path: root/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Shim/OVR_StereoProjection.cpp
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diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Shim/OVR_StereoProjection.cpp b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Shim/OVR_StereoProjection.cpp
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+Filename : OVR_StereoProjection.cpp
+Content : Stereo rendering functions
+Created : November 30, 2013
+Authors : Tom Fosyth
+Copyright : Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Oculus Master SDK License Version 1.0 (the "License");
+you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
+which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include <Extras/OVR_StereoProjection.h>
+namespace OVR {
+Matrix4f CreateProjection(
+ bool leftHanded,
+ bool isOpenGL,
+ FovPort tanHalfFov,
+ StereoEye /*eye*/,
+ float zNear /*= 0.01f*/,
+ float zFar /*= 10000.0f*/,
+ bool flipZ /*= false*/,
+ bool farAtInfinity /*= false*/) {
+ if (!flipZ && farAtInfinity) {
+ // OVR_ASSERT_M(false, "Cannot push Far Clip to Infinity when Z-order is not flipped");
+ // Assertion disabled because this code no longer has access to LibOVRKernel assertion
+ // functionality.
+ farAtInfinity = false;
+ }
+ // A projection matrix is very like a scaling from NDC, so we can start with that.
+ ScaleAndOffset2D scaleAndOffset = FovPort::CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov(tanHalfFov);
+ float handednessScale = leftHanded ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
+ Matrix4f projection;
+ // Produces X result, mapping clip edges to [-w,+w]
+ projection.M[0][0] = scaleAndOffset.Scale.x;
+ projection.M[0][1] = 0.0f;
+ projection.M[0][2] = handednessScale * scaleAndOffset.Offset.x;
+ projection.M[0][3] = 0.0f;
+ // Produces Y result, mapping clip edges to [-w,+w]
+ // Hey - why is that YOffset negated?
+ // It's because a projection matrix transforms from world coords with Y=up,
+ // whereas this is derived from an NDC scaling, which is Y=down.
+ projection.M[1][0] = 0.0f;
+ projection.M[1][1] = scaleAndOffset.Scale.y;
+ projection.M[1][2] = handednessScale * -scaleAndOffset.Offset.y;
+ projection.M[1][3] = 0.0f;
+ // Produces Z-buffer result - app needs to fill this in with whatever Z range it wants.
+ // We'll just use some defaults for now.
+ projection.M[2][0] = 0.0f;
+ projection.M[2][1] = 0.0f;
+ if (farAtInfinity) {
+ if (isOpenGL) {
+ // It's not clear this makes sense for OpenGL - you don't get the same precision benefits you
+ // do in D3D.
+ projection.M[2][2] = -handednessScale;
+ projection.M[2][3] = 2.0f * zNear;
+ } else {
+ projection.M[2][2] = 0.0f;
+ projection.M[2][3] = zNear;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (isOpenGL) {
+ // Clip range is [-w,+w], so 0 is at the middle of the range.
+ projection.M[2][2] =
+ -handednessScale * (flipZ ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (zNear + zFar) / (zNear - zFar);
+ projection.M[2][3] = 2.0f * ((flipZ ? -zFar : zFar) * zNear) / (zNear - zFar);
+ } else {
+ // Clip range is [0,+w], so 0 is at the start of the range.
+ projection.M[2][2] = -handednessScale * (flipZ ? -zNear : zFar) / (zNear - zFar);
+ projection.M[2][3] = ((flipZ ? -zFar : zFar) * zNear) / (zNear - zFar);
+ }
+ }
+ // Produces W result (= Z in)
+ projection.M[3][0] = 0.0f;
+ projection.M[3][1] = 0.0f;
+ projection.M[3][2] = handednessScale;
+ projection.M[3][3] = 0.0f;
+ return projection;
+Matrix4f CreateOrthoSubProjection(
+ bool /*rightHanded*/,
+ StereoEye eyeType,
+ float tanHalfFovX,
+ float tanHalfFovY,
+ float unitsX,
+ float unitsY,
+ float distanceFromCamera,
+ float interpupillaryDistance,
+ Matrix4f const& projection,
+ float zNear /*= 0.0f*/,
+ float zFar /*= 0.0f*/,
+ bool flipZ /*= false*/,
+ bool farAtInfinity /*= false*/) {
+ if (!flipZ && farAtInfinity) {
+ // OVR_ASSERT_M(false, "Cannot push Far Clip to Infinity when Z-order is not flipped");
+ // Assertion disabled because this code no longer has access to LibOVRKernel assertion
+ // functionality.
+ farAtInfinity = false;
+ }
+ float orthoHorizontalOffset = interpupillaryDistance * 0.5f / distanceFromCamera;
+ switch (eyeType) {
+ case StereoEye_Left:
+ break;
+ case StereoEye_Right:
+ orthoHorizontalOffset = -orthoHorizontalOffset;
+ break;
+ case StereoEye_Center:
+ orthoHorizontalOffset = 0.0f;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Current projection maps real-world vector (x,y,1) to the RT.
+ // We want to find the projection that maps the range [-FovPixels/2,FovPixels/2] to
+ // the physical [-orthoHalfFov,orthoHalfFov]
+ // Note moving the offset from M[0][2]+M[1][2] to M[0][3]+M[1][3] - this means
+ // we don't have to feed in Z=1 all the time.
+ // The horizontal offset math is a little hinky because the destination is
+ // actually [-orthoHalfFov+orthoHorizontalOffset,orthoHalfFov+orthoHorizontalOffset]
+ // So we need to first map [-FovPixels/2,FovPixels/2] to
+ // [-orthoHalfFov+orthoHorizontalOffset,orthoHalfFov+orthoHorizontalOffset]:
+ // x1 = x0 * orthoHalfFov/(FovPixels/2) + orthoHorizontalOffset;
+ // = x0 * 2*orthoHalfFov/FovPixels + orthoHorizontalOffset;
+ // But then we need the sam mapping as the existing projection matrix, i.e.
+ // x2 = x1 * Projection.M[0][0] + Projection.M[0][2];
+ // = x0 * (2*orthoHalfFov/FovPixels + orthoHorizontalOffset) * Projection.M[0][0] +
+ // Projection.M[0][2];
+ // = x0 * Projection.M[0][0]*2*orthoHalfFov/FovPixels +
+ // orthoHorizontalOffset*Projection.M[0][0] + Projection.M[0][2];
+ // So in the new projection matrix we need to scale by Projection.M[0][0]*2*orthoHalfFov/FovPixels
+ // and
+ // offset by orthoHorizontalOffset*Projection.M[0][0] + Projection.M[0][2].
+ float orthoScaleX = 2.0f * tanHalfFovX / unitsX;
+ float orthoScaleY = 2.0f * tanHalfFovY / unitsY;
+ Matrix4f ortho;
+ ortho.M[0][0] = projection.M[0][0] * orthoScaleX;
+ ortho.M[0][1] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[0][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[0][3] = -projection.M[0][2] + (orthoHorizontalOffset * projection.M[0][0]);
+ ortho.M[1][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[1][1] = -projection.M[1][1] * orthoScaleY; // Note sign flip (text rendering uses Y=down).
+ ortho.M[1][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[1][3] = -projection.M[1][2];
+ const float zDiff = zNear - zFar;
+ if (fabsf(zDiff) < 0.001f) {
+ ortho.M[2][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][1] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][3] = flipZ ? zNear : zFar;
+ } else {
+ ortho.M[2][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][1] = 0.0f;
+ if (farAtInfinity) {
+ ortho.M[2][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[2][3] = zNear;
+ } else if (zDiff != 0.0f) {
+ ortho.M[2][2] = (flipZ ? zNear : zFar) / zDiff;
+ ortho.M[2][3] = ((flipZ ? -zFar : zFar) * zNear) / zDiff;
+ }
+ }
+ // No perspective correction for ortho.
+ ortho.M[3][0] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[3][1] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[3][2] = 0.0f;
+ ortho.M[3][3] = 1.0f;
+ return ortho;
+} // namespace OVR