path: root/FTNoIR_Tracker_PT/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp
diff options
authorStanislaw Halik <>2014-09-06 03:50:52 -0700
committerStanislaw Halik <>2014-09-06 03:50:52 -0700
commitdb59542cbb2fc3c2ac1b40928d514113bced8b0b (patch)
tree88b9c5efe598aed10bb82c54bfcc04a638866f0d /FTNoIR_Tracker_PT/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp
parentb2167e6cba93106e3e6fa4a8337ebadbf049c1f8 (diff)
rename case
Diffstat (limited to 'FTNoIR_Tracker_PT/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/FTNoIR_Tracker_PT/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp b/FTNoIR_Tracker_PT/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c103b78c..00000000
--- a/FTNoIR_Tracker_PT/ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2012 Patrick Ruoff
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- */
-#include "ftnoir_tracker_pt_dialog.h"
-#include <QMessageBox>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
-# include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-# include "FTNoIR_Tracker_PT/boost-compat.h"
-#include <vector>
-using namespace std;
- : tracker(NULL),
- video_widget_dialog(NULL),
- timer(this),
- trans_calib_running(false)
- qDebug()<<"TrackerDialog::TrackerDialog";
- setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, false);
- ui.setupUi( this );
- vector<string> device_names;
- get_camera_device_names(device_names);
- for (vector<string>::iterator iter = device_names.begin(); iter != device_names.end(); ++iter)
- {
- ui.camdevice_combo->addItem(iter->c_str());
- }
- ui.camroll_combo->addItem("-90");
- ui.camroll_combo->addItem("0");
- ui.camroll_combo->addItem("90");
- tie_setting(s.dyn_pose_res, ui.dynpose_check);
- tie_setting(s.reset_time, ui.reset_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cam_index, ui.camdevice_combo);
- tie_setting(s.cam_f, ui.f_dspin);
- tie_setting(s.cam_res_x, ui.res_x_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cam_res_y, ui.res_y_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cam_fps, ui.fps_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cam_roll, ui.camroll_combo);
- tie_setting(s.cam_pitch, ui.campitch_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cam_yaw, ui.camyaw_spin);
- tie_setting(s.threshold_secondary, ui.threshold_secondary_slider);
- tie_setting(s.threshold, ui.threshold_slider);
- tie_setting(s.bEnableYaw, ui.chkEnableYaw);
- tie_setting(s.bEnablePitch, ui.chkEnablePitch);
- tie_setting(s.bEnableRoll, ui.chkEnableRoll);
- tie_setting(s.bEnableX, ui.chkEnableX);
- tie_setting(s.bEnableY, ui.chkEnableY);
- tie_setting(s.bEnableZ, ui.chkEnableZ);
- tie_setting(s.min_point_size, ui.mindiam_spin);
- tie_setting(s.max_point_size, ui.maxdiam_spin);
- tie_setting(s.clip_by, ui.clip_bheight_spin);
- tie_setting(s.clip_bz, ui.clip_blength_spin);
- tie_setting(s.clip_ty, ui.clip_theight_spin);
- tie_setting(s.clip_tz, ui.clip_tlength_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cap_x, ui.cap_width_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cap_y, ui.cap_height_spin);
- tie_setting(s.cap_z, ui.cap_length_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m01_x, ui.m1x_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m01_y, ui.m1y_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m01_z, ui.m1z_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m02_x, ui.m2x_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m02_y, ui.m2y_spin);
- tie_setting(s.m02_z, ui.m2z_spin);
- tie_setting(s.t_MH_x, ui.tx_spin);
- tie_setting(s.t_MH_y, ui.ty_spin);
- tie_setting(s.t_MH_z, ui.tz_spin);
- connect( ui.tcalib_button,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this,SLOT(startstop_trans_calib(bool)) );
- connect(ui.reset_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doReset()));
- connect(ui.ok_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doOK()));
- connect(ui.cancel_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doCancel()));
- connect(ui.btnApply, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doApply()));
- ui.model_tabs->setCurrentIndex(s.active_model_panel);
- connect(ui.model_tabs, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(set_model(int)));
- connect(&timer,SIGNAL(timeout()), this,SLOT(poll_tracker_info()));
- timer.start(100);
- connect(s.b.get(), SIGNAL(bundleChanged()), this, SLOT(do_apply_without_saving()));
-void TrackerDialog::set_model_clip()
- s.m01_x = 0;
- s.m01_y = static_cast<double>(s.clip_ty);
- s.m01_z = -static_cast<double>(s.clip_tz);
- s.m02_x = 0;
- s.m02_y = -static_cast<double>(s.clip_by);
- s.m02_z = -static_cast<double>(s.clip_bz);
- settings_changed();
-void TrackerDialog::set_model_cap()
- s.m01_x = -static_cast<double>(s.cap_x);
- s.m01_y = -static_cast<double>(s.cap_y);
- s.m01_z = -static_cast<double>(s.cap_z);
- s.m02_x = static_cast<double>(s.cap_x);
- s.m02_y = -static_cast<double>(s.cap_y);
- s.m02_z = -static_cast<double>(s.cap_z);
- settings_changed();
-void TrackerDialog::set_model_custom()
- settings_changed();
-void TrackerDialog::set_model(int val)
- s.active_model_panel = val;
-void TrackerDialog::startstop_trans_calib(bool start)
- if (start)
- {
- qDebug()<<"TrackerDialog:: Starting translation calibration";
- trans_calib.reset();
- trans_calib_running = true;
- }
- else
- {
- qDebug()<<"TrackerDialog:: Stoppping translation calibration";
- trans_calib_running = false;
- {
- auto tmp = trans_calib.get_estimate();
- s.t_MH_x = tmp[0];
- s.t_MH_y = tmp[1];
- s.t_MH_z = tmp[2];
- }
- settings_changed();
- }
-void TrackerDialog::trans_calib_step()
- if (tracker)
- {
- FrameTrafo X_CM;
- tracker->get_pose(&X_CM);
- trans_calib.update(X_CM.R, X_CM.t);
- cv::Vec3f t_MH = trans_calib.get_estimate();
- s.t_MH_x = t_MH[0];
- s.t_MH_y = t_MH[1];
- s.t_MH_z = t_MH[2];
- }
-void TrackerDialog::settings_changed()
- if (tracker) tracker->apply(s);
-void TrackerDialog::doCenter()
- if (tracker) tracker->center();
-void TrackerDialog::doReset()
- if (tracker) tracker->reset();
-void TrackerDialog::save()
- do_apply_without_saving();
- s.b->save();
-void TrackerDialog::doOK()
- save();
- close();
-void TrackerDialog::do_apply_without_saving()
- switch (s.active_model_panel) {
- default:
- case 0:
- set_model_clip();
- break;
- case 1:
- set_model_cap();
- break;
- case 2:
- set_model_custom();
- break;
- }
- if (tracker) tracker->apply(s);
-void TrackerDialog::doApply()
- save();
-void TrackerDialog::doCancel()
- s.b->revert();
- close();
-void TrackerDialog::widget_destroyed(QObject* obj)
- if (obj == video_widget_dialog) {
- // widget was / will be already deleted by Qt
- destroy_video_widget(false);
- }
-void TrackerDialog::create_video_widget()
- // this should not happen but better be sure
- if (video_widget_dialog) destroy_video_widget();
- if (!tracker) return;
- video_widget_dialog = new VideoWidgetDialog(this, tracker);
- video_widget_dialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
- connect( video_widget_dialog, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(widget_destroyed(QObject*)) );
- video_widget_dialog->show();
-void TrackerDialog::destroy_video_widget(bool do_delete /*= true*/)
- if (video_widget_dialog) {
- if (do_delete) delete video_widget_dialog;
- video_widget_dialog = NULL;
- }
-void TrackerDialog::poll_tracker_info()
- if (tracker)
- {
- QString to_print;
- // display caminfo
- CamInfo info;
- tracker->get_cam_info(&info);
- to_print = QString::number(info.res_x)+"x"+QString::number(info.res_y)+" @ "+QString::number(info.fps)+" FPS";
- ui.caminfo_label->setText(to_print);
- // display pointinfo
- int n_points = tracker->get_n_points();
- to_print = QString::number(n_points);
- if (n_points == 3)
- to_print += " OK!";
- else
- to_print += " BAD!";
- ui.pointinfo_label->setText(to_print);
- // update calibration
- if (trans_calib_running) trans_calib_step();
- // update videowidget
- if (video_widget_dialog) {
- video_widget_dialog->get_video_widget()->update_frame_and_points();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- QString to_print = "Tracker offline";
- ui.caminfo_label->setText(to_print);
- ui.pointinfo_label->setText(to_print);
- }
-void TrackerDialog::registerTracker(ITracker *t)
- qDebug()<<"TrackerDialog:: Tracker registered";
- tracker = static_cast<Tracker*>(t);
- if (isVisible() & s.b->modifiedp())
- tracker->apply(s);
- ui.tcalib_button->setEnabled(true);
- //ui.center_button->setEnabled(true);
- ui.reset_button->setEnabled(true);
-void TrackerDialog::unRegisterTracker()
- qDebug()<<"TrackerDialog:: Tracker un-registered";
- tracker = NULL;
- destroy_video_widget();
- ui.tcalib_button->setEnabled(false);
- //ui.center_button->setEnabled(false);
- ui.reset_button->setEnabled(false);
- return new TrackerDialog;