sixenseUtils {
+ class SIXENSE_UTILS_EXPORT FPSViewAngles : public IFPSViewAngles {
+ public:
+ FPSViewAngles();
+ void setGame( const char* game_name );
+ void setMode( fps_mode mode );
+ fps_mode getMode();
+ int update( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms=0.0f );
+ Vector3 getViewAngles(); // The final view angles, ie the feet plus the aiming from the controller
+ Vector3 getViewAngleOffset(); // The negative controller aim, used to keep the camera stationary in metroid mode
+ Vector3 getSpinSpeed();
+ void forceViewAngles( fps_mode mode, Vector3 ); // Used to initialize the view direction when switching into stick spin mode
+ void setFeetAnglesMetroid( Vector3 angles );
+ Vector3 getFeetAnglesMetroid();
+ float getTestVal();
+ void setParameter( fps_params param, float val );
+ float getParameter( fps_params param );
+ void setFov( float hfov, float vfov );
+ void getFov( float *hfov, float *vfov );
+ void setHoldingTurnSpeed( float horiz, float vert );
+ void setRatcheting( bool );
+ bool isRatcheting();
+ void reset();
+ void forceMetroidBlend( float blend_fraction );
+ protected:
+ void computeAimOffset1to1( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms );
+ void computeAimOffsetPointer( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms );
+ void computeFeetAnglesOffsetStickSpin( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms );
+ void computeFeetAnglesOffsetMetroid( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms );
+ void computeFeetAnglesOffsetRatchet( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms );
+ void computeSpringViewOffset();
+ Vector3 clampViewAngles( Vector3 angles, Vector3 max_vals );
+ private:
+ fps_mode _mode;
+ // Keep track of the game so we can do
+ std::string _game_name;
+ // Different types of aim offsets
+ Vector3 _aim_offset_1to1_metroid, _aim_offset_1to1_mouselook; // need two because they're scaled differently
+ Vector3 _aim_offset_pointer;
+ Vector3 _spring_view_offset;
+ float _spring_vel;
+ Quat _spring_view;
+ // Different types of feet angles
+ Vector3 _feet_angles_stick_spin;
+ Vector3 _feet_angles_metroid;
+ Vector3 _feet_angles_ratchet;
+ Vector3 _feet_angles, _aim_offset_1to1;
+ // Parameters to control the different modes
+ std::vector<float> _param_vals;
+ ButtonStates _left_button_watcher, _right_button_watcher;
+ Vector3 _ratchet_base_orientation;
+ // Are we flicking? (0-1)
+ float _flicking;
+ bool _ratcheting;
+ bool _just_started_ratcheting, _just_stopped_ratcheting;
+ float _roll;
+ // Keep track of the fov
+ float _hfov, _vfov;
+ // This is used to blend pitch smoothly between modes
+ float _blend_pitch_val;
+ Vector3 _blend_view_offset;
+ Vector3 _prev_blend_view_offset;
+ Vector3 _mode_switch_blend_angle_start, _mode_switch_blend_angle_end, _mode_switch_blend_angles;
+ double _mode_switch_blend_duration_ms;
+ double _mode_switch_blend_start_time;
+ float _test_val;
+ Vector3 _holding_turn_speed;
+ // Allow metroid spinning to blend in over time. Useful when switching from 1-to-1 mode.
+ float _metroid_blend_start_time;
+ int _metroid_blend_in_or_out; // 0 == in, 1 == out
+ Vector3 _metroid_spin_speed, _stick_spin_speed;
+ float _force_blend_aim_metroid_start_time;
+ float _force_blend_aim_metroid_pitch_mult;
+ float _force_blend_aim_metroid_heading_mult;
+ };
+ class SIXENSE_UTILS_EXPORT FPSEvents : public IFPSEvents {
+ public:
+ FPSEvents();
+ void setGame( const char* game_name );
+ void setBinding( fps_event, fps_controller, fps_action, int param );
+ void setPointGestureButton( int );
+ bool isPointGestureActive();
+ int update( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms=0.0f );
+ bool eventActive( fps_event event_query );
+ bool eventStarted( fps_event event_query );
+ bool eventStopped( fps_event event_query );
+ Vector3 getGrenadeThrowVelocity();
+ void setParameter( fps_params param, float val );
+ float getParameter( fps_params param );
+ private:
+ typedef struct {
+ fps_event _event;
+ fps_controller _controller;
+ fps_action _action;
+ int _param;
+ } fps_binding;
+ protected:
+ bool testButtonBinding( fps_binding );
+ bool testJoystickBinding( fps_binding );
+ bool testTriggerBinding( fps_binding );
+ bool testTiltBinding( fps_binding );
+ bool testPointBinding( fps_binding );
+ bool testVelocityBinding( fps_binding );
+ private:
+ // keep them in a map so there's only one binding per event
+ std::map <fps_event, fps_binding> _bindings;
+ ButtonStates _button_states[2]; // one for each controller, in order of fps_controller, so 0=left 1=right
+ std::vector<bool> _event_started, _event_stopped, _event_persistent_state;
+ Derivatives _left_deriv, _right_deriv;
+ Derivatives _left_deriv_offset, _right_deriv_offset;
+ // Keep track of the velocity of the hand when a grenade is thrown
+ Vector3 _grenade_throw_vel;
+ // Keep track of the game so we can do
+ std::string _game_name;
+ // Parameters to control the different modes
+ std::vector<float> _param_vals;
+ // The z depth at which one to one mode started.
+ Vector3 _one_to_one_start_pos;
+ // This is set when a point gesture is in process
+ bool _point_gesture_active;
+ // The button that is used to engage point gestures
+ unsigned short _point_gesture_button;
+ };
+ class SIXENSE_UTILS_EXPORT FPSPlayerMovement : public IFPSPlayerMovement{
+ public:
+ FPSPlayerMovement();
+ void setGame( const char* game_name );
+ int update( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms=0.0f );
+ Vector2 getWalkDir();
+ void setParameter( fps_movement_params param, float val );
+ float getParameter( fps_movement_params param );
+ private:
+ Vector2 _walk_dir;
+ std::string _game_name;
+ // Parameters to control the different modes
+ std::vector<float> _param_vals;
+ };
+ public:
+ FPSMeleeWeapon();
+ int update( sixenseControllerData *left_cd, sixenseControllerData *right_cd, float frametime_in_ms=0.0f );
+ // Weapon movement
+ Vector3 getMeleeWeaponPos();
+ Vector3 getMeleeWeaponBladePos();
+ Matrix3 getMeleeWeaponMatrix();
+ // Attack
+ bool swingAttackStarted(); // since last update
+ bool isAttacking();
+ // 1-to-1 mode (when the melee weapon should be moving with the controller and not animated
+ bool OneToOneModeStarted();
+ bool OneToOneModeStopped();
+ bool isInOneToOneMode();
+ Vector3 getSwingAttackStartPos();
+ Vector3 getSwingAttackDir();
+ void setToggleMode( bool mode );
+ void forceOneToOneMode( bool mode );
+ // Parameters to control the different modes
+ typedef enum {
+ } melee_params;
+ void setParameter( melee_params param, float val );
+ float getParameter( melee_params param );
+ private:
+ Derivatives _left_deriv, _right_deriv;
+ bool _armed; // Can we attack again?
+ bool _just_started_attack, _attacking;
+ bool _just_started_1to1, _just_stopped_1to1, _in_1to1_mode;
+ int _swing_wait_count; // How many frames to wait until starting a swing
+ int _swing_count; // How long have we been swinging?
+ Matrix4 _start_swing_mat;
+ Vector3 _swing_dir_vec; // Direction we are attacking in
+ Vector3 _swing_start_pos; // Position swing started from
+ float _last_trigger_pos;
+ Vector3 _weap_pos, _last_weap_pos;
+ Matrix3 _weap_mat, _last_weap_mat;
+ Vector3 _weap_blade_pos;
+ bool _toggle_mode;
+ // Parameters to control the different modes
+ std::vector<float> _param_vals;
+ };
+#pragma warning(pop)