path: root/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_DebugHelp.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_DebugHelp.h')
1 files changed, 723 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_DebugHelp.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_DebugHelp.h
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+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVRKernel/Src/Kernel/OVR_DebugHelp.h
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+Filename : OVR_DebugHelp.h
+Content : Platform-independent exception handling interface
+Created : October 6, 2014
+Copyright : Copyright 2014 Oculus VR, LLC. All Rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#ifndef OVR_DebugHelp_h
+#define OVR_DebugHelp_h
+#include "OVR_Atomic.h"
+#include "OVR_Nullptr.h"
+#include "OVR_String.h"
+#include "OVR_System.h"
+#include "OVR_Threads.h"
+#include "OVR_Types.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#if defined(OVR_OS_WIN32) || defined(OVR_OS_WIN64)
+#include "OVR_Win32_IncludeWindows.h"
+#elif defined(OVR_OS_APPLE) || defined(OVR_OS_LINUX)
+#include <pthread.h>
+OVR_DISABLE_MSVC_WARNING(4351) // new behavior: elements of array will be default initialized
+namespace OVR {
+// Thread identifiers
+// typedef void* ThreadHandle; // Already defined by OVR Threads. Same as Windows thread
+// handle, Unix pthread_t.
+// typedef void* ThreadId; // Already defined by OVR Threads. Used by Windows as DWORD
+// thread id, by Unix as pthread_t.
+typedef uintptr_t ThreadSysId; // System thread identifier. Used by Windows the same as ThreadId
+// (DWORD), thread_act_t on Mac/BSD, lwp id on Linux.
+// Thread constants
+// To do: Move to OVR Threads
+#define OVR_THREADHANDLE_INVALID ((ThreadHandle*)nullptr)
+#define OVR_THREADID_INVALID ((ThreadId*)nullptr)
+#define OVR_THREADSYSID_INVALID ((uintptr_t)0)
+OVR::ThreadSysId ConvertThreadHandleToThreadSysId(OVR::ThreadHandle threadHandle);
+OVR::ThreadHandle ConvertThreadSysIdToThreadHandle(
+ OVR::ThreadSysId threadSysId); // The returned handle must be freed with FreeThreadHandle.
+void FreeThreadHandle(OVR::ThreadHandle threadHandle); // Frees the handle returned by
+// ConvertThreadSysIdToThreadHandle.
+OVR::ThreadSysId GetCurrentThreadSysId();
+void GetOSVersionName(char* versionName, size_t versionNameCapacity);
+// CPUContext
+#if defined(OVR_OS_MS)
+typedef CONTEXT CPUContext;
+#elif defined(OVR_OS_MAC) || defined(OVR_OS_LINUX)
+typedef int CPUContext; // To do.
+// Force OVRIsDebuggerPresent to return false
+void ForceDebuggerNotPresent();
+// Allow debugger check to proceded as normal
+void ClearDebuggerNotPresent();
+// Tells if the current process appears to be running under a debugger. Does not attempt to
+// detect the case of stealth debuggers (malware-related for example).
+bool OVRIsDebuggerPresent();
+// Exits the process with the given exit code.
+#if !defined(OVR_NORETURN)
+#if defined(OVR_CC_MSVC)
+#define OVR_NORETURN __declspec(noreturn)
+#define OVR_NORETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
+OVR_NORETURN void ExitProcess(intptr_t processReturnValue);
+// Returns the instruction pointer of the caller for the position right after the call.
+OVR_NO_INLINE void* GetInstructionAddress();
+// Returns the instruction pointer of the call to the caller of this function.
+// This is a macro defined as with the following C declaration:
+// void* GetInstructionAddress();
+#ifndef OVRGetReturnAddress
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define OVRGetReturnAddress() _ReturnAddress()
+#else // GCC, clang
+#define OVRGetReturnAddress() __builtin_return_address(0)
+// Returns the stack base and limit addresses for the given thread, or for the current thread if the
+// threadHandle is default.
+// The stack limit is a value less than the stack base on most platforms, as stacks usually grow
+// downward.
+// Some platforms (e.g. Microsoft) have dynamically resizing stacks, in which case the stack limit
+// reflects the current limit.
+void GetThreadStackBounds(
+ void*& pStackBase,
+ void*& pStackLimit,
+ ThreadHandle threadHandle = OVR_THREADHANDLE_INVALID);
+enum MemoryAccess { kMANone = 0x00, kMARead = 0x01, kMAWrite = 0x02, kMAExecute = 0x04 };
+// Returns MemoryAccess flags. Returns kMAUnknown for unknown access.
+int GetMemoryAccess(const void* p);
+/// Used by KillCdeclFunction and RestoreCdeclFunction
+struct SavedFunction {
+ void* Function;
+ uint8_t Size;
+ uint8_t Data[15];
+ void* FunctionImplementation; // Points to the original function, if possible to use it.
+ SavedFunction() : Function(nullptr), Size(0), FunctionImplementation(nullptr) {}
+ SavedFunction(int) {} // Intentionally uninitialized
+/// Overwrites the implementation of a statically linked function with an implementation
+/// that unilaterally returns the given int32_t value. Works regardless of the arguments
+/// passed to that function by the caller. This version is specific to cdecl functions
+/// as opposed to Microsoft stdcall functions. Requires the ability to use VirtualProtect
+/// to change the code memory to be writable. Returns true if the operation was successful.
+/// Since this function overwrites the memory of the existing function implementation,
+/// it reequires the function to have at least enough bytes for this. If functionReturnValue
+/// is zero then pFunction must be at least three bytes in size. If functionReturnValue is
+/// non-zero then pFunction must be at least six bytes in size.
+/// Example usage:
+/// int __cdecl _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(const void* heapPtr);
+/// void main(int, char*[]){
+/// KillCdeclFunction(_CrtIsValidHeapPointer, TRUE); // Make _CrtIsValidHeapPointer always
+/// return true.
+/// }
+bool KillCdeclFunction(
+ void* pFunction,
+ int32_t functionReturnValue,
+ SavedFunction* pSavedFunction = nullptr);
+/// This version is for functions that return void. It causes them to immediately return.
+/// Example usage:
+/// void __cdecl _CrtCheckMemory();
+/// void main(int, char*[]){
+/// KillCdeclFunction(_CrtCheckMemory);
+/// }
+bool KillCdeclFunction(void* pFunction, SavedFunction* pSavedFunction = nullptr);
+/// RedirectCdeclFunction
+/// Upon success, pSavedFunction is modified to contain a saved copy of the modified bytes.
+/// Upon failure, pSavedFunction is not modified.
+/// RestoreCdeclFunction can be used to restore the bytes saved by pSavedFunction.
+/// Example usage:
+/// void* MyMalloc(size_t n)
+/// { ... }
+/// RedirectCdeclFunction(malloc, MyMalloc);
+bool RedirectCdeclFunction(
+ void* pFunction,
+ const void* pDestFunction,
+ OVR::SavedFunction* pSavedFunction = nullptr);
+/// Restores a function which was previously killed by KillCdeclFunction.
+/// Example usage:
+/// void main(int, char*[]){
+/// SavedFunction savedFunction
+/// KillCdeclFunction(_CrtCheckMemory, &savedFunction);
+/// [...]
+/// RestoreCdeclFunction(&savedFunction);
+/// }
+bool RestoreCdeclFunction(SavedFunction* pSavedFunction);
+/// Smart class which temporarily kills a function and restores it upon scope completion.
+/// Example usage:
+/// void main(int, char*[]){
+/// TempCdeclFunctionKill tempKill(_CrtIsValidHeapPointer, TRUE);
+/// [...]
+/// }
+struct TempCdeclFunctionKill {
+ TempCdeclFunctionKill(void* pFunction, int32_t functionReturnValue)
+ : Success(false), FunctionPtr(nullptr), SavedFunctionData() {
+ Success = KillCdeclFunction(pFunction, functionReturnValue, &SavedFunctionData);
+ }
+ TempCdeclFunctionKill(void* pFunction)
+ : Success(false), FunctionPtr(nullptr), SavedFunctionData() {
+ Success = KillCdeclFunction(pFunction, &SavedFunctionData);
+ }
+ ~TempCdeclFunctionKill() {
+ if (Success)
+ RestoreCdeclFunction(&SavedFunctionData);
+ }
+ bool Success;
+ void* FunctionPtr;
+ SavedFunction SavedFunctionData;
+/// Class which implements copying the executable bytes of a function to a newly allocated page.
+/// This is useful for when doing some kinds of function interception and overriding at runtime.
+/// Example usage:
+/// void main(int, char*[]){
+/// CopiedFunction strlenCopy(strlen);
+/// size_t n = strlen("test"); // Will execute through the newly allocated version of strlen.
+/// }
+class CopiedFunction {
+ public:
+ CopiedFunction(const void* pFunction = nullptr, size_t size = 0);
+ ~CopiedFunction();
+ const void* Copy(const void* pFunction, size_t size);
+ void Free();
+ const void* GetFunction() const {
+ return Function;
+ }
+ protected:
+ const void* GetRealFunctionLocation(const void* pFunction);
+ void* Function;
+// Max file path length (for most uses).
+// To do: move this to OVR_File.
+#if !defined(OVR_MAX_PATH)
+#if defined( \
+ OVR_OS_MS) //
+#define OVR_MAX_PATH \
+ 260 // Windows can use paths longer than this in some cases (network paths, UNC paths).
+#define OVR_MAX_PATH 1024 // This isn't a strict limit on all Unix-based platforms.
+// ModuleHandle
+#if defined(OVR_OS_MS)
+typedef void* ModuleHandle; // from LoadLibrary()
+#elif defined(OVR_OS_APPLE) || defined(OVR_OS_UNIX)
+typedef void* ModuleHandle; // from dlopen()
+#define OVR_MODULEHANDLE_INVALID ((ModuleHandle*)nullptr)
+// Module info constants
+static const ModuleHandle kMIHandleInvalid = OVR_MODULEHANDLE_INVALID;
+static const uint64_t kMIAddressInvalid = 0xffffffffffffffffull;
+static const uint64_t kMISizeInvalid = 0xffffffffffffffffull;
+static const int32_t kMILineNumberInvalid = -1;
+static const int32_t kMIFunctionOffsetInvalid = -1;
+static const uint64_t kMIBaseAddressInvalid = 0xffffffffffffffffull;
+static const uint64_t kMIBaseAddressUnspecified = 0xffffffffffffffffull;
+struct ModuleInfo {
+ ModuleHandle handle;
+ uint64_t baseAddress; // The actual runtime base address of the module. May be different from
+ // the base address specified in the debug symbol file, because the module may be placed at a
+ // different address on startup.
+ uint64_t size;
+ char filePath[OVR_MAX_PATH]; // UTF8 encoded
+ char name[32]; // UTF8 encoded
+ char type[8]; // Unix-specific. e.g. __TEXT
+ char permissions[8]; // Unix specific. e.g. "drwxr-xr-x"
+ ModuleInfo()
+ : handle(kMIHandleInvalid), baseAddress(kMIBaseAddressInvalid), size(0), filePath(), name() {}
+// Refers to symbol info for an instruction address.
+// Info includes function name, source code file/line, and source code itself.
+struct SymbolInfo {
+ uint64_t address;
+ uint64_t size;
+ const ModuleInfo* pModuleInfo;
+ char filePath[OVR_MAX_PATH];
+ int32_t fileLineNumber;
+ char function[384]; // This is a fixed size because we need to use it during application
+ // exceptions.
+ int32_t functionOffset;
+ char sourceCode[1024]; // This is a string representing the code itself and not a file path to the
+ // code.
+ SymbolInfo()
+ : address(kMIAddressInvalid),
+ size(kMISizeInvalid),
+ pModuleInfo(nullptr),
+ filePath(),
+ fileLineNumber(kMILineNumberInvalid),
+ function(),
+ functionOffset(kMIFunctionOffsetInvalid),
+ sourceCode() {}
+// Implements support for reading thread lists, module lists, backtraces, and backtrace symbols.
+class SymbolLookup {
+ public:
+ SymbolLookup();
+ ~SymbolLookup() = default;
+ // Every successful call to Initialize must be eventually matched by a call to Shutdown.
+ // Shutdown should be called if and only if Initialize returns true.
+ static bool Initialize();
+ static bool IsInitialized();
+ static void Shutdown();
+ void AddSourceCodeDirectory(const char* pDirectory);
+ // Should be disabled when within an exception handler.
+ void EnableMemoryAllocation(bool enabled);
+ // Refresh our view of the symbols and modules present within the current process.
+ bool Refresh();
+ // Retrieves the backtrace (call stack) of the given thread. There may be some per-platform
+ // restrictions on this.
+ // Returns the number written, which will be <= addressArrayCapacity.
+ // This may not work on some platforms unless stack frames are enabled.
+ // For Microsoft platforms the platformThreadContext is CONTEXT*.
+ // For Apple platforms the platformThreadContext is x86_thread_state_t* or arm_thread_state_t*.
+ // If threadSysIdHelp is non-zero, it may be used by the implementation to help produce a better
+ // backtrace.
+ static size_t GetBacktrace(
+ void* addressArray[],
+ size_t addressArrayCapacity,
+ size_t skipCount = 0,
+ void* platformThreadContext = nullptr,
+ OVR::ThreadSysId threadSysIdHelp = OVR_THREADSYSID_INVALID);
+ // Retrieves the backtrace for the given ThreadHandle.
+ // Returns the number written, which will be <= addressArrayCapacity.
+ static size_t GetBacktraceFromThreadHandle(
+ void* addressArray[],
+ size_t addressArrayCapacity,
+ size_t skipCount = 0,
+ OVR::ThreadHandle threadHandle = OVR_THREADHANDLE_INVALID);
+ // Retrieves the backtrace for the given ThreadSysId.
+ // Returns the number written, which will be <= addressArrayCapacity.
+ static size_t GetBacktraceFromThreadSysId(
+ void* addressArray[],
+ size_t addressArrayCapacity,
+ size_t skipCount = 0,
+ OVR::ThreadSysId threadSysId = OVR_THREADSYSID_INVALID);
+ enum ModuleSort { ModuleSortNone = 0, ModuleSortByAddress, ModuleSortByName };
+ // Gets a list of the modules (e.g. DLLs) present in the current process.
+ // Writes as many ModuleInfos as possible to pModuleInfoArray.
+ // Returns the required count of ModuleInfos, which will be > moduleInfoArrayCapacity if the
+ // capacity needs to be larger.
+ static size_t GetModuleInfoArray(
+ ModuleInfo* pModuleInfoArray,
+ size_t moduleInfoArrayCapacity,
+ ModuleSort moduleSort = ModuleSortNone);
+ // Retrieves a list of the current threads. Unless the process is paused the list is volatile.
+ // Returns the required capacity, which may be larger than threadArrayCapacity.
+ // Either array can be NULL to specify that it's not written to.
+ // For Windows the caller needs to CloseHandle the returned ThreadHandles. This can be done by
+ // calling DoneThreadList.
+ static size_t GetThreadList(
+ ThreadHandle* threadHandleArray,
+ ThreadSysId* threadSysIdArray,
+ size_t threadArrayCapacity);
+ // Frees any references to thread handles or ids returned by GetThreadList;
+ static void DoneThreadList(
+ ThreadHandle* threadHandleArray,
+ ThreadSysId* threadSysIdArray,
+ size_t threadArrayCount);
+ // Writes a given thread's callstack with symbols to the given output.
+ // It may not be safe to call this from an exception handler, as sOutput allocates memory.
+ bool ReportThreadCallstack(
+ OVR::String& sOutput,
+ size_t skipCount = 0,
+ ThreadSysId threadSysId = OVR_THREADSYSID_INVALID);
+ // Writes all thread's callstacks with symbols to the given output.
+ // It may not be safe to call this from an exception handler, as sOutput allocates memory.
+ bool ReportThreadCallstacks(OVR::String& sOutput, size_t skipCount = 0);
+ // Writes all loaded modules to the given output string.
+ // It may not be safe to call this from an exception handler, as sOutput allocates memory.
+ bool ReportModuleInformation(OVR::String& sOutput);
+ // Retrieves symbol info for the given address.
+ bool LookupSymbol(uint64_t address, SymbolInfo& symbolInfo);
+ bool LookupSymbols(uint64_t* addressArray, SymbolInfo* pSymbolInfoArray, size_t arraySize);
+ // The returned ModuleInfo points to an internal structure. This function assumes that the
+ // internal cached ModuleInfo array is valid. If modules are dynamically added or removed
+ // during runtime then the array may be partially out of date.
+ // May return NULL if there was no found module for the address.
+ const ModuleInfo* GetModuleInfoForAddress(uint64_t address);
+ const ModuleInfo& GetModuleInfoForCurrentModule();
+ protected:
+ bool RefreshModuleList();
+ protected:
+ // True by default. If true then we allow allocating memory (and as a
+ // result provide less information). This is useful for when in an
+ // exception handler.
+ bool AllowMemoryAllocation;
+ bool ModuleListUpdated;
+ // Cached list of modules we use. This is a fixed size because
+ // we need to use it during application exceptions.
+ ModuleInfo ModuleInfoArray[256];
+ size_t ModuleInfoArraySize;
+ // The ModuleInfo for the current module, which is often needed and so we make a member for it.
+ ModuleInfo currentModuleInfo;
+// ExceptionInfo
+// We need to be careful to avoid data types that can allocate memory while we are
+// handling an exception, as the memory system may be corrupted at that point in time.
+struct ExceptionInfo {
+ tm time; // GM time.
+ time_t timeVal; // GM time_t (seconds since 1970).
+ void* backtrace[64];
+ size_t backtraceCount;
+ ThreadHandle threadHandle; //
+ ThreadSysId threadSysId; //
+ char threadName[32]; // Cannot be an allocating String object.
+ void* pExceptionInstructionAddress;
+ void* pExceptionMemoryAddress;
+ CPUContext cpuContext;
+ char exceptionDescription[1024]; // Cannot be an allocating String object.
+ SymbolInfo symbolInfo; // SymbolInfo for the exception location.
+#if defined(OVR_OS_MS)
+ EXCEPTION_RECORD exceptionRecord; // This is a Windows SDK struct.
+ ExceptionInfo();
+// Implments support for asynchronous exception handling and basic exception report generation.
+// If you are implementing exception handling for a commercial application and want auto-uploading
+// functionality you may want to consider using something like Google Breakpad. This exception
+// handler
+// is for in-application debug/diagnostic services, though it can write a report that has similar
+// information to Breakpad or OS-provided reports such as Apple .crash files.
+// Example usage:
+// ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;
+// int main(int, char**)
+// {
+// exceptionHandler.Enable(true);
+// exceptionHandler.SetExceptionListener(pSomeListener, 0); // Optional listener hook.
+// }
+class ExceptionHandler {
+ public:
+ ExceptionHandler();
+ ~ExceptionHandler();
+ // Enables or disables handling by installing or uninstalling an exception handler.
+ // If you merely want to temporarily pause handling then it may be better to cause PauseHandling,
+ // as that's a lighter weight solution.
+ bool Enable(bool enable);
+ // Pauses handling. Exceptions will be caught but immediately passed on to the next handler
+ // without taking any action. Pauses are additive and calls to Pause(true) must be eventually
+ // matched to Pause(false). This function can be called from multiple threads simultaneously.
+ // Returns the new pause count.
+ int PauseHandling(bool pause);
+ // Some report info can be considered private information of the user, such as the current process
+ // list,
+ // computer name, IP address or other identifying info, etc. We should not report this information
+ // for
+ // external users unless they agree to this.
+ void EnableReportPrivacy(bool enable);
+ struct ExceptionListener {
+ virtual ~ExceptionListener() {}
+ virtual int HandleException(
+ uintptr_t userValue,
+ ExceptionHandler* pExceptionHandler,
+ ExceptionInfo* pExceptionInfo,
+ const char* reportFilePath) = 0;
+ };
+ void SetExceptionListener(ExceptionListener* pExceptionListener, uintptr_t userValue);
+ // What we do after handling the exception.
+ enum ExceptionResponse {
+ kERContinue, // Continue execution. Will result in the exception being re-generated unless the
+ // application has fixed the cause. Similar to Windows
+ kERHandle, // Causes the OS to handle the exception as it normally would. Similar to Windows
+ kERTerminate, // Exit the application.
+ kERThrow, // Re-throw the exception. Other handlers may catch it. Similar to Windows
+ kERDefault // Usually set to kERTerminate.
+ };
+ void SetExceptionResponse(ExceptionResponse er) {
+ exceptionResponse = er;
+ }
+ // Allws you to add an arbitrary description of the current application, which will be added to
+ // exception reports.
+ void SetAppDescription(const char* appDescription);
+ // Specifies how much info the minidump has, but also how large it gets.
+ enum MinidumpInfoLevel {
+ kMILNone, // Don't generate a .mdmp file.
+ kMILSmall, // Will result in a .mdmp file that's about 10-30 KiB
+ kMILMedium, // Will result in a .mdmp file that's about 5-15 MiB
+ kMILLarge // Will result in a .mdmp file that's about 50-150 MiB.
+ };
+ void SetMinidumpInfoLevel(MinidumpInfoLevel level) {
+ minidumpInfoLevel = level;
+ }
+ MinidumpInfoLevel GetMinidumpInfoLevel() const {
+ return minidumpInfoLevel;
+ }
+ // If the report path has a "%s" in its name, then assume the path is a sprintf format and write
+ // it
+ // with the %s specified as a date/time string.
+ // The report path can be "default" to signify that you want to use the default user location.
+ // Passing NULL for exceptionReportPath or exceptionMinidumpPath causes those files to not be
+ // written.
+ // By default both the exceptionReportPath and exceptionMinidumpPath are NULL.
+ // Example usage:
+ // handler.SetExceptionPaths("/Users/Current/Exceptions/Exception %s.txt");
+ void SetExceptionPaths(
+ const char* exceptionReportPath,
+ const char* exceptionMinidumpPath = nullptr);
+ // Calls SetExceptionPaths in the appropriate convention for each operating system
+ // Windows: %AppData%\Organization\Application
+ // Mac: ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Organization/Application"
+ // Linux: ~/Library/Organization/Application
+ // exceptionFormat and minidumpFormat define the file names in the format above
+ // with the %s specified as a date/time string.
+ void SetPathsFromNames(
+ const char* organizationName,
+ const char* ApplicationName,
+ const char* exceptionFormat = "Exception Report (%s).txt",
+ const char* minidumpFormat = "Exception Minidump (%s).mdmp");
+ // Allows you to specify base directories for code paths, which can be used to associate exception
+ // addresses to lines
+ // of code as opposed to just file names and line numbers, or function names plus binary offsets.
+ void SetCodeBaseDirectoryPaths(
+ const char* codeBaseDirectoryPathArray[],
+ size_t codeBaseDirectoryPathCount);
+ // Writes lines into the current report.
+ void WriteReportLine(const char* pLine);
+ void WriteReportLineF(const char* format, ...);
+ // Retrieves a directory path which ends with a path separator.
+ // Returns the required strlen of the path.
+ // Guarantees the presence of the directory upon returning true.
+ static size_t GetCrashDumpDirectory(char* directoryPath, size_t directoryPathCapacity);
+ // Retrieves a directory path for a specific organization and application.
+ // Returns the required strlen of the path.
+ // Guarantees the presence of the directory upon returning true.
+ static void GetCrashDumpDirectoryFromNames(
+ char* path,
+ const char* organizationName,
+ const char* ApplicationName);
+ // Given an exception report at a given file path, returns a string suitable for displaying in a
+ // message
+ // box or similar user interface during the handling of an exception. The returned string must be
+ // passed
+ // to FreeMessageBoxText when complete.
+ static const char* GetExceptionUIText(const char* exceptionReportPath);
+ static void FreeExceptionUIText(const char* messageBoxText);
+ // Writes a deadlock report similar to an exception report. Since there is no allocation risk, an
+ // exception handler is created for this log.
+ static void ReportDeadlock(
+ const char* threadName,
+ const char* organizationName = nullptr,
+ const char* applicationName = nullptr);
+ protected:
+ // Write one log line to log file, console, syslog, and debug output.
+ // If LogFile is null, it will not write to the log file.
+ // The buffer must be null-terminated.
+ void writeLogLine(const char* buffer, int length);
+ void WriteExceptionDescription();
+ void WriteReport(const char* reportType);
+ void WriteThreadCallstack(
+ ThreadHandle threadHandle,
+ ThreadSysId threadSysId,
+ const char* additionalInfo);
+ void WriteMiniDump();
+ protected:
+ // Runtime constants
+ bool enabled;
+ std::atomic<int> pauseCount = {0}; // 0 means unpaused. 1+ means paused.
+ bool reportPrivacyEnabled; // Defaults to true.
+ ExceptionResponse exceptionResponse; // Defaults to kERHandle
+ ExceptionListener* exceptionListener;
+ uintptr_t exceptionListenerUserValue;
+ String appDescription;
+ String codeBasePathArray[6]; // 6 is arbitrary.
+ char reportFilePath[OVR_MAX_PATH]; // May be an encoded path, in that it has "%s" in it or is
+ // named "default". See reporFiletPathActual for the runtime
+ // actual report path.
+ MinidumpInfoLevel minidumpInfoLevel;
+ char miniDumpFilePath[OVR_MAX_PATH];
+ FILE* LogFile; // Can/should we use OVR Files for this?
+ char scratchBuffer[4096];
+ // Runtime variables
+ bool exceptionOccurred;
+ std::atomic<uint32_t> handlingBusy = {0};
+ char reportFilePathActual[OVR_MAX_PATH];
+ char minidumpFilePathActual[OVR_MAX_PATH];
+ int terminateReturnValue;
+ ExceptionInfo exceptionInfo;
+ SymbolLookup symbolLookup;
+#if defined(OVR_OS_MS)
+ void* vectoredHandle;
+ LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers;
+ friend LONG WINAPI Win32ExceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers);
+ LONG ExceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pExceptionPointers);
+ // handles exception in a new thread, used for stack overflow
+ static unsigned WINAPI ExceptionHandlerThreadExec(void* callingHandler);
+// Identifies basic exception types for the CreateException function.
+enum CreateExceptionType {
+ kCETAccessViolation, // Read or write to inaccessable memory.
+ kCETAlignment, // Misaligned read or write.
+ kCETDivideByZero, // Integer divide by zero.
+ kCETFPU, // Floating point / VPU exception.
+ kCETIllegalInstruction, // Illegal opcode.
+ kCETStackCorruption, // Stack frame was corrupted.
+ kCETStackOverflow, // Stack ran out of space, often due to infinite recursion.
+ kCETTrap // System/OS trap (system call).
+// Creates an exception of the given type, primarily for testing.
+void CreateException(CreateExceptionType exceptionType);
+// GUI Exception Listener
+// When this exception handler is called, it will verify that the application
+// is not being debugged at that instant. If not, then it will present a GUI
+// to the user containing error information.
+// Initially the exception listener is not silenced.
+class GUIExceptionListener : public ExceptionHandler::ExceptionListener {
+ public:
+ GUIExceptionListener();
+ virtual int HandleException(
+ uintptr_t userValue,
+ ExceptionHandler* pExceptionHandler,
+ ExceptionInfo* pExceptionInfo,
+ const char* reportFilePath) OVR_OVERRIDE;
+ protected:
+ ExceptionHandler Handler;
+} // namespace OVR
+#endif // OVR_DebugHelp_h