path: root/Tobii EyeX/samples/MinimalStatusNotifications/MinimalStatusNotifications.c
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-rwxr-xr-xTobii EyeX/samples/MinimalStatusNotifications/MinimalStatusNotifications.c186
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Tobii EyeX/samples/MinimalStatusNotifications/MinimalStatusNotifications.c b/Tobii EyeX/samples/MinimalStatusNotifications/MinimalStatusNotifications.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1d7ce26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tobii EyeX/samples/MinimalStatusNotifications/MinimalStatusNotifications.c
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ * This is an example that demonstrates two ways of getting status information from the EyeX Engine.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2013-2014 Tobii Technology AB. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <conio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "eyex/EyeX.h"
+#pragma comment (lib, "Tobii.EyeX.Client.lib")
+// global variables
+ * Handles a state-changed notification, or the response from a get-state operation.
+ */
+void OnStateReceived(TX_HANDLE hStateBag)
+ TX_BOOL success;
+ TX_INTEGER eyeTrackingState;
+ TX_SIZE2 displaySize;
+ TX_SIZE2 screenBounds;
+ TX_SIZE stringSize = 0;
+ TX_STRING currentProfileName;
+ TX_INTEGER presenceData;
+ TX_INTEGER gazeTracking;
+ success = (txGetStateValueAsInteger(hStateBag, TX_STATEPATH_EYETRACKINGSTATE, &eyeTrackingState) == TX_RESULT_OK);
+ if (success) {
+ switch (eyeTrackingState) {
+ printf("Eye Tracking Device Status: 'TRACKING'.\n"
+ "That means that the eye tracker is up and running and trying to track your eyes.\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("The eye tracking device is not tracking.\n"
+ "It could be a that the eye tracker is not connected, or that a screen setup or\n"
+ "user calibration is missing. The status code is %d.\n", eyeTrackingState);
+ }
+ }
+ success = (txGetStateValueAsSize2(hStateBag, TX_STATEPATH_EYETRACKINGDISPLAYSIZE, &displaySize) == TX_RESULT_OK);
+ if (success) {
+ printf("Display Size: %5.2f x %5.2f mm\n", displaySize.Width, displaySize.Height);
+ }
+ success = (txGetStateValueAsSize2(hStateBag, TX_STATEPATH_EYETRACKINGSCREENBOUNDS, &screenBounds) == TX_RESULT_OK);
+ if (success) {
+ printf("Screen Bounds: %5.0f x %5.0f pixels\n\n", screenBounds.Width, screenBounds.Height);
+ }
+ success = (txGetStateValueAsInteger(hStateBag, TX_STATEPATH_USERPRESENCE, &presenceData) == TX_RESULT_OK);
+ if (success) {
+ if (presenceData != TX_USERPRESENCE_UNKNOWN) {
+ printf("User is %s\n", presenceData == TX_USERPRESENCE_PRESENT ? "present" : "NOT present" );
+ }
+ }
+ // The following state requires EyeX Engine 1.3.0 or later:
+ success = (txGetStateValueAsString(hStateBag, TX_STATEPATH_EYETRACKINGCURRENTPROFILENAME, NULL, &stringSize) == TX_RESULT_OK);
+ if (success) {
+ currentProfileName = (TX_STRING)malloc(stringSize*sizeof(char));
+ success = (txGetStateValueAsString(hStateBag, TX_STATEPATH_EYETRACKINGCURRENTPROFILENAME, currentProfileName, &stringSize) == TX_RESULT_OK);
+ if (success) {
+ printf("Current user profile name is: %s\n", currentProfileName);
+ }
+ free(currentProfileName);
+ }
+ // The following state requires EyeX Engine 1.4.0 or later:
+ success = (txGetStateValueAsInteger(hStateBag, TX_STATEPATH_GAZETRACKING, &gazeTracking) == TX_RESULT_OK);
+ if (success) {
+ printf("User's eye-gaze is %s\n", gazeTracking == TX_GAZETRACKING_GAZETRACKED ? "tracked" : "NOT tracked");
+ }
+ * Handles engine state change notifications.
+ */
+void TX_CALLCONVENTION OnEngineStateChanged(TX_CONSTHANDLE hAsyncData, TX_USERPARAM userParam)
+ if (txGetAsyncDataResultCode(hAsyncData, &result) == TX_RESULT_OK &&
+ txGetAsyncDataContent(hAsyncData, &hStateBag) == TX_RESULT_OK) {
+ OnStateReceived(hStateBag);
+ txReleaseObject(&hStateBag);
+ }
+ * Callback function invoked when the status of the connection to the EyeX Engine has changed.
+ */
+void TX_CALLCONVENTION OnEngineConnectionStateChanged(TX_CONNECTIONSTATE connectionState, TX_USERPARAM userParam)
+ if (connectionState == TX_CONNECTIONSTATE_CONNECTED) {
+ printf("We're now connected to the EyeX Engine!\n");
+ printf("Now that we're connected: get the current eye tracking device status, display size and screen bounds...\n\n");
+ // NOTE. A request for the TX_STATEPATH_EYETRACKING state path (which expands to
+ // "eyeTracking") will also query for all sub-paths ("eyeTracking.whatever") -- which
+ // explains why this request provides data for the eye tracking device status etc.
+ txGetStateAsync(g_hContext, TX_STATEPATH_EYETRACKING, OnEngineStateChanged, NULL);
+ }
+ * Application entry point.
+ */
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ TX_TICKET hConnectionStateChangedTicket = TX_INVALID_TICKET;
+ TX_TICKET hPresenceStateChangedTicket = TX_INVALID_TICKET;
+ TX_TICKET hGazeTrackingStateChangedTicket = TX_INVALID_TICKET;
+ TX_BOOL success;
+ printf(
+ "===============================================================================\n\n"
+ "This sample illustrates two different ways of getting status information from\n"
+ "the EyeX Engine.\n\n"
+ "- First we try and connect to the EyeX Engine. When we get a connection we read\n"
+ " and print the current values of the eye tracking device status, the display\n"
+ " size and the screen bounds. This is done once per connection to the EyeX\n"
+ " Engine.\n\n"
+ "- When we have a connection to the Engine, we set up a listener for changes of\n"
+ " the user presence state. When the user's eyes are found the user is\n"
+ " considered present, when the eyes cannot be found, the user is considered not\n"
+ " present. Try blocking and unblocking the eye tracker's view of your eyes to\n"
+ " see the changes in the user presence state.\n\n"
+ "===============================================================================\n\n");
+ if (txGetEyeXAvailability(&availability) == TX_RESULT_OK) {
+ printf(
+ "This sample requires the EyeX Engine, but it isn't available.\n"
+ "Please install the EyeX Engine and try again.\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ else if (availability == TX_EYEXAVAILABILITY_NOTRUNNING) {
+ printf(
+ "This sample requires the EyeX Engine, but it isn't running.\n"
+ "Please make sure that the EyeX Engine is started.\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // initialize and enable the context that is our link to the EyeX Engine.
+ // register observers on the connection state, TX_STATEPATH_USERPRESENCE and the TX_STATEPATH_GAZETRACKING engine state.
+ success &= txCreateContext(&g_hContext, TX_FALSE) == TX_RESULT_OK;
+ success &= txRegisterConnectionStateChangedHandler(g_hContext, &hConnectionStateChangedTicket, OnEngineConnectionStateChanged, NULL) == TX_RESULT_OK;
+ success &= txRegisterStateChangedHandler(g_hContext, &hPresenceStateChangedTicket, TX_STATEPATH_USERPRESENCE, OnEngineStateChanged, NULL) == TX_RESULT_OK;
+ success &= txRegisterStateChangedHandler(g_hContext, &hGazeTrackingStateChangedTicket, TX_STATEPATH_GAZETRACKING, OnEngineStateChanged, NULL) == TX_RESULT_OK;
+ success &= txEnableConnection(g_hContext) == TX_RESULT_OK;
+ // let the events flow until a key is pressed.
+ if (success) {
+ printf("Initialization was successful.\n");
+ printf("We are waiting for a connection to the EyeX Engine...\n\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("Initialization failed.\n\n");
+ }
+ printf("Press any key to exit...\n\n");
+ _getch();
+ printf("Exiting.\n");
+ // unregister handlers and delete the context.
+ txUnregisterConnectionStateChangedHandler(g_hContext, hConnectionStateChangedTicket);
+ txUnregisterStateChangedHandler(g_hContext, hPresenceStateChangedTicket);
+ txUnregisterStateChangedHandler(g_hContext, hGazeTrackingStateChangedTicket);
+ success = txShutdownContext(g_hContext, TX_CLEANUPTIMEOUT_DEFAULT, TX_FALSE) == TX_RESULT_OK;
+ success &= txReleaseContext(&g_hContext) == TX_RESULT_OK;
+ success &= txUninitializeEyeX() == TX_RESULT_OK;
+ if (!success) {
+ printf("EyeX could not be shut down cleanly. Did you remember to release all handles?\n");
+ }
+ return 0;