path: root/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include
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diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_CAPI_Util.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_CAPI_Util.h
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_CAPI_Util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_CAPI_Util.h
+ \brief This header provides LibOVR utility function declarations
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_Util_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_Util_h
+#include "OVR_CAPI.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/// Enumerates modifications to the projection matrix based on the application's needs.
+/// \see ovrMatrix4f_Projection
+typedef enum ovrProjectionModifier_ {
+ /// Use for generating a default projection matrix that is:
+ /// * Right-handed.
+ /// * Near depth values stored in the depth buffer are smaller than far depth values.
+ /// * Both near and far are explicitly defined.
+ /// * With a clipping range that is (0 to w).
+ ovrProjection_None = 0x00,
+ /// Enable if using left-handed transformations in your application.
+ ovrProjection_LeftHanded = 0x01,
+ /// After the projection transform is applied, far values stored in the depth buffer will be less
+ /// than closer depth values.
+ /// NOTE: Enable only if the application is using a floating-point depth buffer for proper
+ /// precision.
+ ovrProjection_FarLessThanNear = 0x02,
+ /// When this flag is used, the zfar value pushed into ovrMatrix4f_Projection() will be ignored
+ /// NOTE: Enable only if ovrProjection_FarLessThanNear is also enabled where the far clipping
+ /// plane will be pushed to infinity.
+ ovrProjection_FarClipAtInfinity = 0x04,
+ /// Enable if the application is rendering with OpenGL and expects a projection matrix with a
+ /// clipping range of (-w to w).
+ /// Ignore this flag if your application already handles the conversion from D3D range (0 to w) to
+ /// OpenGL.
+ ovrProjection_ClipRangeOpenGL = 0x08,
+} ovrProjectionModifier;
+/// Return values for ovr_Detect.
+/// \see ovr_Detect
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) ovrDetectResult_ {
+ /// Is ovrFalse when the Oculus Service is not running.
+ /// This means that the Oculus Service is either uninstalled or stopped.
+ /// IsOculusHMDConnected will be ovrFalse in this case.
+ /// Is ovrTrue when the Oculus Service is running.
+ /// This means that the Oculus Service is installed and running.
+ /// IsOculusHMDConnected will reflect the state of the HMD.
+ ovrBool IsOculusServiceRunning;
+ /// Is ovrFalse when an Oculus HMD is not detected.
+ /// If the Oculus Service is not running, this will be ovrFalse.
+ /// Is ovrTrue when an Oculus HMD is detected.
+ /// This implies that the Oculus Service is also installed and running.
+ ovrBool IsOculusHMDConnected;
+ OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 6) ///< \internal struct padding
+} ovrDetectResult;
+OVR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(ovrDetectResult) == 8, "ovrDetectResult size mismatch");
+/// Modes used to generate Touch Haptics from audio PCM buffer.
+typedef enum ovrHapticsGenMode_ {
+ /// Point sample original signal at Haptics frequency
+ ovrHapticsGenMode_PointSample,
+ ovrHapticsGenMode_Count
+} ovrHapticsGenMode;
+/// Store audio PCM data (as 32b float samples) for an audio channel.
+/// Note: needs to be released with ovr_ReleaseAudioChannelData to avoid memory leak.
+typedef struct ovrAudioChannelData_ {
+ /// Samples stored as floats [-1.0f, 1.0f].
+ const float* Samples;
+ /// Number of samples
+ int SamplesCount;
+ /// Frequency (e.g. 44100)
+ int Frequency;
+} ovrAudioChannelData;
+/// Store a full Haptics clip, which can be used as data source for multiple ovrHapticsBuffers.
+typedef struct ovrHapticsClip_ {
+ /// Samples stored in opaque format
+ const void* Samples;
+ /// Number of samples
+ int SamplesCount;
+} ovrHapticsClip;
+/// Detects Oculus Runtime and Device Status
+/// Checks for Oculus Runtime and Oculus HMD device status without loading the LibOVRRT
+/// shared library. This may be called before ovr_Initialize() to help decide whether or
+/// not to initialize LibOVR.
+/// \param[in] timeoutMilliseconds Specifies a timeout to wait for HMD to be attached or 0 to poll.
+/// \return Returns an ovrDetectResult object indicating the result of detection.
+/// \see ovrDetectResult
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrDetectResult) ovr_Detect(int timeoutMilliseconds);
+// On the Windows platform,
+#ifdef _WIN32
+/// This is the Windows Named Event name that is used to check for HMD connected state.
+#endif // _WIN32
+/// Used to generate projection from ovrEyeDesc::Fov.
+/// \param[in] fov Specifies the ovrFovPort to use.
+/// \param[in] znear Distance to near Z limit.
+/// \param[in] zfar Distance to far Z limit.
+/// \param[in] projectionModFlags A combination of the ovrProjectionModifier flags.
+/// \return Returns the calculated projection matrix.
+/// \see ovrProjectionModifier
+ovrMatrix4f_Projection(ovrFovPort fov, float znear, float zfar, unsigned int projectionModFlags);
+/// Extracts the required data from the result of ovrMatrix4f_Projection.
+/// \param[in] projection Specifies the project matrix from which to
+/// extract ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc.
+/// \param[in] projectionModFlags A combination of the ovrProjectionModifier flags.
+/// \return Returns the extracted ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc.
+/// \see ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc
+ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc_FromProjection(ovrMatrix4f projection, unsigned int projectionModFlags);
+/// Generates an orthographic sub-projection.
+/// Used for 2D rendering, Y is down.
+/// \param[in] projection The perspective matrix that the orthographic matrix is derived from.
+/// \param[in] orthoScale Equal to 1.0f / pixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter.
+/// \param[in] orthoDistance Equal to the distance from the camera in meters, such as 0.8m.
+/// \param[in] HmdToEyeOffsetX Specifies the offset of the eye from the center.
+/// \return Returns the calculated projection matrix.
+ ovrMatrix4f projection,
+ ovrVector2f orthoScale,
+ float orthoDistance,
+ float HmdToEyeOffsetX);
+/// Computes offset eye poses based on headPose returned by ovrTrackingState.
+/// \param[in] headPose Indicates the HMD position and orientation to use for the calculation.
+/// \param[in] hmdToEyePose Can be ovrEyeRenderDesc.HmdToEyePose returned from
+/// ovr_GetRenderDesc. For monoscopic rendering, use a position vector that is average
+/// of the two position vectors for each eyes.
+/// \param[out] outEyePoses If outEyePoses are used for rendering, they should be passed to
+/// ovr_SubmitFrame in ovrLayerEyeFov::RenderPose or ovrLayerEyeFovDepth::RenderPose.
+#undef ovr_CalcEyePoses
+ovr_CalcEyePoses(ovrPosef headPose, const ovrVector3f hmdToEyeOffset[2], ovrPosef outEyePoses[2]);
+ovr_CalcEyePoses2(ovrPosef headPose, const ovrPosef HmdToEyePose[2], ovrPosef outEyePoses[2]);
+#define ovr_CalcEyePoses ovr_CalcEyePoses2
+/// Returns the predicted head pose in outHmdTrackingState and offset eye poses in outEyePoses.
+/// This is a thread-safe function where caller should increment frameIndex with every frame
+/// and pass that index where applicable to functions called on the rendering thread.
+/// Assuming outEyePoses are used for rendering, it should be passed as a part of ovrLayerEyeFov.
+/// The caller does not need to worry about applying HmdToEyePose to the returned outEyePoses
+/// variables.
+/// \param[in] hmd Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] frameIndex Specifies the targeted frame index, or 0 to refer to one frame after
+/// the last time ovr_SubmitFrame was called.
+/// \param[in] latencyMarker Specifies that this call is the point in time where
+/// the "App-to-Mid-Photon" latency timer starts from. If a given ovrLayer
+/// provides "SensorSampleTimestamp", that will override the value stored here.
+/// \param[in] hmdToEyePose Can be ovrEyeRenderDesc.HmdToEyePose returned from
+/// ovr_GetRenderDesc. For monoscopic rendering, use a position vector that is average
+/// of the two position vectors for each eyes.
+/// \param[out] outEyePoses The predicted eye poses.
+/// \param[out] outSensorSampleTime The time when this function was called. May be NULL, in which
+/// case it is ignored.
+#undef ovr_GetEyePoses
+ ovrSession session,
+ long long frameIndex,
+ ovrBool latencyMarker,
+ const ovrVector3f hmdToEyeOffset[2],
+ ovrPosef outEyePoses[2],
+ double* outSensorSampleTime);
+ ovrSession session,
+ long long frameIndex,
+ ovrBool latencyMarker,
+ const ovrPosef HmdToEyePose[2],
+ ovrPosef outEyePoses[2],
+ double* outSensorSampleTime);
+#define ovr_GetEyePoses ovr_GetEyePoses2
+/// Tracking poses provided by the SDK come in a right-handed coordinate system. If an application
+/// is passing in ovrProjection_LeftHanded into ovrMatrix4f_Projection, then it should also use
+/// this function to flip the HMD tracking poses to be left-handed.
+/// While this utility function is intended to convert a left-handed ovrPosef into a right-handed
+/// coordinate system, it will also work for converting right-handed to left-handed since the
+/// flip operation is the same for both cases.
+/// \param[in] inPose that is right-handed
+/// \param[out] outPose that is requested to be left-handed (can be the same pointer to inPose)
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(void) ovrPosef_FlipHandedness(const ovrPosef* inPose, ovrPosef* outPose);
+/// Reads an audio channel from Wav (Waveform Audio File) data.
+/// Input must be a byte buffer representing a valid Wav file. Audio samples from the specified
+/// channel are read,
+/// converted to float [-1.0f, 1.0f] and returned through ovrAudioChannelData.
+/// Supported formats: PCM 8b, 16b, 32b and IEEE float (little-endian only).
+/// \param[out] outAudioChannel output audio channel data.
+/// \param[in] inputData a binary buffer representing a valid Wav file data.
+/// \param[in] dataSizeInBytes size of the buffer in bytes.
+/// \param[in] stereoChannelToUse audio channel index to extract (0 for mono).
+ ovrAudioChannelData* outAudioChannel,
+ const void* inputData,
+ int dataSizeInBytes,
+ int stereoChannelToUse);
+/// Generates playable Touch Haptics data from an audio channel.
+/// \param[out] outHapticsClip generated Haptics clip.
+/// \param[in] audioChannel input audio channel data.
+/// \param[in] genMode mode used to convert and audio channel data to Haptics data.
+ ovrHapticsClip* outHapticsClip,
+ const ovrAudioChannelData* audioChannel,
+ ovrHapticsGenMode genMode);
+/// Releases memory allocated for ovrAudioChannelData. Must be called to avoid memory leak.
+/// \param[in] audioChannel pointer to an audio channel
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(void) ovr_ReleaseAudioChannelData(ovrAudioChannelData* audioChannel);
+/// Releases memory allocated for ovrHapticsClip. Must be called to avoid memory leak.
+/// \param[in] hapticsClip pointer to a haptics clip
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(void) ovr_ReleaseHapticsClip(ovrHapticsClip* hapticsClip);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} /* extern "C" */
+#endif // Header include guard
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_Math.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_Math.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a31911f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_Math.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4526 @@
+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_Math.h
+ \brief Implementation of 3D primitives such as vectors, matrices.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_Math_h
+#define OVR_Math_h
+// This file is intended to be independent of the rest of LibOVR and LibOVRKernel and thus
+// has no #include dependencies on either.
+#include <float.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "../OVR_CAPI.h" // Required due to a dependence on the ovrFovPort_ declaration.
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant
+#if _MSC_VER < 1800 // isfinite was introduced in VS2013
+#define isfinite(x) _finite((x))
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define OVRMath_sprintf sprintf_s
+#define OVRMath_sprintf snprintf
+// Independent debug break implementation for OVR_Math.h.
+#if !defined(OVR_MATH_DEBUG_BREAK)
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define OVR_MATH_DEBUG_BREAK __debugbreak()
+#define OVR_MATH_DEBUG_BREAK __builtin_trap()
+#define OVR_MATH_DEBUG_BREAK ((void)0)
+// Independent OVR_MATH_ASSERT implementation for OVR_Math.h.
+#if !defined(OVR_MATH_ASSERT)
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+#define OVR_MATH_ASSERT(p) \
+ if (!(p)) { \
+ }
+#define OVR_MATH_ASSERT(p) ((void)0)
+// Independent OVR_MATH_ASSERT implementation for OVR_Math.h.
+#if defined(__cplusplus) && \
+ ((defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_MSC_VER) >= 1600)) || defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__) || \
+ (__cplusplus >= 201103L))
+#define OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT static_assert
+#if !defined(OVR_SA_UNUSED)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+#define OVR_SA_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+#define OVR_SA_UNUSED
+#define OVR_SA_PASTE(a, b) a##b
+#define OVR_SA_HELP(a, b) OVR_SA_PASTE(a, b)
+#define OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(expression, msg) \
+ typedef char OVR_SA_HELP(compileTimeAssert, __LINE__)[((expression) != 0) ? 1 : -1] OVR_SA_UNUSED
+namespace OVR {
+template <class T>
+const T OVRMath_Min(const T a, const T b) {
+ return (a < b) ? a : b;
+template <class T>
+const T OVRMath_Max(const T a, const T b) {
+ return (b < a) ? a : b;
+template <class T>
+void OVRMath_Swap(T& a, T& b) {
+ T temp(a);
+ a = b;
+ b = temp;
+// ***** Constants for 3D world/axis definitions.
+// Definitions of axes for coordinate and rotation conversions.
+enum Axis { Axis_X = 0, Axis_Y = 1, Axis_Z = 2 };
+// RotateDirection describes the rotation direction around an axis, interpreted as follows:
+// CW - Clockwise while looking "down" from positive axis towards the origin.
+// CCW - Counter-clockwise while looking from the positive axis towards the origin,
+// which is in the negative axis direction.
+// CCW is the default for the RHS coordinate system. Oculus standard RHS coordinate
+// system defines Y up, X right, and Z back (pointing out from the screen). In this
+// system Rotate_CCW around Z will specifies counter-clockwise rotation in XY plane.
+enum RotateDirection { Rotate_CCW = 1, Rotate_CW = -1 };
+// Constants for right handed and left handed coordinate systems
+enum HandedSystem { Handed_R = 1, Handed_L = -1 };
+// AxisDirection describes which way the coordinate axis points. Used by WorldAxes.
+enum AxisDirection {
+ Axis_Up = 2,
+ Axis_Down = -2,
+ Axis_Right = 1,
+ Axis_Left = -1,
+ Axis_In = 3,
+ Axis_Out = -3
+struct WorldAxes {
+ AxisDirection XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis;
+ WorldAxes(AxisDirection x, AxisDirection y, AxisDirection z) : XAxis(x), YAxis(y), ZAxis(z) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(abs(x) != abs(y) && abs(y) != abs(z) && abs(z) != abs(x));
+ }
+} // namespace OVR
+// ***** C Compatibility Types
+// These declarations are used to support conversion between C types used in
+// LibOVR C interfaces and their C++ versions. As an example, they allow passing
+// Vector3f into a function that expects ovrVector3f.
+typedef struct ovrQuatf_ ovrQuatf;
+typedef struct ovrQuatd_ ovrQuatd;
+typedef struct ovrSizei_ ovrSizei;
+typedef struct ovrSizef_ ovrSizef;
+typedef struct ovrSized_ ovrSized;
+typedef struct ovrRecti_ ovrRecti;
+typedef struct ovrVector2i_ ovrVector2i;
+typedef struct ovrVector2f_ ovrVector2f;
+typedef struct ovrVector2d_ ovrVector2d;
+typedef struct ovrVector3f_ ovrVector3f;
+typedef struct ovrVector3d_ ovrVector3d;
+typedef struct ovrVector4f_ ovrVector4f;
+typedef struct ovrVector4d_ ovrVector4d;
+typedef struct ovrMatrix2f_ ovrMatrix2f;
+typedef struct ovrMatrix2d_ ovrMatrix2d;
+typedef struct ovrMatrix3f_ ovrMatrix3f;
+typedef struct ovrMatrix3d_ ovrMatrix3d;
+typedef struct ovrMatrix4f_ ovrMatrix4f;
+typedef struct ovrMatrix4d_ ovrMatrix4d;
+typedef struct ovrPosef_ ovrPosef;
+typedef struct ovrPosed_ ovrPosed;
+typedef struct ovrPoseStatef_ ovrPoseStatef;
+typedef struct ovrPoseStated_ ovrPoseStated;
+typedef struct ovrFovPort_ ovrFovPort;
+namespace OVR {
+// Forward-declare our templates.
+template <class T>
+class Quat;
+template <class T>
+class Size;
+template <class T>
+class Rect;
+template <class T>
+class Vector2;
+template <class T>
+class Vector3;
+template <class T>
+class Vector4;
+template <class T>
+class Matrix2;
+template <class T>
+class Matrix3;
+template <class T>
+class Matrix4;
+template <class T>
+class Pose;
+template <class T>
+class PoseState;
+struct FovPort;
+// CompatibleTypes::Type is used to lookup a compatible C-version of a C++ class.
+template <class C>
+struct CompatibleTypes {
+ // Declaration here seems necessary for MSVC; specializations are
+ // used instead.
+ typedef struct {
+ } Type;
+// Specializations providing CompatibleTypes::Type value.
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Quat<float>> {
+ typedef ovrQuatf Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Quat<double>> {
+ typedef ovrQuatd Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Matrix2<float>> {
+ typedef ovrMatrix2f Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Matrix2<double>> {
+ typedef ovrMatrix2d Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Matrix3<float>> {
+ typedef ovrMatrix3f Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Matrix3<double>> {
+ typedef ovrMatrix3d Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Matrix4<float>> {
+ typedef ovrMatrix4f Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Matrix4<double>> {
+ typedef ovrMatrix4d Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Size<int>> {
+ typedef ovrSizei Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Size<float>> {
+ typedef ovrSizef Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Size<double>> {
+ typedef ovrSized Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Rect<int>> {
+ typedef ovrRecti Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Vector2<int>> {
+ typedef ovrVector2i Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Vector2<float>> {
+ typedef ovrVector2f Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Vector2<double>> {
+ typedef ovrVector2d Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Vector3<float>> {
+ typedef ovrVector3f Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Vector3<double>> {
+ typedef ovrVector3d Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Vector4<float>> {
+ typedef ovrVector4f Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Vector4<double>> {
+ typedef ovrVector4d Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Pose<float>> {
+ typedef ovrPosef Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<Pose<double>> {
+ typedef ovrPosed Type;
+template <>
+struct CompatibleTypes<FovPort> {
+ typedef ovrFovPort Type;
+// ***** Math
+// Math class contains constants and functions. This class is a template specialized
+// per type, with Math<float> and Math<double> being distinct.
+template <class T>
+class Math {
+ public:
+ // By default, support explicit conversion to float. This allows Vector2<int> to
+ // compile, for example.
+ typedef float OtherFloatType;
+ static int Tolerance() {
+ return 0;
+ } // Default value so integer types compile
+// ***** double constants
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_E 2.71828182845904523536
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_LOG2E 1.44269504088896340736
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_LN2 0.693147180559945309417
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_LN10 2.30258509299404568402
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524401
+ 1e-12 // a default number for value equality tolerance: about 4500*Epsilon;
+ 1e-12 // about 1-cos(.0001 degree), for gimbal lock numerical problems
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_HUGENUMBER 1.3407807929942596e+154
+#define MATH_DOUBLE_SMALLESTNONDENORMAL 2.2250738585072014e-308
+// ***** float constants
+#define MATH_FLOAT_E float(MATH_DOUBLE_E)
+#define MATH_FLOAT_LN2 float(MATH_DOUBLE_LN2)
+#define MATH_FLOAT_LN10 float(MATH_DOUBLE_LN10)
+#define MATH_FLOAT_SQRT1_2 float(MATH_DOUBLE_SQRT1_2)
+ 1e-5f // a default number for value equality tolerance: 1e-5, about 84*EPSILON;
+ 1e-7f // about 1-cos(.025 degree), for gimbal lock numerical problems
+#define MATH_FLOAT_HUGENUMBER 1.8446742974197924e+019f
+#define MATH_FLOAT_SMALLESTNONDENORMAL 1.1754943508222875e-038f
+// Single-precision Math constants class.
+template <>
+class Math<float> {
+ public:
+ typedef double OtherFloatType;
+ static inline float MaxValue() {
+ return FLT_MAX;
+ };
+ static inline float Tolerance() {
+ }; // a default number for value equality tolerance
+ static inline float SingularityRadius() {
+ }; // for gimbal lock numerical problems
+ static inline float HugeNumber() {
+ }
+ static inline float SmallestNonDenormal() {
+ }
+// Double-precision Math constants class
+template <>
+class Math<double> {
+ public:
+ typedef float OtherFloatType;
+ static inline double Tolerance() {
+ }; // a default number for value equality tolerance
+ static inline double SingularityRadius() {
+ }; // for gimbal lock numerical problems
+ static inline double HugeNumber() {
+ }
+ static inline double SmallestNonDenormal() {
+ }
+typedef Math<float> Mathf;
+typedef Math<double> Mathd;
+// Conversion functions between degrees and radians
+// (non-templated to ensure passing int arguments causes warning)
+inline float RadToDegree(float rad) {
+inline double RadToDegree(double rad) {
+inline float DegreeToRad(float deg) {
+inline double DegreeToRad(double deg) {
+// Square function
+template <class T>
+inline T Sqr(T x) {
+ return x * x;
+// Safe reciprocal square root.
+template <class T>
+T RcpSqrt(const T f) {
+ return (f >= Math<T>::SmallestNonDenormal()) ? static_cast<T>(1.0 / sqrt(f))
+ : Math<T>::HugeNumber();
+// Sign: returns 0 if x == 0, -1 if x < 0, and 1 if x > 0
+template <class T>
+inline T Sign(T x) {
+ return (x != T(0)) ? (x < T(0) ? T(-1) : T(1)) : T(0);
+// Numerically stable acos function
+inline float Acos(float x) {
+ return (x > 1.0f) ? 0.0f : (x < -1.0f) ? MATH_FLOAT_PI : acosf(x);
+inline double Acos(double x) {
+ return (x > 1.0) ? 0.0 : (x < -1.0) ? MATH_DOUBLE_PI : acos(x);
+// Numerically stable asin function
+inline float Asin(float x) {
+ return (x > 1.0f) ? MATH_FLOAT_PIOVER2 : (x < -1.0f) ? -MATH_FLOAT_PIOVER2 : asinf(x);
+inline double Asin(double x) {
+ return (x > 1.0) ? MATH_DOUBLE_PIOVER2 : (x < -1.0) ? -MATH_DOUBLE_PIOVER2 : asin(x);
+template <class T>
+class Quat;
+// ***** Vector2<>
+// Vector2f (Vector2d) represents a 2-dimensional vector or point in space,
+// consisting of coordinates x and y
+template <class T>
+class Vector2 {
+ public:
+ typedef T ElementType;
+ static const size_t ElementCount = 2;
+ T x, y;
+ Vector2() : x(0), y(0) {}
+ Vector2(T x_, T y_) : x(x_), y(y_) {}
+ explicit Vector2(T s) : x(s), y(s) {}
+ explicit Vector2(const Vector2<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src)
+ : x((T)src.x), y((T)src.y) {}
+ static Vector2 Zero() {
+ return Vector2(0, 0);
+ }
+ // C-interop support.
+ typedef typename CompatibleTypes<Vector2<T>>::Type CompatibleType;
+ Vector2(const CompatibleType& s) : x(s.x), y(s.y) {}
+ operator const CompatibleType&() const {
+ sizeof(Vector2<T>) == sizeof(CompatibleType), "sizeof(Vector2<T>) failure");
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CompatibleType&>(*this);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return x == b.x && y == b.y;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return x != b.x || y != b.y;
+ }
+ Vector2 operator+(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return Vector2(x + b.x, y + b.y);
+ }
+ Vector2& operator+=(const Vector2& b) {
+ x += b.x;
+ y += b.y;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector2 operator-(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return Vector2(x - b.x, y - b.y);
+ }
+ Vector2& operator-=(const Vector2& b) {
+ x -= b.x;
+ y -= b.y;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector2 operator-() const {
+ return Vector2(-x, -y);
+ }
+ // Scalar multiplication/division scales vector.
+ Vector2 operator*(T s) const {
+ return Vector2(x * s, y * s);
+ }
+ Vector2& operator*=(T s) {
+ x *= s;
+ y *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector2 operator/(T s) const {
+ T rcp = T(1) / s;
+ return Vector2(x * rcp, y * rcp);
+ }
+ Vector2& operator/=(T s) {
+ T rcp = T(1) / s;
+ x *= rcp;
+ y *= rcp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ static Vector2 Min(const Vector2& a, const Vector2& b) {
+ return Vector2((a.x < b.x) ? a.x : b.x, (a.y < b.y) ? a.y : b.y);
+ }
+ static Vector2 Max(const Vector2& a, const Vector2& b) {
+ return Vector2((a.x > b.x) ? a.x : b.x, (a.y > b.y) ? a.y : b.y);
+ }
+ Vector2 Clamped(T maxMag) const {
+ T magSquared = LengthSq();
+ if (magSquared <= Sqr(maxMag))
+ return *this;
+ else
+ return *this * (maxMag / sqrt(magSquared));
+ }
+ // Compare two vectors for equality with tolerance. Returns true if vectors match within
+ // tolerance.
+ bool IsEqual(const Vector2& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return (fabs(b.x - x) <= tolerance) && (fabs(b.y - y) <= tolerance);
+ }
+ bool Compare(const Vector2& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return IsEqual(b, tolerance);
+ }
+ // Access element by index
+ T& operator[](int idx) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(0 <= idx && idx < 2);
+ return *(&x + idx);
+ }
+ const T& operator[](int idx) const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(0 <= idx && idx < 2);
+ return *(&x + idx);
+ }
+ // Entry-wise product of two vectors
+ Vector2 EntrywiseMultiply(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return Vector2(x * b.x, y * b.y);
+ }
+ // Multiply and divide operators do entry-wise math. Used Dot() for dot product.
+ Vector2 operator*(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return Vector2(x * b.x, y * b.y);
+ }
+ Vector2 operator/(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return Vector2(x / b.x, y / b.y);
+ }
+ // Dot product
+ // Used to calculate angle q between two vectors among other things,
+ // as (A dot B) = |a||b|cos(q).
+ T Dot(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return x * b.x + y * b.y;
+ }
+ // Returns the angle from this vector to b, in radians.
+ T Angle(const Vector2& b) const {
+ T div = LengthSq() * b.LengthSq();
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(div != T(0));
+ T result = Acos((this->Dot(b)) / sqrt(div));
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Return Length of the vector squared.
+ T LengthSq() const {
+ return (x * x + y * y);
+ }
+ // Return vector length.
+ T Length() const {
+ return sqrt(LengthSq());
+ }
+ // Returns squared distance between two points represented by vectors.
+ T DistanceSq(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return (*this - b).LengthSq();
+ }
+ // Returns distance between two points represented by vectors.
+ T Distance(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return (*this - b).Length();
+ }
+ // Determine if this a unit vector.
+ bool IsNormalized() const {
+ return fabs(LengthSq() - T(1)) < Math<T>::Tolerance();
+ }
+ // Normalize, convention vector length to 1.
+ void Normalize() {
+ T s = Length();
+ if (s != T(0))
+ s = T(1) / s;
+ *this *= s;
+ }
+ // Returns normalized (unit) version of the vector without modifying itself.
+ Vector2 Normalized() const {
+ T s = Length();
+ if (s != T(0))
+ s = T(1) / s;
+ return *this * s;
+ }
+ // Linearly interpolates from this vector to another.
+ // Factor should be between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0 giving full value to this.
+ Vector2 Lerp(const Vector2& b, T f) const {
+ return *this * (T(1) - f) + b * f;
+ }
+ // Projects this vector onto the argument; in other words,
+ // A.Project(B) returns projection of vector A onto B.
+ Vector2 ProjectTo(const Vector2& b) const {
+ T l2 = b.LengthSq();
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(l2 != T(0));
+ return b * (Dot(b) / l2);
+ }
+ // returns true if vector b is clockwise from this vector
+ bool IsClockwise(const Vector2& b) const {
+ return (x * b.y - y * b.x) < 0;
+ }
+typedef Vector2<float> Vector2f;
+typedef Vector2<double> Vector2d;
+typedef Vector2<int> Vector2i;
+typedef Vector2<float> Point2f;
+typedef Vector2<double> Point2d;
+typedef Vector2<int> Point2i;
+// ***** Vector3<> - 3D vector of {x, y, z}
+// Vector3f (Vector3d) represents a 3-dimensional vector or point in space,
+// consisting of coordinates x, y and z.
+template <class T>
+class Vector3 {
+ public:
+ typedef T ElementType;
+ static const size_t ElementCount = 3;
+ T x, y, z;
+ // FIXME: default initialization of a vector class can be very expensive in a full-blown
+ // application. A few hundred thousand vector constructions is not unlikely and can add
+ // up to milliseconds of time on processors like the PS3 PPU.
+ Vector3() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
+ Vector3(T x_, T y_, T z_ = 0) : x(x_), y(y_), z(z_) {}
+ explicit Vector3(T s) : x(s), y(s), z(s) {}
+ explicit Vector3(const Vector3<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src)
+ : x((T)src.x), y((T)src.y), z((T)src.z) {}
+ static Vector3 Zero() {
+ return Vector3(0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ // C-interop support.
+ typedef typename CompatibleTypes<Vector3<T>>::Type CompatibleType;
+ Vector3(const CompatibleType& s) : x(s.x), y(s.y), z(s.z) {}
+ operator const CompatibleType&() const {
+ sizeof(Vector3<T>) == sizeof(CompatibleType), "sizeof(Vector3<T>) failure");
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CompatibleType&>(*this);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return x == b.x && y == b.y && z == b.z;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return x != b.x || y != b.y || z != b.z;
+ }
+ Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return Vector3(x + b.x, y + b.y, z + b.z);
+ }
+ Vector3& operator+=(const Vector3& b) {
+ x += b.x;
+ y += b.y;
+ z += b.z;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return Vector3(x - b.x, y - b.y, z - b.z);
+ }
+ Vector3& operator-=(const Vector3& b) {
+ x -= b.x;
+ y -= b.y;
+ z -= b.z;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector3 operator-() const {
+ return Vector3(-x, -y, -z);
+ }
+ // Scalar multiplication/division scales vector.
+ Vector3 operator*(T s) const {
+ return Vector3(x * s, y * s, z * s);
+ }
+ Vector3& operator*=(T s) {
+ x *= s;
+ y *= s;
+ z *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector3 operator/(T s) const {
+ T rcp = T(1) / s;
+ return Vector3(x * rcp, y * rcp, z * rcp);
+ }
+ Vector3& operator/=(T s) {
+ T rcp = T(1) / s;
+ x *= rcp;
+ y *= rcp;
+ z *= rcp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ static Vector3 Min(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b) {
+ return Vector3((a.x < b.x) ? a.x : b.x, (a.y < b.y) ? a.y : b.y, (a.z < b.z) ? a.z : b.z);
+ }
+ static Vector3 Max(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b) {
+ return Vector3((a.x > b.x) ? a.x : b.x, (a.y > b.y) ? a.y : b.y, (a.z > b.z) ? a.z : b.z);
+ }
+ Vector3 Clamped(T maxMag) const {
+ T magSquared = LengthSq();
+ if (magSquared <= Sqr(maxMag))
+ return *this;
+ else
+ return *this * (maxMag / sqrt(magSquared));
+ }
+ // Compare two vectors for equality with tolerance. Returns true if vectors match within
+ // tolerance.
+ bool IsEqual(const Vector3& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return (fabs(b.x - x) <= tolerance) && (fabs(b.y - y) <= tolerance) &&
+ (fabs(b.z - z) <= tolerance);
+ }
+ bool Compare(const Vector3& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return IsEqual(b, tolerance);
+ }
+ T& operator[](int idx) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(0 <= idx && idx < 3);
+ return *(&x + idx);
+ }
+ const T& operator[](int idx) const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(0 <= idx && idx < 3);
+ return *(&x + idx);
+ }
+ // Entrywise product of two vectors
+ Vector3 EntrywiseMultiply(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return Vector3(x * b.x, y * b.y, z * b.z);
+ }
+ // Multiply and divide operators do entry-wise math
+ Vector3 operator*(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return Vector3(x * b.x, y * b.y, z * b.z);
+ }
+ Vector3 operator/(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return Vector3(x / b.x, y / b.y, z / b.z);
+ }
+ // Dot product
+ // Used to calculate angle q between two vectors among other things,
+ // as (A dot B) = |a||b|cos(q).
+ T Dot(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return x * b.x + y * b.y + z * b.z;
+ }
+ // Compute cross product, which generates a normal vector.
+ // Direction vector can be determined by right-hand rule: Pointing index finder in
+ // direction a and middle finger in direction b, thumb will point in a.Cross(b).
+ Vector3 Cross(const Vector3& b) const {
+ return Vector3(y * b.z - z * b.y, z * b.x - x * b.z, x * b.y - y * b.x);
+ }
+ // Returns the angle from this vector to b, in radians.
+ T Angle(const Vector3& b) const {
+ T div = LengthSq() * b.LengthSq();
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(div != T(0));
+ T result = Acos((this->Dot(b)) / sqrt(div));
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Return Length of the vector squared.
+ T LengthSq() const {
+ return (x * x + y * y + z * z);
+ }
+ // Return vector length.
+ T Length() const {
+ return (T)sqrt(LengthSq());
+ }
+ // Returns squared distance between two points represented by vectors.
+ T DistanceSq(Vector3 const& b) const {
+ return (*this - b).LengthSq();
+ }
+ // Returns distance between two points represented by vectors.
+ T Distance(Vector3 const& b) const {
+ return (*this - b).Length();
+ }
+ bool IsNormalized() const {
+ return fabs(LengthSq() - T(1)) < Math<T>::Tolerance();
+ }
+ // Normalize, convention vector length to 1.
+ void Normalize() {
+ T s = Length();
+ if (s != T(0))
+ s = T(1) / s;
+ *this *= s;
+ }
+ // Returns normalized (unit) version of the vector without modifying itself.
+ Vector3 Normalized() const {
+ T s = Length();
+ if (s != T(0))
+ s = T(1) / s;
+ return *this * s;
+ }
+ // Linearly interpolates from this vector to another.
+ // Factor should be between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0 giving full value to this.
+ Vector3 Lerp(const Vector3& b, T f) const {
+ return *this * (T(1) - f) + b * f;
+ }
+ // Projects this vector onto the argument; in other words,
+ // A.Project(B) returns projection of vector A onto B.
+ Vector3 ProjectTo(const Vector3& b) const {
+ T l2 = b.LengthSq();
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(l2 != T(0));
+ return b * (Dot(b) / l2);
+ }
+ // Projects this vector onto a plane defined by a normal vector
+ Vector3 ProjectToPlane(const Vector3& normal) const {
+ return *this - this->ProjectTo(normal);
+ }
+ bool IsNan() const {
+ return !isfinite(x + y + z);
+ }
+ bool IsFinite() const {
+ return isfinite(x + y + z);
+ }
+typedef Vector3<float> Vector3f;
+typedef Vector3<double> Vector3d;
+typedef Vector3<int32_t> Vector3i;
+OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(Vector3f) == 3 * sizeof(float)), "sizeof(Vector3f) failure");
+OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(Vector3d) == 3 * sizeof(double)), "sizeof(Vector3d) failure");
+OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(Vector3i) == 3 * sizeof(int32_t)), "sizeof(Vector3i) failure");
+typedef Vector3<float> Point3f;
+typedef Vector3<double> Point3d;
+typedef Vector3<int32_t> Point3i;
+// ***** Vector4<> - 4D vector of {x, y, z, w}
+// Vector4f (Vector4d) represents a 3-dimensional vector or point in space,
+// consisting of coordinates x, y, z and w.
+template <class T>
+class Vector4 {
+ public:
+ typedef T ElementType;
+ static const size_t ElementCount = 4;
+ T x, y, z, w;
+ // FIXME: default initialization of a vector class can be very expensive in a full-blown
+ // application. A few hundred thousand vector constructions is not unlikely and can add
+ // up to milliseconds of time on processors like the PS3 PPU.
+ Vector4() : x(0), y(0), z(0), w(0) {}
+ Vector4(T x_, T y_, T z_, T w_) : x(x_), y(y_), z(z_), w(w_) {}
+ explicit Vector4(T s) : x(s), y(s), z(s), w(s) {}
+ explicit Vector4(const Vector3<T>& v, const T w_ = T(1)) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z), w(w_) {}
+ explicit Vector4(const Vector4<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src)
+ : x((T)src.x), y((T)src.y), z((T)src.z), w((T)src.w) {}
+ static Vector4 Zero() {
+ return Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ // C-interop support.
+ typedef typename CompatibleTypes<Vector4<T>>::Type CompatibleType;
+ Vector4(const CompatibleType& s) : x(s.x), y(s.y), z(s.z), w(s.w) {}
+ operator const CompatibleType&() const {
+ sizeof(Vector4<T>) == sizeof(CompatibleType), "sizeof(Vector4<T>) failure");
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CompatibleType&>(*this);
+ }
+ Vector4& operator=(const Vector3<T>& other) {
+ x = other.x;
+ y = other.y;
+ z = other.z;
+ w = 1;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Vector4& b) const {
+ return x == b.x && y == b.y && z == b.z && w == b.w;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Vector4& b) const {
+ return x != b.x || y != b.y || z != b.z || w != b.w;
+ }
+ Vector4 operator+(const Vector4& b) const {
+ return Vector4(x + b.x, y + b.y, z + b.z, w + b.w);
+ }
+ Vector4& operator+=(const Vector4& b) {
+ x += b.x;
+ y += b.y;
+ z += b.z;
+ w += b.w;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector4 operator-(const Vector4& b) const {
+ return Vector4(x - b.x, y - b.y, z - b.z, w - b.w);
+ }
+ Vector4& operator-=(const Vector4& b) {
+ x -= b.x;
+ y -= b.y;
+ z -= b.z;
+ w -= b.w;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector4 operator-() const {
+ return Vector4(-x, -y, -z, -w);
+ }
+ // Scalar multiplication/division scales vector.
+ Vector4 operator*(T s) const {
+ return Vector4(x * s, y * s, z * s, w * s);
+ }
+ Vector4& operator*=(T s) {
+ x *= s;
+ y *= s;
+ z *= s;
+ w *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector4 operator/(T s) const {
+ T rcp = T(1) / s;
+ return Vector4(x * rcp, y * rcp, z * rcp, w * rcp);
+ }
+ Vector4& operator/=(T s) {
+ T rcp = T(1) / s;
+ x *= rcp;
+ y *= rcp;
+ z *= rcp;
+ w *= rcp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ static Vector4 Min(const Vector4& a, const Vector4& b) {
+ return Vector4(
+ (a.x < b.x) ? a.x : b.x,
+ (a.y < b.y) ? a.y : b.y,
+ (a.z < b.z) ? a.z : b.z,
+ (a.w < b.w) ? a.w : b.w);
+ }
+ static Vector4 Max(const Vector4& a, const Vector4& b) {
+ return Vector4(
+ (a.x > b.x) ? a.x : b.x,
+ (a.y > b.y) ? a.y : b.y,
+ (a.z > b.z) ? a.z : b.z,
+ (a.w > b.w) ? a.w : b.w);
+ }
+ Vector4 Clamped(T maxMag) const {
+ T magSquared = LengthSq();
+ if (magSquared <= Sqr(maxMag))
+ return *this;
+ else
+ return *this * (maxMag / sqrt(magSquared));
+ }
+ // Compare two vectors for equality with tolerance. Returns true if vectors match within
+ // tolerance.
+ bool IsEqual(const Vector4& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return (fabs(b.x - x) <= tolerance) && (fabs(b.y - y) <= tolerance) &&
+ (fabs(b.z - z) <= tolerance) && (fabs(b.w - w) <= tolerance);
+ }
+ bool Compare(const Vector4& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return IsEqual(b, tolerance);
+ }
+ T& operator[](int idx) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(0 <= idx && idx < 4);
+ return *(&x + idx);
+ }
+ const T& operator[](int idx) const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(0 <= idx && idx < 4);
+ return *(&x + idx);
+ }
+ // Entry wise product of two vectors
+ Vector4 EntrywiseMultiply(const Vector4& b) const {
+ return Vector4(x * b.x, y * b.y, z * b.z, w * b.w);
+ }
+ // Multiply and divide operators do entry-wise math
+ Vector4 operator*(const Vector4& b) const {
+ return Vector4(x * b.x, y * b.y, z * b.z, w * b.w);
+ }
+ Vector4 operator/(const Vector4& b) const {
+ return Vector4(x / b.x, y / b.y, z / b.z, w / b.w);
+ }
+ // Dot product
+ T Dot(const Vector4& b) const {
+ return x * b.x + y * b.y + z * b.z + w * b.w;
+ }
+ // Return Length of the vector squared.
+ T LengthSq() const {
+ return (x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w);
+ }
+ // Return vector length.
+ T Length() const {
+ return sqrt(LengthSq());
+ }
+ bool IsNormalized() const {
+ return fabs(LengthSq() - T(1)) < Math<T>::Tolerance();
+ }
+ // Normalize, convention vector length to 1.
+ void Normalize() {
+ T s = Length();
+ if (s != T(0))
+ s = T(1) / s;
+ *this *= s;
+ }
+ // Returns normalized (unit) version of the vector without modifying itself.
+ Vector4 Normalized() const {
+ T s = Length();
+ if (s != T(0))
+ s = T(1) / s;
+ return *this * s;
+ }
+ // Linearly interpolates from this vector to another.
+ // Factor should be between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0 giving full value to this.
+ Vector4 Lerp(const Vector4& b, T f) const {
+ return *this * (T(1) - f) + b * f;
+ }
+typedef Vector4<float> Vector4f;
+typedef Vector4<double> Vector4d;
+typedef Vector4<int> Vector4i;
+// ***** Bounds3
+// Bounds class used to describe a 3D axis aligned bounding box.
+template <class T>
+class Bounds3 {
+ public:
+ Vector3<T> b[2];
+ Bounds3() {
+ Clear();
+ }
+ Bounds3(const Vector3<T>& mins, const Vector3<T>& maxs) {
+ b[0] = mins;
+ b[1] = maxs;
+ }
+ void Clear() {
+ b[0].x = b[0].y = b[0].z = Math<T>::MaxValue();
+ b[1].x = b[1].y = b[1].z = -Math<T>::MaxValue();
+ }
+ void AddPoint(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ b[0].x = (b[0].x < v.x ? b[0].x : v.x);
+ b[0].y = (b[0].y < v.y ? b[0].y : v.y);
+ b[0].z = (b[0].z < v.z ? b[0].z : v.z);
+ b[1].x = (v.x < b[1].x ? b[1].x : v.x);
+ b[1].y = (v.y < b[1].y ? b[1].y : v.y);
+ b[1].z = (v.z < b[1].z ? b[1].z : v.z);
+ }
+ bool Excludes(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ bool testing = false;
+ for (int32_t t = 0; t < 3; ++t) {
+ testing |= v[t] > b[1][t];
+ testing |= v[t] < b[0][t];
+ }
+ return testing;
+ }
+ // exludes, ignoring vertical
+ bool ExcludesXZ(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ bool testing = false;
+ testing |= v[0] > b[1][0];
+ testing |= v[0] < b[0][0];
+ testing |= v[2] > b[1][2];
+ testing |= v[2] < b[0][2];
+ return testing;
+ }
+ bool Excludes(const Bounds3<T>& bounds) const {
+ bool testing = false;
+ for (int32_t t = 0; t < 3; ++t) {
+ testing |= bounds.b[0][t] > b[1][t];
+ testing |= bounds.b[1][t] < b[0][t];
+ }
+ return testing;
+ }
+ const Vector3<T>& GetMins() const {
+ return b[0];
+ }
+ const Vector3<T>& GetMaxs() const {
+ return b[1];
+ }
+ Vector3<T>& GetMins() {
+ return b[0];
+ }
+ Vector3<T>& GetMaxs() {
+ return b[1];
+ }
+typedef Bounds3<float> Bounds3f;
+typedef Bounds3<double> Bounds3d;
+// ***** Size
+// Size class represents 2D size with Width, Height components.
+// Used to describe distentions of render targets, etc.
+template <class T>
+class Size {
+ public:
+ T w, h;
+ Size() : w(0), h(0) {}
+ Size(T w_, T h_) : w(w_), h(h_) {}
+ explicit Size(T s) : w(s), h(s) {}
+ explicit Size(const Size<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src) : w((T)src.w), h((T)src.h) {}
+ // C-interop support.
+ typedef typename CompatibleTypes<Size<T>>::Type CompatibleType;
+ Size(const CompatibleType& s) : w(s.w), h(s.h) {}
+ operator const CompatibleType&() const {
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Size<T>) == sizeof(CompatibleType), "sizeof(Size<T>) failure");
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CompatibleType&>(*this);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Size& b) const {
+ return w == b.w && h == b.h;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Size& b) const {
+ return w != b.w || h != b.h;
+ }
+ Size operator+(const Size& b) const {
+ return Size(w + b.w, h + b.h);
+ }
+ Size& operator+=(const Size& b) {
+ w += b.w;
+ h += b.h;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Size operator-(const Size& b) const {
+ return Size(w - b.w, h - b.h);
+ }
+ Size& operator-=(const Size& b) {
+ w -= b.w;
+ h -= b.h;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Size operator-() const {
+ return Size(-w, -h);
+ }
+ Size operator*(const Size& b) const {
+ return Size(w * b.w, h * b.h);
+ }
+ Size& operator*=(const Size& b) {
+ w *= b.w;
+ h *= b.h;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Size operator/(const Size& b) const {
+ return Size(w / b.w, h / b.h);
+ }
+ Size& operator/=(const Size& b) {
+ w /= b.w;
+ h /= b.h;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Scalar multiplication/division scales both components.
+ Size operator*(T s) const {
+ return Size(w * s, h * s);
+ }
+ Size& operator*=(T s) {
+ w *= s;
+ h *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Size operator/(T s) const {
+ return Size(w / s, h / s);
+ }
+ Size& operator/=(T s) {
+ w /= s;
+ h /= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ static Size Min(const Size& a, const Size& b) {
+ return Size((a.w < b.w) ? a.w : b.w, (a.h < b.h) ? a.h : b.h);
+ }
+ static Size Max(const Size& a, const Size& b) {
+ return Size((a.w > b.w) ? a.w : b.w, (a.h > b.h) ? a.h : b.h);
+ }
+ T Area() const {
+ return w * h;
+ }
+ inline Vector2<T> ToVector() const {
+ return Vector2<T>(w, h);
+ }
+typedef Size<int> Sizei;
+typedef Size<unsigned> Sizeu;
+typedef Size<float> Sizef;
+typedef Size<double> Sized;
+// ***** Size3
+// Size3 class represents 3D size with Width, Height, Depth components.
+// Used to describe distentions of render targets, etc.
+template <class T>
+class Size3 {
+ public:
+ T w, h, d;
+ Size3() : w(0), h(0), d(0) {}
+ Size3(T w_, T h_, T d_) : w(w_), h(h_), d(d_) {}
+ explicit Size3(T s) : w(s), h(s), d(s) {}
+ explicit Size3(const Size<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src)
+ : w((T)src.w), h((T)src.h), d((T)1) {}
+ explicit Size3(const Size3<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src)
+ : w((T)src.w), h((T)src.h), d((T)src.d) {}
+ // C-interop support.
+ typedef typename CompatibleTypes<Size3<T>>::Type CompatibleType;
+ Size3(const CompatibleType& s) : w(s.w), h(s.h), d(s.d) {}
+ operator const CompatibleType&() const {
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Size3<T>) == sizeof(CompatibleType), "sizeof(Size3<T>) failure");
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CompatibleType&>(*this);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Size3& b) const {
+ return w == b.w && h == b.h && d == b.d;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Size3& b) const {
+ return w != b.w || h != b.h || d != b.d;
+ }
+ Size3 operator+(const Size3& b) const {
+ return Size3(w + b.w, h + b.h, d + b.d);
+ }
+ Size3& operator+=(const Size3& b) {
+ w += b.w;
+ h += b.h;
+ d += b.d;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Size3 operator-(const Size3& b) const {
+ return Size3(w - b.w, h - b.h, d - b.d);
+ }
+ Size3& operator-=(const Size3& b) {
+ w -= b.w;
+ h -= b.h;
+ d -= b.d;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Size3 operator-() const {
+ return Size3(-w, -h, -d);
+ }
+ Size3 operator*(const Size3& b) const {
+ return Size3(w * b.w, h * b.h, d * b.d);
+ }
+ Size3& operator*=(const Size3& b) {
+ w *= b.w;
+ h *= b.h;
+ d *= b.d;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Size3 operator/(const Size3& b) const {
+ return Size3(w / b.w, h / b.h, d / b.d);
+ }
+ Size3& operator/=(const Size3& b) {
+ w /= b.w;
+ h /= b.h;
+ d /= b.d;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Scalar multiplication/division scales both components.
+ Size3 operator*(T s) const {
+ return Size3(w * s, h * s, d * s);
+ }
+ Size3& operator*=(T s) {
+ w *= s;
+ h *= s;
+ d *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Size3 operator/(T s) const {
+ return Size3(w / s, h / s, d / s);
+ }
+ Size3& operator/=(T s) {
+ w /= s;
+ h /= s;
+ d /= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ static Size3 Min(const Size3& a, const Size3& b) {
+ return Size3((a.w < b.w) ? a.w : b.w, (a.h < b.h) ? a.h : b.h, (a.d < b.d) ? a.d : b.d);
+ }
+ static Size3 Max(const Size3& a, const Size3& b) {
+ return Size3((a.w > b.w) ? a.w : b.w, (a.h > b.h) ? a.h : b.h, (a.d > b.d) ? a.d : b.d);
+ }
+ T Volume() const {
+ return w * h * d;
+ }
+ inline Vector3<T> ToVector() const {
+ return Vector3<T>(w, h, d);
+ }
+typedef Size3<unsigned> Size3u;
+// ***** Rect
+// Rect describes a rectangular area for rendering, that includes position and size.
+template <class T>
+class Rect {
+ public:
+ T x, y;
+ T w, h;
+ Rect() {}
+ Rect(T x1, T y1, T w1, T h1) : x(x1), y(y1), w(w1), h(h1) {}
+ Rect(const Vector2<T>& pos, const Size<T>& sz) : x(pos.x), y(pos.y), w(sz.w), h(sz.h) {}
+ Rect(const Size<T>& sz) : x(0), y(0), w(sz.w), h(sz.h) {}
+ // C-interop support.
+ typedef typename CompatibleTypes<Rect<T>>::Type CompatibleType;
+ Rect(const CompatibleType& s) : x(s.Pos.x), y(s.Pos.y), w(s.Size.w), h(s.Size.h) {}
+ operator const CompatibleType&() const {
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Rect<T>) == sizeof(CompatibleType), "sizeof(Rect<T>) failure");
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CompatibleType&>(*this);
+ }
+ Vector2<T> GetPos() const {
+ return Vector2<T>(x, y);
+ }
+ Size<T> GetSize() const {
+ return Size<T>(w, h);
+ }
+ void SetPos(const Vector2<T>& pos) {
+ x = pos.x;
+ y = pos.y;
+ }
+ void SetSize(const Size<T>& sz) {
+ w = sz.w;
+ h = sz.h;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Rect& vp) const {
+ return (x == vp.x) && (y == vp.y) && (w == vp.w) && (h == vp.h);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Rect& vp) const {
+ return !operator==(vp);
+ }
+typedef Rect<int> Recti;
+// ***** Quat
+// Quatf represents a quaternion class used for rotations.
+// Quaternion multiplications are done in right-to-left order, to match the
+// behavior of matrices.
+template <class T>
+class Quat {
+ public:
+ typedef T ElementType;
+ static const size_t ElementCount = 4;
+ // x,y,z = axis*sin(angle), w = cos(angle)
+ T x, y, z, w;
+ Quat() : x(0), y(0), z(0), w(1) {}
+ Quat(T x_, T y_, T z_, T w_) : x(x_), y(y_), z(z_), w(w_) {}
+ explicit Quat(const Quat<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src)
+ : x((T)src.x), y((T)src.y), z((T)src.z), w((T)src.w) {
+ // NOTE: Converting a normalized Quat<float> to Quat<double>
+ // will generally result in an un-normalized quaternion.
+ // But we don't normalize here in case the quaternion
+ // being converted is not a normalized rotation quaternion.
+ }
+ typedef typename CompatibleTypes<Quat<T>>::Type CompatibleType;
+ // C-interop support.
+ Quat(const CompatibleType& s) : x(s.x), y(s.y), z(s.z), w(s.w) {}
+ operator CompatibleType() const {
+ CompatibleType result;
+ result.x = x;
+ result.y = y;
+ result.z = z;
+ result.w = w;
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Constructs quaternion for rotation around the axis by an angle.
+ Quat(const Vector3<T>& axis, T angle) {
+ // Make sure we don't divide by zero.
+ if (axis.LengthSq() == T(0)) {
+ // Assert if the axis is zero, but the angle isn't
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(angle == T(0));
+ x = y = z = T(0);
+ w = T(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> unitAxis = axis.Normalized();
+ T sinHalfAngle = sin(angle * T(0.5));
+ w = cos(angle * T(0.5));
+ x = unitAxis.x * sinHalfAngle;
+ y = unitAxis.y * sinHalfAngle;
+ z = unitAxis.z * sinHalfAngle;
+ }
+ // Constructs quaternion for rotation around one of the coordinate axis by an angle.
+ Quat(Axis A, T angle, RotateDirection d = Rotate_CCW, HandedSystem s = Handed_R) {
+ T sinHalfAngle = s * d * sin(angle * T(0.5));
+ T v[3];
+ v[0] = v[1] = v[2] = T(0);
+ v[A] = sinHalfAngle;
+ w = cos(angle * T(0.5));
+ x = v[0];
+ y = v[1];
+ z = v[2];
+ }
+ Quat operator-() {
+ return Quat(-x, -y, -z, -w);
+ } // unary minus
+ static Quat Identity() {
+ return Quat(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ // Compute axis and angle from quaternion
+ void GetAxisAngle(Vector3<T>* axis, T* angle) const {
+ if (x * x + y * y + z * z > Math<T>::Tolerance() * Math<T>::Tolerance()) {
+ *axis = Vector3<T>(x, y, z).Normalized();
+ *angle = 2 * Acos(w);
+ if (*angle > ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI)) // Reduce the magnitude of the angle, if necessary
+ {
+ *angle = ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_TWOPI) - *angle;
+ *axis = *axis * (-1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ *axis = Vector3<T>(1, 0, 0);
+ *angle = T(0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert a quaternion to a rotation vector, also known as
+ // Rodrigues vector, AxisAngle vector, SORA vector, exponential map.
+ // A rotation vector describes a rotation about an axis:
+ // the axis of rotation is the vector normalized,
+ // the angle of rotation is the magnitude of the vector.
+ Vector3<T> ToRotationVector() const {
+ // OVR_MATH_ASSERT(IsNormalized()); // If this fires, caller has a quat math bug
+ T s = T(0);
+ T sinHalfAngle = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
+ if (sinHalfAngle > T(0)) {
+ T cosHalfAngle = w;
+ T halfAngle = atan2(sinHalfAngle, cosHalfAngle);
+ // Ensure minimum rotation magnitude
+ if (cosHalfAngle < 0)
+ halfAngle -= T(MATH_DOUBLE_PI);
+ s = T(2) * halfAngle / sinHalfAngle;
+ }
+ return Vector3<T>(x * s, y * s, z * s);
+ }
+ // Faster version of the above, optimized for use with small rotations, where rotation angle ~=
+ // sin(angle)
+ inline OVR::Vector3<T> FastToRotationVector() const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(IsNormalized()); // If this fires, caller has a quat math bug
+ T s;
+ T sinHalfSquared = x * x + y * y + z * z;
+ if (sinHalfSquared < T(.0037)) // =~ sin(7/2 degrees)^2
+ {
+ // Max rotation magnitude error is about .062% at 7 degrees rotation, or about .0043 degrees
+ s = T(2) * Sign(w);
+ } else {
+ T sinHalfAngle = sqrt(sinHalfSquared);
+ T cosHalfAngle = w;
+ T halfAngle = atan2(sinHalfAngle, cosHalfAngle);
+ // Ensure minimum rotation magnitude
+ if (cosHalfAngle < 0)
+ halfAngle -= T(MATH_DOUBLE_PI);
+ s = T(2) * halfAngle / sinHalfAngle;
+ }
+ return Vector3<T>(x * s, y * s, z * s);
+ }
+ // Given a rotation vector of form unitRotationAxis * angle,
+ // returns the equivalent quaternion (unitRotationAxis * sin(angle), cos(Angle)).
+ static Quat FromRotationVector(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ T angleSquared = v.LengthSq();
+ T s = T(0);
+ T c = T(1);
+ if (angleSquared > T(0)) {
+ T angle = sqrt(angleSquared);
+ s = sin(angle * T(0.5)) / angle; // normalize
+ c = cos(angle * T(0.5));
+ }
+ return Quat(s * v.x, s * v.y, s * v.z, c);
+ }
+ // Faster version of above, optimized for use with small rotation magnitudes, where rotation angle
+ // =~ sin(angle).
+ // If normalize is false, small-angle quaternions are returned un-normalized.
+ inline static Quat FastFromRotationVector(const OVR::Vector3<T>& v, bool normalize = true) {
+ T s, c;
+ T angleSquared = v.LengthSq();
+ if (angleSquared < T(0.0076)) // =~ (5 degrees*pi/180)^2
+ {
+ s = T(0.5);
+ c = T(1.0);
+ // Max rotation magnitude error (after normalization) is about .064% at 5 degrees rotation, or
+ // .0032 degrees
+ if (normalize && angleSquared > 0) {
+ // sin(angle/2)^2 ~= (angle/2)^2 and cos(angle/2)^2 ~= 1
+ T invLen = T(1) / sqrt(angleSquared * T(0.25) + T(1)); // normalize
+ s = s * invLen;
+ c = c * invLen;
+ }
+ } else {
+ T angle = sqrt(angleSquared);
+ s = sin(angle * T(0.5)) / angle;
+ c = cos(angle * T(0.5));
+ }
+ return Quat(s * v.x, s * v.y, s * v.z, c);
+ }
+ // Constructs the quaternion from a rotation matrix
+ explicit Quat(const Matrix4<T>& m) {
+ T trace = m.M[0][0] + m.M[1][1] + m.M[2][2];
+ // In almost all cases, the first part is executed.
+ // However, if the trace is not positive, the other
+ // cases arise.
+ if (trace > T(0)) {
+ T s = sqrt(trace + T(1)) * T(2); // s=4*qw
+ w = T(0.25) * s;
+ x = (m.M[2][1] - m.M[1][2]) / s;
+ y = (m.M[0][2] - m.M[2][0]) / s;
+ z = (m.M[1][0] - m.M[0][1]) / s;
+ } else if ((m.M[0][0] > m.M[1][1]) && (m.M[0][0] > m.M[2][2])) {
+ T s = sqrt(T(1) + m.M[0][0] - m.M[1][1] - m.M[2][2]) * T(2);
+ w = (m.M[2][1] - m.M[1][2]) / s;
+ x = T(0.25) * s;
+ y = (m.M[0][1] + m.M[1][0]) / s;
+ z = (m.M[2][0] + m.M[0][2]) / s;
+ } else if (m.M[1][1] > m.M[2][2]) {
+ T s = sqrt(T(1) + m.M[1][1] - m.M[0][0] - m.M[2][2]) * T(2); // S=4*qy
+ w = (m.M[0][2] - m.M[2][0]) / s;
+ x = (m.M[0][1] + m.M[1][0]) / s;
+ y = T(0.25) * s;
+ z = (m.M[1][2] + m.M[2][1]) / s;
+ } else {
+ T s = sqrt(T(1) + m.M[2][2] - m.M[0][0] - m.M[1][1]) * T(2); // S=4*qz
+ w = (m.M[1][0] - m.M[0][1]) / s;
+ x = (m.M[0][2] + m.M[2][0]) / s;
+ y = (m.M[1][2] + m.M[2][1]) / s;
+ z = T(0.25) * s;
+ }
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(IsNormalized()); // Ensure input matrix is orthogonal
+ }
+ // Constructs the quaternion from a rotation matrix
+ explicit Quat(const Matrix3<T>& m) {
+ T trace = m.M[0][0] + m.M[1][1] + m.M[2][2];
+ // In almost all cases, the first part is executed.
+ // However, if the trace is not positive, the other
+ // cases arise.
+ if (trace > T(0)) {
+ T s = sqrt(trace + T(1)) * T(2); // s=4*qw
+ w = T(0.25) * s;
+ x = (m.M[2][1] - m.M[1][2]) / s;
+ y = (m.M[0][2] - m.M[2][0]) / s;
+ z = (m.M[1][0] - m.M[0][1]) / s;
+ } else if ((m.M[0][0] > m.M[1][1]) && (m.M[0][0] > m.M[2][2])) {
+ T s = sqrt(T(1) + m.M[0][0] - m.M[1][1] - m.M[2][2]) * T(2);
+ w = (m.M[2][1] - m.M[1][2]) / s;
+ x = T(0.25) * s;
+ y = (m.M[0][1] + m.M[1][0]) / s;
+ z = (m.M[2][0] + m.M[0][2]) / s;
+ } else if (m.M[1][1] > m.M[2][2]) {
+ T s = sqrt(T(1) + m.M[1][1] - m.M[0][0] - m.M[2][2]) * T(2); // S=4*qy
+ w = (m.M[0][2] - m.M[2][0]) / s;
+ x = (m.M[0][1] + m.M[1][0]) / s;
+ y = T(0.25) * s;
+ z = (m.M[1][2] + m.M[2][1]) / s;
+ } else {
+ T s = sqrt(T(1) + m.M[2][2] - m.M[0][0] - m.M[1][1]) * T(2); // S=4*qz
+ w = (m.M[1][0] - m.M[0][1]) / s;
+ x = (m.M[0][2] + m.M[2][0]) / s;
+ y = (m.M[1][2] + m.M[2][1]) / s;
+ z = T(0.25) * s;
+ }
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(IsNormalized()); // Ensure input matrix is orthogonal
+ }
+ // Constructs a quaternion that rotates 'from' to line up with 'to'.
+ explicit Quat(const Vector3<T>& from, const Vector3<T>& to) {
+ const T cx = from.y * to.z - from.z * to.y;
+ const T cy = from.z * to.x - from.x * to.z;
+ const T cz = from.x * to.y - from.y * to.x;
+ const T dot = from.x * to.x + from.y * to.y + from.z * to.z;
+ const T crossLengthSq = cx * cx + cy * cy + cz * cz;
+ const T magnitude = static_cast<T>(sqrt(crossLengthSq + dot * dot));
+ const T cw = dot + magnitude;
+ if (cw < Math<T>::SmallestNonDenormal()) {
+ const T sx = to.y * to.y + to.z * to.z;
+ const T sz = to.x * to.x + to.y * to.y;
+ if (sx > sz) {
+ const T rcpLength = RcpSqrt(sx);
+ x = T(0);
+ y = to.z * rcpLength;
+ z = -to.y * rcpLength;
+ w = T(0);
+ } else {
+ const T rcpLength = RcpSqrt(sz);
+ x = to.y * rcpLength;
+ y = -to.x * rcpLength;
+ z = T(0);
+ w = T(0);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const T rcpLength = RcpSqrt(crossLengthSq + cw * cw);
+ x = cx * rcpLength;
+ y = cy * rcpLength;
+ z = cz * rcpLength;
+ w = cw * rcpLength;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Quat& b) const {
+ return x == b.x && y == b.y && z == b.z && w == b.w;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Quat& b) const {
+ return x != b.x || y != b.y || z != b.z || w != b.w;
+ }
+ Quat operator+(const Quat& b) const {
+ return Quat(x + b.x, y + b.y, z + b.z, w + b.w);
+ }
+ Quat& operator+=(const Quat& b) {
+ w += b.w;
+ x += b.x;
+ y += b.y;
+ z += b.z;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Quat operator-(const Quat& b) const {
+ return Quat(x - b.x, y - b.y, z - b.z, w - b.w);
+ }
+ Quat& operator-=(const Quat& b) {
+ w -= b.w;
+ x -= b.x;
+ y -= b.y;
+ z -= b.z;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Quat operator*(T s) const {
+ return Quat(x * s, y * s, z * s, w * s);
+ }
+ Quat& operator*=(T s) {
+ w *= s;
+ x *= s;
+ y *= s;
+ z *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Quat operator/(T s) const {
+ T rcp = T(1) / s;
+ return Quat(x * rcp, y * rcp, z * rcp, w * rcp);
+ }
+ Quat& operator/=(T s) {
+ T rcp = T(1) / s;
+ w *= rcp;
+ x *= rcp;
+ y *= rcp;
+ z *= rcp;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> operator*(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return Rotate(v);
+ }
+ // Compare two quats for equality within tolerance. Returns true if quats match within tolerance.
+ bool IsEqual(const Quat& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return Abs(Dot(b)) >= T(1) - tolerance;
+ }
+ // Compare two quats for equality within tolerance while checking matching hemispheres. Returns
+ // true if quats match within tolerance.
+ bool IsEqualMatchHemisphere(Quat b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ b.EnsureSameHemisphere(*this);
+ return Abs(Dot(b)) >= T(1) - tolerance;
+ }
+ static T Abs(const T v) {
+ return (v >= 0) ? v : -v;
+ }
+ // Get Imaginary part vector
+ Vector3<T> Imag() const {
+ return Vector3<T>(x, y, z);
+ }
+ // Get quaternion length.
+ T Length() const {
+ return sqrt(LengthSq());
+ }
+ // Get quaternion length squared.
+ T LengthSq() const {
+ return (x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w);
+ }
+ // Simple Euclidean distance in R^4 (not SLERP distance, but at least respects Haar measure)
+ T Distance(const Quat& q) const {
+ T d1 = (*this - q).Length();
+ T d2 = (*this + q).Length(); // Antipodal point check
+ return (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
+ }
+ T DistanceSq(const Quat& q) const {
+ T d1 = (*this - q).LengthSq();
+ T d2 = (*this + q).LengthSq(); // Antipodal point check
+ return (d1 < d2) ? d1 : d2;
+ }
+ T Dot(const Quat& q) const {
+ return x * q.x + y * q.y + z * q.z + w * q.w;
+ }
+ // Angle between two quaternions in radians
+ T Angle(const Quat& q) const {
+ return T(2) * Acos(Abs(Dot(q)));
+ }
+ // Angle of quaternion
+ T Angle() const {
+ return T(2) * Acos(Abs(w));
+ }
+ // Normalize
+ bool IsNormalized() const {
+ return fabs(LengthSq() - T(1)) < Math<T>::Tolerance();
+ }
+ void Normalize() {
+ T s = Length();
+ if (s != T(0))
+ s = T(1) / s;
+ *this *= s;
+ }
+ Quat Normalized() const {
+ T s = Length();
+ if (s != T(0))
+ s = T(1) / s;
+ return *this * s;
+ }
+ inline void EnsureSameHemisphere(const Quat& o) {
+ if (Dot(o) < T(0)) {
+ x = -x;
+ y = -y;
+ z = -z;
+ w = -w;
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns conjugate of the quaternion. Produces inverse rotation if quaternion is normalized.
+ Quat Conj() const {
+ return Quat(-x, -y, -z, w);
+ }
+ // Quaternion multiplication. Combines quaternion rotations, performing the one on the
+ // right hand side first.
+ Quat operator*(const Quat& b) const {
+ return Quat(
+ w * b.x + x * b.w + y * b.z - z * b.y,
+ w * b.y - x * b.z + y * b.w + z * b.x,
+ w * b.z + x * b.y - y * b.x + z * b.w,
+ w * b.w - x * b.x - y * b.y - z * b.z);
+ }
+ const Quat& operator*=(const Quat& b) {
+ *this = *this * b;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //
+ // this^p normalized; same as rotating by this p times.
+ Quat PowNormalized(T p) const {
+ Vector3<T> v;
+ T a;
+ GetAxisAngle(&v, &a);
+ return Quat(v, a * p);
+ }
+ // Compute quaternion that rotates v into alignTo: alignTo = Quat::Align(alignTo, v).Rotate(v).
+ // NOTE: alignTo and v must be normalized.
+ static Quat Align(const Vector3<T>& alignTo, const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(alignTo.IsNormalized() && v.IsNormalized());
+ Vector3<T> bisector = (v + alignTo);
+ bisector.Normalize();
+ T cosHalfAngle = v.Dot(bisector); // 0..1
+ if (cosHalfAngle > T(0)) {
+ Vector3<T> imag = v.Cross(bisector);
+ return Quat(imag.x, imag.y, imag.z, cosHalfAngle);
+ } else {
+ // cosHalfAngle == 0: a 180 degree rotation.
+ // sinHalfAngle == 1, rotation axis is any axis perpendicular
+ // to alignTo. Choose axis to include largest magnitude components
+ if (fabs(v.x) > fabs(v.y)) {
+ // x or z is max magnitude component
+ // = Cross(v, (0,1,0)).Normalized();
+ T invLen = sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.z * v.z);
+ if (invLen > T(0))
+ invLen = T(1) / invLen;
+ return Quat(-v.z * invLen, 0, v.x * invLen, 0);
+ } else {
+ // y or z is max magnitude component
+ // = Cross(v, (1,0,0)).Normalized();
+ T invLen = sqrt(v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z);
+ if (invLen > T(0))
+ invLen = T(1) / invLen;
+ return Quat(0, v.z * invLen, -v.y * invLen, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Decompose a quat into quat = swing * twist, where twist is a rotation about axis,
+ // and swing is a rotation perpendicular to axis.
+ Quat GetSwingTwist(const Vector3<T>& axis, Quat* twist) const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(axis.IsNormalized());
+ // Create a normalized quaternion from projection of (x,y,z) onto axis
+ T d = axis.Dot(Vector3<T>(x, y, z));
+ *twist = Quat(axis.x * d, axis.y * d, axis.z * d, w);
+ T len = twist->Length();
+ if (len == 0)
+ twist->w = T(1); // identity
+ else
+ *twist /= len; // normalize
+ return *this * twist->Inverted();
+ }
+ // Normalized linear interpolation of quaternions
+ // NOTE: This function is a bad approximation of Slerp()
+ // when the angle between the *this and b is large.
+ // Use FastSlerp() or Slerp() instead.
+ Quat Lerp(const Quat& b, T s) const {
+ return (*this * (T(1) - s) + b * (Dot(b) < 0 ? -s : s)).Normalized();
+ }
+ // Spherical linear interpolation between rotations
+ Quat Slerp(const Quat& b, T s) const {
+ Vector3<T> delta = (b * this->Inverted()).ToRotationVector();
+ return (FromRotationVector(delta * s) * *this)
+ .Normalized(); // normalize so errors don't accumulate
+ }
+ // Spherical linear interpolation: much faster for small rotations, accurate for large rotations.
+ // See FastTo/FromRotationVector
+ Quat FastSlerp(const Quat& b, T s) const {
+ Vector3<T> delta = (b * this->Inverted()).FastToRotationVector();
+ return (FastFromRotationVector(delta * s, false) * *this).Normalized();
+ }
+ // FIXME: This is opposite of Lerp for some reason. It goes from 1 to 0 instead of 0 to 1.
+ // Leaving it as a gift for future generations to deal with.
+ Quat Nlerp(const Quat& other, T a) const {
+ T sign = (Dot(other) >= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
+ return (*this * sign * a + other * (1 - a)).Normalized();
+ }
+ // Rotate transforms vector in a manner that matches Matrix rotations (counter-clockwise,
+ // assuming negative direction of the axis). Standard formula: q(t) * V * q(t)^-1.
+ Vector3<T> Rotate(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(IsNormalized()); // If this fires, caller has a quat math bug
+ // rv = q * (v,0) * q'
+ // Same as rv = v + real * cross(imag,v)*2 + cross(imag, cross(imag,v)*2);
+ // uv = 2 * Imag().Cross(v);
+ T uvx = T(2) * (y * v.z - z * v.y);
+ T uvy = T(2) * (z * v.x - x * v.z);
+ T uvz = T(2) * (x * v.y - y * v.x);
+ // return v + Real()*uv + Imag().Cross(uv);
+ return Vector3<T>(
+ v.x + w * uvx + y * uvz - z * uvy,
+ v.y + w * uvy + z * uvx - x * uvz,
+ v.z + w * uvz + x * uvy - y * uvx);
+ }
+ // Rotation by inverse of *this
+ Vector3<T> InverseRotate(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(IsNormalized()); // If this fires, caller has a quat math bug
+ // rv = q' * (v,0) * q
+ // Same as rv = v + real * cross(-imag,v)*2 + cross(-imag, cross(-imag,v)*2);
+ // or rv = v - real * cross(imag,v)*2 + cross(imag, cross(imag,v)*2);
+ // uv = 2 * Imag().Cross(v);
+ T uvx = T(2) * (y * v.z - z * v.y);
+ T uvy = T(2) * (z * v.x - x * v.z);
+ T uvz = T(2) * (x * v.y - y * v.x);
+ // return v - Real()*uv + Imag().Cross(uv);
+ return Vector3<T>(
+ v.x - w * uvx + y * uvz - z * uvy,
+ v.y - w * uvy + z * uvx - x * uvz,
+ v.z - w * uvz + x * uvy - y * uvx);
+ }
+ // Inversed quaternion rotates in the opposite direction.
+ Quat Inverted() const {
+ return Quat(-x, -y, -z, w);
+ }
+ Quat Inverse() const {
+ return Quat(-x, -y, -z, w);
+ }
+ // Sets this quaternion to the one rotates in the opposite direction.
+ void Invert() {
+ *this = Quat(-x, -y, -z, w);
+ }
+ // Time integration of constant angular velocity over dt
+ Quat TimeIntegrate(const Vector3<T>& angularVelocity, T dt) const {
+ // solution is: this * exp( omega*dt/2 ); FromRotationVector(v) gives exp(v*.5).
+ return (*this * FastFromRotationVector(angularVelocity * dt, false)).Normalized();
+ }
+ // Time integration of constant angular acceleration and velocity over dt
+ // These are the first two terms of the "Magnus expansion" of the solution
+ //
+ // o = o * exp( W=(W1 + W2 + W3+...) * 0.5 );
+ //
+ // omega1 = (omega + omegaDot*dt)
+ // W1 = (omega + omega1)*dt/2
+ // W2 = cross(omega, omega1)/12*dt^2 % (= -cross(omega_dot, omega)/12*dt^3)
+ // Terms 3 and beyond are vanishingly small:
+ // W3 = cross(omega_dot, cross(omega_dot, omega))/240*dt^5
+ //
+ Quat TimeIntegrate(const Vector3<T>& angularVelocity, const Vector3<T>& angularAcceleration, T dt)
+ const {
+ const Vector3<T>& omega = angularVelocity;
+ const Vector3<T>& omegaDot = angularAcceleration;
+ Vector3<T> omega1 = (omega + omegaDot * dt);
+ Vector3<T> W = ((omega + omega1) + omega.Cross(omega1) * (dt / T(6))) * (dt / T(2));
+ // FromRotationVector(v) is exp(v*.5)
+ return (*this * FastFromRotationVector(W, false)).Normalized();
+ }
+ // Decompose rotation into three rotations:
+ // roll radians about Z axis, then pitch radians about X axis, then yaw radians about Y axis.
+ // Call with nullptr if a return value is not needed.
+ void GetYawPitchRoll(T* yaw, T* pitch, T* roll) const {
+ return GetEulerAngles<Axis_Y, Axis_X, Axis_Z, Rotate_CCW, Handed_R>(yaw, pitch, roll);
+ }
+ // GetEulerAngles extracts Euler angles from the quaternion, in the specified order of
+ // axis rotations and the specified coordinate system. Right-handed coordinate system
+ // is the default, with CCW rotations while looking in the negative axis direction.
+ // Here a,b,c, are the Yaw/Pitch/Roll angles to be returned.
+ // Rotation order is c, b, a:
+ // rotation c around axis A3
+ // is followed by rotation b around axis A2
+ // is followed by rotation a around axis A1
+ // rotations are CCW or CW (D) in LH or RH coordinate system (S)
+ //
+ template <Axis A1, Axis A2, Axis A3, RotateDirection D, HandedSystem S>
+ void GetEulerAngles(T* a, T* b, T* c) const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(IsNormalized()); // If this fires, caller has a quat math bug
+ (A1 != A2) && (A2 != A3) && (A1 != A3), "(A1 != A2) && (A2 != A3) && (A1 != A3)");
+ T Q[3] = {x, y, z}; // Quaternion components x,y,z
+ T ww = w * w;
+ T Q11 = Q[A1] * Q[A1];
+ T Q22 = Q[A2] * Q[A2];
+ T Q33 = Q[A3] * Q[A3];
+ T psign = T(-1);
+ // Determine whether even permutation
+ if (((A1 + 1) % 3 == A2) && ((A2 + 1) % 3 == A3))
+ psign = T(1);
+ T s2 = psign * T(2) * (psign * w * Q[A2] + Q[A1] * Q[A3]);
+ T singularityRadius = Math<T>::SingularityRadius();
+ if (s2 < T(-1) + singularityRadius) { // South pole singularity
+ if (a)
+ *a = T(0);
+ if (b)
+ *b = -S * D * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PIOVER2);
+ if (c)
+ *c = S * D * atan2(T(2) * (psign * Q[A1] * Q[A2] + w * Q[A3]), ww + Q22 - Q11 - Q33);
+ } else if (s2 > T(1) - singularityRadius) { // North pole singularity
+ if (a)
+ *a = T(0);
+ if (b)
+ *b = S * D * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PIOVER2);
+ if (c)
+ *c = S * D * atan2(T(2) * (psign * Q[A1] * Q[A2] + w * Q[A3]), ww + Q22 - Q11 - Q33);
+ } else {
+ if (a)
+ *a = -S * D * atan2(T(-2) * (w * Q[A1] - psign * Q[A2] * Q[A3]), ww + Q33 - Q11 - Q22);
+ if (b)
+ *b = S * D * asin(s2);
+ if (c)
+ *c = S * D * atan2(T(2) * (w * Q[A3] - psign * Q[A1] * Q[A2]), ww + Q11 - Q22 - Q33);
+ }
+ }
+ template <Axis A1, Axis A2, Axis A3, RotateDirection D>
+ void GetEulerAngles(T* a, T* b, T* c) const {
+ GetEulerAngles<A1, A2, A3, D, Handed_R>(a, b, c);
+ }
+ template <Axis A1, Axis A2, Axis A3>
+ void GetEulerAngles(T* a, T* b, T* c) const {
+ GetEulerAngles<A1, A2, A3, Rotate_CCW, Handed_R>(a, b, c);
+ }
+ // GetEulerAnglesABA extracts Euler angles from the quaternion, in the specified order of
+ // axis rotations and the specified coordinate system. Right-handed coordinate system
+ // is the default, with CCW rotations while looking in the negative axis direction.
+ // Here a,b,c, are the Yaw/Pitch/Roll angles to be returned.
+ // rotation a around axis A1
+ // is followed by rotation b around axis A2
+ // is followed by rotation c around axis A1
+ // Rotations are CCW or CW (D) in LH or RH coordinate system (S)
+ template <Axis A1, Axis A2, RotateDirection D, HandedSystem S>
+ void GetEulerAnglesABA(T* a, T* b, T* c) const {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(IsNormalized()); // If this fires, caller has a quat math bug
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(A1 != A2, "A1 != A2");
+ T Q[3] = {x, y, z}; // Quaternion components
+ // Determine the missing axis that was not supplied
+ int m = 3 - A1 - A2;
+ T ww = w * w;
+ T Q11 = Q[A1] * Q[A1];
+ T Q22 = Q[A2] * Q[A2];
+ T Qmm = Q[m] * Q[m];
+ T psign = T(-1);
+ if ((A1 + 1) % 3 == A2) // Determine whether even permutation
+ {
+ psign = T(1);
+ }
+ T c2 = ww + Q11 - Q22 - Qmm;
+ T singularityRadius = Math<T>::SingularityRadius();
+ if (c2 < T(-1) + singularityRadius) { // South pole singularity
+ if (a)
+ *a = T(0);
+ if (b)
+ *b = S * D * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI);
+ if (c)
+ *c = S * D * atan2(T(2) * (w * Q[A1] - psign * Q[A2] * Q[m]), ww + Q22 - Q11 - Qmm);
+ } else if (c2 > T(1) - singularityRadius) { // North pole singularity
+ if (a)
+ *a = T(0);
+ if (b)
+ *b = T(0);
+ if (c)
+ *c = S * D * atan2(T(2) * (w * Q[A1] - psign * Q[A2] * Q[m]), ww + Q22 - Q11 - Qmm);
+ } else {
+ if (a)
+ *a = S * D * atan2(psign * w * Q[m] + Q[A1] * Q[A2], w * Q[A2] - psign * Q[A1] * Q[m]);
+ if (b)
+ *b = S * D * acos(c2);
+ if (c)
+ *c = S * D * atan2(-psign * w * Q[m] + Q[A1] * Q[A2], w * Q[A2] + psign * Q[A1] * Q[m]);
+ }
+ }
+ bool IsNan() const {
+ return !isfinite(x + y + z + w);
+ }
+ bool IsFinite() const {
+ return isfinite(x + y + z + w);
+ }
+typedef Quat<float> Quatf;
+typedef Quat<double> Quatd;
+OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(Quatf) == 4 * sizeof(float)), "sizeof(Quatf) failure");
+OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(Quatd) == 4 * sizeof(double)), "sizeof(Quatd) failure");
+// ***** Pose
+// Position and orientation combined.
+// This structure needs to be the same size and layout on 32-bit and 64-bit arch.
+// Update OVR_PadCheck.cpp when updating this object.
+template <class T>
+class Pose {
+ public:
+ typedef typename CompatibleTypes<Pose<T>>::Type CompatibleType;
+ Pose() {}
+ Pose(const Quat<T>& orientation, const Vector3<T>& pos)
+ : Rotation(orientation), Translation(pos) {}
+ Pose(const Pose& s) : Rotation(s.Rotation), Translation(s.Translation) {}
+ Pose(const Matrix3<T>& R, const Vector3<T>& t) : Rotation((Quat<T>)R), Translation(t) {}
+ Pose(const CompatibleType& s) : Rotation(s.Orientation), Translation(s.Position) {}
+ explicit Pose(const Pose<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& s)
+ : Rotation(s.Rotation), Translation(s.Translation) {
+ // Ensure normalized rotation if converting from float to double
+ if (sizeof(T) > sizeof(typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType))
+ Rotation.Normalize();
+ }
+ static Pose Identity() {
+ return Pose(Quat<T>(0, 0, 0, 1), Vector3<T>(0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ void SetIdentity() {
+ Rotation = Quat<T>(0, 0, 0, 1);
+ Translation = Vector3<T>(0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ // used to make things obviously broken if someone tries to use the value
+ void SetInvalid() {
+ Rotation = Quat<T>(NAN, NAN, NAN, NAN);
+ Translation = Vector3<T>(NAN, NAN, NAN);
+ }
+ bool IsEqual(const Pose& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return Translation.IsEqual(b.Translation, tolerance) && Rotation.IsEqual(b.Rotation, tolerance);
+ }
+ bool IsEqualMatchHemisphere(const Pose& b, T tolerance = Math<T>::Tolerance()) const {
+ return Translation.IsEqual(b.Translation, tolerance) &&
+ Rotation.IsEqualMatchHemisphere(b.Rotation, tolerance);
+ }
+ operator typename CompatibleTypes<Pose<T>>::Type() const {
+ typename CompatibleTypes<Pose<T>>::Type result;
+ result.Orientation = Rotation;
+ result.Position = Translation;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Quat<T> Rotation;
+ Vector3<T> Translation;
+ (sizeof(T) == sizeof(double) || sizeof(T) == sizeof(float)),
+ "(sizeof(T) == sizeof(double) || sizeof(T) == sizeof(float))");
+ void ToArray(T* arr) const {
+ T temp[7] = {Rotation.x,
+ Rotation.y,
+ Rotation.z,
+ Rotation.w,
+ Translation.x,
+ Translation.y,
+ Translation.z};
+ for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+ arr[i] = temp[i];
+ }
+ static Pose<T> FromArray(const T* v) {
+ Quat<T> rotation(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
+ Vector3<T> translation(v[4], v[5], v[6]);
+ // Ensure rotation is normalized, in case it was originally a float, stored in a .json file,
+ // etc.
+ return Pose<T>(rotation.Normalized(), translation);
+ }
+ Vector3<T> Rotate(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return Rotation.Rotate(v);
+ }
+ Vector3<T> InverseRotate(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return Rotation.InverseRotate(v);
+ }
+ Vector3<T> Translate(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return v + Translation;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> Transform(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return Rotate(v) + Translation;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> InverseTransform(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return InverseRotate(v - Translation);
+ }
+ Vector3<T> TransformNormal(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return Rotate(v);
+ }
+ Vector3<T> InverseTransformNormal(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return InverseRotate(v);
+ }
+ Vector3<T> Apply(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return Transform(v);
+ }
+ Pose operator*(const Pose& other) const {
+ return Pose(Rotation * other.Rotation, Apply(other.Translation));
+ }
+ Pose Inverted() const {
+ Quat<T> inv = Rotation.Inverted();
+ return Pose(inv, inv.Rotate(-Translation));
+ }
+ // Interpolation between two poses: translation is interpolated with Lerp(),
+ // and rotations are interpolated with Slerp().
+ Pose Lerp(const Pose& b, T s) const {
+ return Pose(Rotation.Slerp(b.Rotation, s), Translation.Lerp(b.Translation, s));
+ }
+ // Similar to Lerp above, except faster in case of small rotation differences. See
+ // Quat<T>::FastSlerp.
+ Pose FastLerp(const Pose& b, T s) const {
+ return Pose(Rotation.FastSlerp(b.Rotation, s), Translation.Lerp(b.Translation, s));
+ }
+ Pose TimeIntegrate(const Vector3<T>& linearVelocity, const Vector3<T>& angularVelocity, T dt)
+ const {
+ return Pose(
+ (Rotation * Quat<T>::FastFromRotationVector(angularVelocity * dt, false)).Normalized(),
+ Translation + linearVelocity * dt);
+ }
+ Pose TimeIntegrate(
+ const Vector3<T>& linearVelocity,
+ const Vector3<T>& linearAcceleration,
+ const Vector3<T>& angularVelocity,
+ const Vector3<T>& angularAcceleration,
+ T dt) const {
+ return Pose(
+ Rotation.TimeIntegrate(angularVelocity, angularAcceleration, dt),
+ Translation + linearVelocity * dt + linearAcceleration * dt * dt * T(0.5));
+ }
+ Pose Normalized() const {
+ return Pose(Rotation.Normalized(), Translation);
+ }
+ void Normalize() {
+ Rotation.Normalize();
+ }
+ bool IsNan() const {
+ return Translation.IsNan() || Rotation.IsNan();
+ }
+ bool IsFinite() const {
+ return Translation.IsFinite() && Rotation.IsFinite();
+ }
+typedef Pose<float> Posef;
+typedef Pose<double> Posed;
+ (sizeof(Posed) == sizeof(Quatd) + sizeof(Vector3d)),
+ "sizeof(Posed) failure");
+ (sizeof(Posef) == sizeof(Quatf) + sizeof(Vector3f)),
+ "sizeof(Posef) failure");
+// ***** Matrix4
+// Matrix4 is a 4x4 matrix used for 3d transformations and projections.
+// Translation stored in the last column.
+// The matrix is stored in row-major order in memory, meaning that values
+// of the first row are stored before the next one.
+// The arrangement of the matrix is chosen to be in Right-Handed
+// coordinate system and counterclockwise rotations when looking down
+// the axis
+// Transformation Order:
+// - Transformations are applied from right to left, so the expression
+// M1 * M2 * M3 * V means that the vector V is transformed by M3 first,
+// followed by M2 and M1.
+// Coordinate system: Right Handed
+// Rotations: Counterclockwise when looking down the axis. All angles are in radians.
+// | sx 01 02 tx | // First column (sx, 10, 20): Axis X basis vector.
+// | 10 sy 12 ty | // Second column (01, sy, 21): Axis Y basis vector.
+// | 20 21 sz tz | // Third columnt (02, 12, sz): Axis Z basis vector.
+// | 30 31 32 33 |
+// The basis vectors are first three columns.
+template <class T>
+class Matrix4 {
+ public:
+ typedef T ElementType;
+ static const size_t Dimension = 4;
+ T M[4][4];
+ enum NoInitType { NoInit };
+ // Construct with no memory initialization.
+ Matrix4(NoInitType) {}
+ // By default, we construct identity matrix.
+ Matrix4() {
+ M[0][0] = M[1][1] = M[2][2] = M[3][3] = T(1);
+ M[0][1] = M[1][0] = M[2][3] = M[3][1] = T(0);
+ M[0][2] = M[1][2] = M[2][0] = M[3][2] = T(0);
+ M[0][3] = M[1][3] = M[2][1] = M[3][0] = T(0);
+ }
+ Matrix4(
+ T m11,
+ T m12,
+ T m13,
+ T m14,
+ T m21,
+ T m22,
+ T m23,
+ T m24,
+ T m31,
+ T m32,
+ T m33,
+ T m34,
+ T m41,
+ T m42,
+ T m43,
+ T m44) {
+ M[0][0] = m11;
+ M[0][1] = m12;
+ M[0][2] = m13;
+ M[0][3] = m14;
+ M[1][0] = m21;
+ M[1][1] = m22;
+ M[1][2] = m23;
+ M[1][3] = m24;
+ M[2][0] = m31;
+ M[2][1] = m32;
+ M[2][2] = m33;
+ M[2][3] = m34;
+ M[3][0] = m41;
+ M[3][1] = m42;
+ M[3][2] = m43;
+ M[3][3] = m44;
+ }
+ Matrix4(T m11, T m12, T m13, T m21, T m22, T m23, T m31, T m32, T m33) {
+ M[0][0] = m11;
+ M[0][1] = m12;
+ M[0][2] = m13;
+ M[0][3] = T(0);
+ M[1][0] = m21;
+ M[1][1] = m22;
+ M[1][2] = m23;
+ M[1][3] = T(0);
+ M[2][0] = m31;
+ M[2][1] = m32;
+ M[2][2] = m33;
+ M[2][3] = T(0);
+ M[3][0] = T(0);
+ M[3][1] = T(0);
+ M[3][2] = T(0);
+ M[3][3] = T(1);
+ }
+ explicit Matrix4(const Matrix3<T>& m) {
+ M[0][0] = m.M[0][0];
+ M[0][1] = m.M[0][1];
+ M[0][2] = m.M[0][2];
+ M[0][3] = T(0);
+ M[1][0] = m.M[1][0];
+ M[1][1] = m.M[1][1];
+ M[1][2] = m.M[1][2];
+ M[1][3] = T(0);
+ M[2][0] = m.M[2][0];
+ M[2][1] = m.M[2][1];
+ M[2][2] = m.M[2][2];
+ M[2][3] = T(0);
+ M[3][0] = T(0);
+ M[3][1] = T(0);
+ M[3][2] = T(0);
+ M[3][3] = T(1);
+ }
+ explicit Matrix4(const Quat<T>& q) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(q.IsNormalized()); // If this fires, caller has a quat math bug
+ T ww = q.w * q.w;
+ T xx = q.x * q.x;
+ T yy = q.y * q.y;
+ T zz = q.z * q.z;
+ M[0][0] = ww + xx - yy - zz;
+ M[0][1] = 2 * (q.x * q.y - q.w * q.z);
+ M[0][2] = 2 * (q.x * q.z + q.w * q.y);
+ M[0][3] = T(0);
+ M[1][0] = 2 * (q.x * q.y + q.w * q.z);
+ M[1][1] = ww - xx + yy - zz;
+ M[1][2] = 2 * (q.y * q.z - q.w * q.x);
+ M[1][3] = T(0);
+ M[2][0] = 2 * (q.x * q.z - q.w * q.y);
+ M[2][1] = 2 * (q.y * q.z + q.w * q.x);
+ M[2][2] = ww - xx - yy + zz;
+ M[2][3] = T(0);
+ M[3][0] = T(0);
+ M[3][1] = T(0);
+ M[3][2] = T(0);
+ M[3][3] = T(1);
+ }
+ explicit Matrix4(const Pose<T>& p) {
+ Matrix4 result(p.Rotation);
+ result.SetTranslation(p.Translation);
+ *this = result;
+ }
+ // C-interop support
+ explicit Matrix4(const Matrix4<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ M[i][j] = (T)src.M[i][j];
+ }
+ // C-interop support.
+ Matrix4(const typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix4<T>>::Type& s) {
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(s) == sizeof(Matrix4), "sizeof(s) == sizeof(Matrix4)");
+ memcpy(M, s.M, sizeof(M));
+ }
+ operator typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix4<T>>::Type() const {
+ typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix4<T>>::Type result;
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(result) == sizeof(Matrix4), "sizeof(result) == sizeof(Matrix4)");
+ memcpy(result.M, M, sizeof(M));
+ return result;
+ }
+ void ToString(char* dest, size_t destsize) const {
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
+ pos += OVRMath_sprintf(dest + pos, destsize - pos, "%g ", M[r][c]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static Matrix4 FromString(const char* src) {
+ Matrix4 result;
+ if (src) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
+ result.M[r][c] = (T)atof(src);
+ while (*src && *src != ' ') {
+ src++;
+ }
+ while (*src && *src == ' ') {
+ src++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static Matrix4 Identity() {
+ return Matrix4();
+ }
+ void SetIdentity() {
+ M[0][0] = M[1][1] = M[2][2] = M[3][3] = T(1);
+ M[0][1] = M[1][0] = M[2][3] = M[3][1] = T(0);
+ M[0][2] = M[1][2] = M[2][0] = M[3][2] = T(0);
+ M[0][3] = M[1][3] = M[2][1] = M[3][0] = T(0);
+ }
+ void SetXBasis(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ M[0][0] = v.x;
+ M[1][0] = v.y;
+ M[2][0] = v.z;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> GetXBasis() const {
+ return Vector3<T>(M[0][0], M[1][0], M[2][0]);
+ }
+ void SetYBasis(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ M[0][1] = v.x;
+ M[1][1] = v.y;
+ M[2][1] = v.z;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> GetYBasis() const {
+ return Vector3<T>(M[0][1], M[1][1], M[2][1]);
+ }
+ void SetZBasis(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ M[0][2] = v.x;
+ M[1][2] = v.y;
+ M[2][2] = v.z;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> GetZBasis() const {
+ return Vector3<T>(M[0][2], M[1][2], M[2][2]);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Matrix4& b) const {
+ bool isEqual = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ isEqual &= (M[i][j] == b.M[i][j]);
+ return isEqual;
+ }
+ Matrix4 operator+(const Matrix4& b) const {
+ Matrix4 result(*this);
+ result += b;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix4& operator+=(const Matrix4& b) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ M[i][j] += b.M[i][j];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Matrix4 operator-(const Matrix4& b) const {
+ Matrix4 result(*this);
+ result -= b;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix4& operator-=(const Matrix4& b) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ M[i][j] -= b.M[i][j];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Multiplies two matrices into destination with minimum copying.
+ static Matrix4& Multiply(Matrix4* d, const Matrix4& a, const Matrix4& b) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT((d != &a) && (d != &b));
+ int i = 0;
+ do {
+ d->M[i][0] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][0] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][0] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][0] +
+ a.M[i][3] * b.M[3][0];
+ d->M[i][1] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][1] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][1] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][1] +
+ a.M[i][3] * b.M[3][1];
+ d->M[i][2] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][2] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][2] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][2] +
+ a.M[i][3] * b.M[3][2];
+ d->M[i][3] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][3] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][3] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][3] +
+ a.M[i][3] * b.M[3][3];
+ } while ((++i) < 4);
+ return *d;
+ }
+ Matrix4 operator*(const Matrix4& b) const {
+ Matrix4 result(Matrix4::NoInit);
+ Multiply(&result, *this, b);
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix4& operator*=(const Matrix4& b) {
+ return Multiply(this, Matrix4(*this), b);
+ }
+ Matrix4 operator*(T s) const {
+ Matrix4 result(*this);
+ result *= s;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix4& operator*=(T s) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ M[i][j] *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Matrix4 operator/(T s) const {
+ Matrix4 result(*this);
+ result /= s;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix4& operator/=(T s) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ M[i][j] /= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ T operator()(int i, int j) const {
+ return M[i][j];
+ }
+ T& operator()(int i, int j) {
+ return M[i][j];
+ }
+ Vector4<T> operator*(const Vector4<T>& b) const {
+ return Transform(b);
+ }
+ Vector3<T> Transform(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ const T rcpW = T(1) / (M[3][0] * v.x + M[3][1] * v.y + M[3][2] * v.z + M[3][3]);
+ return Vector3<T>(
+ (M[0][0] * v.x + M[0][1] * v.y + M[0][2] * v.z + M[0][3]) * rcpW,
+ (M[1][0] * v.x + M[1][1] * v.y + M[1][2] * v.z + M[1][3]) * rcpW,
+ (M[2][0] * v.x + M[2][1] * v.y + M[2][2] * v.z + M[2][3]) * rcpW);
+ }
+ Vector4<T> Transform(const Vector4<T>& v) const {
+ return Vector4<T>(
+ M[0][0] * v.x + M[0][1] * v.y + M[0][2] * v.z + M[0][3] * v.w,
+ M[1][0] * v.x + M[1][1] * v.y + M[1][2] * v.z + M[1][3] * v.w,
+ M[2][0] * v.x + M[2][1] * v.y + M[2][2] * v.z + M[2][3] * v.w,
+ M[3][0] * v.x + M[3][1] * v.y + M[3][2] * v.z + M[3][3] * v.w);
+ }
+ Matrix4 Transposed() const {
+ return Matrix4(
+ M[0][0],
+ M[1][0],
+ M[2][0],
+ M[3][0],
+ M[0][1],
+ M[1][1],
+ M[2][1],
+ M[3][1],
+ M[0][2],
+ M[1][2],
+ M[2][2],
+ M[3][2],
+ M[0][3],
+ M[1][3],
+ M[2][3],
+ M[3][3]);
+ }
+ void Transpose() {
+ *this = Transposed();
+ }
+ T SubDet(const size_t* rows, const size_t* cols) const {
+ return M[rows[0]][cols[0]] *
+ (M[rows[1]][cols[1]] * M[rows[2]][cols[2]] - M[rows[1]][cols[2]] * M[rows[2]][cols[1]]) -
+ M[rows[0]][cols[1]] *
+ (M[rows[1]][cols[0]] * M[rows[2]][cols[2]] - M[rows[1]][cols[2]] * M[rows[2]][cols[0]]) +
+ M[rows[0]][cols[2]] *
+ (M[rows[1]][cols[0]] * M[rows[2]][cols[1]] - M[rows[1]][cols[1]] * M[rows[2]][cols[0]]);
+ }
+ T Cofactor(size_t I, size_t J) const {
+ const size_t indices[4][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {0, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 3}, {0, 1, 2}};
+ return ((I + J) & 1) ? -SubDet(indices[I], indices[J]) : SubDet(indices[I], indices[J]);
+ }
+ T Determinant() const {
+ return M[0][0] * Cofactor(0, 0) + M[0][1] * Cofactor(0, 1) + M[0][2] * Cofactor(0, 2) +
+ M[0][3] * Cofactor(0, 3);
+ }
+ Matrix4 Adjugated() const {
+ return Matrix4(
+ Cofactor(0, 0),
+ Cofactor(1, 0),
+ Cofactor(2, 0),
+ Cofactor(3, 0),
+ Cofactor(0, 1),
+ Cofactor(1, 1),
+ Cofactor(2, 1),
+ Cofactor(3, 1),
+ Cofactor(0, 2),
+ Cofactor(1, 2),
+ Cofactor(2, 2),
+ Cofactor(3, 2),
+ Cofactor(0, 3),
+ Cofactor(1, 3),
+ Cofactor(2, 3),
+ Cofactor(3, 3));
+ }
+ Matrix4 Inverted() const {
+ T det = Determinant();
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(det != 0);
+ return Adjugated() * (T(1) / det);
+ }
+ void Invert() {
+ *this = Inverted();
+ }
+ // This is more efficient than general inverse, but ONLY works
+ // correctly if it is a homogeneous transform matrix (rot + trans)
+ Matrix4 InvertedHomogeneousTransform() const {
+ // Make the inverse rotation matrix
+ Matrix4 rinv = this->Transposed();
+ rinv.M[3][0] = rinv.M[3][1] = rinv.M[3][2] = T(0);
+ // Make the inverse translation matrix
+ Vector3<T> tvinv(-M[0][3], -M[1][3], -M[2][3]);
+ Matrix4 tinv = Matrix4::Translation(tvinv);
+ return rinv * tinv; // "untranslate", then "unrotate"
+ }
+ // This is more efficient than general inverse, but ONLY works
+ // correctly if it is a homogeneous transform matrix (rot + trans)
+ void InvertHomogeneousTransform() {
+ *this = InvertedHomogeneousTransform();
+ }
+ // Matrix to Euler Angles conversion
+ // a,b,c, are the YawPitchRoll angles to be returned
+ // rotation a around axis A1
+ // is followed by rotation b around axis A2
+ // is followed by rotation c around axis A3
+ // rotations are CCW or CW (D) in LH or RH coordinate system (S)
+ template <Axis A1, Axis A2, Axis A3, RotateDirection D, HandedSystem S>
+ void ToEulerAngles(T* a, T* b, T* c) const {
+ (A1 != A2) && (A2 != A3) && (A1 != A3), "(A1 != A2) && (A2 != A3) && (A1 != A3)");
+ T psign = T(-1);
+ if (((A1 + 1) % 3 == A2) && ((A2 + 1) % 3 == A3)) // Determine whether even permutation
+ psign = T(1);
+ T pm = psign * M[A1][A3];
+ T singularityRadius = Math<T>::SingularityRadius();
+ if (pm < T(-1) + singularityRadius) { // South pole singularity
+ *a = T(0);
+ *b = -S * D * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PIOVER2);
+ *c = S * D * atan2(psign * M[A2][A1], M[A2][A2]);
+ } else if (pm > T(1) - singularityRadius) { // North pole singularity
+ *a = T(0);
+ *b = S * D * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PIOVER2);
+ *c = S * D * atan2(psign * M[A2][A1], M[A2][A2]);
+ } else { // Normal case (nonsingular)
+ *a = S * D * atan2(-psign * M[A2][A3], M[A3][A3]);
+ *b = S * D * asin(pm);
+ *c = S * D * atan2(-psign * M[A1][A2], M[A1][A1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Matrix to Euler Angles conversion
+ // a,b,c, are the YawPitchRoll angles to be returned
+ // rotation a around axis A1
+ // is followed by rotation b around axis A2
+ // is followed by rotation c around axis A1
+ // rotations are CCW or CW (D) in LH or RH coordinate system (S)
+ template <Axis A1, Axis A2, RotateDirection D, HandedSystem S>
+ void ToEulerAnglesABA(T* a, T* b, T* c) const {
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(A1 != A2, "A1 != A2");
+ // Determine the axis that was not supplied
+ int m = 3 - A1 - A2;
+ T psign = T(-1);
+ if ((A1 + 1) % 3 == A2) // Determine whether even permutation
+ psign = T(1);
+ T c2 = M[A1][A1];
+ T singularityRadius = Math<T>::SingularityRadius();
+ if (c2 < T(-1) + singularityRadius) { // South pole singularity
+ *a = T(0);
+ *b = S * D * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI);
+ *c = S * D * atan2(-psign * M[A2][m], M[A2][A2]);
+ } else if (c2 > T(1) - singularityRadius) { // North pole singularity
+ *a = T(0);
+ *b = T(0);
+ *c = S * D * atan2(-psign * M[A2][m], M[A2][A2]);
+ } else { // Normal case (nonsingular)
+ *a = S * D * atan2(M[A2][A1], -psign * M[m][A1]);
+ *b = S * D * acos(c2);
+ *c = S * D * atan2(M[A1][A2], psign * M[A1][m]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Creates a matrix that converts the vertices from one coordinate system
+ // to another.
+ static Matrix4 AxisConversion(const WorldAxes& to, const WorldAxes& from) {
+ // Holds axis values from the 'to' structure
+ int toArray[3] = {to.XAxis, to.YAxis, to.ZAxis};
+ // The inverse of the toArray
+ int inv[4];
+ inv[0] = inv[abs(to.XAxis)] = 0;
+ inv[abs(to.YAxis)] = 1;
+ inv[abs(to.ZAxis)] = 2;
+ Matrix4 m(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ // Only three values in the matrix need to be changed to 1 or -1.
+ m.M[inv[abs(from.XAxis)]][0] = T(from.XAxis / toArray[inv[abs(from.XAxis)]]);
+ m.M[inv[abs(from.YAxis)]][1] = T(from.YAxis / toArray[inv[abs(from.YAxis)]]);
+ m.M[inv[abs(from.ZAxis)]][2] = T(from.ZAxis / toArray[inv[abs(from.ZAxis)]]);
+ return m;
+ }
+ // Creates a matrix for translation by vector
+ static Matrix4 Translation(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ Matrix4 t;
+ t.M[0][3] = v.x;
+ t.M[1][3] = v.y;
+ t.M[2][3] = v.z;
+ return t;
+ }
+ // Creates a matrix for translation by vector
+ static Matrix4 Translation(T x, T y, T z = T(0)) {
+ Matrix4 t;
+ t.M[0][3] = x;
+ t.M[1][3] = y;
+ t.M[2][3] = z;
+ return t;
+ }
+ // Sets the translation part
+ void SetTranslation(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ M[0][3] = v.x;
+ M[1][3] = v.y;
+ M[2][3] = v.z;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> GetTranslation() const {
+ return Vector3<T>(M[0][3], M[1][3], M[2][3]);
+ }
+ // Creates a matrix for scaling by vector
+ static Matrix4 Scaling(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ Matrix4 t;
+ t.M[0][0] = v.x;
+ t.M[1][1] = v.y;
+ t.M[2][2] = v.z;
+ return t;
+ }
+ // Creates a matrix for scaling by vector
+ static Matrix4 Scaling(T x, T y, T z) {
+ Matrix4 t;
+ t.M[0][0] = x;
+ t.M[1][1] = y;
+ t.M[2][2] = z;
+ return t;
+ }
+ // Creates a matrix for scaling by constant
+ static Matrix4 Scaling(T s) {
+ Matrix4 t;
+ t.M[0][0] = s;
+ t.M[1][1] = s;
+ t.M[2][2] = s;
+ return t;
+ }
+ // Simple L1 distance in R^12
+ T Distance(const Matrix4& m2) const {
+ T d = fabs(M[0][0] - m2.M[0][0]) + fabs(M[0][1] - m2.M[0][1]);
+ d += fabs(M[0][2] - m2.M[0][2]) + fabs(M[0][3] - m2.M[0][3]);
+ d += fabs(M[1][0] - m2.M[1][0]) + fabs(M[1][1] - m2.M[1][1]);
+ d += fabs(M[1][2] - m2.M[1][2]) + fabs(M[1][3] - m2.M[1][3]);
+ d += fabs(M[2][0] - m2.M[2][0]) + fabs(M[2][1] - m2.M[2][1]);
+ d += fabs(M[2][2] - m2.M[2][2]) + fabs(M[2][3] - m2.M[2][3]);
+ d += fabs(M[3][0] - m2.M[3][0]) + fabs(M[3][1] - m2.M[3][1]);
+ d += fabs(M[3][2] - m2.M[3][2]) + fabs(M[3][3] - m2.M[3][3]);
+ return d;
+ }
+ // Creates a rotation matrix rotating around the X axis by 'angle' radians.
+ // Just for quick testing. Not for final API. Need to remove case.
+ static Matrix4 RotationAxis(Axis A, T angle, RotateDirection d, HandedSystem s) {
+ T sina = s * d * sin(angle);
+ T cosa = cos(angle);
+ switch (A) {
+ case Axis_X:
+ return Matrix4(1, 0, 0, 0, cosa, -sina, 0, sina, cosa);
+ case Axis_Y:
+ return Matrix4(cosa, 0, sina, 0, 1, 0, -sina, 0, cosa);
+ case Axis_Z:
+ return Matrix4(cosa, -sina, 0, sina, cosa, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ default:
+ return Matrix4();
+ }
+ }
+ // Creates a rotation matrix rotating around the X axis by 'angle' radians.
+ // Rotation direction is depends on the coordinate system:
+ // RHS (Oculus default): Positive angle values rotate Counter-clockwise (CCW),
+ // while looking in the negative axis direction. This is the
+ // same as looking down from positive axis values towards origin.
+ // LHS: Positive angle values rotate clock-wise (CW), while looking in the
+ // negative axis direction.
+ static Matrix4 RotationX(T angle) {
+ T sina = sin(angle);
+ T cosa = cos(angle);
+ return Matrix4(1, 0, 0, 0, cosa, -sina, 0, sina, cosa);
+ }
+ // Creates a rotation matrix rotating around the Y axis by 'angle' radians.
+ // Rotation direction is depends on the coordinate system:
+ // RHS (Oculus default): Positive angle values rotate Counter-clockwise (CCW),
+ // while looking in the negative axis direction. This is the
+ // same as looking down from positive axis values towards origin.
+ // LHS: Positive angle values rotate clock-wise (CW), while looking in the
+ // negative axis direction.
+ static Matrix4 RotationY(T angle) {
+ T sina = (T)sin(angle);
+ T cosa = (T)cos(angle);
+ return Matrix4(cosa, 0, sina, 0, 1, 0, -sina, 0, cosa);
+ }
+ // Creates a rotation matrix rotating around the Z axis by 'angle' radians.
+ // Rotation direction is depends on the coordinate system:
+ // RHS (Oculus default): Positive angle values rotate Counter-clockwise (CCW),
+ // while looking in the negative axis direction. This is the
+ // same as looking down from positive axis values towards origin.
+ // LHS: Positive angle values rotate clock-wise (CW), while looking in the
+ // negative axis direction.
+ static Matrix4 RotationZ(T angle) {
+ T sina = sin(angle);
+ T cosa = cos(angle);
+ return Matrix4(cosa, -sina, 0, sina, cosa, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+ }
+ // LookAtRH creates a View transformation matrix for right-handed coordinate system.
+ // The resulting matrix points camera from 'eye' towards 'at' direction, with 'up'
+ // specifying the up vector. The resulting matrix should be used with PerspectiveRH
+ // projection.
+ static Matrix4 LookAtRH(const Vector3<T>& eye, const Vector3<T>& at, const Vector3<T>& up) {
+ Vector3<T> z = (eye - at).Normalized(); // Forward
+ Vector3<T> x = up.Cross(z).Normalized(); // Right
+ Vector3<T> y = z.Cross(x);
+ Matrix4 m(
+ x.x,
+ x.y,
+ x.z,
+ -(x.Dot(eye)),
+ y.x,
+ y.y,
+ y.z,
+ -(y.Dot(eye)),
+ z.x,
+ z.y,
+ z.z,
+ -(z.Dot(eye)),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1);
+ return m;
+ }
+ // LookAtLH creates a View transformation matrix for left-handed coordinate system.
+ // The resulting matrix points camera from 'eye' towards 'at' direction, with 'up'
+ // specifying the up vector.
+ static Matrix4 LookAtLH(const Vector3<T>& eye, const Vector3<T>& at, const Vector3<T>& up) {
+ Vector3<T> z = (at - eye).Normalized(); // Forward
+ Vector3<T> x = up.Cross(z).Normalized(); // Right
+ Vector3<T> y = z.Cross(x);
+ Matrix4 m(
+ x.x,
+ x.y,
+ x.z,
+ -(x.Dot(eye)),
+ y.x,
+ y.y,
+ y.z,
+ -(y.Dot(eye)),
+ z.x,
+ z.y,
+ z.z,
+ -(z.Dot(eye)),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1);
+ return m;
+ }
+ // PerspectiveRH creates a right-handed perspective projection matrix that can be
+ // used with the Oculus sample renderer.
+ // yfov - Specifies vertical field of view in radians.
+ // aspect - Screen aspect ration, which is usually width/height for square pixels.
+ // Note that xfov = yfov * aspect.
+ // znear - Absolute value of near Z clipping clipping range.
+ // zfar - Absolute value of far Z clipping clipping range (larger then near).
+ // Even though RHS usually looks in the direction of negative Z, positive values
+ // are expected for znear and zfar.
+ static Matrix4 PerspectiveRH(T yfov, T aspect, T znear, T zfar) {
+ Matrix4 m;
+ T tanHalfFov = (T)tan(yfov * T(0.5));
+ m.M[0][0] = T(1) / (aspect * tanHalfFov);
+ m.M[1][1] = T(1) / tanHalfFov;
+ m.M[2][2] = zfar / (znear - zfar);
+ m.M[3][2] = T(-1);
+ m.M[2][3] = (zfar * znear) / (znear - zfar);
+ m.M[3][3] = T(0);
+ // Note: Post-projection matrix result assumes Left-Handed coordinate system,
+ // with Y up, X right and Z forward. This supports positive z-buffer values.
+ // This is the case even for RHS coordinate input.
+ return m;
+ }
+ // PerspectiveLH creates a left-handed perspective projection matrix that can be
+ // used with the Oculus sample renderer.
+ // yfov - Specifies vertical field of view in radians.
+ // aspect - Screen aspect ration, which is usually width/height for square pixels.
+ // Note that xfov = yfov * aspect.
+ // znear - Absolute value of near Z clipping clipping range.
+ // zfar - Absolute value of far Z clipping clipping range (larger then near).
+ static Matrix4 PerspectiveLH(T yfov, T aspect, T znear, T zfar) {
+ Matrix4 m;
+ T tanHalfFov = (T)tan(yfov * T(0.5));
+ m.M[0][0] = T(1) / (aspect * tanHalfFov);
+ m.M[1][1] = T(1) / tanHalfFov;
+ // m.M[2][2] = zfar / (znear - zfar);
+ m.M[2][2] = zfar / (zfar - znear);
+ m.M[3][2] = T(-1);
+ m.M[2][3] = (zfar * znear) / (znear - zfar);
+ m.M[3][3] = T(0);
+ // Note: Post-projection matrix result assumes Left-Handed coordinate system,
+ // with Y up, X right and Z forward. This supports positive z-buffer values.
+ // This is the case even for RHS coordinate input.
+ return m;
+ }
+ static Matrix4 Ortho2D(T w, T h) {
+ Matrix4 m;
+ m.M[0][0] = T(2.0) / w;
+ m.M[1][1] = T(-2.0) / h;
+ m.M[0][3] = T(-1.0);
+ m.M[1][3] = T(1.0);
+ m.M[2][2] = T(0);
+ return m;
+ }
+typedef Matrix4<float> Matrix4f;
+typedef Matrix4<double> Matrix4d;
+// ***** Matrix3
+// Matrix3 is a 3x3 matrix used for representing a rotation matrix.
+// The matrix is stored in row-major order in memory, meaning that values
+// of the first row are stored before the next one.
+// The arrangement of the matrix is chosen to be in Right-Handed
+// coordinate system and counterclockwise rotations when looking down
+// the axis
+// Transformation Order:
+// - Transformations are applied from right to left, so the expression
+// M1 * M2 * M3 * V means that the vector V is transformed by M3 first,
+// followed by M2 and M1.
+// Coordinate system: Right Handed
+// Rotations: Counterclockwise when looking down the axis. All angles are in radians.
+template <class T>
+class Matrix3 {
+ public:
+ typedef T ElementType;
+ static const size_t Dimension = 3;
+ T M[3][3];
+ enum NoInitType { NoInit };
+ // Construct with no memory initialization.
+ Matrix3(NoInitType) {}
+ // By default, we construct identity matrix.
+ Matrix3() {
+ M[0][0] = M[1][1] = M[2][2] = T(1);
+ M[0][1] = M[1][0] = M[2][0] = T(0);
+ M[0][2] = M[1][2] = M[2][1] = T(0);
+ }
+ Matrix3(T m11, T m12, T m13, T m21, T m22, T m23, T m31, T m32, T m33) {
+ M[0][0] = m11;
+ M[0][1] = m12;
+ M[0][2] = m13;
+ M[1][0] = m21;
+ M[1][1] = m22;
+ M[1][2] = m23;
+ M[2][0] = m31;
+ M[2][1] = m32;
+ M[2][2] = m33;
+ }
+ // Construction from X, Y, Z basis vectors
+ Matrix3(const Vector3<T>& xBasis, const Vector3<T>& yBasis, const Vector3<T>& zBasis) {
+ M[0][0] = xBasis.x;
+ M[0][1] = yBasis.x;
+ M[0][2] = zBasis.x;
+ M[1][0] = xBasis.y;
+ M[1][1] = yBasis.y;
+ M[1][2] = zBasis.y;
+ M[2][0] = xBasis.z;
+ M[2][1] = yBasis.z;
+ M[2][2] = zBasis.z;
+ }
+ explicit Matrix3(const Quat<T>& q) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(q.IsNormalized()); // If this fires, caller has a quat math bug
+ const T tx = q.x + q.x, ty = q.y + q.y, tz = q.z + q.z;
+ const T twx = q.w * tx, twy = q.w * ty, twz = q.w * tz;
+ const T txx = q.x * tx, txy = q.x * ty, txz = q.x * tz;
+ const T tyy = q.y * ty, tyz = q.y * tz, tzz = q.z * tz;
+ M[0][0] = T(1) - (tyy + tzz);
+ M[0][1] = txy - twz;
+ M[0][2] = txz + twy;
+ M[1][0] = txy + twz;
+ M[1][1] = T(1) - (txx + tzz);
+ M[1][2] = tyz - twx;
+ M[2][0] = txz - twy;
+ M[2][1] = tyz + twx;
+ M[2][2] = T(1) - (txx + tyy);
+ }
+ inline explicit Matrix3(T s) {
+ M[0][0] = M[1][1] = M[2][2] = s;
+ M[0][1] = M[0][2] = M[1][0] = M[1][2] = M[2][0] = M[2][1] = T(0);
+ }
+ Matrix3(T m11, T m22, T m33) {
+ M[0][0] = m11;
+ M[0][1] = T(0);
+ M[0][2] = T(0);
+ M[1][0] = T(0);
+ M[1][1] = m22;
+ M[1][2] = T(0);
+ M[2][0] = T(0);
+ M[2][1] = T(0);
+ M[2][2] = m33;
+ }
+ explicit Matrix3(const Matrix3<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ M[i][j] = (T)src.M[i][j];
+ }
+ // C-interop support.
+ Matrix3(const typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix3<T>>::Type& s) {
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(s) == sizeof(Matrix3), "sizeof(s) == sizeof(Matrix3)");
+ memcpy(M, s.M, sizeof(M));
+ }
+ operator const typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix3<T>>::Type() const {
+ typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix3<T>>::Type result;
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(result) == sizeof(Matrix3), "sizeof(result) == sizeof(Matrix3)");
+ memcpy(result.M, M, sizeof(M));
+ return result;
+ }
+ T operator()(int i, int j) const {
+ return M[i][j];
+ }
+ T& operator()(int i, int j) {
+ return M[i][j];
+ }
+ void ToString(char* dest, size_t destsize) const {
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+ pos += OVRMath_sprintf(dest + pos, destsize - pos, "%g ", M[r][c]);
+ }
+ }
+ static Matrix3 FromString(const char* src) {
+ Matrix3 result;
+ if (src) {
+ for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
+ result.M[r][c] = (T)atof(src);
+ while (*src && *src != ' ')
+ src++;
+ while (*src && *src == ' ')
+ src++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static Matrix3 Identity() {
+ return Matrix3();
+ }
+ void SetIdentity() {
+ M[0][0] = M[1][1] = M[2][2] = T(1);
+ M[0][1] = M[1][0] = M[2][0] = T(0);
+ M[0][2] = M[1][2] = M[2][1] = T(0);
+ }
+ static Matrix3 Diagonal(T m00, T m11, T m22) {
+ return Matrix3(m00, 0, 0, 0, m11, 0, 0, 0, m22);
+ }
+ static Matrix3 Diagonal(const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ return Diagonal(v.x, v.y, v.z);
+ }
+ T Trace() const {
+ return M[0][0] + M[1][1] + M[2][2];
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Matrix3& b) const {
+ bool isEqual = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ isEqual &= (M[i][j] == b.M[i][j]);
+ }
+ return isEqual;
+ }
+ Matrix3 operator+(const Matrix3& b) const {
+ Matrix3<T> result(*this);
+ result += b;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix3& operator+=(const Matrix3& b) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ M[i][j] += b.M[i][j];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void operator=(const Matrix3& b) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ M[i][j] = b.M[i][j];
+ }
+ Matrix3 operator-(const Matrix3& b) const {
+ Matrix3 result(*this);
+ result -= b;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix3& operator-=(const Matrix3& b) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ M[i][j] -= b.M[i][j];
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Multiplies two matrices into destination with minimum copying.
+ static Matrix3& Multiply(Matrix3* d, const Matrix3& a, const Matrix3& b) {
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT((d != &a) && (d != &b));
+ int i = 0;
+ do {
+ d->M[i][0] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][0] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][0] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][0];
+ d->M[i][1] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][1] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][1] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][1];
+ d->M[i][2] = a.M[i][0] * b.M[0][2] + a.M[i][1] * b.M[1][2] + a.M[i][2] * b.M[2][2];
+ } while ((++i) < 3);
+ return *d;
+ }
+ Matrix3 operator*(const Matrix3& b) const {
+ Matrix3 result(Matrix3::NoInit);
+ Multiply(&result, *this, b);
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix3& operator*=(const Matrix3& b) {
+ return Multiply(this, Matrix3(*this), b);
+ }
+ Matrix3 operator*(T s) const {
+ Matrix3 result(*this);
+ result *= s;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix3& operator*=(T s) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ M[i][j] *= s;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector3<T> operator*(const Vector3<T>& b) const {
+ Vector3<T> result;
+ result.x = M[0][0] * b.x + M[0][1] * b.y + M[0][2] * b.z;
+ result.y = M[1][0] * b.x + M[1][1] * b.y + M[1][2] * b.z;
+ result.z = M[2][0] * b.x + M[2][1] * b.y + M[2][2] * b.z;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix3 operator/(T s) const {
+ Matrix3 result(*this);
+ result /= s;
+ return result;
+ }
+ Matrix3& operator/=(T s) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ M[i][j] /= s;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Vector2<T> Transform(const Vector2<T>& v) const {
+ const T rcpZ = T(1) / (M[2][0] * v.x + M[2][1] * v.y + M[2][2]);
+ return Vector2<T>(
+ (M[0][0] * v.x + M[0][1] * v.y + M[0][2]) * rcpZ,
+ (M[1][0] * v.x + M[1][1] * v.y + M[1][2]) * rcpZ);
+ }
+ Vector3<T> Transform(const Vector3<T>& v) const {
+ return Vector3<T>(
+ M[0][0] * v.x + M[0][1] * v.y + M[0][2] * v.z,
+ M[1][0] * v.x + M[1][1] * v.y + M[1][2] * v.z,
+ M[2][0] * v.x + M[2][1] * v.y + M[2][2] * v.z);
+ }
+ Matrix3 Transposed() const {
+ return Matrix3(M[0][0], M[1][0], M[2][0], M[0][1], M[1][1], M[2][1], M[0][2], M[1][2], M[2][2]);
+ }
+ void Transpose() {
+ *this = Transposed();
+ }
+ T SubDet(const size_t* rows, const size_t* cols) const {
+ return M[rows[0]][cols[0]] *
+ (M[rows[1]][cols[1]] * M[rows[2]][cols[2]] - M[rows[1]][cols[2]] * M[rows[2]][cols[1]]) -
+ M[rows[0]][cols[1]] *
+ (M[rows[1]][cols[0]] * M[rows[2]][cols[2]] - M[rows[1]][cols[2]] * M[rows[2]][cols[0]]) +
+ M[rows[0]][cols[2]] *
+ (M[rows[1]][cols[0]] * M[rows[2]][cols[1]] - M[rows[1]][cols[1]] * M[rows[2]][cols[0]]);
+ }
+ // M += a*b.t()
+ inline void Rank1Add(const Vector3<T>& a, const Vector3<T>& b) {
+ M[0][0] += a.x * b.x;
+ M[0][1] += a.x * b.y;
+ M[0][2] += a.x * b.z;
+ M[1][0] += a.y * b.x;
+ M[1][1] += a.y * b.y;
+ M[1][2] += a.y * b.z;
+ M[2][0] += a.z * b.x;
+ M[2][1] += a.z * b.y;
+ M[2][2] += a.z * b.z;
+ }
+ // M -= a*b.t()
+ inline void Rank1Sub(const Vector3<T>& a, const Vector3<T>& b) {
+ M[0][0] -= a.x * b.x;
+ M[0][1] -= a.x * b.y;
+ M[0][2] -= a.x * b.z;
+ M[1][0] -= a.y * b.x;
+ M[1][1] -= a.y * b.y;
+ M[1][2] -= a.y * b.z;
+ M[2][0] -= a.z * b.x;
+ M[2][1] -= a.z * b.y;
+ M[2][2] -= a.z * b.z;
+ }
+ inline Vector3<T> Col(int c) const {
+ return Vector3<T>(M[0][c], M[1][c], M[2][c]);
+ }
+ inline Vector3<T> Row(int r) const {
+ return Vector3<T>(M[r][0], M[r][1], M[r][2]);
+ }
+ inline Vector3<T> GetColumn(int c) const {
+ return Vector3<T>(M[0][c], M[1][c], M[2][c]);
+ }
+ inline Vector3<T> GetRow(int r) const {
+ return Vector3<T>(M[r][0], M[r][1], M[r][2]);
+ }
+ inline void SetColumn(int c, const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ M[0][c] = v.x;
+ M[1][c] = v.y;
+ M[2][c] = v.z;
+ }
+ inline void SetRow(int r, const Vector3<T>& v) {
+ M[r][0] = v.x;
+ M[r][1] = v.y;
+ M[r][2] = v.z;
+ }
+ inline T Determinant() const {
+ const Matrix3<T>& m = *this;
+ T d;
+ d = m.M[0][0] * (m.M[1][1] * m.M[2][2] - m.M[1][2] * m.M[2][1]);
+ d -= m.M[0][1] * (m.M[1][0] * m.M[2][2] - m.M[1][2] * m.M[2][0]);
+ d += m.M[0][2] * (m.M[1][0] * m.M[2][1] - m.M[1][1] * m.M[2][0]);
+ return d;
+ }
+ inline Matrix3<T> Inverse() const {
+ Matrix3<T> a;
+ const Matrix3<T>& m = *this;
+ T d = Determinant();
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(d != 0);
+ T s = T(1) / d;
+ a.M[0][0] = s * (m.M[1][1] * m.M[2][2] - m.M[1][2] * m.M[2][1]);
+ a.M[1][0] = s * (m.M[1][2] * m.M[2][0] - m.M[1][0] * m.M[2][2]);
+ a.M[2][0] = s * (m.M[1][0] * m.M[2][1] - m.M[1][1] * m.M[2][0]);
+ a.M[0][1] = s * (m.M[0][2] * m.M[2][1] - m.M[0][1] * m.M[2][2]);
+ a.M[1][1] = s * (m.M[0][0] * m.M[2][2] - m.M[0][2] * m.M[2][0]);
+ a.M[2][1] = s * (m.M[0][1] * m.M[2][0] - m.M[0][0] * m.M[2][1]);
+ a.M[0][2] = s * (m.M[0][1] * m.M[1][2] - m.M[0][2] * m.M[1][1]);
+ a.M[1][2] = s * (m.M[0][2] * m.M[1][0] - m.M[0][0] * m.M[1][2]);
+ a.M[2][2] = s * (m.M[0][0] * m.M[1][1] - m.M[0][1] * m.M[1][0]);
+ return a;
+ }
+ // Outer Product of two column vectors: a * b.Transpose()
+ static Matrix3 OuterProduct(const Vector3<T>& a, const Vector3<T>& b) {
+ return Matrix3(
+ a.x * b.x,
+ a.x * b.y,
+ a.x * b.z,
+ a.y * b.x,
+ a.y * b.y,
+ a.y * b.z,
+ a.z * b.x,
+ a.z * b.y,
+ a.z * b.z);
+ }
+ // Vector cross product as a premultiply matrix:
+ // L.Cross(R) = LeftCrossAsMatrix(L) * R
+ static Matrix3 LeftCrossAsMatrix(const Vector3<T>& L) {
+ return Matrix3(T(0), -L.z, +L.y, +L.z, T(0), -L.x, -L.y, +L.x, T(0));
+ }
+ // Vector cross product as a premultiply matrix:
+ // L.Cross(R) = RightCrossAsMatrix(R) * L
+ static Matrix3 RightCrossAsMatrix(const Vector3<T>& R) {
+ return Matrix3(T(0), +R.z, -R.y, -R.z, T(0), +R.x, +R.y, -R.x, T(0));
+ }
+ // Angle in radians of a rotation matrix
+ // Uses identity trace(a) = 2*cos(theta) + 1
+ T Angle() const {
+ return Acos((Trace() - T(1)) * T(0.5));
+ }
+ // Angle in radians between two rotation matrices
+ T Angle(const Matrix3& b) const {
+ // Compute trace of (this->Transposed() * b)
+ // This works out to sum of products of elements.
+ T trace = T(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ trace += M[i][j] * b.M[i][j];
+ }
+ }
+ return Acos((trace - T(1)) * T(0.5));
+ }
+typedef Matrix3<float> Matrix3f;
+typedef Matrix3<double> Matrix3d;
+// ***** Matrix2
+template <class T>
+class Matrix2 {
+ public:
+ typedef T ElementType;
+ static const size_t Dimension = 2;
+ T M[2][2];
+ enum NoInitType { NoInit };
+ // Construct with no memory initialization.
+ Matrix2(NoInitType) {}
+ // By default, we construct identity matrix.
+ Matrix2() {
+ M[0][0] = M[1][1] = T(1);
+ M[0][1] = M[1][0] = T(0);
+ }
+ Matrix2(T m11, T m12, T m21, T m22) {
+ M[0][0] = m11;
+ M[0][1] = m12;
+ M[1][0] = m21;
+ M[1][1] = m22;
+ }
+ // Construction from X, Y basis vectors
+ Matrix2(const Vector2<T>& xBasis, const Vector2<T>& yBasis) {
+ M[0][0] = xBasis.x;
+ M[0][1] = yBasis.x;
+ M[1][0] = xBasis.y;
+ M[1][1] = yBasis.y;
+ }
+ explicit Matrix2(T s) {
+ M[0][0] = M[1][1] = s;
+ M[0][1] = M[1][0] = T(0);
+ }
+ Matrix2(T m11, T m22) {
+ M[0][0] = m11;
+ M[0][1] = T(0);
+ M[1][0] = T(0);
+ M[1][1] = m22;
+ }
+ explicit Matrix2(const Matrix2<typename Math<T>::OtherFloatType>& src) {
+ M[0][0] = T(src.M[0][0]);
+ M[0][1] = T(src.M[0][1]);
+ M[1][0] = T(src.M[1][0]);
+ M[1][1] = T(src.M[1][1]);
+ }
+ // C-interop support
+ Matrix2(const typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix2<T>>::Type& s) {
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(s) == sizeof(Matrix2), "sizeof(s) == sizeof(Matrix2)");
+ memcpy(M, s.M, sizeof(M));
+ }
+ operator const typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix2<T>>::Type() const {
+ typename CompatibleTypes<Matrix2<T>>::Type result;
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(result) == sizeof(Matrix2), "sizeof(result) == sizeof(Matrix2)");
+ memcpy(result.M, M, sizeof(M));
+ return result;
+ }
+ T operator()(int i, int j) const {
+ return M[i][j];
+ }
+ T& operator()(int i, int j) {
+ return M[i][j];
+ }
+ const T* operator[](int i) const {
+ return M[i];
+ }
+ T* operator[](int i) {
+ return M[i];
+ }
+ static Matrix2 Identity() {
+ return Matrix2();
+ }
+ void SetIdentity() {
+ M[0][0] = M[1][1] = T(1);
+ M[0][1] = M[1][0] = T(0);
+ }
+ static Matrix2 Diagonal(T m00, T m11) {
+ return Matrix2(m00, m11);
+ }
+ static Matrix2 Diagonal(const Vector2<T>& v) {
+ return Matrix2(v.x, v.y);
+ }
+ T Trace() const {
+ return M[0][0] + M[1][1];
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Matrix2& b) const {
+ return M[0][0] == b.M[0][0] && M[0][1] == b.M[0][1] && M[1][0] == b.M[1][0] &&
+ M[1][1] == b.M[1][1];
+ }
+ Matrix2 operator+(const Matrix2& b) const {
+ return Matrix2(
+ M[0][0] + b.M[0][0], M[0][1] + b.M[0][1], M[1][0] + b.M[1][0], M[1][1] + b.M[1][1]);
+ }
+ Matrix2& operator+=(const Matrix2& b) {
+ M[0][0] += b.M[0][0];
+ M[0][1] += b.M[0][1];
+ M[1][0] += b.M[1][0];
+ M[1][1] += b.M[1][1];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void operator=(const Matrix2& b) {
+ M[0][0] = b.M[0][0];
+ M[0][1] = b.M[0][1];
+ M[1][0] = b.M[1][0];
+ M[1][1] = b.M[1][1];
+ }
+ Matrix2 operator-(const Matrix2& b) const {
+ return Matrix2(
+ M[0][0] - b.M[0][0], M[0][1] - b.M[0][1], M[1][0] - b.M[1][0], M[1][1] - b.M[1][1]);
+ }
+ Matrix2& operator-=(const Matrix2& b) {
+ M[0][0] -= b.M[0][0];
+ M[0][1] -= b.M[0][1];
+ M[1][0] -= b.M[1][0];
+ M[1][1] -= b.M[1][1];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Matrix2 operator*(const Matrix2& b) const {
+ return Matrix2(
+ M[0][0] * b.M[0][0] + M[0][1] * b.M[1][0],
+ M[0][0] * b.M[0][1] + M[0][1] * b.M[1][1],
+ M[1][0] * b.M[0][0] + M[1][1] * b.M[1][0],
+ M[1][0] * b.M[0][1] + M[1][1] * b.M[1][1]);
+ }
+ Matrix2& operator*=(const Matrix2& b) {
+ *this = *this * b;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Matrix2 operator*(T s) const {
+ return Matrix2(M[0][0] * s, M[0][1] * s, M[1][0] * s, M[1][1] * s);
+ }
+ Matrix2& operator*=(T s) {
+ M[0][0] *= s;
+ M[0][1] *= s;
+ M[1][0] *= s;
+ M[1][1] *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Matrix2 operator/(T s) const {
+ return *this * (T(1) / s);
+ }
+ Matrix2& operator/=(T s) {
+ return *this *= (T(1) / s);
+ }
+ Vector2<T> operator*(const Vector2<T>& b) const {
+ return Vector2<T>(M[0][0] * b.x + M[0][1] * b.y, M[1][0] * b.x + M[1][1] * b.y);
+ }
+ Vector2<T> Transform(const Vector2<T>& v) const {
+ return Vector2<T>(M[0][0] * v.x + M[0][1] * v.y, M[1][0] * v.x + M[1][1] * v.y);
+ }
+ Matrix2 Transposed() const {
+ return Matrix2(M[0][0], M[1][0], M[0][1], M[1][1]);
+ }
+ void Transpose() {
+ OVRMath_Swap(M[1][0], M[0][1]);
+ }
+ Vector2<T> GetColumn(int c) const {
+ return Vector2<T>(M[0][c], M[1][c]);
+ }
+ Vector2<T> GetRow(int r) const {
+ return Vector2<T>(M[r][0], M[r][1]);
+ }
+ void SetColumn(int c, const Vector2<T>& v) {
+ M[0][c] = v.x;
+ M[1][c] = v.y;
+ }
+ void SetRow(int r, const Vector2<T>& v) {
+ M[r][0] = v.x;
+ M[r][1] = v.y;
+ }
+ T Determinant() const {
+ return M[0][0] * M[1][1] - M[0][1] * M[1][0];
+ }
+ Matrix2 Inverse() const {
+ T rcpDet = T(1) / Determinant();
+ return Matrix2(M[1][1] * rcpDet, -M[0][1] * rcpDet, -M[1][0] * rcpDet, M[0][0] * rcpDet);
+ }
+ // Outer Product of two column vectors: a * b.Transpose()
+ static Matrix2 OuterProduct(const Vector2<T>& a, const Vector2<T>& b) {
+ return Matrix2(a.x * b.x, a.x * b.y, a.y * b.x, a.y * b.y);
+ }
+ // Angle in radians between two rotation matrices
+ T Angle(const Matrix2& b) const {
+ const Matrix2& a = *this;
+ return Acos(a(0, 0) * b(0, 0) + a(1, 0) * b(1, 0));
+ }
+typedef Matrix2<float> Matrix2f;
+typedef Matrix2<double> Matrix2d;
+template <class T>
+class SymMat3 {
+ private:
+ typedef SymMat3<T> this_type;
+ public:
+ typedef T Value_t;
+ // Upper symmetric
+ T v[6]; // _00 _01 _02 _11 _12 _22
+ inline SymMat3() {}
+ inline explicit SymMat3(T s) {
+ v[0] = v[3] = v[5] = s;
+ v[1] = v[2] = v[4] = T(0);
+ }
+ inline explicit SymMat3(T a00, T a01, T a02, T a11, T a12, T a22) {
+ v[0] = a00;
+ v[1] = a01;
+ v[2] = a02;
+ v[3] = a11;
+ v[4] = a12;
+ v[5] = a22;
+ }
+ // Cast to symmetric Matrix3
+ operator Matrix3<T>() const {
+ return Matrix3<T>(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[1], v[3], v[4], v[2], v[4], v[5]);
+ }
+ static inline int Index(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) {
+ return (i <= j) ? (3 * i - i * (i + 1) / 2 + j) : (3 * j - j * (j + 1) / 2 + i);
+ }
+ inline T operator()(int i, int j) const {
+ return v[Index(i, j)];
+ }
+ inline T& operator()(int i, int j) {
+ return v[Index(i, j)];
+ }
+ inline this_type& operator+=(const this_type& b) {
+ v[0] += b.v[0];
+ v[1] += b.v[1];
+ v[2] += b.v[2];
+ v[3] += b.v[3];
+ v[4] += b.v[4];
+ v[5] += b.v[5];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline this_type& operator-=(const this_type& b) {
+ v[0] -= b.v[0];
+ v[1] -= b.v[1];
+ v[2] -= b.v[2];
+ v[3] -= b.v[3];
+ v[4] -= b.v[4];
+ v[5] -= b.v[5];
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline this_type& operator*=(T s) {
+ v[0] *= s;
+ v[1] *= s;
+ v[2] *= s;
+ v[3] *= s;
+ v[4] *= s;
+ v[5] *= s;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ inline SymMat3 operator*(T s) const {
+ SymMat3 d;
+ d.v[0] = v[0] * s;
+ d.v[1] = v[1] * s;
+ d.v[2] = v[2] * s;
+ d.v[3] = v[3] * s;
+ d.v[4] = v[4] * s;
+ d.v[5] = v[5] * s;
+ return d;
+ }
+ // Multiplies two matrices into destination with minimum copying.
+ static SymMat3& Multiply(SymMat3* d, const SymMat3& a, const SymMat3& b) {
+ // _00 _01 _02 _11 _12 _22
+ d->v[0] = a.v[0] * b.v[0];
+ d->v[1] = a.v[0] * b.v[1] + a.v[1] * b.v[3];
+ d->v[2] = a.v[0] * b.v[2] + a.v[1] * b.v[4];
+ d->v[3] = a.v[3] * b.v[3];
+ d->v[4] = a.v[3] * b.v[4] + a.v[4] * b.v[5];
+ d->v[5] = a.v[5] * b.v[5];
+ return *d;
+ }
+ inline T Determinant() const {
+ const this_type& m = *this;
+ T d;
+ d = m(0, 0) * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 1));
+ d -= m(0, 1) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 0));
+ d += m(0, 2) * (m(1, 0) * m(2, 1) - m(1, 1) * m(2, 0));
+ return d;
+ }
+ inline this_type Inverse() const {
+ this_type a;
+ const this_type& m = *this;
+ T d = Determinant();
+ OVR_MATH_ASSERT(d != 0);
+ T s = T(1) / d;
+ a(0, 0) = s * (m(1, 1) * m(2, 2) - m(1, 2) * m(2, 1));
+ a(0, 1) = s * (m(0, 2) * m(2, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(2, 2));
+ a(1, 1) = s * (m(0, 0) * m(2, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(2, 0));
+ a(0, 2) = s * (m(0, 1) * m(1, 2) - m(0, 2) * m(1, 1));
+ a(1, 2) = s * (m(0, 2) * m(1, 0) - m(0, 0) * m(1, 2));
+ a(2, 2) = s * (m(0, 0) * m(1, 1) - m(0, 1) * m(1, 0));
+ return a;
+ }
+ inline T Trace() const {
+ return v[0] + v[3] + v[5];
+ }
+ // M = a*a.t()
+ inline void Rank1(const Vector3<T>& a) {
+ v[0] = a.x * a.x;
+ v[1] = a.x * a.y;
+ v[2] = a.x * a.z;
+ v[3] = a.y * a.y;
+ v[4] = a.y * a.z;
+ v[5] = a.z * a.z;
+ }
+ // M += a*a.t()
+ inline void Rank1Add(const Vector3<T>& a) {
+ v[0] += a.x * a.x;
+ v[1] += a.x * a.y;
+ v[2] += a.x * a.z;
+ v[3] += a.y * a.y;
+ v[4] += a.y * a.z;
+ v[5] += a.z * a.z;
+ }
+ // M -= a*a.t()
+ inline void Rank1Sub(const Vector3<T>& a) {
+ v[0] -= a.x * a.x;
+ v[1] -= a.x * a.y;
+ v[2] -= a.x * a.z;
+ v[3] -= a.y * a.y;
+ v[4] -= a.y * a.z;
+ v[5] -= a.z * a.z;
+ }
+typedef SymMat3<float> SymMat3f;
+typedef SymMat3<double> SymMat3d;
+template <class T>
+inline Matrix3<T> operator*(const SymMat3<T>& a, const SymMat3<T>& b) {
+#define AJB_ARBC(r, c) (a(r, 0) * b(0, c) + a(r, 1) * b(1, c) + a(r, 2) * b(2, c))
+ return Matrix3<T>(
+ AJB_ARBC(0, 0),
+ AJB_ARBC(0, 1),
+ AJB_ARBC(0, 2),
+ AJB_ARBC(1, 0),
+ AJB_ARBC(1, 1),
+ AJB_ARBC(1, 2),
+ AJB_ARBC(2, 0),
+ AJB_ARBC(2, 1),
+ AJB_ARBC(2, 2));
+#undef AJB_ARBC
+template <class T>
+inline Matrix3<T> operator*(const Matrix3<T>& a, const SymMat3<T>& b) {
+#define AJB_ARBC(r, c) (a(r, 0) * b(0, c) + a(r, 1) * b(1, c) + a(r, 2) * b(2, c))
+ return Matrix3<T>(
+ AJB_ARBC(0, 0),
+ AJB_ARBC(0, 1),
+ AJB_ARBC(0, 2),
+ AJB_ARBC(1, 0),
+ AJB_ARBC(1, 1),
+ AJB_ARBC(1, 2),
+ AJB_ARBC(2, 0),
+ AJB_ARBC(2, 1),
+ AJB_ARBC(2, 2));
+#undef AJB_ARBC
+// ***** Angle
+// Cleanly representing the algebra of 2D rotations.
+// The operations maintain the angle between -Pi and Pi, the same range as atan2.
+template <class T>
+class Angle {
+ public:
+ enum AngularUnits { Radians = 0, Degrees = 1 };
+ Angle() : a(0) {}
+ // Fix the range to be between -Pi and Pi
+ Angle(T a_, AngularUnits u = Radians)
+ : a((u == Radians) ? a_ : a_ * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_DEGREETORADFACTOR)) {
+ FixRange();
+ }
+ T Get(AngularUnits u = Radians) const {
+ return (u == Radians) ? a : a * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_RADTODEGREEFACTOR);
+ }
+ void Set(const T& x, AngularUnits u = Radians) {
+ a = (u == Radians) ? x : x * ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_DEGREETORADFACTOR);
+ FixRange();
+ }
+ int Sign() const {
+ if (a == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return (a > 0) ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ T Abs() const {
+ return (a >= 0) ? a : -a;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Angle& b) const {
+ return a == b.a;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Angle& b) const {
+ return a != b.a;
+ }
+ // bool operator< (const Angle& b) const { return a < a.b; }
+ // bool operator> (const Angle& b) const { return a > a.b; }
+ // bool operator<= (const Angle& b) const { return a <= a.b; }
+ // bool operator>= (const Angle& b) const { return a >= a.b; }
+ // bool operator= (const T& x) { a = x; FixRange(); }
+ // These operations assume a is already between -Pi and Pi.
+ Angle& operator+=(const Angle& b) {
+ a = a + b.a;
+ FastFixRange();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Angle& operator+=(const T& x) {
+ a = a + x;
+ FixRange();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Angle operator+(const Angle& b) const {
+ Angle res = *this;
+ res += b;
+ return res;
+ }
+ Angle operator+(const T& x) const {
+ Angle res = *this;
+ res += x;
+ return res;
+ }
+ Angle& operator-=(const Angle& b) {
+ a = a - b.a;
+ FastFixRange();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Angle& operator-=(const T& x) {
+ a = a - x;
+ FixRange();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Angle operator-(const Angle& b) const {
+ Angle res = *this;
+ res -= b;
+ return res;
+ }
+ Angle operator-(const T& x) const {
+ Angle res = *this;
+ res -= x;
+ return res;
+ }
+ Angle& operator*=(const T& x) {
+ a = a * x;
+ FixRange();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Angle operator*(const T& x) const {
+ Angle res = *this;
+ res *= x;
+ return res;
+ }
+ T Distance(const Angle& b) {
+ T c = fabs(a - b.a);
+ return (c <= ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI)) ? c : ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_TWOPI) - c;
+ }
+ Angle Lerp(const Angle& b, T f) const {
+ return *this + (b - *this) * f;
+ }
+ private:
+ // The stored angle, which should be maintained between -Pi and Pi
+ T a;
+ // Fixes the angle range to [-Pi,Pi], but assumes no more than 2Pi away on either side
+ inline void FastFixRange() {
+ if (a < -((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI))
+ else if (a > ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI))
+ }
+ // Fixes the angle range to [-Pi,Pi] for any given range, but slower then the fast method
+ inline void FixRange() {
+ // do nothing if the value is already in the correct range, since fmod call is expensive
+ if (a >= -((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI) && a <= ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI))
+ return;
+ a = fmod(a, ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_TWOPI));
+ if (a < -((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI))
+ else if (a > ((T)MATH_DOUBLE_PI))
+ }
+typedef Angle<float> Anglef;
+typedef Angle<double> Angled;
+// ***** Plane
+// Consists of a normal vector and distance from the origin where the plane is located.
+template <class T>
+class Plane {
+ public:
+ Vector3<T> N;
+ T D;
+ Plane() : D(0) {}
+ // Normals must already be normalized
+ Plane(const Vector3<T>& n, T d) : N(n), D(d) {}
+ Plane(T x, T y, T z, T d) : N(x, y, z), D(d) {}
+ // construct from a point on the plane and the normal
+ Plane(const Vector3<T>& p, const Vector3<T>& n) : N(n), D(-(p.Dot(n))) {}
+ // Find the point to plane distance. The sign indicates what side of the plane the point is on (0
+ // = point on plane).
+ T TestSide(const Vector3<T>& p) const {
+ return (N.Dot(p)) + D;
+ }
+ Plane<T> Flipped() const {
+ return Plane(-N, -D);
+ }
+ void Flip() {
+ N = -N;
+ D = -D;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Plane<T>& rhs) const {
+ return (this->D == rhs.D && this->N == rhs.N);
+ }
+typedef Plane<float> Planef;
+typedef Plane<double> Planed;
+// ***** ScaleAndOffset
+template <class T>
+struct ScaleAndOffset {
+ T Scale;
+ T Offset;
+ ScaleAndOffset(float sx = 0.0f, float sy = 0.0f, float ox = 0.0f, float oy = 0.0f)
+ : Scale(sx, sy), Offset(ox, oy) {}
+ T ApplyTo(const T& input) const {
+ return input * Scale + Offset;
+ }
+ ScaleAndOffset Invert() const {
+ ScaleAndOffset inverted;
+ inverted.Scale = T(1.0f) / this->Scale;
+ inverted.Offset = -(this->Offset) * inverted.Scale;
+ return inverted;
+ }
+ // nextSO is the other scale-offset operation that would have normally followed this scale-offset.
+ // Result is a single scale-offset operation that can be applied to an input instead of
+ // two or more separate scale-offset applications on a given Vector2f input.
+ //
+ // So this:
+ // ScaleAndOffset2D so1, so2, so3; // initialized to some values
+ // Vector2f input = Vector2f(2.0f, -1.0f);
+ // input = so1.ApplyTo(input);
+ // input = so2.ApplyTo(input);
+ // input = so3.ApplyTo(input);
+ //
+ // equals this:
+ // ScaleAndOffset2D so1, so2, so3; // initialized to some values
+ // so1 = so1.Combine(so2);
+ // so1 = so1.Combine(so3);
+ // Vector2f input = Vector2f(2.0f, -1.0f);
+ // input = so1.ApplyTo(input);
+ //
+ ScaleAndOffset Combine(const ScaleAndOffset& nextSO) const {
+ ScaleAndOffset retValSO;
+ retValSO.Offset = this->Offset * nextSO.Scale + nextSO.Offset;
+ retValSO.Scale = nextSO.Scale * this->Scale;
+ return retValSO;
+ }
+typedef ScaleAndOffset<Vector2f> ScaleAndOffset2D;
+typedef ScaleAndOffset<Vector3f> ScaleAndOffset3D;
+// ***** FovPort
+// FovPort describes Field Of View (FOV) of a viewport.
+// This class has values for up, down, left and right, stored in
+// tangent of the angle units to simplify calculations.
+// As an example, for a standard 90 degree vertical FOV, we would
+// have: { UpTan = tan(90 degrees / 2), DownTan = tan(90 degrees / 2) }.
+// CreateFromRadians/Degrees helper functions can be used to
+// access FOV in different units.
+// ***** FovPort
+struct FovPort {
+ float UpTan;
+ float DownTan;
+ float LeftTan;
+ float RightTan;
+ FovPort(float sideTan = 0.0f)
+ : UpTan(sideTan), DownTan(sideTan), LeftTan(sideTan), RightTan(sideTan) {}
+ FovPort(float u, float d, float l, float r) : UpTan(u), DownTan(d), LeftTan(l), RightTan(r) {}
+ // C-interop support.
+ typedef CompatibleTypes<FovPort>::Type CompatibleType;
+ FovPort(const CompatibleType& s)
+ : UpTan(s.UpTan), DownTan(s.DownTan), LeftTan(s.LeftTan), RightTan(s.RightTan) {}
+ operator const CompatibleType&() const {
+ OVR_MATH_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(FovPort) == sizeof(CompatibleType), "sizeof(FovPort) failure");
+ return reinterpret_cast<const CompatibleType&>(*this);
+ }
+ static FovPort CreateFromRadians(float horizontalFov, float verticalFov) {
+ FovPort result;
+ result.UpTan = tanf(verticalFov * 0.5f);
+ result.DownTan = tanf(verticalFov * 0.5f);
+ result.LeftTan = tanf(horizontalFov * 0.5f);
+ result.RightTan = tanf(horizontalFov * 0.5f);
+ return result;
+ }
+ static FovPort CreateFromDegrees(float horizontalFovDegrees, float verticalFovDegrees) {
+ return CreateFromRadians(DegreeToRad(horizontalFovDegrees), DegreeToRad(verticalFovDegrees));
+ }
+ // Get Horizontal/Vertical components of Fov in radians.
+ float GetVerticalFovRadians() const {
+ return atanf(UpTan) + atanf(DownTan);
+ }
+ float GetHorizontalFovRadians() const {
+ return atanf(LeftTan) + atanf(RightTan);
+ }
+ // Get Horizontal/Vertical components of Fov in degrees.
+ float GetVerticalFovDegrees() const {
+ return RadToDegree(GetVerticalFovRadians());
+ }
+ float GetHorizontalFovDegrees() const {
+ return RadToDegree(GetHorizontalFovRadians());
+ }
+ // Compute maximum tangent value among all four sides.
+ float GetMaxSideTan() const {
+ return OVRMath_Max(OVRMath_Max(UpTan, DownTan), OVRMath_Max(LeftTan, RightTan));
+ }
+ static ScaleAndOffset2D CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov(FovPort tanHalfFov) {
+ float projXScale = 2.0f / (tanHalfFov.LeftTan + tanHalfFov.RightTan);
+ float projXOffset = (tanHalfFov.LeftTan - tanHalfFov.RightTan) * projXScale * 0.5f;
+ float projYScale = 2.0f / (tanHalfFov.UpTan + tanHalfFov.DownTan);
+ float projYOffset = (tanHalfFov.UpTan - tanHalfFov.DownTan) * projYScale * 0.5f;
+ ScaleAndOffset2D result;
+ result.Scale = Vector2f(projXScale, projYScale);
+ result.Offset = Vector2f(projXOffset, projYOffset);
+ // Hey - why is that Y.Offset negated?
+ // It's because a projection matrix transforms from world coords with Y=up,
+ // whereas this is from NDC which is Y=down.
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Converts Fov Tan angle units to [-1,1] render target NDC space
+ Vector2f TanAngleToRendertargetNDC(Vector2f const& tanEyeAngle) {
+ ScaleAndOffset2D eyeToSourceNDC = CreateNDCScaleAndOffsetFromFov(*this);
+ return tanEyeAngle * eyeToSourceNDC.Scale + eyeToSourceNDC.Offset;
+ }
+ // Compute per-channel minimum and maximum of Fov.
+ static FovPort Min(const FovPort& a, const FovPort& b) {
+ FovPort fov(
+ OVRMath_Min(a.UpTan, b.UpTan),
+ OVRMath_Min(a.DownTan, b.DownTan),
+ OVRMath_Min(a.LeftTan, b.LeftTan),
+ OVRMath_Min(a.RightTan, b.RightTan));
+ return fov;
+ }
+ static FovPort Max(const FovPort& a, const FovPort& b) {
+ FovPort fov(
+ OVRMath_Max(a.UpTan, b.UpTan),
+ OVRMath_Max(a.DownTan, b.DownTan),
+ OVRMath_Max(a.LeftTan, b.LeftTan),
+ OVRMath_Max(a.RightTan, b.RightTan));
+ return fov;
+ }
+ static FovPort Uncant(const FovPort& cantedFov, Quatf canting) {
+ FovPort uncantedFov = cantedFov;
+ // make 3D vectors from the FovPorts projected to z=1 plane
+ Vector3f leftUp = Vector3f(cantedFov.LeftTan, -cantedFov.UpTan, 1.0f);
+ Vector3f rightUp = Vector3f(-cantedFov.RightTan, -cantedFov.UpTan, 1.0f);
+ Vector3f leftDown = Vector3f(cantedFov.LeftTan, cantedFov.DownTan, 1.0f);
+ Vector3f rightDown = Vector3f(-cantedFov.RightTan, cantedFov.DownTan, 1.0f);
+ // rotate these vectors using the canting specified
+ leftUp = canting.Rotate(leftUp);
+ rightUp = canting.Rotate(rightUp);
+ leftDown = canting.Rotate(leftDown);
+ rightDown = canting.Rotate(rightDown);
+ // If the z coordinates of any of the corners end up being really small or negative, then
+ // projection will generate extremely large or inverted frustums and we don't really want that
+ const float kMinValidZ = 0.01f;
+ // re-project back to z=1 plane while making sure we don't generate gigantic values (hence max)
+ leftUp /= OVRMath_Max(leftUp.z, kMinValidZ);
+ rightUp /= OVRMath_Max(rightUp.z, kMinValidZ);
+ leftDown /= OVRMath_Max(leftDown.z, kMinValidZ);
+ rightDown /= OVRMath_Max(rightDown.z, kMinValidZ);
+ // generate new FovTans as "bounding box" values
+ uncantedFov.UpTan = OVRMath_Max(-leftUp.y, -rightUp.y);
+ uncantedFov.DownTan = OVRMath_Max(leftDown.y, rightDown.y);
+ uncantedFov.LeftTan = OVRMath_Max(leftUp.x, leftDown.x);
+ uncantedFov.RightTan = OVRMath_Max(-rightDown.x, -rightUp.x);
+ return uncantedFov;
+ }
+ // Widens a given FovPort by specified angle in each direction
+ static FovPort Expand(const FovPort& inFov, float expandAngle) {
+ auto ClampedExpand = [expandAngle](float t) -> float {
+ // We don't want gigantic values coming out of this function, so we limit resulting FOV.
+ // Limit before calling tanf() to avoid wrap around to negative values.
+ const float limitFov = atanf(10.0f);
+ return tanf(OVRMath_Min(OVRMath_Max(atanf(t) + expandAngle, -limitFov), limitFov));
+ };
+ FovPort modFov = FovPort(
+ ClampedExpand(inFov.UpTan),
+ ClampedExpand(inFov.DownTan),
+ ClampedExpand(inFov.LeftTan),
+ ClampedExpand(inFov.RightTan));
+ return modFov;
+ }
+ template <class T>
+ static FovPort ScaleFovPort(const FovPort& fov, OVR::Vector2<T> scaleFactors) {
+ FovPort retFov = FovPort(fov);
+ retFov.LeftTan *= ((scaleFactors.x != 0.0) ? scaleFactors.x : 1.0f);
+ retFov.RightTan *= ((scaleFactors.x != 0.0) ? scaleFactors.x : 1.0f);
+ retFov.UpTan *= ((scaleFactors.y != 0.0) ? scaleFactors.y : 1.0f);
+ retFov.DownTan *= ((scaleFactors.y != 0.0) ? scaleFactors.y : 1.0f);
+ return retFov;
+ }
+inline bool isNan(const Vector3d& v) {
+ return v.IsNan();
+inline bool isNan(const Vector3f& v) {
+ return v.IsNan();
+} // Namespace OVR
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(pop)
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_StereoProjection.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_StereoProjection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e4593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/Extras/OVR_StereoProjection.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+Filename : OVR_StereoProjection.h
+Content : Stereo projection functions
+Created : November 30, 2013
+Authors : Tom Fosyth
+Copyright : Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Oculus Master SDK License Version 1.0 (the "License");
+you may not use the Oculus VR Rift SDK except in compliance with the License,
+which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which
+otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus VR SDK
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#ifndef OVR_StereoProjection_h
+#define OVR_StereoProjection_h
+#include "Extras/OVR_Math.h"
+namespace OVR {
+// ***** Stereo Enumerations
+// StereoEye specifies which eye we are rendering for; it is used to
+// retrieve StereoEyeParams.
+enum StereoEye { StereoEye_Left, StereoEye_Right, StereoEye_Center };
+// ***** Propjection functions
+Matrix4f CreateProjection(
+ bool rightHanded,
+ bool isOpenGL,
+ FovPort fov,
+ StereoEye eye,
+ float zNear = 0.01f,
+ float zFar = 10000.0f,
+ bool flipZ = false,
+ bool farAtInfinity = false);
+Matrix4f CreateOrthoSubProjection(
+ bool rightHanded,
+ StereoEye eyeType,
+ float tanHalfFovX,
+ float tanHalfFovY,
+ float unitsX,
+ float unitsY,
+ float distanceFromCamera,
+ float interpupillaryDistance,
+ Matrix4f const& projection,
+ float zNear = 0.0f,
+ float zFar = 0.0f,
+ bool flipZ = false,
+ bool farAtInfinity = false);
+} // namespace OVR
+#endif // OVR_StereoProjection_h
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0b251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3715 @@
+ \file OVR_CAPI.h
+ \brief C Interface to the Oculus PC SDK tracking and rendering library.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ ************************************************************************************/
+// We don't use version numbers within OVR_CAPI_h, as all versioned variations
+// of this file are currently mutually exclusive.
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_h
+#include "OVR_CAPI_Keys.h"
+#include "OVR_ErrorCode.h"
+#include "OVR_Version.h"
+#if !defined(_WIN32)
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable : 4324) // structure was padded due to __declspec(align())
+#pragma warning(disable : 4359) // The alignment specified for a type is less than the
+// alignment of the type of one of its data members
+// ***** OVR_OS
+#if !defined(OVR_OS_WIN32) && defined(_WIN32)
+#define OVR_OS_WIN32
+#if !defined(OVR_OS_MAC) && defined(__APPLE__)
+#define OVR_OS_MAC
+#if !defined(OVR_OS_LINUX) && defined(__linux__)
+#define OVR_OS_LINUX
+// ***** OVR_CPP
+#if !defined(OVR_CPP)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#define OVR_CPP(x) x
+#define OVR_CPP(x) /* Not C++ */
+// ***** OVR_CDECL
+/// LibOVR calling convention for 32-bit Windows builds.
+#if !defined(OVR_CDECL)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#define OVR_CDECL __cdecl
+#define OVR_CDECL
+// ***** OVR_EXTERN_C
+/// Defined as extern "C" when built from C++ code.
+#if !defined(OVR_EXTERN_C)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define OVR_EXTERN_C extern "C"
+#define OVR_EXTERN_C
+// OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION - Functions that externally visible from a shared library.
+// Corresponds to Microsoft __dllexport.
+// OVR_PUBLIC_CLASS - C++ structs and classes that are externally visible from a
+// shared library. Corresponds to Microsoft __dllexport.
+// OVR_PRIVATE_FUNCTION - Functions that are not visible outside of a shared library.
+// They are private to the shared library.
+// OVR_PRIVATE_CLASS - C++ structs and classes that are not visible outside of a
+// shared library. They are private to the shared library.
+// OVR_DLL_BUILD - Used to indicate that the current compilation unit is of a shared library.
+// OVR_DLL_IMPORT - Used to indicate that the current compilation unit is a
+// user of the corresponding shared library.
+// OVR_STATIC_BUILD - used to indicate that the current compilation unit is not a
+// shared library but rather statically linked code.
+#if !defined(OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION)
+#if defined(OVR_DLL_BUILD)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#define OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(rval) OVR_EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) rval OVR_CDECL
+#define OVR_PUBLIC_CLASS __declspec(dllexport)
+#define OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(rval) \
+ OVR_EXTERN_C __attribute__((visibility("default"))) rval OVR_CDECL /* Requires GCC 4.0+ */
+#define OVR_PUBLIC_CLASS __attribute__((visibility("default"))) /* Requires GCC 4.0+ */
+#define OVR_PRIVATE_FUNCTION(rval) __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) rval OVR_CDECL
+#define OVR_PRIVATE_CLASS __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
+#elif defined(OVR_DLL_IMPORT)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#define OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(rval) OVR_EXTERN_C __declspec(dllimport) rval OVR_CDECL
+#define OVR_PUBLIC_CLASS __declspec(dllimport)
+// ***** OVR_EXPORT
+/// Provided for backward compatibility with older versions of this library.
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORT)
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+#define OVR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define OVR_EXPORT
+// ***** OVR_ALIGNAS
+#if !defined(OVR_ALIGNAS)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
+#define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) __attribute__((aligned(n)))
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+#define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) __declspec(align(n))
+#elif defined(__CC_ARM)
+#define OVR_ALIGNAS(n) __align(n)
+#error Need to define OVR_ALIGNAS
+// This is a portable way to use compile-time feature identification available
+// with some compilers in a clean way. Direct usage of __has_feature in preprocessing
+// statements of non-supporting compilers results in a preprocessing error.
+// Example usage:
+// #if OVR_CC_HAS_FEATURE(is_pod)
+// if(__is_pod(T)) // If the type is plain data then we can safely memcpy it.
+// memcpy(&destObject, &srcObject, sizeof(object));
+// #endif
+#if !defined(OVR_CC_HAS_FEATURE)
+#if defined(__clang__) //
+#define OVR_CC_HAS_FEATURE(x) __has_feature(x)
+#define OVR_CC_HAS_FEATURE(x) 0
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Portable support for C++11 static_assert().
+// Acts as if the following were declared:
+// void OVR_STATIC_ASSERT(bool const_expression, const char* msg);
+// Example usage:
+// OVR_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int32_t) == 4, "int32_t expected to be 4 bytes.");
+#if !defined(OVR_STATIC_ASSERT)
+#if !(defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L)) /* Other */ && \
+ !(defined(__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)) /* GCC */ && \
+ !(defined(__clang__) && defined(__cplusplus) && \
+ OVR_CC_HAS_FEATURE(cxx_static_assert)) /* clang */ \
+ && !(defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1600) && defined(__cplusplus)) /* VS2010+ */
+#if !defined(OVR_SA_UNUSED)
+#if defined(OVR_CC_GNU) || defined(OVR_CC_CLANG)
+#define OVR_SA_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
+#define OVR_SA_UNUSED
+#define OVR_SA_PASTE(a, b) a##b
+#define OVR_SA_HELP(a, b) OVR_SA_PASTE(a, b)
+#if defined(__COUNTER__)
+#define OVR_STATIC_ASSERT(expression, msg) \
+ typedef char OVR_SA_HELP(staticAssert, __COUNTER__)[((expression) != 0) ? 1 : -1] OVR_SA_UNUSED
+#define OVR_STATIC_ASSERT(expression, msg) \
+ typedef char OVR_SA_HELP(staticAssert, __LINE__)[((expression) != 0) ? 1 : -1] OVR_SA_UNUSED
+#define OVR_STATIC_ASSERT(expression, msg) static_assert(expression, msg)
+// OVR_STATIC_ASSERT_OFFSETOF statically asserts offsetof(Type.member) == expected_offset
+#define OVR_STATIC_ASSERT_OFFSETOF(Type, member, expected_offset) \
+ offsetof(Type, member) == (expected_offset), \
+ "Expected " #Type "." #member " offset == " #expected_offset)
+// OVR_STATIC_ASSERT_SIZEOF statically asserts sizeof(Type) == expected_size
+#define OVR_STATIC_ASSERT_SIZEOF(Type, expected_size) \
+ sizeof(Type) == (expected_size), "Expected sizeof(" #Type ") == " #expected_size)
+// ***** Padding
+/// Defines explicitly unused space for a struct.
+/// When used correcly, usage of this macro should not change the size of the struct.
+/// Compile-time and runtime behavior with and without this defined should be identical.
+#if !defined(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD)
+#define OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(padName, size) char padName[size];
+// ***** Word Size
+/// Specifies the size of a pointer on the given platform.
+#if !defined(OVR_PTR_SIZE)
+#if defined(__WORDSIZE)
+#define OVR_PTR_SIZE ((__WORDSIZE) / 8)
+#elif defined(_WIN64) || defined(__LP64__) || defined(_LP64) || defined(_M_IA64) || \
+ defined(__ia64__) || defined(__arch64__) || defined(__64BIT__) || defined(__Ptr_Is_64)
+#define OVR_PTR_SIZE 8
+#elif defined(__CC_ARM) && (__sizeof_ptr == 8)
+#define OVR_PTR_SIZE 8
+#define OVR_PTR_SIZE 4
+// ***** OVR_ON32 / OVR_ON64
+#if OVR_PTR_SIZE == 8
+#define OVR_ON32(x)
+#define OVR_ON64(x) x
+#define OVR_ON32(x) x
+#define OVR_ON64(x)
+// ***** ovrBool
+typedef char ovrBool; ///< Boolean type
+#define ovrFalse 0 ///< ovrBool value of false.
+#define ovrTrue 1 ///< ovrBool value of true.
+// ***** PFN_ovrVoidFunction
+/// Defines a generic function pointer.
+/// \see ovr_GetInstanceProcAddr
+typedef void (*PFN_ovrVoidFunction)(void);
+// ***** Simple Math Structures
+/// A RGBA color with normalized float components.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrColorf_ {
+ float r, g, b, a;
+} ovrColorf;
+/// A 2D vector with integer components.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrVector2i_ {
+ int x, y;
+} ovrVector2i;
+/// A 2D size with integer components.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrSizei_ {
+ int w, h;
+} ovrSizei;
+/// A 2D rectangle with a position and size.
+/// All components are integers.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrRecti_ {
+ ovrVector2i Pos;
+ ovrSizei Size;
+} ovrRecti;
+/// A quaternion rotation.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrQuatf_ {
+ float x, y, z, w;
+} ovrQuatf;
+/// A 2D vector with float components.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrVector2f_ {
+ float x, y;
+} ovrVector2f;
+/// A 3D vector with float components.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrVector3f_ {
+ float x, y, z;
+} ovrVector3f;
+/// A 4D vector with float components.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrVector4f_ {
+ float x, y, z, w;
+} ovrVector4f;
+/// A 4D vector with int16_t components.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrVector4s_ {
+ int16_t x, y, z, w;
+} ovrVector4s;
+/// A 4x4 matrix with float elements.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrMatrix4f_ {
+ float M[4][4];
+} ovrMatrix4f;
+/// Position and orientation together.
+/// The coordinate system used is right-handed Cartesian.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrPosef_ {
+ ovrQuatf Orientation;
+ ovrVector3f Position;
+} ovrPosef;
+/// A full pose (rigid body) configuration with first and second derivatives.
+/// Body refers to any object for which ovrPoseStatef is providing data.
+/// It can be the HMD, Touch controller, sensor or something else. The context
+/// depends on the usage of the struct.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) ovrPoseStatef_ {
+ ovrPosef ThePose; ///< Position and orientation.
+ ovrVector3f AngularVelocity; ///< Angular velocity in radians per second.
+ ovrVector3f LinearVelocity; ///< Velocity in meters per second.
+ ovrVector3f AngularAcceleration; ///< Angular acceleration in radians per second per second.
+ ovrVector3f LinearAcceleration; ///< Acceleration in meters per second per second.
+ OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4) ///< \internal struct pad.
+ double TimeInSeconds; ///< Absolute time that this pose refers to. \see ovr_GetTimeInSeconds
+} ovrPoseStatef;
+/// Describes the up, down, left, and right angles of the field of view.
+/// Field Of View (FOV) tangent of the angle units.
+/// \note For a standard 90 degree vertical FOV, we would
+/// have: { UpTan = tan(90 degrees / 2), DownTan = tan(90 degrees / 2) }.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrFovPort_ {
+ float UpTan; ///< Tangent of the angle between the viewing vector and top edge of the FOV.
+ float DownTan; ///< Tangent of the angle between the viewing vector and bottom edge of the FOV.
+ float LeftTan; ///< Tangent of the angle between the viewing vector and left edge of the FOV.
+ float RightTan; ///< Tangent of the angle between the viewing vector and right edge of the FOV.
+} ovrFovPort;
+// ***** HMD Types
+/// Enumerates all HMD types that we support.
+/// The currently released developer kits are ovrHmd_DK1 and ovrHmd_DK2.
+/// The other enumerations are for internal use only.
+typedef enum ovrHmdType_ {
+ ovrHmd_None = 0,
+ ovrHmd_DK1 = 3,
+ ovrHmd_DKHD = 4,
+ ovrHmd_DK2 = 6,
+ ovrHmd_CB = 8,
+ ovrHmd_Other = 9,
+ ovrHmd_E3_2015 = 10,
+ ovrHmd_ES06 = 11,
+ ovrHmd_ES09 = 12,
+ ovrHmd_ES11 = 13,
+ ovrHmd_CV1 = 14,
+ ovrHmd_RiftS = 16,
+ ovrHmd_Quest = 19,
+ ovrHmd_Quest2 = 20,
+ ovrHmd_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrHmdType;
+/// HMD capability bits reported by device.
+typedef enum ovrHmdCaps_ {
+ // Read-only flags
+ /// <B>(read only)</B> Specifies that the HMD is a virtual debug device.
+ ovrHmdCap_DebugDevice = 0x0010,
+ ovrHmdCap_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrHmdCaps;
+/// Tracking capability bits reported by the device.
+/// Used with ovr_GetTrackingCaps.
+typedef enum ovrTrackingCaps_ {
+ ovrTrackingCap_Orientation = 0x0010, ///< Supports orientation tracking (IMU).
+ ovrTrackingCap_MagYawCorrection = 0x0020, ///< Supports yaw drift correction.
+ ovrTrackingCap_Position = 0x0040, ///< Supports positional tracking.
+ ovrTrackingCap_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTrackingCaps;
+/// Defines the largest size for an extension name string, including the '\0' terminator.
+/// \see ovrExtensionProperties
+/// Describes the properties of an API extension.
+/// \see ovr_EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties
+typedef struct ovrExtensionProperties_ {
+ int extensionId; // One of enum ovrExtensions or a dynamic value.
+ char extensionName[OVR_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE];
+ uint32_t extensionVersion; // OpenXR-like version. Version compatibility is identified by the
+ // extension documentation.
+} ovrExtensionProperties;
+/// Optional extensions
+typedef enum ovrExtensions_ {
+ ovrExtension_TextureLayout_Octilinear = 0, ///< Enable before first layer submission.
+ ovrExtension_Count, ///< \internal Sanity checking
+ ovrExtension_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrExtensions;
+/// Specifies which eye is being used for rendering.
+/// This type explicitly does not include a third "NoStereo" monoscopic option,
+/// as such is not required for an HMD-centered API.
+typedef enum ovrEyeType_ {
+ ovrEye_Left = 0, ///< The left eye, from the viewer's perspective.
+ ovrEye_Right = 1, ///< The right eye, from the viewer's perspective.
+ ovrEye_Count = 2, ///< \internal Count of enumerated elements.
+ ovrEye_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrEyeType;
+/// Specifies the coordinate system ovrTrackingState returns tracking poses in.
+/// Used with ovr_SetTrackingOriginType()
+typedef enum ovrTrackingOrigin_ {
+ /// \brief Tracking system origin reported at eye (HMD) height
+ /// \details Prefer using this origin when your application requires
+ /// matching user's current physical head pose to a virtual head pose
+ /// without any regards to a the height of the floor. Cockpit-based,
+ /// or 3rd-person experiences are ideal candidates.
+ /// When used, all poses in ovrTrackingState are reported as an offset
+ /// transform from the profile calibrated or recentered HMD pose.
+ /// It is recommended that apps using this origin type call ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin
+ /// prior to starting the VR experience, but notify the user before doing so
+ /// to make sure the user is in a comfortable pose, facing a comfortable
+ /// direction.
+ ovrTrackingOrigin_EyeLevel = 0,
+ /// \brief Tracking system origin reported at floor height
+ /// \details Prefer using this origin when your application requires the
+ /// physical floor height to match the virtual floor height, such as
+ /// standing experiences.
+ /// When used, all poses in ovrTrackingState are reported as an offset
+ /// transform from the profile calibrated floor pose. Calling ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin
+ /// will recenter the X & Z axes as well as yaw, but the Y-axis (i.e. height) will continue
+ /// to be reported using the floor height as the origin for all poses.
+ ovrTrackingOrigin_FloorLevel = 1,
+ ovrTrackingOrigin_Count = 2, ///< \internal Count of enumerated elements.
+ ovrTrackingOrigin_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTrackingOrigin;
+/// Color space types for HMDs
+/// Until ovr_SetClientColorDesc is called, for backwards compatibility, a new session will start
+/// with 'ovrColorSpace_Unknown' which will default to 'ovrColorSpace_Rift_CV1'. This assumes the
+/// app visuals were authored to be viewed in a Rift CV1 HMD. Therefore it does the following:
+/// - For Rift CV1, assumes submitted images are authored for CV1 color space, and keeps them as is.
+/// - For Rift S and Quest (via Oculus Link), converts images to reproduce CV1's color space.
+/// This API only handles color-space remapping. Unless specified, all color spaces use D65 white
+/// point. This API will not affect brightness, contrast or gamma curves. Some of these aspects such
+/// as gamma, is handled by the texture format being used. From the GPU samplers' point-of-view,
+/// each texture will continue to be treated as linear luminance including the sRGB format which is
+/// converted to linear by the texture sampler.
+/// It is recommended that content is authored for the Rift CV1 color space as it has a wider color
+/// gamut than the Rift S. If content is authored to a narrow color space such as "Rec. 709" or
+/// "Rift S", this can lead to content looking "dull", "washed out" or "desaturated" when viewed in
+/// a wider-color-space-capable device such as Rift CV1 and Quest. This is because the colors stored
+/// in the submitted images will no longer be able to hit the deeper saturated chromaticity values.
+/// Using 'ovrColorSpace_Unmanaged' will force the runtime to skip color correction on to the
+/// provided content. This is not recommended unless the app developer is sure about what they're
+/// doing. 'ovrColorSpace_Unmanaged' is mostly useful for research & experimentation, but not for
+/// software distribution. This is because unless the client is applying the necessary corrections
+/// for each HMD type, the results seen in the HMD will be uncalibrated. This is especially true for
+/// future HMDs where the color space is not yet known or defined, leading to colors that might look
+/// too dull or saturated.
+/// Requested rectilinear-mirror outputs are composited without any color space adjustment.
+/// However, if client requests a post-distortion (i.e. non-rectilinear) mirror output, it will be
+/// provided with the same color adjustment that was applied for the HMD output. Therefore,
+/// post-distortion mirror output are not guaranteed to have acceptable color-space accuracy
+/// for desktop viewing.
+/// Color Space Details with Chromaticity Primaries in CIE 1931 xy:
+/// Color Space: Rift CV1 between P3 & Adobe RGB using D75 white point
+/// Red : (0.666, 0.334)
+/// Green: (0.238, 0.714)
+/// Blue : (0.139, 0.053)
+/// White: (0.298, 0.318)
+/// Color Space: Quest similar to Rift CV1 using D75 white point
+/// Red : (0.661, 0.338)
+/// Green: (0.228, 0.718)
+/// Blue : (0.142, 0.042)
+/// White: (0.298, 0.318)
+/// Color Space: Rift S similar to Rec 709 using D75
+/// Red : (0.640, 0.330)
+/// Green: (0.292, 0.586)
+/// Blue : (0.156, 0.058)
+/// White: (0.298, 0.318)
+/// Color Space: P3, similar to DCI-P3, but using D65 white point instead.
+/// Red : (0.680, 0.320)
+/// Green: (0.265, 0.690)
+/// Blue : (0.150, 0.060)
+/// White: (0.313, 0.329)
+/// Note: Due to LCD limitations, the Rift S display will not be able to meaningfully differentiate
+/// brightness levels below 13 out of 255 for 8-bit sRGB or 0.0015 out of 1.0 max for linear-RGB
+/// shader output values. To that end, it is recommended that reliance on a dark and narrow gamut is
+/// avoided, and the content is instead spread across a larger brightness range when possible.
+typedef enum ovrColorSpace_ {
+ ovrColorSpace_Unknown = 0, ///< Default value until client sets calls ovr_SetClientColorDesc
+ ovrColorSpace_Unmanaged = 1, ///< See notes above. No correction, i.e. color space of active HMD
+ ovrColorSpace_Rift_CV1 = 2, ///< See notes above. Unique color space.
+ ovrColorSpace_Rift_S = 3, ///< See notes above. Unique color space.
+ ovrColorSpace_Quest = 4, ///< See notes above. Unique color space.
+ ovrColorSpace_Rec_2020 = 5, ///< Standard Rec. 2020 chromaticities
+ ovrColorSpace_Rec_709 = 6, ///< Standard Rec. 709 chromaticities, similar to sRGB
+ ovrColorSpace_P3 = 7, ///< See notes above
+ ovrColorSpace_Adobe_RGB = 8, ///< Standard AdobeRGB chromaticities
+ ovrColorSpace_Count = 9,
+ ovrColorSpace_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrColorSpace;
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrHmdColorDesc_ {
+ /// Approximate color space the HMD display can output.
+ /// Use ColorPrimaries for more precise color space definition including white point (e.g. DN75)
+ ovrColorSpace ColorSpace;
+ OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4) ///< \internal struct pad.
+} ovrHmdColorDesc;
+/// Identifies a graphics device in a platform-specific way.
+/// For Windows this is a LUID type.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrGraphicsLuid_ {
+ // Public definition reserves space for graphics API-specific implementation
+ char Reserved[8];
+} ovrGraphicsLuid;
+/// This is a complete descriptor of the HMD.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrHmdDesc_ {
+ ovrHmdType Type; ///< The type of HMD.
+ OVR_ON64(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4)) ///< \internal struct padding.
+ char ProductName[64]; ///< UTF8-encoded product identification string (e.g. "Oculus Rift DK1").
+ char Manufacturer[64]; ///< UTF8-encoded HMD manufacturer identification string.
+ short VendorId; ///< HID (USB) vendor identifier of the device.
+ short ProductId; ///< HID (USB) product identifier of the device.
+ char SerialNumber[24]; ///< HMD serial number.
+ short FirmwareMajor; ///< HMD firmware major version.
+ short FirmwareMinor; ///< HMD firmware minor version.
+ unsigned int AvailableHmdCaps; ///< Available ovrHmdCaps bits.
+ unsigned int DefaultHmdCaps; ///< Default ovrHmdCaps bits.
+ unsigned int AvailableTrackingCaps; ///< Available ovrTrackingCaps bits.
+ unsigned int DefaultTrackingCaps; ///< Default ovrTrackingCaps bits.
+ ovrFovPort DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Count]; ///< Defines the recommended FOVs for the HMD.
+ ovrFovPort MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Count]; ///< Defines the maximum FOVs for the HMD.
+ ovrSizei Resolution; ///< Resolution of the full HMD screen (both eyes) in pixels.
+ float DisplayRefreshRate; ///< Refresh rate of the display in cycles per second.
+ OVR_ON64(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad1, 4)) ///< \internal struct padding.
+} ovrHmdDesc;
+/// Used as an opaque pointer to an OVR session.
+typedef struct ovrHmdStruct* ovrSession;
+#ifdef OVR_OS_WIN32
+typedef uint32_t ovrProcessId;
+typedef pid_t ovrProcessId;
+/// Fallback definitions for when the vulkan header isn't being included
+#if !defined(VK_VERSION_1_0)
+// From <vulkan/vulkan.h>:
+#define VK_DEFINE_HANDLE(object) typedef struct object##_T* object;
+#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_WIN64) || (defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__ILP32__)) || \
+ defined(_M_X64) || defined(__ia64) || defined(_M_IA64) || defined(__aarch64__) || \
+ defined(__powerpc64__)
+#define VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE(object) typedef struct object##_T* object;
+#define VK_DEFINE_NON_DISPATCHABLE_HANDLE(object) typedef uint64_t object;
+/// Bit flags describing the current status of sensor tracking.
+/// The values must be the same as in enum StatusBits
+/// \see ovrTrackingState
+typedef enum ovrStatusBits_ {
+ // Device orientation is currently tracked. It's possible that the device orientation is not
+ // tracked,
+ // but its reported orientation is nevertheless valid (e.g. due to estimation)
+ ovrStatus_OrientationTracked = 0x0001,
+ // Device position is currently tracked. It's possible that the device position is not tracked,
+ // but its reported position is nevertheless valid (e.g. due to estimation).
+ ovrStatus_PositionTracked = 0x0002,
+ // The reported device orientation is valid for application use. In the case that OrientationValid
+ // is true and
+ // OrientationTracked is false, the runtime may be estimating the orientation of the device.
+ // In the case that OrientationValid is false, the application should not use the returned
+ // orientation value.
+ ovrStatus_OrientationValid = 0x0004,
+ // The reported device orientation is valid for application use. In the case that PositionValid is
+ // true and
+ // PositionTracked is false, the runtime may be estimating the position of the device.
+ // In the case that PositionValid is false, the application should not use the returned position
+ // value.
+ ovrStatus_PositionValid = 0x0008
+} ovrStatusBits;
+/// Specifies the description of a single sensor.
+/// \see ovr_GetTrackerDesc
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrTrackerDesc_ {
+ float FrustumHFovInRadians; ///< Sensor frustum horizontal field-of-view (if present).
+ float FrustumVFovInRadians; ///< Sensor frustum vertical field-of-view (if present).
+ float FrustumNearZInMeters; ///< Sensor frustum near Z (if present).
+ float FrustumFarZInMeters; ///< Sensor frustum far Z (if present).
+} ovrTrackerDesc;
+/// Specifies sensor flags.
+/// /see ovrTrackerPose
+typedef enum ovrTrackerFlags_ {
+ /// The sensor is present, else the sensor is absent or offline.
+ ovrTracker_Connected = 0x0020,
+ /// The sensor has a valid pose, else the pose is unavailable.
+ /// This will only be set if ovrTracker_Connected is set.
+ ovrTracker_PoseTracked = 0x0004
+} ovrTrackerFlags;
+/// Specifies the pose for a single sensor.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) _ovrTrackerPose {
+ /// ovrTrackerFlags.
+ unsigned int TrackerFlags;
+ /// The sensor's pose. This pose includes sensor tilt (roll and pitch).
+ /// For a leveled coordinate system use LeveledPose.
+ ovrPosef Pose;
+ /// The sensor's leveled pose, aligned with gravity. This value includes pos and yaw of the
+ /// sensor, but not roll and pitch. It can be used as a reference point to render real-world
+ /// objects in the correct location.
+ ovrPosef LeveledPose;
+ OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4) ///< \internal struct pad.
+} ovrTrackerPose;
+/// Tracking state at a given absolute time (describes predicted HMD pose, etc.).
+/// Returned by ovr_GetTrackingState.
+/// \see ovr_GetTrackingState
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) ovrTrackingState_ {
+ /// Predicted head pose (and derivatives) at the requested absolute time.
+ ovrPoseStatef HeadPose;
+ /// HeadPose tracking status described by ovrStatusBits.
+ unsigned int StatusFlags;
+ /// The most recent calculated pose for each hand when hand controller tracking is present.
+ /// HandPoses[ovrHand_Left] refers to the left hand and HandPoses[ovrHand_Right] to the right.
+ /// These values can be combined with ovrInputState for complete hand controller information.
+ ovrPoseStatef HandPoses[2];
+ /// HandPoses status flags described by ovrStatusBits.
+ unsigned int HandStatusFlags[2];
+ /// The pose of the origin captured during calibration.
+ /// Like all other poses here, this is expressed in the space set by ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin,
+ /// or ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin and so will change every time either of those functions are
+ /// called. This pose can be used to calculate where the calibrated origin lands in the new
+ /// recentered space. If an application never calls ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin or
+ /// ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin, expect this value to be the identity pose and as such will point
+ /// respective origin based on ovrTrackingOrigin requested when calling ovr_GetTrackingState.
+ ovrPosef CalibratedOrigin;
+} ovrTrackingState;
+/// Rendering information for each eye. Computed by ovr_GetRenderDesc() based on the
+/// specified FOV. Note that the rendering viewport is not included
+/// here as it can be specified separately and modified per frame by
+/// passing different Viewport values in the layer structure.
+/// \see ovr_GetRenderDesc
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrEyeRenderDesc_ {
+ ovrEyeType Eye; ///< The eye index to which this instance corresponds.
+ ovrFovPort Fov; ///< The field of view.
+ ovrRecti DistortedViewport; ///< Distortion viewport.
+ ovrVector2f PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter; ///< How many display pixels will fit in tan(angle) = 1.
+ ovrPosef HmdToEyePose; ///< Transform of eye from the HMD center, in meters.
+} ovrEyeRenderDesc;
+/// Projection information for ovrLayerEyeFovDepth.
+/// Use the utility function ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc_FromProjection to
+/// generate this structure from the application's projection matrix.
+/// \see ovrLayerEyeFovDepth, ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc_FromProjection
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc_ {
+ float Projection22; ///< Projection matrix element [2][2].
+ float Projection23; ///< Projection matrix element [2][3].
+ float Projection32; ///< Projection matrix element [3][2].
+} ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc;
+/// Contains the data necessary to properly calculate position info for various layer types.
+/// - HmdToEyePose is the same value-pair provided in ovrEyeRenderDesc. Modifying this value is
+/// suggested only if the app is forcing monoscopic rendering and requires that all layers
+/// including quad layers show up in a monoscopic fashion.
+/// - HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters is used to scale player motion into in-application units.
+/// In other words, it is how big an in-application unit is in the player's physical meters.
+/// For example, if the application uses inches as its units then HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters
+/// would be 0.0254.
+/// Note that if you are scaling the player in size, this must also scale. So if your application
+/// units are inches, but you're shrinking the player to half their normal size, then
+/// HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters would be 0.0254*2.0.
+/// \see ovrEyeRenderDesc, ovr_SubmitFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrViewScaleDesc_ {
+ ovrPosef HmdToEyePose[ovrEye_Count]; ///< Transform of each eye from the HMD center, in meters.
+ float HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters; ///< Ratio of viewer units to meter units.
+} ovrViewScaleDesc;
+// ***** Platform-independent Rendering Configuration
+/// The type of texture resource.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChainDesc
+typedef enum ovrTextureType_ {
+ ovrTexture_2D = 0, ///< 2D textures or texture arrays.
+ ovrTexture_2D_External = 1, ///< Application-provided 2D texture. Not supported on PC.
+ ovrTexture_Cube = 2, ///< Cube maps. ovrTextureSwapChainDesc::ArraySize must be 6 for this type.
+ ovrTexture_Count,
+ ovrTexture_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTextureType;
+/// The bindings required for texture swap chain.
+/// All texture swap chains are automatically bindable as shader
+/// input resources since the Oculus runtime needs this to read them.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChainDesc
+typedef enum ovrTextureBindFlags_ {
+ ovrTextureBind_None,
+ /// The application can write into the chain with pixel shader.
+ ovrTextureBind_DX_RenderTarget = 0x0001,
+ /// The application can write to the chain with compute shader.
+ ovrTextureBind_DX_UnorderedAccess = 0x0002,
+ /// The chain buffers can be bound as depth and/or stencil buffers.
+ /// This flag cannot be combined with ovrTextureBind_DX_RenderTarget.
+ ovrTextureBind_DX_DepthStencil = 0x0004,
+ ovrTextureBind_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTextureBindFlags;
+/// The format of a texture.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChainDesc
+typedef enum ovrTextureFormat_ {
+ OVR_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM = 1, ///< Not currently supported on PC. Requires a DirectX 11.1 device.
+ OVR_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM = 2, ///< Not currently supported on PC. Requires a DirectX 11.1 device.
+ OVR_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM = 3, ///< Not currently supported on PC. Requires a DirectX 11.1 device.
+ OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8_UNORM = 27, ///< Not currently supported.
+ OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB = 7, ///< Not supported for OpenGL applications
+ OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM = 8, ///< Not supported for OpenGL applications
+ OVR_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB = 9, ///< Not supported for OpenGL applications
+ OVR_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT = 10,
+ OVR_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT = 25, ///< Not supported for D3D12 applications. Introduced in v1.10
+ // Depth formats
+ // Added in 1.5 compressed formats can be used for static layers
+ OVR_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16 = 21,
+ OVR_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16 = 22,
+ OVR_FORMAT_ENUMSIZE = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTextureFormat;
+/// Misc flags overriding particular
+/// behaviors of a texture swap chain
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChainDesc
+typedef enum ovrTextureMiscFlags_ {
+ ovrTextureMisc_None,
+ /// Vulkan and DX only: The underlying texture is created with a TYPELESS equivalent
+ /// of the format specified in the texture desc. The SDK will still access the
+ /// texture using the format specified in the texture desc, but the app can
+ /// create views with different formats if this is specified.
+ ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless = 0x0001,
+ /// DX only: Allow generation of the mip chain on the GPU via the GenerateMips
+ /// call. This flag requires that RenderTarget binding also be specified.
+ ovrTextureMisc_AllowGenerateMips = 0x0002,
+ /// Texture swap chain contains protected content, and requires
+ /// HDCP connection in order to display to HMD. Also prevents
+ /// mirroring or other redirection of any frame containing this contents
+ ovrTextureMisc_ProtectedContent = 0x0004,
+ /// Automatically generate and use the mip chain in composition on each submission.
+ /// Mips are regenerated from highest quality level, ignoring other pre-existing mip levels.
+ /// Not supported for depth or compressed (BC) formats.
+ ovrTextureMisc_AutoGenerateMips = 0x0008,
+ ovrTextureMisc_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTextureFlags;
+/// Description used to create a texture swap chain.
+/// \see ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX
+/// \see ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL
+/// \see ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk
+typedef struct ovrTextureSwapChainDesc_ {
+ ovrTextureType Type; ///< Must be ovrTexture_2D or ovrTexture_Cube.
+ ovrTextureFormat Format;
+ int ArraySize; ///< Must be 6 for ovrTexture_Cube, size of texture array otherwise.
+ int Width;
+ int Height;
+ int MipLevels;
+ int SampleCount;
+ ovrBool StaticImage; ///< Not buffered in a chain. For images that don't change
+ OVR_ALIGNAS(4) unsigned int MiscFlags; ///< ovrTextureFlags
+ OVR_ALIGNAS(4) unsigned int BindFlags; ///< ovrTextureBindFlags. Not used for GL.
+} ovrTextureSwapChainDesc;
+/// Bit flags used as part of ovrMirrorTextureDesc's MirrorOptions field.
+/// \see ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX
+/// \see ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL
+/// \see ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsVk
+typedef enum ovrMirrorOptions_ {
+ /// By default the mirror texture will be:
+ /// * Pre-distortion (i.e. rectilinear)
+ /// * Contain both eye textures
+ /// * Exclude Guardian, Notifications, System Menu GUI
+ ovrMirrorOption_Default = 0x0000,
+ /// Retrieves the barrel distorted texture contents instead of the rectilinear one
+ /// This is only recommended for debugging purposes, and not for final desktop presentation
+ ovrMirrorOption_PostDistortion = 0x0001,
+ /// Since ovrMirrorOption_Default renders both eyes into the mirror texture,
+ /// these two flags are exclusive (i.e. cannot use them simultaneously)
+ ovrMirrorOption_LeftEyeOnly = 0x0002,
+ ovrMirrorOption_RightEyeOnly = 0x0004,
+ /// Shows the boundary system aka Guardian on the mirror texture
+ ovrMirrorOption_IncludeGuardian = 0x0008,
+ /// Shows system notifications the user receives on the mirror texture
+ ovrMirrorOption_IncludeNotifications = 0x0010,
+ /// Shows the system menu (triggered by hitting the Home button) on the mirror texture
+ ovrMirrorOption_IncludeSystemGui = 0x0020,
+ /// Forces mirror output to use max symmetric FOV instead of asymmetric full FOV used by HMD.
+ /// Only valid for rectilinear mirrors i.e. using ovrMirrorOption_PostDistortion with
+ /// ovrMirrorOption_ForceSymmetricFov will result in ovrError_InvalidParameter error.
+ ovrMirrorOption_ForceSymmetricFov = 0x0040,
+ ovrMirrorOption_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrMirrorOptions;
+/// Description used to create a mirror texture.
+/// \see ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX
+/// \see ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL
+/// \see ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsVk
+typedef struct ovrMirrorTextureDesc_ {
+ ovrTextureFormat Format;
+ int Width;
+ int Height;
+ unsigned int MiscFlags; ///< ovrTextureFlags
+ unsigned int MirrorOptions; ///< ovrMirrorOptions
+} ovrMirrorTextureDesc;
+typedef struct ovrTextureSwapChainData* ovrTextureSwapChain;
+typedef struct ovrMirrorTextureData* ovrMirrorTexture;
+/// Fov-stencil mesh for assisting in rendering efficiency for clients using EyeFov layers
+/// A fov-stencil mesh is used to cull out the parts of the eye render target used in
+/// ovrLayerType_EyeFov & ovrLayerType_EyeFovDepth layers that would not normally be visible to
+/// the user wearing the HMD.
+/// A rasterized eye render target is rectangular, but the parts of the render target visible to the
+/// user do not necessarily follow a rectangular region. This is where the fov-stencil mesh
+/// helps designate the boundaries of the visible parts for a given eye render target.
+/// To make effective use of this mesh, the client should render the mesh before kicking off any
+/// other rendering work. Ideally the mesh would be rendered at the near-depth plane distance, or
+/// into the stencil buffer right after clearing the depth-stencil buffer. The choice of using
+/// depth vs. stencil is left up to the client, but the client should make sure that the mesh is
+/// rendered in a way that it can make use of Hierarchical-Z or Hierarchical-Stencil for better
+/// performance on rejected geometry post-vertex shading.
+/// Viewport stencil types provided by the ovr_GetFovStencil call.
+/// \see ovr_GetFovStencil
+typedef enum ovrFovStencilType_ {
+ ovrFovStencil_HiddenArea = 0, ///< Triangle list covering parts that are hidden to users
+ ovrFovStencil_VisibleArea = 1, ///< Triangle list covering parts that are visible to users
+ ovrFovStencil_BorderLine = 2, ///< Line list that draws the boundary visible to users
+ ovrFovStencil_VisibleRectangle = 3, ///< Axis-aligned rectangle fit in visible region
+ ///< 4x vertices: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft
+ ovrFovStencilType_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrFovStencilType;
+/// Identifies flags used by ovrFovStencilDesc and which are passed to ovr_GetFovStencil.
+/// \see ovrFovStencilDesc
+typedef enum ovrFovStencilFlags_ {
+ /// When used, flips the Y component of the provided 2D mesh coordinates, such that Y increases
+ /// upwards. When not used, places mesh origin at top-left where Y increases downwards.
+ ovrFovStencilFlag_MeshOriginAtBottomLeft = 0x01,
+ ovrFovStencilFlag_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrFovStencilFlags;
+/// Fov-stencil mesh descriptor passed into the function ovr_GetFovStencil
+/// \see ovr_GetFovStencil
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrFovStencilDesc_ {
+ ovrFovStencilType StencilType;
+ uint32_t StencilFlags; ///< Bit flag combination of ovrFovStencilFlags
+ ovrEyeType Eye;
+ ovrFovPort FovPort; ///< Typically FOV obtained from ovrEyeRenderDesc
+ ovrQuatf HmdToEyeRotation; ///< Typically HmdToEyePose.Orientation obtained from ovrEyeRenderDesc
+ ///< Note: Currently unsupported, always treated as identity
+} ovrFovStencilDesc;
+/// Contains the data for the fov-stencil mesh. Parts of the struct are filled by the caller
+/// while some parts are filled by the SDK.
+/// \see ovr_GetFovStencil
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrFovStencilMeshBuffer_ {
+ /// Vertex info
+ int AllocVertexCount; ///< To be filled in by caller of ovr_GetFovStencil
+ int UsedVertexCount; ///< To be filled in by SDK and returned to caller
+ ovrVector2f* VertexBuffer; ///< To be allocated by caller and filled in by SDK
+ /// Index info
+ int AllocIndexCount; ///< To be filled in by caller of ovr_GetFovStencil
+ int UsedIndexCount; ///< To be filled in by SDK and returned to caller
+ uint16_t* IndexBuffer; ///< To be allocated by caller and filled in by SDK
+} ovrFovStencilMeshBuffer;
+/// Returns a viewport stencil mesh to be used for defining the area or outline the user
+/// can see through the lens on an area defined by a given ovrFovPort.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] fovStencilDesc Info provided by caller necessary to generate a stencil mesh.
+/// \param[in] meshBuffer Mesh buffer to be partially filled in and returned by the SDK.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of
+/// failure, use ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: Completed successfully.
+/// - ovrError_ServiceConnection: The service connection was lost and the application
+/// must destroy the session.
+/// - ovrError_InvalidParameter: One or more of the parameters
+/// To find out how big the vertex and index buffers in meshBuffer buffer should be, first call
+/// this function setting AllocVertexCount & AllocIndexCount to 0 while also sending in nullptr
+/// for VertexBuffer & IndexBuffer. The SDK will populate UsedVertexCount & UsedIndexCount values.
+/// If Alloc*Count fields in meshBuffer are smaller than the expected Used*Count fields,
+/// (except when they are 0) then the SDK will return ovrError_InvalidParameter and leave
+/// VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer untouched.
+/// 2D positions provided in the buffer will be in the [0,1] range where Y increases downward,
+/// similar to texture-UV space. If Y coordinates need to be flipped upside down, use the
+/// ovrFovStencilFlag_MeshOriginAtBottomLeft.
+ ovrSession session,
+ const ovrFovStencilDesc* fovStencilDesc,
+ ovrFovStencilMeshBuffer* meshBuffer);
+/// Describes button input types.
+/// Button inputs are combined; that is they will be reported as pressed if they are
+/// pressed on either one of the two devices.
+/// The ovrButton_Up/Down/Left/Right map to both XBox D-Pad and directional buttons.
+/// The ovrButton_Enter and ovrButton_Return map to Start and Back controller buttons, respectively.
+typedef enum ovrButton_ {
+ /// A button on XBox controllers and right Touch controller. Not present on Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_A = 0x00000001,
+ /// B button on XBox controllers and right Touch controller. Not present on Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_B = 0x00000002,
+ /// Right thumbstick on XBox controllers and Touch controllers. Not present on Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_RThumb = 0x00000004,
+ /// Right shoulder button on XBox controllers. Not present on Touch controllers or Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_RShoulder = 0x00000008,
+ /// X button on XBox controllers and left Touch controller. Not present on Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_X = 0x00000100,
+ /// Y button on XBox controllers and left Touch controller. Not present on Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_Y = 0x00000200,
+ /// Left thumbstick on XBox controllers and Touch controllers. Not present on Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_LThumb = 0x00000400,
+ /// Left shoulder button on XBox controllers. Not present on Touch controllers or Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_LShoulder = 0x00000800,
+ /// Up button on XBox controllers and Oculus Remote. Not present on Touch controllers.
+ ovrButton_Up = 0x00010000,
+ /// Down button on XBox controllers and Oculus Remote. Not present on Touch controllers.
+ ovrButton_Down = 0x00020000,
+ /// Left button on XBox controllers and Oculus Remote. Not present on Touch controllers.
+ ovrButton_Left = 0x00040000,
+ /// Right button on XBox controllers and Oculus Remote. Not present on Touch controllers.
+ ovrButton_Right = 0x00080000,
+ /// Start on XBox 360 controller. Menu on XBox One controller and Left Touch controller.
+ /// Select button on Oculus Remote.
+ /// Should be referred to as the Menu button in user-facing documentation.
+ ovrButton_Enter = 0x00100000,
+ /// Back on Xbox 360 controller and Oculus Remote. View button on XBox One controller.
+ /// Not present on Touch controllers.
+ ovrButton_Back = 0x00200000,
+ /// Volume button on Oculus Remote. Not present on XBox or Touch controllers.
+ ovrButton_VolUp = 0x00400000,
+ /// Volume button on Oculus Remote. Not present on XBox or Touch controllers.
+ ovrButton_VolDown = 0x00800000,
+ /// Home button on XBox controllers. Oculus button on Touch controllers and Oculus Remote.
+ ovrButton_Home = 0x01000000,
+ // Bit mask of all buttons that are for private usage by Oculus
+ ovrButton_Private = ovrButton_VolUp | ovrButton_VolDown | ovrButton_Home,
+ // Bit mask of all buttons on the right Touch controller
+ ovrButton_RMask = ovrButton_A | ovrButton_B | ovrButton_RThumb | ovrButton_RShoulder,
+ // Bit mask of all buttons on the left Touch controller
+ ovrButton_LMask =
+ ovrButton_X | ovrButton_Y | ovrButton_LThumb | ovrButton_LShoulder | ovrButton_Enter,
+ ovrButton_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrButton;
+/// Describes touch input types.
+/// These values map to capacitive touch values reported ovrInputState::Touch.
+/// Some of these values are mapped to button bits for consistency.
+typedef enum ovrTouch_ {
+ ovrTouch_A = ovrButton_A,
+ ovrTouch_B = ovrButton_B,
+ ovrTouch_RThumb = ovrButton_RThumb,
+ ovrTouch_RThumbRest = 0x00000008,
+ ovrTouch_RIndexTrigger = 0x00000010,
+ // Bit mask of all the button touches on the right controller
+ ovrTouch_RButtonMask =
+ ovrTouch_A | ovrTouch_B | ovrTouch_RThumb | ovrTouch_RThumbRest | ovrTouch_RIndexTrigger,
+ ovrTouch_X = ovrButton_X,
+ ovrTouch_Y = ovrButton_Y,
+ ovrTouch_LThumb = ovrButton_LThumb,
+ ovrTouch_LThumbRest = 0x00000800,
+ ovrTouch_LIndexTrigger = 0x00001000,
+ // Bit mask of all the button touches on the left controller
+ ovrTouch_LButtonMask =
+ ovrTouch_X | ovrTouch_Y | ovrTouch_LThumb | ovrTouch_LThumbRest | ovrTouch_LIndexTrigger,
+ // Finger pose state
+ // Derived internally based on distance, proximity to sensors and filtering.
+ ovrTouch_RIndexPointing = 0x00000020,
+ ovrTouch_RThumbUp = 0x00000040,
+ ovrTouch_LIndexPointing = 0x00002000,
+ ovrTouch_LThumbUp = 0x00004000,
+ // Bit mask of all right controller poses
+ ovrTouch_RPoseMask = ovrTouch_RIndexPointing | ovrTouch_RThumbUp,
+ // Bit mask of all left controller poses
+ ovrTouch_LPoseMask = ovrTouch_LIndexPointing | ovrTouch_LThumbUp,
+ ovrTouch_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTouch;
+/// Describes the Touch Haptics engine.
+/// Currently, those values will NOT change during a session.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrTouchHapticsDesc_ {
+ // Haptics engine frequency/sample-rate, sample time in seconds equals 1.0/sampleRateHz
+ int SampleRateHz;
+ // Size of each Haptics sample, sample value range is [0, 2^(Bytes*8)-1]
+ int SampleSizeInBytes;
+ // Queue size that would guarantee Haptics engine would not starve for data
+ // Make sure size doesn't drop below it for best results
+ int QueueMinSizeToAvoidStarvation;
+ // Minimum, Maximum and Optimal number of samples that can be sent to Haptics through
+ // ovr_SubmitControllerVibration
+ int SubmitMinSamples;
+ int SubmitMaxSamples;
+ int SubmitOptimalSamples;
+} ovrTouchHapticsDesc;
+/// Specifies which controller is connected; multiple can be connected at once.
+typedef enum ovrControllerType_ {
+ ovrControllerType_None = 0x0000,
+ ovrControllerType_LTouch = 0x0001,
+ ovrControllerType_RTouch = 0x0002,
+ ovrControllerType_Touch = (ovrControllerType_LTouch | ovrControllerType_RTouch),
+ ovrControllerType_Remote = 0x0004,
+ ovrControllerType_XBox = 0x0010,
+ ovrControllerType_Object0 = 0x0100,
+ ovrControllerType_Object1 = 0x0200,
+ ovrControllerType_Object2 = 0x0400,
+ ovrControllerType_Object3 = 0x0800,
+ ovrControllerType_Active = 0xffffffff, ///< Operate on or query whichever controller is active.
+ ovrControllerType_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrControllerType;
+/// Haptics buffer submit mode
+typedef enum ovrHapticsBufferSubmitMode_ {
+ /// Enqueue buffer for later playback
+ ovrHapticsBufferSubmit_Enqueue
+} ovrHapticsBufferSubmitMode;
+/// Maximum number of samples in ovrHapticsBuffer
+/// Haptics buffer descriptor, contains amplitude samples used for Touch vibration
+typedef struct ovrHapticsBuffer_ {
+ /// Samples stored in opaque format
+ const void* Samples;
+ /// Number of samples (up to OVR_HAPTICS_BUFFER_SAMPLES_MAX)
+ int SamplesCount;
+ /// How samples are submitted to the hardware
+ ovrHapticsBufferSubmitMode SubmitMode;
+} ovrHapticsBuffer;
+/// State of the Haptics playback for Touch vibration
+typedef struct ovrHapticsPlaybackState_ {
+ // Remaining space available to queue more samples
+ int RemainingQueueSpace;
+ // Number of samples currently queued
+ int SamplesQueued;
+} ovrHapticsPlaybackState;
+/// Position tracked devices
+typedef enum ovrTrackedDeviceType_ {
+ ovrTrackedDevice_None = 0x0000,
+ ovrTrackedDevice_HMD = 0x0001,
+ ovrTrackedDevice_LTouch = 0x0002,
+ ovrTrackedDevice_RTouch = 0x0004,
+ ovrTrackedDevice_Touch = (ovrTrackedDevice_LTouch | ovrTrackedDevice_RTouch),
+ ovrTrackedDevice_Object0 = 0x0010,
+ ovrTrackedDevice_Object1 = 0x0020,
+ ovrTrackedDevice_Object2 = 0x0040,
+ ovrTrackedDevice_Object3 = 0x0080,
+ ovrTrackedDevice_All = 0xFFFF,
+} ovrTrackedDeviceType;
+/// Boundary types that specified while using the boundary system
+typedef enum ovrBoundaryType_ {
+ /// Outer boundary - closely represents user setup walls
+ ovrBoundary_Outer = 0x0001,
+ /// Play area - safe rectangular area inside outer boundary which can optionally be used to
+ /// restrict user interactions and motion.
+ ovrBoundary_PlayArea = 0x0100,
+} ovrBoundaryType;
+/// Boundary system look and feel
+typedef struct ovrBoundaryLookAndFeel_ {
+ /// Boundary color (alpha channel is ignored)
+ ovrColorf Color;
+} ovrBoundaryLookAndFeel;
+/// Provides boundary test information
+typedef struct ovrBoundaryTestResult_ {
+ /// True if the boundary system is being triggered. Note that due to fade in/out effects this may
+ /// not exactly match visibility.
+ ovrBool IsTriggering;
+ /// Distance to the closest play area or outer boundary surface.
+ float ClosestDistance;
+ /// Closest point on the boundary surface.
+ ovrVector3f ClosestPoint;
+ /// Unit surface normal of the closest boundary surface.
+ ovrVector3f ClosestPointNormal;
+} ovrBoundaryTestResult;
+/// Provides names for the left and right hand array indexes.
+/// \see ovrInputState, ovrTrackingState
+typedef enum ovrHandType_ {
+ ovrHand_Left = 0,
+ ovrHand_Right = 1,
+ ovrHand_Count = 2,
+ ovrHand_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrHandType;
+/// ovrInputState describes the complete controller input state, including Oculus Touch,
+/// and XBox gamepad. If multiple inputs are connected and used at the same time,
+/// their inputs are combined.
+typedef struct ovrInputState_ {
+ /// System type when the controller state was last updated.
+ double TimeInSeconds;
+ /// Values for buttons described by ovrButton.
+ unsigned int Buttons;
+ /// Touch values for buttons and sensors as described by ovrTouch.
+ unsigned int Touches;
+ /// Left and right finger trigger values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in range 0.0 to 1.0f.
+ /// Returns 0 if the value would otherwise be less than 0.1176, for ovrControllerType_XBox.
+ /// This has been formally named simply "Trigger". We retain the name IndexTrigger for backwards
+ /// code compatibility.
+ /// User-facing documentation should refer to it as the Trigger.
+ float IndexTrigger[ovrHand_Count];
+ /// Left and right hand trigger values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in the range 0.0 to 1.0f.
+ /// This has been formally named "Grip Button". We retain the name HandTrigger for backwards code
+ /// compatibility.
+ /// User-facing documentation should refer to it as the Grip Button or simply Grip.
+ float HandTrigger[ovrHand_Count];
+ /// Horizontal and vertical thumbstick axis values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in the range
+ /// of -1.0f to 1.0f.
+ /// Returns a deadzone (value 0) per each axis if the value on that axis would otherwise have been
+ /// between -.2746 to +.2746, for ovrControllerType_XBox
+ ovrVector2f Thumbstick[ovrHand_Count];
+ /// The type of the controller this state is for.
+ ovrControllerType ControllerType;
+ /// Left and right finger trigger values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in range 0.0 to 1.0f.
+ /// Does not apply a deadzone. Only touch applies a filter.
+ /// This has been formally named simply "Trigger". We retain the name IndexTrigger for backwards
+ /// code compatibility.
+ /// User-facing documentation should refer to it as the Trigger.
+ float IndexTriggerNoDeadzone[ovrHand_Count];
+ /// Left and right hand trigger values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in the range 0.0 to 1.0f.
+ /// Does not apply a deadzone. Only touch applies a filter.
+ /// This has been formally named "Grip Button". We retain the name HandTrigger for backwards code
+ /// compatibility.
+ /// User-facing documentation should refer to it as the Grip Button or simply Grip.
+ float HandTriggerNoDeadzone[ovrHand_Count];
+ /// Horizontal and vertical thumbstick axis values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in the range
+ /// -1.0f to 1.0f
+ /// Does not apply a deadzone or filter.
+ ovrVector2f ThumbstickNoDeadzone[ovrHand_Count];
+ /// Left and right finger trigger values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in range 0.0 to 1.0f.
+ /// No deadzone or filter
+ /// This has been formally named "Grip Button". We retain the name HandTrigger for backwards code
+ /// compatibility.
+ /// User-facing documentation should refer to it as the Grip Button or simply Grip.
+ float IndexTriggerRaw[ovrHand_Count];
+ /// Left and right hand trigger values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in the range 0.0 to 1.0f.
+ /// No deadzone or filter
+ /// This has been formally named "Grip Button". We retain the name HandTrigger for backwards code
+ /// compatibility.
+ /// User-facing documentation should refer to it as the Grip Button or simply Grip.
+ float HandTriggerRaw[ovrHand_Count];
+ /// Horizontal and vertical thumbstick axis values (ovrHand_Left and ovrHand_Right), in the range
+ /// -1.0f to 1.0f
+ /// No deadzone or filter
+ ovrVector2f ThumbstickRaw[ovrHand_Count];
+} ovrInputState;
+typedef struct ovrCameraIntrinsics_ {
+ /// Time in seconds from last change to the parameters
+ double LastChangedTime;
+ /// Angles of all 4 sides of viewport
+ ovrFovPort FOVPort;
+ /// Near plane of the virtual camera used to match the external camera
+ float VirtualNearPlaneDistanceMeters;
+ /// Far plane of the virtual camera used to match the external camera
+ float VirtualFarPlaneDistanceMeters;
+ /// Height in pixels of image sensor
+ ovrSizei ImageSensorPixelResolution;
+ /// The lens distortion matrix of camera
+ ovrMatrix4f LensDistortionMatrix;
+ /// How often, in seconds, the exposure is taken
+ double ExposurePeriodSeconds;
+ /// length of the exposure time
+ double ExposureDurationSeconds;
+} ovrCameraIntrinsics;
+typedef enum ovrCameraStatusFlags_ {
+ /// Initial state of camera
+ ovrCameraStatus_None = 0x0,
+ /// Bit set when the camera is connected to the system
+ ovrCameraStatus_Connected = 0x1,
+ /// Bit set when the camera is undergoing calibration
+ ovrCameraStatus_Calibrating = 0x2,
+ /// Bit set when the camera has tried & failed calibration
+ ovrCameraStatus_CalibrationFailed = 0x4,
+ /// Bit set when the camera has tried & passed calibration
+ ovrCameraStatus_Calibrated = 0x8,
+ /// Bit set when the camera is capturing
+ ovrCameraStatus_Capturing = 0x10,
+ ovrCameraStatus_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrCameraStatusFlags;
+typedef struct ovrCameraExtrinsics_ {
+ /// Time in seconds from last change to the parameters.
+ /// For instance, if the pose changes, or a camera exposure happens, this struct will be updated.
+ double LastChangedTimeSeconds;
+ /// Current Status of the camera, a mix of bits from ovrCameraStatusFlags
+ unsigned int CameraStatusFlags;
+ /// Which Tracked device, if any, is the camera rigidly attached to
+ /// If set to ovrTrackedDevice_None, then the camera is not attached to a tracked object.
+ /// If the external camera moves while unattached (i.e. set to ovrTrackedDevice_None), its Pose
+ /// won't be updated
+ ovrTrackedDeviceType AttachedToDevice;
+ /// The relative Pose of the External Camera.
+ /// If AttachedToDevice is ovrTrackedDevice_None, then this is a absolute pose in tracking space
+ ovrPosef RelativePose;
+ /// The time, in seconds, when the last successful exposure was taken
+ double LastExposureTimeSeconds;
+ /// Estimated exposure latency to get from the exposure time to the system
+ double ExposureLatencySeconds;
+ /// Additional latency to get from the exposure time of the real camera to match the render time
+ /// of the virtual camera
+ double AdditionalLatencySeconds;
+} ovrCameraExtrinsics;
+typedef struct ovrExternalCamera_ {
+ char Name[OVR_EXTERNAL_CAMERA_NAME_SIZE]; // camera identifier: vid + pid + serial number etc.
+ ovrCameraIntrinsics Intrinsics;
+ ovrCameraExtrinsics Extrinsics;
+} ovrExternalCamera;
+// ***** Initialize structures
+/// Initialization flags.
+/// \see ovrInitParams, ovr_Initialize
+typedef enum ovrInitFlags_ {
+ /// When a debug library is requested, a slower debugging version of the library will
+ /// run which can be used to help solve problems in the library and debug application code.
+ ovrInit_Debug = 0x00000001,
+ /// When a version is requested, the LibOVR runtime respects the RequestedMinorVersion
+ /// field and verifies that the RequestedMinorVersion is supported. Normally when you
+ /// specify this flag you simply use OVR_MINOR_VERSION for ovrInitParams::RequestedMinorVersion,
+ /// though you could use a lower version than OVR_MINOR_VERSION to specify previous
+ /// version behavior.
+ ovrInit_RequestVersion = 0x00000004,
+ /// This client will not be visible in the HMD.
+ /// Typically set by diagnostic or debugging utilities.
+ ovrInit_Invisible = 0x00000010,
+ /// This client will alternate between VR and 2D rendering.
+ /// Typically set by game engine editors and VR-enabled web browsers.
+ ovrInit_MixedRendering = 0x00000020,
+ /// This client is aware of ovrSessionStatus focus states (e.g. ovrSessionStatus::HasInputFocus),
+ /// and responds to them appropriately (e.g. pauses and stops drawing hands when lacking focus).
+ ovrInit_FocusAware = 0x00000040,
+ /// These bits are writable by user code.
+ ovrinit_WritableBits = 0x00ffffff,
+ ovrInit_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrInitFlags;
+/// Logging levels
+/// \see ovrInitParams, ovrLogCallback
+typedef enum ovrLogLevel_ {
+ ovrLogLevel_Debug = 0, ///< Debug-level log event.
+ ovrLogLevel_Info = 1, ///< Info-level log event.
+ ovrLogLevel_Error = 2, ///< Error-level log event.
+ ovrLogLevel_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrLogLevel;
+/// Signature of the logging callback function pointer type.
+/// \param[in] userData is an arbitrary value specified by the user of ovrInitParams.
+/// \param[in] level is one of the ovrLogLevel constants.
+/// \param[in] message is a UTF8-encoded null-terminated string.
+/// \see ovrInitParams, ovrLogLevel, ovr_Initialize
+typedef void(OVR_CDECL* ovrLogCallback)(uintptr_t userData, int level, const char* message);
+/// Parameters for ovr_Initialize.
+/// \see ovr_Initialize
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(8) ovrInitParams_ {
+ /// Flags from ovrInitFlags to override default behavior.
+ /// Use 0 for the defaults.
+ uint32_t Flags;
+ /// Requests a specific minor version of the LibOVR runtime.
+ /// Flags must include ovrInit_RequestVersion or this will be ignored and OVR_MINOR_VERSION
+ /// will be used. If you are directly calling the LibOVRRT version of ovr_Initialize
+ /// in the LibOVRRT DLL then this must be valid and include ovrInit_RequestVersion.
+ uint32_t RequestedMinorVersion;
+ /// User-supplied log callback function, which may be called at any time
+ /// asynchronously from multiple threads until ovr_Shutdown completes.
+ /// Use NULL to specify no log callback.
+ ovrLogCallback LogCallback;
+ /// User-supplied data which is passed as-is to LogCallback. Typically this
+ /// is used to store an application-specific pointer which is read in the
+ /// callback function.
+ uintptr_t UserData;
+ /// Relative number of milliseconds to wait for a connection to the server
+ /// before failing. Use 0 for the default timeout.
+ uint32_t ConnectionTimeoutMS;
+ OVR_ON64(OVR_UNUSED_STRUCT_PAD(pad0, 4)) ///< \internal
+} ovrInitParams;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ***** API Interfaces
+/// Initializes LibOVR
+/// Initialize LibOVR for application usage. This includes finding and loading the LibOVRRT
+/// shared library. No LibOVR API functions, other than ovr_GetLastErrorInfo and ovr_Detect, can
+/// be called unless ovr_Initialize succeeds. A successful call to ovr_Initialize must be eventually
+/// followed by a call to ovr_Shutdown. ovr_Initialize calls are idempotent.
+/// Calling ovr_Initialize twice does not require two matching calls to ovr_Shutdown.
+/// If already initialized, the return value is ovr_Success.
+/// LibOVRRT shared library search order:
+/// -# Current working directory (often the same as the application directory).
+/// -# Module directory (usually the same as the application directory,
+/// but not if the module is a separate shared library).
+/// -# Application directory
+/// -# Standard OS shared library search location(s) (OS-specific).
+/// \param params Specifies custom initialization options. May be NULL to indicate default options
+/// when using the CAPI shim. If you are directly calling the LibOVRRT version of
+/// ovr_Initialize in the LibOVRRT DLL then this must be valid and
+/// include ovrInit_RequestVersion.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information. Example failed results include:
+/// - ovrError_Initialize: Generic initialization error.
+/// - ovrError_LibLoad: Couldn't load LibOVRRT.
+/// - ovrError_LibVersion: LibOVRRT version incompatibility.
+/// - ovrError_ServiceConnection: Couldn't connect to the OVR Service.
+/// - ovrError_ServiceVersion: OVR Service version incompatibility.
+/// - ovrError_IncompatibleOS: The operating system version is incompatible.
+/// - ovrError_DisplayInit: Unable to initialize the HMD display.
+/// - ovrError_ServerStart: Unable to start the server. Is it already running?
+/// - ovrError_Reinitialization: Attempted to re-initialize with a different version.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrInitParams initParams = { ovrInit_RequestVersion, OVR_MINOR_VERSION, NULL, 0, 0 };
+/// ovrResult result = ovr_Initialize(&initParams);
+/// if(OVR_FAILURE(result)) {
+/// ovrErrorInfo errorInfo;
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo(&errorInfo);
+/// DebugLog("ovr_Initialize failed: %s", errorInfo.ErrorString);
+/// return false;
+/// }
+/// [...]
+/// \endcode
+/// \see ovr_Shutdown
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_Initialize(const ovrInitParams* params);
+/// Shuts down LibOVR
+/// A successful call to ovr_Initialize must be eventually matched by a call to ovr_Shutdown.
+/// After calling ovr_Shutdown, no LibOVR functions can be called except ovr_GetLastErrorInfo
+/// or another ovr_Initialize. ovr_Shutdown invalidates all pointers, references, and created
+/// objects
+/// previously returned by LibOVR functions. The LibOVRRT shared library can be unloaded by
+/// ovr_Shutdown.
+/// \see ovr_Initialize
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(void) ovr_Shutdown();
+/// Returns information about the most recent failed return value by the
+/// current thread for this library.
+/// This function itself can never generate an error.
+/// The last error is never cleared by LibOVR, but will be overwritten by new errors.
+/// Do not use this call to determine if there was an error in the last API
+/// call as successful API calls don't clear the last ovrErrorInfo.
+/// To avoid any inconsistency, ovr_GetLastErrorInfo should be called immediately
+/// after an API function that returned a failed ovrResult, with no other API
+/// functions called in the interim.
+/// \param[out] errorInfo The last ovrErrorInfo for the current thread.
+/// \see ovrErrorInfo
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(void) ovr_GetLastErrorInfo(ovrErrorInfo* errorInfo);
+/// Returns the version string representing the LibOVRRT version.
+/// The returned string pointer is valid until the next call to ovr_Shutdown.
+/// Note that the returned version string doesn't necessarily match the current
+/// OVR_MAJOR_VERSION, etc., as the returned string refers to the LibOVRRT shared
+/// library version and not the locally compiled interface version.
+/// The format of this string is subject to change in future versions and its contents
+/// should not be interpreted.
+/// \return Returns a UTF8-encoded null-terminated version string.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(const char*) ovr_GetVersionString();
+/// Writes a message string to the LibOVR tracing mechanism (if enabled).
+/// This message will be passed back to the application via the ovrLogCallback if
+/// it was registered.
+/// \param[in] level One of the ovrLogLevel constants.
+/// \param[in] message A UTF8-encoded null-terminated string.
+/// \return returns the strlen of the message or a negative value if the message is too large.
+/// \see ovrLogLevel, ovrLogCallback
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(int) ovr_TraceMessage(int level, const char* message);
+/// Identify client application info.
+/// The string is one or more newline-delimited lines of optional info
+/// indicating engine name, engine version, engine plugin name, engine plugin
+/// version, engine editor. The order of the lines is not relevant. Individual
+/// lines are optional. A newline is not necessary at the end of the last line.
+/// Call after ovr_Initialize and before the first call to ovr_Create.
+/// Each value is limited to 20 characters. Key names such as 'EngineName:'
+/// 'EngineVersion:' do not count towards this limit.
+/// \param[in] identity Specifies one or more newline-delimited lines of optional info:
+/// EngineName: %s\n
+/// EngineVersion: %s\n
+/// EnginePluginName: %s\n
+/// EnginePluginVersion: %s\n
+/// EngineEditor: <boolean> ('true' or 'false')\n
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovr_IdentifyClient("EngineName: Unity\n"
+/// "EngineVersion: 5.3.3\n"
+/// "EnginePluginName: OVRPlugin\n"
+/// "EnginePluginVersion: 1.2.0\n"
+/// "EngineEditor: true");
+/// \endcode
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_IdentifyClient(const char* identity);
+/// @name HMD Management
+/// Handles the enumeration, creation, destruction, and properties of an HMD (head-mounted display).
+/// Returns native color space information about the current HMD.
+/// ovr_Initialize must be called prior to calling this function, otherwise call will fail.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create() or NULL.
+/// \return Returns an ovrHmdColorDesc.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrHmdColorDesc) ovr_GetHmdColorDesc(ovrSession session);
+/// Sets the color space actively being used by the client app.
+/// This value does not have to follow the color space provided in ovr_GetHmdColorDesc. It should
+/// reflect the color space the final rendered frame the client has submitted to the SDK.
+/// If this function is never called, the session will keep using the default color space deemed
+/// appropriate by the runtime. See remarks in ovrColorSpace enum for more info on default behavior.
+/// ovr_Initialize must be called prior to calling this function, otherwise call will fail.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create() or NULL.
+/// \param[in] colorDesc Specifies the color description to use for the current HMD.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure.
+ovr_SetClientColorDesc(ovrSession session, const ovrHmdColorDesc* colorDesc);
+/// Returns information about the current HMD.
+/// ovr_Initialize must be called prior to calling this function,
+/// otherwise ovrHmdDesc::Type will be set to ovrHmd_None without
+/// checking for the HMD presence.
+/// For newer headsets being used on a game built against an old SDK version,
+/// we may return the ovrHmdType as ovrHmd_CV1 for backwards compatibility.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create() or NULL.
+/// \return Returns an ovrHmdDesc. If invoked with NULL session argument, ovrHmdDesc::Type
+/// set to ovrHmd_None indicates that the HMD is not connected.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrHmdDesc) ovr_GetHmdDesc(ovrSession session);
+/// Returns the number of attached trackers.
+/// The number of trackers may change at any time, so this function should be called before use
+/// as opposed to once on startup.
+/// For newer headsets being used on a game built against an old SDK version,
+/// we may simulate three CV1 trackers to maintain backwards compatibility.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \return Returns unsigned int count.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(unsigned int) ovr_GetTrackerCount(ovrSession session);
+/// Returns a given attached tracker description.
+/// ovr_Initialize must have first been called in order for this to succeed, otherwise the returned
+/// trackerDescArray will be zero-initialized. The data returned by this function can change at
+/// runtime.
+/// For newer headsets being used on a game built against an old SDK version,
+/// we may simulate three CV1 trackers to maintain backwards compatibility.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] trackerDescIndex Specifies a tracker index. The valid indexes are in the
+/// range of 0 to the tracker count returned by ovr_GetTrackerCount.
+/// \return Returns ovrTrackerDesc. An empty ovrTrackerDesc will be returned if
+/// trackerDescIndex is out of range.
+/// \see ovrTrackerDesc, ovr_GetTrackerCount
+ovr_GetTrackerDesc(ovrSession session, unsigned int trackerDescIndex);
+/// Creates a handle to a VR session.
+/// Upon success the returned ovrSession must be eventually freed with ovr_Destroy when it is no
+/// longer needed.
+/// A second call to ovr_Create will result in an error return value if the previous session has not
+/// been destroyed.
+/// \param[out] pSession Provides a pointer to an ovrSession which will be written to upon success.
+/// \param[out] pLuid Provides a system specific graphics adapter identifier that locates which
+/// graphics adapter has the HMD attached. This must match the adapter used by the application
+/// or no rendering output will be possible. This is important for stability on multi-adapter
+/// systems. An
+/// application that simply chooses the default adapter will not run reliably on multi-adapter
+/// systems.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. Upon failure
+/// the returned ovrSession will be NULL.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrSession session;
+/// ovrGraphicsLuid luid;
+/// ovrResult result = ovr_Create(&session, &luid);
+/// if(OVR_FAILURE(result))
+/// ...
+/// \endcode
+/// \see ovr_Destroy
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_Create(ovrSession* pSession, ovrGraphicsLuid* pLuid);
+/// Destroys the session.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \see ovr_Create
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(void) ovr_Destroy(ovrSession session);
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+/// Specifies status information for the current session.
+/// \see ovr_GetSessionStatus
+typedef struct ovrSessionStatus_ {
+ /// True if the process has VR focus and thus is visible in the HMD.
+ ovrBool IsVisible;
+ /// True if an HMD is present.
+ ovrBool HmdPresent;
+ /// True if the HMD is on the user's head.
+ ovrBool HmdMounted;
+ /// True if the session is in a display-lost state. See ovr_SubmitFrame.
+ ovrBool DisplayLost;
+ /// True if the application should initiate shutdown.
+ ovrBool ShouldQuit;
+ /// True if UX has requested re-centering. Must call ovr_ClearShouldRecenterFlag,
+ /// ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin or ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin.
+ ovrBool ShouldRecenter;
+ /// True if the application is the foreground application and receives input (e.g. Touch
+ /// controller state). If this is false then the application is in the background (but possibly
+ /// still visible) should hide any input representations such as hands.
+ ovrBool HasInputFocus;
+ /// True if a system overlay is present, such as a dashboard. In this case the application
+ /// (if visible) should pause while still drawing, avoid drawing near-field graphics so they
+ /// don't visually fight with the system overlay, and consume fewer CPU and GPU resources.
+ /// \deprecated Do not use.
+ ovrBool OverlayPresent;
+ /// True if runtime is requesting that the application provide depth buffers with projection
+ /// layers.
+ ovrBool DepthRequested;
+} ovrSessionStatus;
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+/// Returns status information for the application.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[out] sessionStatus Provides an ovrSessionStatus that is filled in.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of
+/// failure, use ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: Completed successfully.
+/// - ovrError_ServiceConnection: The service connection was lost and the application
+/// must destroy the session.
+ovr_GetSessionStatus(ovrSession session, ovrSessionStatus* sessionStatus);
+/// Query extension support status.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] extension Extension to query.
+/// \param[out] outExtensionSupported Set to extension support status. ovrTrue if supported.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of
+/// failure use ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \see ovrExtensions
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrExtensions extension,
+ ovrBool* outExtensionSupported);
+/// Enable extension. Extensions must be enabled after ovr_Create is called.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] extension Extension to enable.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. Extension is only
+/// enabled if successful. In the case of failure use ovr_GetLastErrorInfo
+/// to get more information.
+/// \see ovrExtensions
+ovr_EnableExtension(ovrSession session, ovrExtensions extension);
+/// @name Tracking
+/// Tracking functions handle the position, orientation, and movement of the HMD in space.
+/// All tracking interface functions are thread-safe, allowing tracking state to be sampled
+/// from different threads.
+/// Sets the tracking origin type
+/// When the tracking origin is changed, all of the calls that either provide
+/// or accept ovrPosef will use the new tracking origin provided.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] origin Specifies an ovrTrackingOrigin to be used for all ovrPosef
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \see ovrTrackingOrigin, ovr_GetTrackingOriginType
+ovr_SetTrackingOriginType(ovrSession session, ovrTrackingOrigin origin);
+/// Gets the tracking origin state
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \return Returns the ovrTrackingOrigin that was either set by default, or previous set by the
+/// application.
+/// \see ovrTrackingOrigin, ovr_SetTrackingOriginType
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrTrackingOrigin) ovr_GetTrackingOriginType(ovrSession session);
+/// Re-centers the sensor position and orientation.
+/// This resets the (x,y,z) positional components and the yaw orientation component of the
+/// tracking space for the HMD and controllers using the HMD's current tracking pose.
+/// If the caller requires some tweaks on top of the HMD's current tracking pose, consider using
+/// ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin instead.
+/// The roll and pitch orientation components are always determined by gravity and cannot
+/// be redefined. All future tracking will report values relative to this new reference position.
+/// If you are using ovrTrackerPoses then you will need to call ovr_GetTrackerPose after
+/// this, because the sensor position(s) will change as a result of this.
+/// The headset cannot be facing vertically upward or downward but rather must be roughly
+/// level otherwise this function will fail with ovrError_InvalidHeadsetOrientation.
+/// For more info, see the notes on each ovrTrackingOrigin enumeration to understand how
+/// recenter will vary slightly in its behavior based on the current ovrTrackingOrigin setting.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information. Return values include but aren't limited
+/// to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: Completed successfully.
+/// - ovrError_InvalidHeadsetOrientation: The headset was facing an invalid direction when
+/// attempting recentering, such as facing vertically.
+/// \see ovrTrackingOrigin, ovr_GetTrackerPose, ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin(ovrSession session);
+/// Allows manually tweaking the sensor position and orientation.
+/// This function is similar to ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin in that it modifies the
+/// (x,y,z) positional components and the yaw orientation component of the tracking space for
+/// the HMD and controllers.
+/// While ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin resets the tracking origin in reference to the HMD's
+/// current pose, ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin allows the caller to explicitly specify a transform
+/// for the tracking origin. This transform is expected to be an offset to the most recent
+/// recentered origin, so calling this function repeatedly with the same originPose will keep
+/// nudging the recentered origin in that direction.
+/// There are several use cases for this function. For example, if the application decides to
+/// limit the yaw, or translation of the recentered pose instead of directly using the HMD pose
+/// the application can query the current tracking state via ovr_GetTrackingState, and apply
+/// some limitations to the HMD pose because feeding this pose back into this function.
+/// Similarly, this can be used to "adjust the seating position" incrementally in apps that
+/// feature seated experiences such as cockpit-based games.
+/// This function can emulate ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin as such:
+/// ovrTrackingState ts = ovr_GetTrackingState(session, 0.0, ovrFalse);
+/// ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin(session, ts.HeadPose.ThePose);
+/// The roll and pitch orientation components are determined by gravity and cannot be redefined.
+/// If you are using ovrTrackerPoses then you will need to call ovr_GetTrackerPose after
+/// this, because the sensor position(s) will change as a result of this.
+/// For more info, see the notes on each ovrTrackingOrigin enumeration to understand how
+/// recenter will vary slightly in its behavior based on the current ovrTrackingOrigin setting.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] originPose Specifies a pose that will be used to transform the current tracking
+/// origin.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information. Return values include but aren't limited
+/// to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: Completed successfully.
+/// - ovrError_InvalidParameter: The heading direction in originPose was invalid,
+/// such as facing vertically. This can happen if the caller is directly feeding the pose
+/// of a position-tracked device such as an HMD or controller into this function.
+/// \see ovrTrackingOrigin, ovr_GetTrackerPose, ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin(ovrSession session, ovrPosef originPose);
+/// Clears the ShouldRecenter status bit in ovrSessionStatus.
+/// Clears the ShouldRecenter status bit in ovrSessionStatus, allowing further recenter requests to
+/// be detected. Since this is automatically done by ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin and
+/// ovr_SpecifyTrackingOrigin, this function only needs to be called when application is doing
+/// its own re-centering logic.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(void) ovr_ClearShouldRecenterFlag(ovrSession session);
+/// Returns tracking state reading based on the specified absolute system time.
+/// Pass an absTime value of 0.0 to request the most recent sensor reading. In this case
+/// both PredictedPose and SamplePose will have the same value.
+/// This may also be used for more refined timing of front buffer rendering logic, and so on.
+/// This may be called by multiple threads.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] absTime Specifies the absolute future time to predict the return
+/// ovrTrackingState value. Use 0 to request the most recent tracking state.
+/// \param[in] latencyMarker Specifies that this call is the point in time where
+/// the "App-to-Mid-Photon" latency timer starts from. If a given ovrLayer
+/// provides "SensorSampleTime", that will override the value stored here.
+/// \return Returns the ovrTrackingState that is predicted for the given absTime.
+/// \see ovrTrackingState, ovr_GetEyePoses, ovr_GetTimeInSeconds
+ovr_GetTrackingState(ovrSession session, double absTime, ovrBool latencyMarker);
+/// Returns an array of poses, where each pose matches a device type provided by the deviceTypes
+/// array parameter. If any pose cannot be retrieved, it will return a reason for the missing
+/// pose and the device pose will be zeroed out with a pose quaternion [x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1].
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] deviceTypes Array of device types to query for their poses.
+/// \param[in] deviceCount Number of queried poses. This number must match the length of the
+/// outDevicePoses and deviceTypes array.
+/// \param[in] absTime Specifies the absolute future time to predict the return
+/// ovrTrackingState value. Use 0 to request the most recent tracking state.
+/// \param[out] outDevicePoses Array of poses, one for each device type in deviceTypes arrays.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and
+/// true upon success.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrTrackedDeviceType* deviceTypes,
+ int deviceCount,
+ double absTime,
+ ovrPoseStatef* outDevicePoses);
+/// Returns the ovrTrackerPose for the given attached tracker.
+/// For newer headsets being used on a game built against an old SDK version,
+/// we may simulate three CV1 trackers to maintain backwards compatibility.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] trackerPoseIndex Index of the tracker being requested.
+/// \return Returns the requested ovrTrackerPose. An empty ovrTrackerPose will be returned if
+/// trackerPoseIndex is out of range.
+/// \see ovr_GetTrackerCount
+ovr_GetTrackerPose(ovrSession session, unsigned int trackerPoseIndex);
+/// Returns the most recent input state for controllers, without positional tracking info.
+/// \param[out] inputState Input state that will be filled in.
+/// \param[in] controllerType Specifies which controller the input will be returned for.
+/// \return Returns ovrSuccess if the new state was successfully obtained.
+/// \see ovrControllerType
+ovr_GetInputState(ovrSession session, ovrControllerType controllerType, ovrInputState* inputState);
+/// Returns controller types connected to the system OR'ed together.
+/// \return A bitmask of ovrControllerTypes connected to the system.
+/// \see ovrControllerType
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(unsigned int) ovr_GetConnectedControllerTypes(ovrSession session);
+/// Gets information about Haptics engine for the specified Touch controller.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] controllerType The controller to retrieve the information from.
+/// \return Returns an ovrTouchHapticsDesc.
+ovr_GetTouchHapticsDesc(ovrSession session, ovrControllerType controllerType);
+/// Sets constant vibration (with specified frequency and amplitude) to a controller.
+/// Note: ovr_SetControllerVibration cannot be used interchangeably with
+/// ovr_SubmitControllerVibration.
+/// This method should be called periodically, vibration lasts for a maximum of 2.5 seconds.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] controllerType The controller to set the vibration to.
+/// \param[in] frequency Vibration frequency. Supported values are: 0.0 (disabled), 0.5 and 1.0. Non
+/// valid values will be clamped.
+/// \param[in] amplitude Vibration amplitude in the [0.0, 1.0] range.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: The call succeeded and a result was returned.
+/// - ovrSuccess_DeviceUnavailable: The call succeeded but the device referred to by
+/// controllerType is not available.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrControllerType controllerType,
+ float frequency,
+ float amplitude);
+/// Submits a Haptics buffer (used for vibration) to Touch (only) controllers.
+/// Note: ovr_SubmitControllerVibration cannot be used interchangeably with
+/// ovr_SetControllerVibration.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] controllerType Controller where the Haptics buffer will be played.
+/// \param[in] buffer Haptics buffer containing amplitude samples to be played.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: The call succeeded and a result was returned.
+/// - ovrSuccess_DeviceUnavailable: The call succeeded but the device referred to by
+/// controllerType is not available.
+/// \see ovrHapticsBuffer
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrControllerType controllerType,
+ const ovrHapticsBuffer* buffer);
+/// Gets the Haptics engine playback state of a specific Touch controller.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] controllerType Controller where the Haptics buffer wil be played.
+/// \param[in] outState State of the haptics engine.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: The call succeeded and a result was returned.
+/// - ovrSuccess_DeviceUnavailable: The call succeeded but the device referred to by
+/// controllerType is not available.
+/// \see ovrHapticsPlaybackState
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrControllerType controllerType,
+ ovrHapticsPlaybackState* outState);
+/// Tests collision/proximity of position tracked devices (e.g. HMD and/or Touch) against the
+/// Boundary System.
+/// Note: this method is similar to ovr_BoundaryTestPoint but can be more precise as it may take
+/// into account device acceleration/momentum.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] deviceBitmask Bitmask of one or more tracked devices to test.
+/// \param[in] boundaryType Must be either ovrBoundary_Outer or ovrBoundary_PlayArea.
+/// \param[out] outTestResult Result of collision/proximity test, contains information such as
+/// distance and closest point.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: The call succeeded and a result was returned.
+/// - ovrSuccess_BoundaryInvalid: The call succeeded but the result is not a valid boundary due
+/// to not being set up.
+/// - ovrSuccess_DeviceUnavailable: The call succeeded but the device referred to by
+/// deviceBitmask is not available.
+/// \see ovrBoundaryTestResult
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrTrackedDeviceType deviceBitmask,
+ ovrBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ ovrBoundaryTestResult* outTestResult);
+/// Tests collision/proximity of a 3D point against the Boundary System.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] point 3D point to test.
+/// \param[in] singleBoundaryType Must be either ovrBoundary_Outer or ovrBoundary_PlayArea to test
+/// against
+/// \param[out] outTestResult Result of collision/proximity test, contains information such as
+/// distance and closest point.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: The call succeeded and a result was returned.
+/// - ovrSuccess_BoundaryInvalid: The call succeeded but the result is not a valid boundary due
+/// to not being set up.
+/// \see ovrBoundaryTestResult
+ ovrSession session,
+ const ovrVector3f* point,
+ ovrBoundaryType singleBoundaryType,
+ ovrBoundaryTestResult* outTestResult);
+/// Compatibility stub.
+/// \deprecated Previously set the look and feel of the Boundary System - this functionality has
+/// been removed.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] lookAndFeel Look and feel parameters.
+/// \return Returns ovrSuccess upon success.
+/// \see ovrBoundaryLookAndFeel
+ovr_SetBoundaryLookAndFeel(ovrSession session, const ovrBoundaryLookAndFeel* lookAndFeel);
+/// Resets the look and feel of the Boundary System to its default state.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \return Returns ovrSuccess upon success.
+/// \see ovrBoundaryLookAndFeel
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_ResetBoundaryLookAndFeel(ovrSession session);
+/// Gets the geometry of the Boundary System's "play area" or "outer boundary" as 3D floor points.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] boundaryType Must be either ovrBoundary_Outer or ovrBoundary_PlayArea.
+/// \param[out] outFloorPoints Array of 3D points (in clockwise order) defining the boundary at
+/// floor height (can be NULL to retrieve only the number of points).
+/// \param[out] outFloorPointsCount Number of 3D points returned in the array.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: The call succeeded and a result was returned.
+/// - ovrSuccess_BoundaryInvalid: The call succeeded but the result is not a valid boundary due
+/// to not being set up.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ ovrVector3f* outFloorPoints,
+ int* outFloorPointsCount);
+/// Gets the dimension of the Boundary System's "play area" or "outer boundary".
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] boundaryType Must be either ovrBoundary_Outer or ovrBoundary_PlayArea.
+/// \param[out] outDimensions Dimensions of the axis aligned bounding box that encloses the area in
+/// meters (width, height and length).
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: The call succeeded and a result was returned.
+/// - ovrSuccess_BoundaryInvalid: The call succeeded but the result is not a valid boundary due
+/// to not being set up.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrBoundaryType boundaryType,
+ ovrVector3f* outDimensions);
+/// Returns if the boundary is currently visible.
+/// Note: visibility is false if the user has turned off boundaries, otherwise, it's true if
+/// the app has requested boundaries to be visible or if any tracked device is currently
+/// triggering it. This may not exactly match rendering due to fade-in and fade-out effects.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[out] outIsVisible ovrTrue, if the boundary is visible.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: Result was successful and a result was returned.
+/// - ovrSuccess_BoundaryInvalid: The call succeeded but the result is not a valid boundary due
+/// to not being set up.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_GetBoundaryVisible(ovrSession session, ovrBool* outIsVisible);
+/// Requests boundary to be visible.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] visible forces the outer boundary to be visible. An application can't force it
+/// to be invisible, but can cancel its request by passing false.
+/// \return Returns ovrSuccess upon success.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_RequestBoundaryVisible(ovrSession session, ovrBool visible);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// @name Mixed reality capture support
+/// Defines functions used for mixed reality capture / third person cameras.
+/// Returns the number of camera properties of all cameras
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in, out] cameras Pointer to the array. If null and the provided array capacity is
+/// sufficient, will return ovrError_NullArrayPointer.
+/// \param[in, out] inoutCameraCount Supply the
+/// array capacity, will return the actual # of cameras defined. If *inoutCameraCount is too small,
+/// will return ovrError_InsufficientArraySize.
+/// \return Returns the list of external cameras the system knows about.
+/// Returns ovrError_NoExternalCameraInfo if there is not any eternal camera information.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrExternalCamera* cameras,
+ unsigned int* inoutCameraCount);
+/// Sets the camera intrinsics and/or extrinsics stored for the cameraName camera
+/// Names must be < 32 characters and null-terminated.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] name Specifies which camera to set the intrinsics or extrinsics for.
+/// The name must be at most OVR_EXTERNAL_CAMERA_NAME_SIZE - 1
+/// characters. Otherwise, ovrError_ExternalCameraNameWrongSize is returned.
+/// \param[in] intrinsics Contains the intrinsic parameters to set, can be null
+/// \param[in] extrinsics Contains the extrinsic parameters to set, can be null
+/// \return Returns ovrSuccess or an ovrError code
+ ovrSession session,
+ const char* name,
+ const ovrCameraIntrinsics* const intrinsics,
+ const ovrCameraExtrinsics* const extrinsics);
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+// @name Layers
+/// Specifies the maximum number of layers supported by ovr_SubmitFrame.
+/// /see ovr_SubmitFrame
+enum { ovrMaxLayerCount = 16 };
+/// Describes layer types that can be passed to ovr_SubmitFrame.
+/// Each layer type has an associated struct, such as ovrLayerEyeFov.
+/// \see ovrLayerHeader
+typedef enum ovrLayerType_ {
+ /// Layer is disabled.
+ ovrLayerType_Disabled = 0,
+ /// Described by ovrLayerEyeFov.
+ ovrLayerType_EyeFov = 1,
+ /// Described by ovrLayerEyeFovDepth.
+ ovrLayerType_EyeFovDepth = 2,
+ /// Described by ovrLayerQuad. Previously called ovrLayerType_QuadInWorld.
+ ovrLayerType_Quad = 3,
+ // enum 4 used to be ovrLayerType_QuadHeadLocked. Instead, use ovrLayerType_Quad with
+ // ovrLayerFlag_HeadLocked.
+ /// Described by ovrLayerEyeMatrix.
+ ovrLayerType_EyeMatrix = 5,
+ /// Described by ovrLayerEyeFovMultires.
+ ovrLayerType_EyeFovMultires = 7,
+ /// Described by ovrLayerCylinder.
+ ovrLayerType_Cylinder = 8,
+ /// Described by ovrLayerCube
+ ovrLayerType_Cube = 10,
+ ovrLayerType_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< Force type int32_t.
+} ovrLayerType;
+/// Identifies flags used by ovrLayerHeader and which are passed to ovr_SubmitFrame.
+/// \see ovrLayerHeader
+typedef enum ovrLayerFlags_ {
+ /// ovrLayerFlag_HighQuality enables 4x anisotropic sampling during the composition of the layer.
+ /// The benefits are mostly visible at the periphery for high-frequency & high-contrast visuals.
+ /// For best results consider combining this flag with an ovrTextureSwapChain that has mipmaps and
+ /// instead of using arbitrary sized textures, prefer texture sizes that are powers-of-two.
+ /// Actual rendered viewport and doesn't necessarily have to fill the whole texture.
+ ovrLayerFlag_HighQuality = 0x01,
+ /// ovrLayerFlag_TextureOriginAtBottomLeft: the opposite is TopLeft.
+ /// Generally this is false for D3D, true for OpenGL.
+ ovrLayerFlag_TextureOriginAtBottomLeft = 0x02,
+ /// Mark this surface as "headlocked", which means it is specified
+ /// relative to the HMD and moves with it, rather than being specified
+ /// relative to sensor/torso space and remaining still while the head moves.
+ /// What used to be ovrLayerType_QuadHeadLocked is now ovrLayerType_Quad plus this flag.
+ /// However the flag can be applied to any layer type to achieve a similar effect.
+ ovrLayerFlag_HeadLocked = 0x04,
+ ovrLayerFlags_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrLayerFlags;
+/// Defines properties shared by all ovrLayer structs, such as ovrLayerEyeFov.
+/// ovrLayerHeader is used as a base member in these larger structs.
+/// This struct cannot be used by itself except for the case that Type is ovrLayerType_Disabled.
+/// \see ovrLayerType, ovrLayerFlags
+typedef struct ovrLayerHeader_ ovrLayerHeader;
+struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrLayerHeader_ {
+ ovrLayerType Type; ///< Described by ovrLayerType.
+ unsigned Flags; ///< Described by ovrLayerFlags.
+ char Reserved[128];
+/// Describes a layer that specifies a monoscopic or stereoscopic view.
+/// This is the kind of layer that's typically used as layer 0 to ovr_SubmitFrame,
+/// as it is the kind of layer used to render a 3D stereoscopic view.
+/// Three options exist with respect to mono/stereo texture usage:
+/// - ColorTexture[0] and ColorTexture[1] contain the left and right stereo renderings,
+/// respectively.
+/// Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] refer to ColorTexture[0] and ColorTexture[1], respectively.
+/// - ColorTexture[0] contains both the left and right renderings, ColorTexture[1] is NULL,
+/// and Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] refer to sub-rects with ColorTexture[0].
+/// - ColorTexture[0] contains a single monoscopic rendering, and Viewport[0] and
+/// Viewport[1] both refer to that rendering.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChain, ovr_SubmitFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrLayerEyeFov_ {
+ /// Header.Type must be ovrLayerType_EyeFov.
+ ovrLayerHeader Header;
+ /// ovrTextureSwapChains for the left and right eye respectively.
+ /// The second one of which can be NULL for cases described above.
+ ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the ColorTexture sub-rect UV coordinates.
+ /// Both Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] must be valid.
+ ovrRecti Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// The viewport field of view.
+ ovrFovPort Fov[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the position and orientation of each eye view, with position specified in meters.
+ /// RenderPose will typically be the value returned from ovr_CalcEyePoses,
+ /// but can be different in special cases if a different head pose is used for rendering.
+ ovrPosef RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the timestamp when the source ovrPosef (used in calculating RenderPose)
+ /// was sampled from the SDK. Typically retrieved by calling ovr_GetTimeInSeconds
+ /// around the instant the application calls ovr_GetTrackingState
+ /// The main purpose for this is to accurately track app tracking latency.
+ double SensorSampleTime;
+} ovrLayerEyeFov;
+/// Describes a layer that specifies a monoscopic or stereoscopic view,
+/// with depth textures in addition to color textures. This is typically used to support
+/// positional time warp. This struct is the same as ovrLayerEyeFov, but with the addition
+/// of DepthTexture and ProjectionDesc.
+/// ProjectionDesc can be created using ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc_FromProjection.
+/// Three options exist with respect to mono/stereo texture usage:
+/// - ColorTexture[0] and ColorTexture[1] contain the left and right stereo renderings,
+/// respectively.
+/// Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] refer to ColorTexture[0] and ColorTexture[1], respectively.
+/// - ColorTexture[0] contains both the left and right renderings, ColorTexture[1] is NULL,
+/// and Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] refer to sub-rects with ColorTexture[0].
+/// - ColorTexture[0] contains a single monoscopic rendering, and Viewport[0] and
+/// Viewport[1] both refer to that rendering.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChain, ovr_SubmitFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrLayerEyeFovDepth_ {
+ /// Header.Type must be ovrLayerType_EyeFovDepth.
+ ovrLayerHeader Header;
+ /// ovrTextureSwapChains for the left and right eye respectively.
+ /// The second one of which can be NULL for cases described above.
+ ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the ColorTexture sub-rect UV coordinates.
+ /// Both Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] must be valid.
+ ovrRecti Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// The viewport field of view.
+ ovrFovPort Fov[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the position and orientation of each eye view, with position specified in meters.
+ /// RenderPose will typically be the value returned from ovr_CalcEyePoses,
+ /// but can be different in special cases if a different head pose is used for rendering.
+ ovrPosef RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the timestamp when the source ovrPosef (used in calculating RenderPose)
+ /// was sampled from the SDK. Typically retrieved by calling ovr_GetTimeInSeconds
+ /// around the instant the application calls ovr_GetTrackingState
+ /// The main purpose for this is to accurately track app tracking latency.
+ double SensorSampleTime;
+ /// Depth texture for depth composition with overlays
+ /// Must map 1:1 to the ColorTexture.
+ ovrTextureSwapChain DepthTexture[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies how to convert DepthTexture information into meters.
+ /// \see ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc_FromProjection
+ ovrTimewarpProjectionDesc ProjectionDesc;
+} ovrLayerEyeFovDepth;
+/// Describes eye texture layouts. Used with ovrLayerEyeFovMultires.
+typedef enum ovrTextureLayout_ {
+ ovrTextureLayout_Rectilinear = 0, ///< Regular eyeFov layer.
+ ovrTextureLayout_Octilinear = 1, ///< Octilinear extension must be enabled.
+ ovrTextureLayout_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrTextureLayout;
+/// Multiresolution descriptor for Octilinear.
+/// Usage of this layer must be successfully enabled via ovr_EnableExtension
+/// before it can be used.
+/// \see ovrLayerEyeFovMultres
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrTextureLayoutOctilinear_ {
+ // W warping
+ float WarpLeft;
+ float WarpRight;
+ float WarpUp;
+ float WarpDown;
+ // Size of W quadrants.
+ //
+ // SizeLeft + SizeRight <= Viewport.Size.w
+ // SizeUp + sizeDown <= Viewport.Size.h
+ //
+ // Clip space (0,0) is located at Viewport.Pos + (SizeLeft,SizeUp) where
+ // Viewport is given in the layer description.
+ //
+ // Viewport Top left
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+
+ // | ^ | |
+ // | | | |
+ // | 0 SizeUp 1 | |
+ // | | |<--Portion of viewport
+ // | | | determined by sizes
+ // | | | |
+ // |<--------SizeLeft-------+-------SizeRight------>| |
+ // | | | |
+ // | | | |
+ // | 2 SizeDown 3 | |
+ // | | | |
+ // | | | |
+ // | v | |
+ // +------------------------------------------------+ |
+ // | |
+ // +-----------------------------------------------------+
+ // Viewport bottom right
+ //
+ // For example, when rendering quadrant 0 its scissor rectangle will be
+ //
+ // Top = 0
+ // Left = 0
+ // Right = SizeLeft
+ // Bottom = SizeUp
+ //
+ // and the scissor rectangle for quadrant 1 will be:
+ //
+ // Top = 0
+ // Left = SizeLeft
+ // Right = SizeLeft + SizeRight
+ // Bottom = SizeUp
+ //
+ float SizeLeft;
+ float SizeRight;
+ float SizeUp;
+ float SizeDown;
+} ovrTextureLayoutOctilinear;
+/// Combines texture layout descriptors.
+typedef union OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrTextureLayoutDesc_Union_ {
+ ovrTextureLayoutOctilinear Octilinear[ovrEye_Count];
+} ovrTextureLayoutDesc_Union;
+/// Describes a layer that specifies a monoscopic or stereoscopic view with
+/// support for optional multiresolution textures. This struct is the same as
+/// ovrLayerEyeFov plus texture layout parameters.
+/// Three options exist with respect to mono/stereo texture usage:
+/// - ColorTexture[0] and ColorTexture[1] contain the left and right stereo renderings,
+/// respectively.
+/// Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] refer to ColorTexture[0] and ColorTexture[1], respectively.
+/// - ColorTexture[0] contains both the left and right renderings, ColorTexture[1] is NULL,
+/// and Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] refer to sub-rects with ColorTexture[0].
+/// - ColorTexture[0] contains a single monoscopic rendering, and Viewport[0] and
+/// Viewport[1] both refer to that rendering.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChain, ovr_SubmitFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrLayerEyeFovMultires_ {
+ /// Header.Type must be ovrLayerType_EyeFovMultires.
+ ovrLayerHeader Header;
+ /// ovrTextureSwapChains for the left and right eye respectively.
+ /// The second one of which can be NULL for cases described above.
+ ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the ColorTexture sub-rect UV coordinates.
+ /// Both Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] must be valid.
+ ovrRecti Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// The viewport field of view.
+ ovrFovPort Fov[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the position and orientation of each eye view, with position specified in meters.
+ /// RenderPose will typically be the value returned from ovr_CalcEyePoses,
+ /// but can be different in special cases if a different head pose is used for rendering.
+ ovrPosef RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the timestamp when the source ovrPosef (used in calculating RenderPose)
+ /// was sampled from the SDK. Typically retrieved by calling ovr_GetTimeInSeconds
+ /// around the instant the application calls ovr_GetTrackingState
+ /// The main purpose for this is to accurately track app tracking latency.
+ double SensorSampleTime;
+ /// Specifies layout type of textures.
+ ovrTextureLayout TextureLayout;
+ /// Specifies texture layout parameters.
+ ovrTextureLayoutDesc_Union TextureLayoutDesc;
+} ovrLayerEyeFovMultires;
+/// Describes a layer that specifies a monoscopic or stereoscopic view.
+/// This uses a direct 3x4 matrix to map from view space to the UV coordinates.
+/// It is essentially the same thing as ovrLayerEyeFov but using a much
+/// lower level. This is mainly to provide compatibility with specific apps.
+/// Unless the application really requires this flexibility, it is usually better
+/// to use ovrLayerEyeFov.
+/// Three options exist with respect to mono/stereo texture usage:
+/// - ColorTexture[0] and ColorTexture[1] contain the left and right stereo renderings,
+/// respectively.
+/// Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] refer to ColorTexture[0] and ColorTexture[1], respectively.
+/// - ColorTexture[0] contains both the left and right renderings, ColorTexture[1] is NULL,
+/// and Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] refer to sub-rects with ColorTexture[0].
+/// - ColorTexture[0] contains a single monoscopic rendering, and Viewport[0] and
+/// Viewport[1] both refer to that rendering.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChain, ovr_SubmitFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrLayerEyeMatrix_ {
+ /// Header.Type must be ovrLayerType_EyeMatrix.
+ ovrLayerHeader Header;
+ /// ovrTextureSwapChains for the left and right eye respectively.
+ /// The second one of which can be NULL for cases described above.
+ ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the ColorTexture sub-rect UV coordinates.
+ /// Both Viewport[0] and Viewport[1] must be valid.
+ ovrRecti Viewport[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the position and orientation of each eye view, with position specified in meters.
+ /// RenderPose will typically be the value returned from ovr_CalcEyePoses,
+ /// but can be different in special cases if a different head pose is used for rendering.
+ ovrPosef RenderPose[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the mapping from a view-space vector
+ /// to a UV coordinate on the textures given above.
+ /// P = (x,y,z,1)*Matrix
+ /// TexU = P.x/P.z
+ /// TexV = P.y/P.z
+ ovrMatrix4f Matrix[ovrEye_Count];
+ /// Specifies the timestamp when the source ovrPosef (used in calculating RenderPose)
+ /// was sampled from the SDK. Typically retrieved by calling ovr_GetTimeInSeconds
+ /// around the instant the application calls ovr_GetTrackingState
+ /// The main purpose for this is to accurately track app tracking latency.
+ double SensorSampleTime;
+} ovrLayerEyeMatrix;
+/// Describes a layer of Quad type, which is a single quad in world or viewer space.
+/// It is used for ovrLayerType_Quad. This type of layer represents a single
+/// object placed in the world and not a stereo view of the world itself.
+/// A typical use of ovrLayerType_Quad is to draw a television screen in a room
+/// that for some reason is more convenient to draw as a layer than as part of the main
+/// view in layer 0. For example, it could implement a 3D popup GUI that is drawn at a
+/// higher resolution than layer 0 to improve fidelity of the GUI.
+/// Quad layers are visible from both sides; they are not back-face culled.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChain, ovr_SubmitFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrLayerQuad_ {
+ /// Header.Type must be ovrLayerType_Quad.
+ ovrLayerHeader Header;
+ /// Contains a single image, never with any stereo view.
+ ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture;
+ /// Specifies the ColorTexture sub-rect UV coordinates.
+ ovrRecti Viewport;
+ /// Specifies the orientation and position of the center point of a Quad layer type.
+ /// The supplied direction is the vector perpendicular to the quad.
+ /// The position is in real-world meters (not the application's virtual world,
+ /// the physical world the user is in) and is relative to the "zero" position
+ /// set by ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin unless the ovrLayerFlag_HeadLocked flag is used.
+ ovrPosef QuadPoseCenter;
+ /// Width and height (respectively) of the quad in meters.
+ ovrVector2f QuadSize;
+} ovrLayerQuad;
+/// Describes a layer of type ovrLayerType_Cylinder which is a single cylinder
+/// relative to the recentered origin. This type of layer represents a single
+/// object placed in the world and not a stereo view of the world itself.
+/// -Z +Y
+/// U=0 +--+--+ U=1
+/// +---+ | +---+ +-----------------+ - V=0
+/// +--+ \ | / +--+ | | |
+/// +-+ \ / +-+ | | |
+/// ++ \ A / ++ | | |
+/// ++ \---/ ++ | | |
+/// | \ / | | +X | |
+/// +-------------C------R------+ +X +--------C--------+ | <--- Height
+/// (+Y is out of screen) | | |
+/// | | |
+/// R = Radius | | |
+/// A = Angle (0,2*Pi) | | |
+/// C = CylinderPoseCenter | | |
+/// U/V = UV Coordinates +-----------------+ - V=1
+/// An identity CylinderPoseCenter places the center of the cylinder
+/// at the recentered origin unless the headlocked flag is set.
+/// Does not utilize HmdSpaceToWorldScaleInMeters. If necessary, adjust
+/// translation and radius.
+/// \note Only the interior surface of the cylinder is visible. Use cylinder
+/// layers when the user cannot leave the extents of the cylinder. Artifacts may
+/// appear when viewing the cylinder's exterior surface. Additionally, while the
+/// interface supports an Angle that ranges from [0,2*Pi] the angle should
+/// remain less than 1.9*PI to avoid artifacts where the cylinder edges
+/// converge.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChain, ovr_SubmitFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrLayerCylinder_ {
+ /// Header.Type must be ovrLayerType_Cylinder.
+ ovrLayerHeader Header;
+ /// Contains a single image, never with any stereo view.
+ ovrTextureSwapChain ColorTexture;
+ /// Specifies the ColorTexture sub-rect UV coordinates.
+ ovrRecti Viewport;
+ /// Specifies the orientation and position of the center point of a cylinder layer type.
+ /// The position is in real-world meters not the application's virtual world,
+ /// but the physical world the user is in. It is relative to the "zero" position
+ /// set by ovr_RecenterTrackingOrigin unless the ovrLayerFlag_HeadLocked flag is used.
+ ovrPosef CylinderPoseCenter;
+ /// Radius of the cylinder in meters.
+ float CylinderRadius;
+ /// Angle in radians. Range is from 0 to 2*Pi exclusive covering the entire
+ /// cylinder (see diagram and note above).
+ float CylinderAngle;
+ /// Custom aspect ratio presumably set based on 'Viewport'. Used to
+ /// calculate the height of the cylinder based on the arc-length (CylinderAngle)
+ /// and radius (CylinderRadius) given above. The height of the cylinder is
+ /// given by: height = (CylinderRadius * CylinderAngle) / CylinderAspectRatio.
+ /// Aspect ratio is width / height.
+ float CylinderAspectRatio;
+} ovrLayerCylinder;
+/// Describes a layer of type ovrLayerType_Cube which is a single timewarped
+/// cubemap at infinity. When looking down the recentered origin's -Z axis, +X
+/// face is left and +Y face is up. Similarly, if headlocked the +X face is
+/// left, +Y face is up and -Z face is forward. Note that the coordinate system
+/// is left-handed.
+/// ovrLayerFlag_TextureOriginAtBottomLeft flag is not supported by ovrLayerCube.
+/// \see ovrTextureSwapChain, ovr_SubmitFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(OVR_PTR_SIZE) ovrLayerCube_ {
+ /// Header.Type must be ovrLayerType_Cube.
+ ovrLayerHeader Header;
+ /// Orientation of the cube.
+ ovrQuatf Orientation;
+ /// Contains a single cubemap swapchain (not a stereo pair of swapchains).
+ ovrTextureSwapChain CubeMapTexture;
+} ovrLayerCube;
+/// Union that combines ovrLayer types in a way that allows them
+/// to be used in a polymorphic way.
+typedef union ovrLayer_Union_ {
+ ovrLayerHeader Header;
+ ovrLayerEyeFov EyeFov;
+ ovrLayerEyeFovDepth EyeFovDepth;
+ ovrLayerQuad Quad;
+ ovrLayerEyeMatrix EyeMatrix;
+ ovrLayerEyeFovMultires Multires;
+ ovrLayerCylinder Cylinder;
+ ovrLayerCube Cube;
+} ovrLayer_Union;
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+/// @name SDK Distortion Rendering
+/// All of rendering functions including the configure and frame functions
+/// are not thread safe. It is OK to use ConfigureRendering on one thread and handle
+/// frames on another thread, but explicit synchronization must be done since
+/// functions that depend on configured state are not reentrant.
+/// These functions support rendering of distortion by the SDK.
+/// TextureSwapChain creation is rendering API-specific.
+/// ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL and ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk
+/// can be found in the rendering API-specific headers, such as OVR_CAPI_D3D.h, OVR_CAPI_GL.h
+/// and OVR_CAPI_Vk.h.
+/// Gets the number of buffers in an ovrTextureSwapChain.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] chain Specifies the ovrTextureSwapChain for which the length should be retrieved.
+/// \param[out] out_Length Returns the number of buffers in the specified chain.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error.
+/// \see ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk
+ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, int* out_Length);
+/// Gets the current index in an ovrTextureSwapChain.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] chain Specifies the ovrTextureSwapChain for which the index should be retrieved.
+/// \param[out] out_Index Returns the current (free) index in specified chain.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error.
+/// \see ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk
+ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain, int* out_Index);
+/// Gets the description of the buffers in an ovrTextureSwapChain
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] chain Specifies the ovrTextureSwapChain for which the description
+/// should be retrieved.
+/// \param[out] out_Desc Returns the description of the specified chain.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error.
+/// \see ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrTextureSwapChain chain,
+ ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* out_Desc);
+/// Commits any pending changes to an ovrTextureSwapChain, and advances its current index
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] chain Specifies the ovrTextureSwapChain to commit.
+/// \note When Commit is called, the texture at the current index is considered ready for use by the
+/// runtime, and further writes to it should be avoided. The swap chain's current index is advanced,
+/// providing there's room in the chain. The next time the SDK dereferences this texture swap chain,
+/// it will synchronize with the app's graphics context and pick up the submitted index, opening up
+/// room in the swap chain for further commits.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error.
+/// Failures include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrError_TextureSwapChainFull: ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain was called too many times on a
+/// texture swapchain without calling submit to use the chain.
+/// \see ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk
+ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain);
+/// Destroys an ovrTextureSwapChain and frees all the resources associated with it.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] chain Specifies the ovrTextureSwapChain to destroy. If it is NULL then
+/// this function has no effect.
+/// \see ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL, ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk
+ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain(ovrSession session, ovrTextureSwapChain chain);
+/// MirrorTexture creation is rendering API-specific.
+/// ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX and ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL can be found in
+/// rendering API-specific headers, such as OVR_CAPI_D3D.h and OVR_CAPI_GL.h
+/// Destroys a mirror texture previously created by one of the mirror texture creation functions.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] mirrorTexture Specifies the ovrTexture to destroy. If it is NULL then
+/// this function has no effect.
+/// \see ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX, ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL
+ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture(ovrSession session, ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture);
+/// Calculates the recommended viewport size for rendering a given eye within the HMD
+/// with a given FOV cone.
+/// Higher FOV will generally require larger textures to maintain quality.
+/// Apps packing multiple eye views together on the same texture should ensure there are
+/// at least 8 pixels of padding between them to prevent texture filtering and chromatic
+/// aberration causing images to leak between the two eye views.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] eye Specifies which eye (left or right) to calculate for.
+/// \param[in] fov Specifies the ovrFovPort to use.
+/// \param[in] pixelsPerDisplayPixel Specifies the ratio of the number of render target pixels
+/// to display pixels at the center of distortion. 1.0 is the default value. Lower
+/// values can improve performance, higher values give improved quality.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrHmdDesc hmdDesc = ovr_GetHmdDesc(session);
+/// ovrSizei eyeSizeLeft = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Left,
+/// hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Left], 1.0f);
+/// ovrSizei eyeSizeRight = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Right,
+/// hmdDesc.DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Right], 1.0f);
+/// \endcode
+/// \return Returns the texture width and height size.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrEyeType eye,
+ ovrFovPort fov,
+ float pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
+/// Computes the distortion viewport, view adjust, and other rendering parameters for
+/// the specified eye.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] eyeType Specifies which eye (left or right) for which to perform calculations.
+/// \param[in] fov Specifies the ovrFovPort to use.
+/// \return Returns the computed ovrEyeRenderDesc for the given eyeType and field of view.
+/// \see ovrEyeRenderDesc
+ovr_GetRenderDesc(ovrSession session, ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov);
+/// Waits until surfaces are available and it is time to begin rendering the frame. Must be
+/// called before ovr_BeginFrame, but not necessarily from the same thread.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] frameIndex Specifies the targeted application frame index.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: command completed successfully.
+/// - ovrSuccess_NotVisible: rendering of a previous frame completed successfully but was not
+/// displayed on the HMD, usually because another application currently has ownership of the
+/// HMD. Applications receiving this result should stop rendering new content and call
+/// ovr_GetSessionStatus to detect visibility.
+/// - ovrError_DisplayLost: The session has become invalid (such as due to a device removal)
+/// and the shared resources need to be released (ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain), the session
+/// needs to destroyed (ovr_Destroy) and recreated (ovr_Create), and new resources need to be
+/// created (ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainXXX). The application's existing private graphics
+/// resources do not need to be recreated unless the new ovr_Create call returns a different
+/// GraphicsLuid.
+/// \see ovr_BeginFrame, ovr_EndFrame, ovr_GetSessionStatus
+ovr_WaitToBeginFrame(ovrSession session, long long frameIndex);
+/// Called from render thread before application begins rendering. Must be called after
+/// ovr_WaitToBeginFrame and before ovr_EndFrame, but not necessarily from the same threads.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] frameIndex Specifies the targeted application frame index. It must match what was
+/// passed to ovr_WaitToBeginFrame.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: command completed successfully.
+/// - ovrError_DisplayLost: The session has become invalid (such as due to a device removal)
+/// and the shared resources need to be released (ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain), the session
+/// needs to destroyed (ovr_Destroy) and recreated (ovr_Create), and new resources need to be
+/// created (ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainXXX). The application's existing private graphics
+/// resources do not need to be recreated unless the new ovr_Create call returns a different
+/// GraphicsLuid.
+/// \see ovr_WaitToBeginFrame, ovr_EndFrame
+ovr_BeginFrame(ovrSession session, long long frameIndex);
+/// Called from render thread after application has finished rendering. Must be called after
+/// ovr_BeginFrame, but not necessarily from the same thread. Submits layers for distortion and
+/// display, which will happen asynchronously.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] frameIndex Specifies the targeted application frame index. It must match what was
+/// passed to ovr_BeginFrame.
+/// \param[in] viewScaleDesc Provides additional information needed only if layerPtrList contains
+/// an ovrLayerType_Quad. If NULL, a default version is used based on the current
+/// configuration and a 1.0 world scale.
+/// \param[in] layerPtrList Specifies a list of ovrLayer pointers, which can include NULL entries to
+/// indicate that any previously shown layer at that index is to not be displayed.
+/// Each layer header must be a part of a layer structure such as ovrLayerEyeFov or
+/// ovrLayerQuad, with Header.Type identifying its type. A NULL layerPtrList entry in the
+/// array indicates the absence of the given layer.
+/// \param[in] layerCount Indicates the number of valid elements in layerPtrList. The maximum
+/// supported layerCount is not currently specified, but may be specified in a future
+/// version.
+/// - Layers are drawn in the order they are specified in the array, regardless of the layer type.
+/// - Layers are not remembered between successive calls to ovr_EndFrame. A layer must be
+/// specified in every call to ovr_EndFrame or it won't be displayed.
+/// - If a layerPtrList entry that was specified in a previous call to ovr_EndFrame is
+/// passed as NULL or is of type ovrLayerType_Disabled, that layer is no longer displayed.
+/// - A layerPtrList entry can be of any layer type and multiple entries of the same layer type
+/// are allowed. No layerPtrList entry may be duplicated (i.e. the same pointer as an earlier
+/// entry).
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrLayerEyeFov layer0;
+/// ovrLayerQuad layer1;
+/// ...
+/// ovrLayerHeader* layers[2] = { &layer0.Header, &layer1.Header };
+/// ovrResult result = ovr_EndFrame(session, frameIndex, nullptr, layers, 2);
+/// \endcode
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: rendering completed successfully.
+/// - ovrError_DisplayLost: The session has become invalid (such as due to a device removal)
+/// and the shared resources need to be released (ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain), the session
+/// needs to destroyed (ovr_Destroy) and recreated (ovr_Create), and new resources need to be
+/// created (ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainXXX). The application's existing private graphics
+/// resources do not need to be recreated unless the new ovr_Create call returns a different
+/// GraphicsLuid.
+/// - ovrError_TextureSwapChainInvalid: The ovrTextureSwapChain is in an incomplete or
+/// inconsistent state. Ensure ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain was called at least once first.
+/// \see ovr_WaitToBeginFrame, ovr_BeginFrame, ovrViewScaleDesc, ovrLayerHeader
+ ovrSession session,
+ long long frameIndex,
+ const ovrViewScaleDesc* viewScaleDesc,
+ ovrLayerHeader const* const* layerPtrList,
+ unsigned int layerCount);
+/// Submits layers for distortion and display.
+/// \deprecated Use ovr_WaitToBeginFrame, ovr_BeginFrame, and ovr_EndFrame instead.
+/// ovr_SubmitFrame triggers distortion and processing which might happen asynchronously.
+/// The function will return when there is room in the submission queue and surfaces
+/// are available. Distortion might or might not have completed.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] frameIndex Specifies the targeted application frame index, or 0 to refer to one frame
+/// after the last time ovr_SubmitFrame was called.
+/// \param[in] viewScaleDesc Provides additional information needed only if layerPtrList contains
+/// an ovrLayerType_Quad. If NULL, a default version is used based on the current
+/// configuration and a 1.0 world scale.
+/// \param[in] layerPtrList Specifies a list of ovrLayer pointers, which can include NULL entries to
+/// indicate that any previously shown layer at that index is to not be displayed.
+/// Each layer header must be a part of a layer structure such as ovrLayerEyeFov or
+/// ovrLayerQuad, with Header.Type identifying its type. A NULL layerPtrList entry in the
+/// array indicates the absence of the given layer.
+/// \param[in] layerCount Indicates the number of valid elements in layerPtrList. The maximum
+/// supported layerCount is not currently specified, but may be specified in a future
+/// version.
+/// - Layers are drawn in the order they are specified in the array, regardless of the layer type.
+/// - Layers are not remembered between successive calls to ovr_SubmitFrame. A layer must be
+/// specified in every call to ovr_SubmitFrame or it won't be displayed.
+/// - If a layerPtrList entry that was specified in a previous call to ovr_SubmitFrame is
+/// passed as NULL or is of type ovrLayerType_Disabled, that layer is no longer displayed.
+/// - A layerPtrList entry can be of any layer type and multiple entries of the same layer type
+/// are allowed. No layerPtrList entry may be duplicated (i.e. the same pointer as an earlier
+/// entry).
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrLayerEyeFov layer0;
+/// ovrLayerQuad layer1;
+/// ...
+/// ovrLayerHeader* layers[2] = { &layer0.Header, &layer1.Header };
+/// ovrResult result = ovr_SubmitFrame(session, frameIndex, nullptr, layers, 2);
+/// \endcode
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success. Return values include but aren't limited to:
+/// - ovrSuccess: rendering completed successfully.
+/// - ovrSuccess_NotVisible: rendering completed successfully but was not displayed on the HMD,
+/// usually because another application currently has ownership of the HMD. Applications
+/// receiving this result should stop rendering new content, call ovr_GetSessionStatus
+/// to detect visibility.
+/// - ovrError_DisplayLost: The session has become invalid (such as due to a device removal)
+/// and the shared resources need to be released (ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain), the session
+/// needs to destroyed (ovr_Destroy) and recreated (ovr_Create), and new resources need to be
+/// created (ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainXXX). The application's existing private graphics
+/// resources do not need to be recreated unless the new ovr_Create call returns a different
+/// GraphicsLuid.
+/// - ovrError_TextureSwapChainInvalid: The ovrTextureSwapChain is in an incomplete or
+/// inconsistent state. Ensure ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain was called at least once first.
+/// \see ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime, ovrViewScaleDesc, ovrLayerHeader, ovr_GetSessionStatus
+ ovrSession session,
+ long long frameIndex,
+ const ovrViewScaleDesc* viewScaleDesc,
+ ovrLayerHeader const* const* layerPtrList,
+ unsigned int layerCount);
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+/// @name Frame Timing
+/// Contains the performance stats for a given SDK compositor frame
+/// All of the 'int' typed fields can be reset via the ovr_ResetPerfStats call.
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrPerfStatsPerCompositorFrame_ {
+ /// Vsync Frame Index - increments with each HMD vertical synchronization signal (i.e. vsync or
+ /// refresh rate)
+ /// If the compositor drops a frame, expect this value to increment more than 1 at a time.
+ int HmdVsyncIndex;
+ ///
+ /// Application stats
+ ///
+ /// Index that increments with each successive ovr_SubmitFrame call
+ int AppFrameIndex;
+ /// If the app fails to call ovr_SubmitFrame on time, then expect this value to increment with
+ /// each missed frame
+ int AppDroppedFrameCount;
+ /// Motion-to-photon latency for the application
+ /// This value is calculated by either using the SensorSampleTime provided for the ovrLayerEyeFov
+ /// or if that
+ /// is not available, then the call to ovr_GetTrackingState which has latencyMarker set to ovrTrue
+ float AppMotionToPhotonLatency;
+ /// Amount of queue-ahead in seconds provided to the app based on performance and overlap of
+ /// CPU and GPU utilization. A value of 0.0 would mean the CPU & GPU workload is being completed
+ /// in 1 frame's worth of time, while 11 ms (on the CV1) of queue ahead would indicate that the
+ /// app's CPU workload for the next frame is overlapping the GPU workload for the current frame.
+ float AppQueueAheadTime;
+ /// Amount of time in seconds spent on the CPU by the app's render-thread that calls
+ /// ovr_SubmitFram. Measured as elapsed time between from when app regains control from
+ /// ovr_SubmitFrame to the next time the app calls ovr_SubmitFrame.
+ float AppCpuElapsedTime;
+ /// Amount of time in seconds spent on the GPU by the app.
+ /// Measured as elapsed time between each ovr_SubmitFrame call using GPU timing queries.
+ float AppGpuElapsedTime;
+ ///
+ /// SDK Compositor stats
+ ///
+ /// Index that increments each time the SDK compositor completes a distortion and timewarp pass
+ /// Since the compositor operates asynchronously, even if the app calls ovr_SubmitFrame too late,
+ /// the compositor will kick off for each vsync.
+ int CompositorFrameIndex;
+ /// Increments each time the SDK compositor fails to complete in time
+ /// This is not tied to the app's performance, but failure to complete can be related to other
+ /// factors such as OS capabilities, overall available hardware cycles to execute the compositor
+ /// in time and other factors outside of the app's control.
+ int CompositorDroppedFrameCount;
+ /// Motion-to-photon latency of the SDK compositor in seconds.
+ /// This is the latency of timewarp which corrects the higher app latency as well as dropped app
+ /// frames.
+ float CompositorLatency;
+ /// The amount of time in seconds spent on the CPU by the SDK compositor. Unless the
+ /// VR app is utilizing all of the CPU cores at their peak performance, there is a good chance the
+ /// compositor CPU times will not affect the app's CPU performance in a major way.
+ float CompositorCpuElapsedTime;
+ /// The amount of time in seconds spent on the GPU by the SDK compositor. Any time spent on the
+ /// compositor will eat away from the available GPU time for the app.
+ float CompositorGpuElapsedTime;
+ /// The amount of time in seconds spent from the point the CPU kicks off the compositor to the
+ /// point in time the compositor completes the distortion & timewarp on the GPU. In the event the
+ /// GPU time is not available, expect this value to be -1.0f.
+ float CompositorCpuStartToGpuEndElapsedTime;
+ /// The amount of time in seconds left after the compositor is done on the GPU to the associated
+ /// V-Sync time. In the event the GPU time is not available, expect this value to be -1.0f.
+ float CompositorGpuEndToVsyncElapsedTime;
+ ///
+ /// Async Spacewarp stats (ASW)
+ ///
+ /// Will be true if ASW is active for the given frame such that the application is being forced
+ /// into half the frame-rate while the compositor continues to run at full frame-rate.
+ ovrBool AswIsActive;
+ /// Increments each time ASW it activated where the app was forced in and out of
+ /// half-rate rendering.
+ int AswActivatedToggleCount;
+ /// Accumulates the number of frames presented by the compositor which had extrapolated
+ /// ASW frames presented.
+ int AswPresentedFrameCount;
+ /// Accumulates the number of frames that the compositor tried to present when ASW is
+ /// active but failed.
+ int AswFailedFrameCount;
+} ovrPerfStatsPerCompositorFrame;
+/// Maximum number of frames of performance stats provided back to the caller of ovr_GetPerfStats
+enum { ovrMaxProvidedFrameStats = 5 };
+/// This is a complete descriptor of the performance stats provided by the SDK
+/// \see ovr_GetPerfStats, ovrPerfStatsPerCompositorFrame
+typedef struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrPerfStats_ {
+ /// FrameStatsCount will have a maximum value set by ovrMaxProvidedFrameStats
+ /// If the application calls ovr_GetPerfStats at the native refresh rate of the HMD
+ /// then FrameStatsCount will be 1. If the app's workload happens to force
+ /// ovr_GetPerfStats to be called at a lower rate, then FrameStatsCount will be 2 or more.
+ /// If the app does not want to miss any performance data for any frame, it needs to
+ /// ensure that it is calling ovr_SubmitFrame and ovr_GetPerfStats at a rate that is at least:
+ /// "HMD_refresh_rate / ovrMaxProvidedFrameStats". On the Oculus Rift CV1 HMD, this will
+ /// be equal to 18 times per second.
+ ///
+ /// The performance entries will be ordered in reverse chronological order such that the
+ /// first entry will be the most recent one.
+ ovrPerfStatsPerCompositorFrame FrameStats[ovrMaxProvidedFrameStats];
+ int FrameStatsCount;
+ /// If the app calls ovr_GetPerfStats at less than 18 fps for CV1, then AnyFrameStatsDropped
+ /// will be ovrTrue and FrameStatsCount will be equal to ovrMaxProvidedFrameStats.
+ ovrBool AnyFrameStatsDropped;
+ /// AdaptiveGpuPerformanceScale is an edge-filtered value that a caller can use to adjust
+ /// the graphics quality of the application to keep the GPU utilization in check. The value
+ /// is calculated as: (desired_GPU_utilization / current_GPU_utilization)
+ /// As such, when this value is 1.0, the GPU is doing the right amount of work for the app.
+ /// Lower values mean the app needs to pull back on the GPU utilization.
+ /// If the app is going to directly drive render-target resolution using this value, then
+ /// be sure to take the square-root of the value before scaling the resolution with it.
+ /// Changing render target resolutions however is one of the many things an app can do
+ /// increase or decrease the amount of GPU utilization.
+ /// Since AdaptiveGpuPerformanceScale is edge-filtered and does not change rapidly
+ /// (i.e. reports non-1.0 values once every couple of seconds) the app can make the
+ /// necessary adjustments and then keep watching the value to see if it has been satisfied.
+ float AdaptiveGpuPerformanceScale;
+ /// Will be true if Async Spacewarp (ASW) is available for this system which is dependent on
+ /// several factors such as choice of GPU, OS and debug overrides
+ ovrBool AswIsAvailable;
+ /// Contains the Process ID of the VR application the stats are being polled for
+ /// If an app continues to grab perf stats even when it is not visible, then expect this
+ /// value to point to the other VR app that has grabbed focus (i.e. became visible)
+ ovrProcessId VisibleProcessId;
+} ovrPerfStats;
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+/// Retrieves performance stats for the VR app as well as the SDK compositor.
+/// This function will return stats for the VR app that is currently visible in the HMD
+/// regardless of what VR app is actually calling this function.
+/// If the VR app is trying to make sure the stats returned belong to the same application,
+/// the caller can compare the VisibleProcessId with their own process ID. Normally this will
+/// be the case if the caller is only calling ovr_GetPerfStats when ovr_GetSessionStatus has
+/// IsVisible flag set to be true.
+/// If the VR app calling ovr_GetPerfStats is actually the one visible in the HMD,
+/// then new perf stats will only be populated after a new call to ovr_SubmitFrame.
+/// That means subsequent calls to ovr_GetPerfStats after the first one without calling
+/// ovr_SubmitFrame will receive a FrameStatsCount of zero.
+/// If the VR app is not visible, or was initially marked as ovrInit_Invisible, then each call
+/// to ovr_GetPerfStats will immediately fetch new perf stats from the compositor without
+/// a need for the ovr_SubmitFrame call.
+/// Even though invisible VR apps do not require ovr_SubmitFrame to be called to gather new
+/// perf stats, since stats are generated at the native refresh rate of the HMD (i.e. 90 Hz
+/// for CV1), calling it at a higher rate than that would be unnecessary.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[out] outStats Contains the performance stats for the application and SDK compositor
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success.
+/// \see ovrPerfStats, ovrPerfStatsPerCompositorFrame, ovr_ResetPerfStats
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_GetPerfStats(ovrSession session, ovrPerfStats* outStats);
+/// Resets the accumulated stats reported in each ovrPerfStatsPerCompositorFrame back to zero.
+/// Only the integer values such as HmdVsyncIndex, AppDroppedFrameCount etc. will be reset
+/// as the other fields such as AppMotionToPhotonLatency are independent timing values updated
+/// per-frame.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult for which OVR_SUCCESS(result) is false upon error and true
+/// upon success.
+/// \see ovrPerfStats, ovrPerfStatsPerCompositorFrame, ovr_GetPerfStats
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_ResetPerfStats(ovrSession session);
+/// Gets the time of the specified frame midpoint.
+/// Predicts the time at which the given frame will be displayed. The predicted time
+/// is the middle of the time period during which the corresponding eye images will
+/// be displayed.
+/// The application should increment frameIndex for each successively targeted frame,
+/// and pass that index to any relevant OVR functions that need to apply to the frame
+/// identified by that index.
+/// This function is thread-safe and allows for multiple application threads to target
+/// their processing to the same displayed frame.
+/// In the even that prediction fails due to various reasons (e.g. the display being off
+/// or app has yet to present any frames), the return value will be current CPU time.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] frameIndex Identifies the frame the caller wishes to target.
+/// A value of zero returns the next frame index.
+/// \return Returns the absolute frame midpoint time for the given frameIndex.
+/// \see ovr_GetTimeInSeconds
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(double) ovr_GetPredictedDisplayTime(ovrSession session, long long frameIndex);
+/// Returns global, absolute high-resolution time in seconds.
+/// The time frame of reference for this function is not specified and should not be
+/// depended upon.
+/// \return Returns seconds as a floating point value.
+/// \see ovrPoseStatef, ovrFrameTiming
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(double) ovr_GetTimeInSeconds();
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+/// Performance HUD enables the HMD user to see information critical to
+/// the real-time operation of the VR application such as latency timing,
+/// and CPU & GPU performance metrics
+/// App can toggle performance HUD modes as such:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrPerfHudMode PerfHudMode = ovrPerfHud_LatencyTiming;
+/// ovr_SetInt(session, OVR_PERF_HUD_MODE, (int)PerfHudMode);
+/// \endcode
+typedef enum ovrPerfHudMode_ {
+ ovrPerfHud_Off = 0, ///< Turns off the performance HUD
+ ovrPerfHud_PerfSummary = 1, ///< Shows performance summary and headroom
+ ovrPerfHud_LatencyTiming = 2, ///< Shows latency related timing info
+ ovrPerfHud_AppRenderTiming = 3, ///< Shows render timing info for application
+ ovrPerfHud_CompRenderTiming = 4, ///< Shows render timing info for OVR compositor
+ ovrPerfHud_AswStats = 6, ///< Shows Async Spacewarp-specific info
+ ovrPerfHud_VersionInfo = 5, ///< Shows SDK & HMD version Info
+ ovrPerfHud_LinkPerf = 7, ///< Shows Oculus Link performance.
+ ovrPerfHud_Count = 8, ///< \internal Count of enumerated elements.
+ ovrPerfHud_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t.
+} ovrPerfHudMode;
+/// Layer HUD enables the HMD user to see information about a layer
+/// App can toggle layer HUD modes as such:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrLayerHudMode LayerHudMode = ovrLayerHud_Info;
+/// ovr_SetInt(session, OVR_LAYER_HUD_MODE, (int)LayerHudMode);
+/// \endcode
+typedef enum ovrLayerHudMode_ {
+ ovrLayerHud_Off = 0, ///< Turns off the layer HUD
+ ovrLayerHud_Info = 1, ///< Shows info about a specific layer
+ ovrLayerHud_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff
+} ovrLayerHudMode;
+/// Debug HUD is provided to help developers gauge and debug the fidelity of their app's
+/// stereo rendering characteristics. Using the provided quad and crosshair guides,
+/// the developer can verify various aspects such as VR tracking units (e.g. meters),
+/// stereo camera-parallax properties (e.g. making sure objects at infinity are rendered
+/// with the proper separation), measuring VR geometry sizes and distances and more.
+/// App can toggle the debug HUD modes as such:
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrDebugHudStereoMode DebugHudMode = ovrDebugHudStereo_QuadWithCrosshair;
+/// ovr_SetInt(session, OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_MODE, (int)DebugHudMode);
+/// \endcode
+/// The app can modify the visual properties of the stereo guide (i.e. quad, crosshair)
+/// using the ovr_SetFloatArray function. For a list of tweakable properties,
+/// see the OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_GUIDE_* keys in the OVR_CAPI_Keys.h header file.
+typedef enum ovrDebugHudStereoMode_ {
+ /// Turns off the Stereo Debug HUD.
+ ovrDebugHudStereo_Off = 0,
+ /// Renders Quad in world for Stereo Debugging.
+ ovrDebugHudStereo_Quad = 1,
+ /// Renders Quad+crosshair in world for Stereo Debugging
+ ovrDebugHudStereo_QuadWithCrosshair = 2,
+ /// Renders screen-space crosshair at infinity for Stereo Debugging
+ ovrDebugHudStereo_CrosshairAtInfinity = 3,
+ /// \internal Count of enumerated elements
+ ovrDebugHudStereo_Count,
+ ovrDebugHudStereo_EnumSize = 0x7fffffff ///< \internal Force type int32_t
+} ovrDebugHudStereoMode;
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/// @name Property Access
+/// These functions read and write OVR properties. Supported properties
+/// are defined in OVR_CAPI_Keys.h
+/// Reads a boolean property.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid for only the call.
+/// \param[in] defaultVal specifes the value to return if the property couldn't be read.
+/// \return Returns the property interpreted as a boolean value. Returns defaultVal if
+/// the property doesn't exist.
+ovr_GetBool(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, ovrBool defaultVal);
+/// Writes or creates a boolean property.
+/// If the property wasn't previously a boolean property, it is changed to a boolean property.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] value The value to write.
+/// \return Returns true if successful, otherwise false. A false result should only occur if the
+/// property
+/// name is empty or if the property is read-only.
+ovr_SetBool(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, ovrBool value);
+/// Reads an integer property.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] defaultVal Specifes the value to return if the property couldn't be read.
+/// \return Returns the property interpreted as an integer value. Returns defaultVal if
+/// the property doesn't exist.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(int) ovr_GetInt(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, int defaultVal);
+/// Writes or creates an integer property.
+/// If the property wasn't previously a boolean property, it is changed to an integer property.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] value The value to write.
+/// \return Returns true if successful, otherwise false. A false result should only occur if the
+/// property name is empty or if the property is read-only.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrBool) ovr_SetInt(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, int value);
+/// Reads a float property.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] defaultVal specifes the value to return if the property couldn't be read.
+/// \return Returns the property interpreted as an float value. Returns defaultVal if
+/// the property doesn't exist.
+ovr_GetFloat(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float defaultVal);
+/// Writes or creates a float property.
+/// If the property wasn't previously a float property, it's changed to a float property.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] value The value to write.
+/// \return Returns true if successful, otherwise false. A false result should only occur if the
+/// property name is empty or if the property is read-only.
+ovr_SetFloat(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, float value);
+/// Reads a float array property.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] values An array of float to write to.
+/// \param[in] valuesCapacity Specifies the maximum number of elements to write to the values array.
+/// \return Returns the number of elements read, or 0 if property doesn't exist or is empty.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(unsigned int)
+ ovrSession session,
+ const char* propertyName,
+ float values[],
+ unsigned int valuesCapacity);
+/// Writes or creates a float array property.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] values An array of float to write from.
+/// \param[in] valuesSize Specifies the number of elements to write.
+/// \return Returns true if successful, otherwise false. A false result should only occur if the
+/// property name is empty or if the property is read-only.
+ ovrSession session,
+ const char* propertyName,
+ const float values[],
+ unsigned int valuesSize);
+/// Reads a string property.
+/// Strings are UTF8-encoded and null-terminated.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] defaultVal Specifes the value to return if the property couldn't be read.
+/// \return Returns the string property if it exists. Otherwise returns defaultVal, which can be
+/// specified as NULL. The return memory is guaranteed to be valid until next call to
+/// ovr_GetString or until the session is destroyed, whichever occurs first.
+ovr_GetString(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, const char* defaultVal);
+/// Writes or creates a string property.
+/// Strings are UTF8-encoded and null-terminated.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] propertyName The name of the property, which needs to be valid only for the call.
+/// \param[in] value The string property, which only needs to be valid for the duration of the call.
+/// \return Returns true if successful, otherwise false. A false result should only occur if the
+/// property name is empty or if the property is read-only.
+ovr_SetString(ovrSession session, const char* propertyName, const char* value);
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning(pop)
+/// @cond DoxygenIgnore
+ sizeof(ovrTextureSwapChainDesc) == 10 * 4,
+ "ovrTextureSwapChainDesc size mismatch");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ***** Backward compatibility #includes
+// This is at the bottom of this file because the following is dependent on the
+// declarations above.
+#if !defined(OVR_CAPI_NO_UTILS)
+#include "Extras/OVR_CAPI_Util.h"
+/// @endcond
+#endif // OVR_CAPI_h
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Audio.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Audio.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8650208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Audio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_CAPI_Audio.h
+ \brief CAPI audio functions.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ ************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_Audio_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_Audio_h
+#ifdef _WIN32
+// Prevents <Windows.h> from defining min() and max() macro symbols.
+#ifndef NOMINMAX
+#define NOMINMAX
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "OVR_CAPI.h"
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+/// Gets the ID of the preferred VR audio output device.
+/// \param[out] deviceOutId The ID of the user's preferred VR audio device to use,
+/// which will be valid upon a successful return value, else it will be WAVE_MAPPER.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_GetAudioDeviceOutWaveId(UINT* deviceOutId);
+/// Gets the ID of the preferred VR audio input device.
+/// \param[out] deviceInId The ID of the user's preferred VR audio device to use,
+/// which will be valid upon a successful return value, else it will be WAVE_MAPPER.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_GetAudioDeviceInWaveId(UINT* deviceInId);
+/// Gets the GUID of the preferred VR audio device as a string.
+/// \param[out] deviceOutStrBuffer A buffer where the GUID string for the device will copied to.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+ovr_GetAudioDeviceOutGuidStr(WCHAR deviceOutStrBuffer[OVR_AUDIO_MAX_DEVICE_STR_SIZE]);
+/// Gets the GUID of the preferred VR audio device.
+/// \param[out] deviceOutGuid The GUID of the user's preferred VR audio device to use,
+/// which will be valid upon a successful return value, else it will be NULL.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_GetAudioDeviceOutGuid(GUID* deviceOutGuid);
+/// Gets the GUID of the preferred VR microphone device as a string.
+/// \param[out] deviceInStrBuffer A buffer where the GUID string for the device will copied to.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+ovr_GetAudioDeviceInGuidStr(WCHAR deviceInStrBuffer[OVR_AUDIO_MAX_DEVICE_STR_SIZE]);
+/// Gets the GUID of the preferred VR microphone device.
+/// \param[out] deviceInGuid The GUID of the user's preferred VR audio device to use,
+/// which will be valid upon a successful return value, else it will be NULL.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_GetAudioDeviceInGuid(GUID* deviceInGuid);
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+#endif // OVR_OS_MS
+#endif // OVR_CAPI_Audio_h
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_D3D.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_D3D.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8bbc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_D3D.h
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_CAPI_D3D.h
+ \brief D3D specific structures used by the CAPI interface.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ ************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_D3D_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_D3D_h
+#include "OVR_CAPI.h"
+#include "OVR_Version.h"
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#include <Unknwn.h>
+#include <guiddef.h>
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+// ***** Direct3D Specific
+/// Create Texture Swap Chain suitable for use with Direct3D 11 and 12.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] d3dPtr Specifies the application's D3D11Device to create resources with
+/// or the D3D12CommandQueue which must be the same one the application renders
+/// to the eye textures with.
+/// \param[in] desc Specifies requested texture properties. See notes for more info
+/// about texture format.
+/// \param[in] bindFlags Specifies what ovrTextureBindFlags the application requires
+/// for this texture chain.
+/// \param[out] out_TextureSwapChain Returns the created ovrTextureSwapChain, which will
+/// be valid upon a successful return value, else it will be NULL.
+/// This texture chain must be eventually destroyed via ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain
+/// before destroying the session with ovr_Destroy.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \note The texture format provided in \a desc should be thought of as the format the
+/// distortion-compositor will use for the ShaderResourceView when reading the contents of
+/// the texture. To that end, it is highly recommended that the application requests texture
+// swapchain formats that are in sRGB-space (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB)
+/// as the compositor does sRGB-correct rendering. As such, the compositor relies on the
+/// GPU's hardware sampler to do the sRGB-to-linear conversion. If the application still
+/// prefers to render to a linear format (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM) while handling the
+/// linear-to-gamma conversion via HLSL code, then the application must still request the
+/// corresponding sRGB format and also use the \a ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless flag in the
+/// ovrTextureSwapChainDesc's Flag field. This will allow the application to create
+/// a RenderTargetView that is the desired linear format while the compositor continues to
+/// treat it as sRGB. Failure to do so will cause the compositor to apply unexpected gamma
+/// conversions leading to gamma-curve artifacts. The \a ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless
+/// flag for depth buffer formats (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT) is ignored as they are always
+/// converted to be typeless.
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainDesc
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX
+/// \see ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain
+ ovrSession session,
+ IUnknown* d3dPtr,
+ const ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* desc,
+ ovrTextureSwapChain* out_TextureSwapChain);
+/// Get a specific buffer within the chain as any compatible COM interface (similar to
+/// QueryInterface)
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] chain Specifies an ovrTextureSwapChain previously returned
+/// by ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainDX
+/// \param[in] index Specifies the index within the chain to retrieve.
+/// Must be between 0 and length (see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength),
+/// or may pass -1 to get the buffer at the CurrentIndex location. (Saving a call to
+/// GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex)
+/// \param[in] iid Specifies the interface ID of the interface pointer to query the buffer for.
+/// \param[out] out_Buffer Returns the COM interface pointer retrieved.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX(s, d3d11Chain, 0, IID_ID3D11Texture2D, &d3d11Texture);
+/// ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX(s, d3d11Chain, 1, IID_PPV_ARGS(&dxgiResource));
+/// ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferDX(s, d3d12Chain, 0, IID_ID3D12Resource, &d3d12Texture);
+/// \endcode
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrTextureSwapChain chain,
+ int index,
+ IID iid,
+ void** out_Buffer);
+/// Create Mirror Texture which is auto-refreshed to mirror Rift contents produced by this
+/// application.
+/// A second call to ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX for a given ovrSession before destroying
+/// the first one is not supported and will result in an error return.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] d3dPtr Specifies the application's D3D11Device to create resources with
+/// or the D3D12CommandQueue which must be the same one the application renders to
+/// the textures with.
+/// \param[in] desc Specifies requested texture properties.
+/// See notes for more info about texture format.
+/// \param[out] out_MirrorTexture Returns the created ovrMirrorTexture, which will be valid upon a
+/// successful return value, else it will be NULL.
+/// This texture must be eventually destroyed via ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture before
+/// destroying the session with ovr_Destroy.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \note The texture format provided in \a desc should be thought of as the format the compositor
+/// will use for the RenderTargetView when writing into mirror texture. To that end, it is
+/// highly recommended that the application requests a mirror texture format that is
+/// in sRGB-space (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB) as the compositor does sRGB-correct
+/// rendering. If however the application wants to still read the mirror texture as a linear
+/// format (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM) and handle the sRGB-to-linear conversion in
+/// HLSL code, then it is recommended the application still requests an sRGB format and also
+/// use the \a ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless flag in the ovrMirrorTextureDesc's Flags field.
+/// This will allow the application to bind a ShaderResourceView that is a linear format
+/// while the compositor continues to treat is as sRGB. Failure to do so will cause the
+/// compositor to apply unexpected gamma conversions leading to gamma-curve artifacts.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture = nullptr;
+/// ovrMirrorTextureDesc mirrorDesc = {};
+/// mirrorDesc.Format = OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB;
+/// mirrorDesc.Width = mirrorWindowWidth;
+/// mirrorDesc.Height = mirrorWindowHeight;
+/// ovrResult result = ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX(session, d3d11Device,
+/// &mirrorDesc, &mirrorTexture);
+/// [...]
+/// // Destroy the texture when done with it.
+/// ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture(session, mirrorTexture);
+/// mirrorTexture = nullptr;
+/// \endcode
+/// \see ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferDX
+/// \see ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture
+ ovrSession session,
+ IUnknown* d3dPtr,
+ const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc,
+ ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture);
+/// Deprecated. Use ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX instead
+/// Same as ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX except doesn't use ovrMirrorOptions flags as part
+/// of ovrMirrorTextureDesc's MirrorOptions field, and defaults to ovrMirrorOption_PostDistortion
+/// \see ovrMirrorOptions, ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX
+ ovrSession session,
+ IUnknown* d3dPtr,
+ const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc,
+ ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture);
+/// Get a the underlying buffer as any compatible COM interface (similar to QueryInterface)
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] mirrorTexture Specifies an ovrMirrorTexture previously returned
+/// by ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsDX
+/// \param[in] iid Specifies the interface ID of the interface pointer to query the buffer for.
+/// \param[out] out_Buffer Returns the COM interface pointer retrieved.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ID3D11Texture2D* d3d11Texture = nullptr;
+/// ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferDX(session, mirrorTexture, IID_PPV_ARGS(&d3d11Texture));
+/// d3d11DeviceContext->CopyResource(d3d11TextureBackBuffer, d3d11Texture);
+/// d3d11Texture->Release();
+/// dxgiSwapChain->Present(0, 0);
+/// \endcode
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture,
+ IID iid,
+ void** out_Buffer);
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+#endif // _WIN32
+#endif // OVR_CAPI_D3D_h
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_GL.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_GL.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1b9bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_GL.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_CAPI_GL.h
+ \brief OpenGL-specific structures used by the CAPI interface.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ ************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_GL_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_GL_h
+#include "OVR_CAPI.h"
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+/// Creates a TextureSwapChain suitable for use with OpenGL.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] desc Specifies the requested texture properties.
+/// See notes for more info about texture format.
+/// \param[out] out_TextureSwapChain Returns the created ovrTextureSwapChain,
+/// which will be valid upon a successful return value, else it will be NULL.
+/// This texture swap chain must be eventually destroyed via
+// ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain before destroying the session with ovr_Destroy.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \note The \a format provided should be thought of as the format the distortion compositor will
+/// use when reading the contents of the texture. To that end, it is highly recommended
+/// that the application requests texture swap chain formats that are in sRGB-space
+/// (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB) as the distortion compositor does sRGB-correct
+/// rendering. Furthermore, the app should then make sure "glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB);"
+/// is called before rendering into these textures. Even though it is not recommended,
+/// if the application would like to treat the texture as a linear format and do
+/// linear-to-gamma conversion in GLSL, then the application can avoid
+/// calling "glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB);", but should still pass in an sRGB variant for
+/// the \a format. Failure to do so will cause the distortion compositor to apply incorrect
+/// gamma conversions leading to gamma-curve artifacts.
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainDesc
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferGL
+/// \see ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain
+ ovrSession session,
+ const ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* desc,
+ ovrTextureSwapChain* out_TextureSwapChain);
+/// Get a specific buffer within the chain as a GL texture name
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] chain Specifies an ovrTextureSwapChain previously returned
+/// by ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL
+/// \param[in] index Specifies the index within the chain to retrieve.
+/// Must be between 0 and length (see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength)
+/// or may pass -1 to get the buffer at the CurrentIndex location.
+/// (Saving a call to GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex)
+/// \param[out] out_TexId Returns the GL texture object name associated with
+/// the specific index requested
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure.
+/// In the case of failure, use ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrTextureSwapChain chain,
+ int index,
+ unsigned int* out_TexId);
+/// Creates a Mirror Texture which is auto-refreshed to mirror Rift contents produced by this
+/// application.
+/// A second call to ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL for a given ovrSession before destroying
+/// the first one is not supported and will result in an error return.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] desc Specifies the requested mirror texture description.
+/// \param[out] out_MirrorTexture Specifies the created ovrMirrorTexture, which will be
+/// valid upon a successful return value, else it will be NULL.
+/// This texture must be eventually destroyed via ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture before
+/// destroying the session with ovr_Destroy.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \note The \a format provided should be thought of as the format the distortion compositor will
+/// use when writing into the mirror texture. It is highly recommended that mirror textures
+// are requested as sRGB formats because the distortion compositor does sRGB-correct
+/// rendering. If the application requests a non-sRGB format (e.g. R8G8B8A8_UNORM) as the
+/// mirror texture, then the application might have to apply a manual linear-to-gamma
+/// conversion when reading from the mirror texture. Failure to do so can result in
+// incorrect gamma conversions leading to gamma-curve artifacts and color banding.
+/// \see ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferGL
+/// \see ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture
+ ovrSession session,
+ const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc,
+ ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture);
+/// Deprecated. Use ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL instead
+/// Same as ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL except doesn't use ovrMirrorOptions flags as part
+/// of ovrMirrorTextureDesc's MirrorOptions field, and defaults to ovrMirrorOption_PostDistortion
+/// \see ovrMirrorOptions, ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL
+ ovrSession session,
+ const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc,
+ ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture);
+/// Get a the underlying buffer as a GL texture name
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] mirrorTexture Specifies an ovrMirrorTexture previously returned
+// by ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsGL
+/// \param[out] out_TexId Specifies the GL texture object name associated with the mirror texture
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture,
+ unsigned int* out_TexId);
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+#endif // OVR_CAPI_GL_h
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Keys.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Keys.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c37357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Keys.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_CAPI.h
+ \brief Keys for CAPI property function calls
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ ************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_Keys_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_Keys_h
+#include "OVR_Version.h"
+#define OVR_KEY_USER "User" // string
+#define OVR_KEY_NAME "Name" // string
+#define OVR_KEY_GENDER "Gender" // string "Male", "Female", or "Unknown"
+#define OVR_DEFAULT_GENDER "Unknown"
+#define OVR_KEY_PLAYER_HEIGHT "PlayerHeight" // float meters
+#define OVR_KEY_EYE_HEIGHT "EyeHeight" // float meters
+#define OVR_DEFAULT_EYE_HEIGHT 1.675f
+#define OVR_KEY_NECK_TO_EYE_DISTANCE "NeckEyeDistance" // float[2] meters
+#define OVR_KEY_EYE_TO_NOSE_DISTANCE "EyeToNoseDist" // float[2] meters
+#define OVR_PERF_HUD_MODE "PerfHudMode" // int, allowed values are defined in enum ovrPerfHudMode
+#define OVR_LAYER_HUD_MODE "LayerHudMode" // int, allowed values are defined in enum ovrLayerHudMode
+#define OVR_LAYER_HUD_CURRENT_LAYER "LayerHudCurrentLayer" // int, The layer to show
+#define OVR_LAYER_HUD_SHOW_ALL_LAYERS "LayerHudShowAll" // bool, Hide other layers when hud enabled
+#define OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_MODE "DebugHudStereoMode" // int, see enum ovrDebugHudStereoMode
+#define OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_GUIDE_INFO_ENABLE "DebugHudStereoGuideInfoEnable" // bool
+#define OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_GUIDE_SIZE "DebugHudStereoGuideSize2f" // float[2]
+#define OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_GUIDE_POSITION "DebugHudStereoGuidePosition3f" // float[3]
+#define OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_GUIDE_YAWPITCHROLL "DebugHudStereoGuideYawPitchRoll3f" // float[3]
+#define OVR_DEBUG_HUD_STEREO_GUIDE_COLOR "DebugHudStereoGuideColor4f" // float[4]
+#endif // OVR_CAPI_Keys_h
diff --git a/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Vk.h b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Vk.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..feae83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_CAPI_Vk.h
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_CAPI_Vk.h
+ \brief Vulkan specific structures used by the CAPI interface.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ ************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_CAPI_Vk_h
+#define OVR_CAPI_Vk_h
+#include "OVR_CAPI.h"
+#include "OVR_Version.h"
+#if !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+// ***** Vulkan Specific
+/// Get a list of Vulkan vkInstance extensions required for VR.
+/// Returns a list of strings delimited by a single space identifying Vulkan extensions that must
+/// be enabled in order for the VR runtime to support Vulkan-based applications. The returned
+/// list reflects the current runtime version and the GPU the VR system is currently connected to.
+/// \param[in] luid Specifies the luid for the relevant GPU, which is returned from ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] extensionNames is a character buffer which will receive a list of extension name
+/// strings, separated by a single space char between each extension.
+/// \param[in] inoutExtensionNamesSize indicates on input the capacity of extensionNames in chars.
+/// On output it returns the number of characters written to extensionNames,
+/// including the terminating 0 char. In the case of this function returning
+/// ovrError_InsufficientArraySize, the required inoutExtensionNamesSize is returned.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information. Returns ovrError_InsufficientArraySize in
+/// the case that inoutExtensionNameSize didn't have enough space, in which case
+/// inoutExtensionNameSize will return the required inoutExtensionNamesSize.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// char extensionNames[4096];
+/// uint32_t extensionNamesSize = sizeof(extensionNames);
+/// ovr_GetInstanceExtensionsVk(luid, extensionsnames, &extensionNamesSize);
+/// uint32_t extensionCount = 0;
+/// const char* extensionNamePtrs[256];
+/// for(const char* p = extensionNames; *p; ++p) {
+/// if((p == extensionNames) || (p[-1] == ' ')) {
+/// extensionNamePtrs[extensionCount++] = p;
+/// if (p[-1] == ' ')
+/// p[-1] = '\0';
+/// }
+/// }
+/// VkInstanceCreateInfo info = { ... };
+/// info.enabledExtensionCount = extensionCount;
+/// info.ppEnabledExtensionNames = extensionNamePtrs;
+/// [...]
+/// \endcode
+ ovrGraphicsLuid luid,
+ char* extensionNames,
+ uint32_t* inoutExtensionNamesSize);
+/// Get a list of Vulkan vkDevice extensions required for VR.
+/// Returns a list of strings delimited by a single space identifying Vulkan extensions that must
+/// be enabled in order for the VR runtime to support Vulkan-based applications. The returned
+/// list reflects the current runtime version and the GPU the VR system is currently connected to.
+/// \param[in] luid Specifies the luid for the relevant GPU, which is returned from ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] extensionNames is a character buffer which will receive a list of extension name
+/// strings, separated by a single space char between each extension.
+/// \param[in] inoutExtensionNamesSize indicates on input the capacity of extensionNames in chars.
+/// On output it returns the number of characters written to extensionNames,
+/// including the terminating 0 char. In the case of this function returning
+/// ovrError_InsufficientArraySize, the required inoutExtensionNamesSize is returned.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information. Returns ovrError_InsufficientArraySize in
+/// the case that inoutExtensionNameSize didn't have enough space, in which case
+/// inoutExtensionNameSize will return the required inoutExtensionNamesSize.
+ ovrGraphicsLuid luid,
+ char* extensionNames,
+ uint32_t* inoutExtensionNamesSize);
+/// Find VkPhysicalDevice matching ovrGraphicsLuid
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] luid Specifies the luid returned from ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] instance Specifies a VkInstance to search for matching luids in.
+/// \param[out] out_physicalDevice Returns the VkPhysicalDevice matching the instance and luid.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \note This function enumerates the current physical devices and returns the one matching the
+/// luid. It must be called at least once prior to any ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk or
+/// ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsVk calls, and the instance must remain valid for the lifetime
+/// of the returned objects. It is assumed the VkDevice created by the application will be for the
+/// returned physical device.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrGraphicsLuid luid,
+ VkInstance instance,
+ VkPhysicalDevice* out_physicalDevice);
+/// Select VkQueue to block on till rendering is complete
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] queue Specifies a VkQueue to add a VkFence operation to and wait on.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \note The queue may be changed at any time but only the value at the time ovr_SubmitFrame
+/// is called will be used. ovr_SetSynchronizationQueueVk must be called with a valid VkQueue
+/// created on the same VkDevice the texture sets were created on prior to the first call to
+/// ovr_SubmitFrame. An internally created VkFence object will be signalled by the completion
+/// of operations on queue and waited on to synchronize the VR compositor.
+OVR_PUBLIC_FUNCTION(ovrResult) ovr_SetSynchronizationQueueVk(ovrSession session, VkQueue queue);
+// Backwards compatibility for the original typoed version
+#define ovr_SetSynchonizationQueueVk ovr_SetSynchronizationQueueVk
+// Define OVR_PREVIEW_DEPRECATION to generate warnings for upcoming API deprecations
+#pragma deprecated("ovr_SetSynchonizationQueueVk")
+/// Create Texture Swap Chain suitable for use with Vulkan
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] device Specifies the application's VkDevice to create resources with.
+/// \param[in] desc Specifies requested texture properties. See notes for more info
+/// about texture format.
+/// \param[out] out_TextureSwapChain Returns the created ovrTextureSwapChain, which will be valid
+/// upon a successful return value, else it will be NULL.
+/// This texture chain must be eventually destroyed via ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain
+/// before destroying the session with ovr_Destroy.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \note The texture format provided in \a desc should be thought of as the format the
+/// distortion-compositor will use for the ShaderResourceView when reading the contents
+/// of the texture. To that end, it is highly recommended that the application
+/// requests texture swapchain formats that are in sRGB-space
+/// (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB) as the compositor does sRGB-correct rendering.
+/// As such, the compositor relies on the GPU's hardware sampler to do the sRGB-to-linear
+/// conversion. If the application still prefers to render to a linear format (e.g.
+/// OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM) while handling the linear-to-gamma conversion via
+/// SPIRV code, then the application must still request the corresponding sRGB format and
+/// also use the \a ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless flag in the ovrTextureSwapChainDesc's
+/// Flag field. This will allow the application to create a RenderTargetView that is the
+/// desired linear format while the compositor continues to treat it as sRGB. Failure to
+/// do so will cause the compositor to apply unexpected gamma conversions leading to
+/// gamma-curve artifacts. The \a ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless flag for depth buffer formats
+/// (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT) is ignored as they are always
+/// converted to be typeless.
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainDesc
+/// \see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainBufferVk
+/// \see ovr_DestroyTextureSwapChain
+ ovrSession session,
+ VkDevice device,
+ const ovrTextureSwapChainDesc* desc,
+ ovrTextureSwapChain* out_TextureSwapChain);
+/// Get a specific VkImage within the chain
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] chain Specifies an ovrTextureSwapChain previously returned by
+/// ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainVk
+/// \param[in] index Specifies the index within the chain to retrieve.
+/// Must be between 0 and length (see ovr_GetTextureSwapChainLength),
+/// or may pass -1 to get the buffer at the CurrentIndex location (saving a
+/// call to GetTextureSwapChainCurrentIndex).
+/// \param[out] out_Image Returns the VkImage retrieved.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrTextureSwapChain chain,
+ int index,
+ VkImage* out_Image);
+/// Create Mirror Texture which is auto-refreshed to mirror Rift contents produced by this
+/// application.
+/// A second call to ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsVk for a given ovrSession before destroying
+/// the first one is not supported and will result in an error return.
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] device Specifies the VkDevice to create resources with.
+/// \param[in] desc Specifies requested texture properties. See notes for more info
+/// about texture format.
+/// \param[out] out_MirrorTexture Returns the created ovrMirrorTexture, which will be
+/// valid upon a successful return value, else it will be NULL.
+/// This texture must be eventually destroyed via ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture before
+/// destroying the session with ovr_Destroy.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// \note The texture format provided in \a desc should be thought of as the format the
+/// compositor will use for the VkImageView when writing into mirror texture. To that end,
+/// it is highly recommended that the application requests a mirror texture format that is
+/// in sRGB-space (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB) as the compositor does sRGB-correct
+/// rendering. If however the application wants to still read the mirror texture as a
+/// linear format (e.g. OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM) and handle the sRGB-to-linear conversion
+/// in SPIRV code, then it is recommended the application still requests an sRGB format and
+/// also use the \a ovrTextureMisc_DX_Typeless flag in the ovrMirrorTextureDesc's
+/// Flags field. This will allow the application to bind a ShaderResourceView that is a
+/// linear format while the compositor continues to treat is as sRGB. Failure to do so will
+/// cause the compositor to apply unexpected gamma conversions leading to
+/// gamma-curve artifacts.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture = nullptr;
+/// ovrMirrorTextureDesc mirrorDesc = {};
+/// mirrorDesc.Format = OVR_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB;
+/// mirrorDesc.Width = mirrorWindowWidth;
+/// mirrorDesc.Height = mirrorWindowHeight;
+/// ovrResult result = ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsVk(session, vkDevice, &mirrorDesc,
+/// &mirrorTexture);
+/// [...]
+/// // Destroy the texture when done with it.
+/// ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture(session, mirrorTexture);
+/// mirrorTexture = nullptr;
+/// \endcode
+/// \see ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferVk
+/// \see ovr_DestroyMirrorTexture
+ ovrSession session,
+ VkDevice device,
+ const ovrMirrorTextureDesc* desc,
+ ovrMirrorTexture* out_MirrorTexture);
+/// Get a the underlying mirror VkImage
+/// \param[in] session Specifies an ovrSession previously returned by ovr_Create.
+/// \param[in] mirrorTexture Specifies an ovrMirrorTexture previously returned by
+/// ovr_CreateMirrorTextureWithOptionsVk
+/// \param[out] out_Image Returns the VkImage pointer retrieved.
+/// \return Returns an ovrResult indicating success or failure. In the case of failure, use
+/// ovr_GetLastErrorInfo to get more information.
+/// <b>Example code</b>
+/// \code{.cpp}
+/// VkImage mirrorImage = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
+/// ovr_GetMirrorTextureBufferVk(session, mirrorTexture, &mirrorImage);
+/// ...
+/// vkCmdBlitImage(commandBuffer, mirrorImage, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_SRC_OPTIMAL,
+/// ...
+/// vkQueuePresentKHR(queue, &presentInfo);
+/// \endcode
+ ovrSession session,
+ ovrMirrorTexture mirrorTexture,
+ VkImage* out_Image);
+#endif // !defined(OVR_EXPORTING_CAPI)
+#endif // OVR_CAPI_Vk_h
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80a67d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_ErrorCode.h
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+/********************************************************************************/ /**
+ \file OVR_ErrorCode.h
+ \brief This header provides LibOVR error code declarations.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_ErrorCode_h
+#define OVR_ErrorCode_h
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "OVR_Version.h"
+#define OVR_RESULT_DEFINED ///< Allows ovrResult to be independently defined.
+/// API call results are represented at the highest level by a single ovrResult.
+typedef int32_t ovrResult;
+/// \brief Indicates if an ovrResult indicates success.
+/// Some functions return additional successful values other than ovrSucces and
+/// require usage of this macro to indicate successs.
+#if !defined(OVR_SUCCESS)
+#define OVR_SUCCESS(result) (result >= 0)
+/// \brief Indicates if an ovrResult indicates an unqualified success.
+/// This is useful for indicating that the code intentionally wants to
+/// check for result == ovrSuccess as opposed to OVR_SUCCESS(), which
+/// checks for result >= ovrSuccess.
+#define OVR_UNQUALIFIED_SUCCESS(result) (result == ovrSuccess)
+/// \brief Indicates if an ovrResult indicates failure.
+#if !defined(OVR_FAILURE)
+#define OVR_FAILURE(result) (!OVR_SUCCESS(result))
+// Success is a value greater or equal to 0, while all error types are negative values.
+#define OVR_SUCCESS_DEFINED ///< Allows ovrResult to be independently defined.
+typedef enum ovrSuccessType_ {
+ /// This is a general success result. Use OVR_SUCCESS to test for success.
+ ovrSuccess = 0,
+} ovrSuccessType;
+// Public success types
+// Success is a value greater or equal to 0, while all error types are negative values.
+typedef enum ovrSuccessTypes_ {
+ /// Returned from a call to SubmitFrame. The call succeeded, but what the app
+ /// rendered will not be visible on the HMD. Ideally the app should continue
+ /// calling SubmitFrame, but not do any rendering. When the result becomes
+ /// ovrSuccess, rendering should continue as usual.
+ ovrSuccess_NotVisible = 1000,
+ /// Boundary is invalid due to sensor change or was not setup.
+ ovrSuccess_BoundaryInvalid = 1001,
+ /// Device is not available for the requested operation.
+ ovrSuccess_DeviceUnavailable = 1002,
+} ovrSuccessTypes;
+// Public error types
+typedef enum ovrErrorType_ {
+ /******************/
+ /* General errors */
+ /******************/
+ /// Failure to allocate memory.
+ ovrError_MemoryAllocationFailure = -1000,
+ /// Invalid ovrSession parameter provided.
+ ovrError_InvalidSession = -1002,
+ /// The operation timed out.
+ ovrError_Timeout = -1003,
+ /// The system or component has not been initialized.
+ ovrError_NotInitialized = -1004,
+ /// Invalid parameter provided. See error info or log for details.
+ ovrError_InvalidParameter = -1005,
+ /// Generic service error. See error info or log for details.
+ ovrError_ServiceError = -1006,
+ /// The given HMD doesn't exist.
+ ovrError_NoHmd = -1007,
+ /// Function call is not supported on this hardware/software
+ ovrError_Unsupported = -1009,
+ /// Specified device type isn't available.
+ ovrError_DeviceUnavailable = -1010,
+ /// The headset was in an invalid orientation for the requested
+ /// operation (e.g. vertically oriented during ovr_RecenterPose).
+ ovrError_InvalidHeadsetOrientation = -1011,
+ /// The client failed to call ovr_Destroy on an active session before calling ovr_Shutdown.
+ /// Or the client crashed.
+ ovrError_ClientSkippedDestroy = -1012,
+ /// The client failed to call ovr_Shutdown or the client crashed.
+ ovrError_ClientSkippedShutdown = -1013,
+ ///< The service watchdog discovered a deadlock.
+ ovrError_ServiceDeadlockDetected = -1014,
+ ///< Function call is invalid for object's current state
+ ovrError_InvalidOperation = -1015,
+ ///< Increase size of output array
+ ovrError_InsufficientArraySize = -1016,
+ /// There is not any external camera information stored by ovrServer.
+ ovrError_NoExternalCameraInfo = -1017,
+ /// Tracking is lost when ovr_GetDevicePoses() is called.
+ ovrError_LostTracking = -1018,
+ /// There was a problem initializing the external camera for capture
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraInitializedFailed = -1019,
+ /// There was a problem capturing external camera frames
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraCaptureFailed = -1020,
+ /// The external camera friendly name list and the external camera name list
+ /// are not the fixed size(OVR_MAX_EXTERNAL_CAMERA_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE).
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraNameListsBufferSize = -1021,
+ /// The external camera friendly name list is not the same size as
+ /// the external camera name list.
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraNameListsMistmatch = -1022,
+ /// The external camera property has not been sent to OVRServer
+ /// when the user tries to open the camera.
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraNotCalibrated = -1023,
+ /// The external camera name is larger than OVR_EXTERNAL_CAMERA_NAME_SIZE-1
+ ovrError_ExternalCameraNameWrongSize = -1024,
+ /// The caller doesn't have permissions for the requested action.
+ ovrError_AccessDenied = -1025,
+ /*************************************************/
+ /* Audio error range, reserved for Audio errors. */
+ /*************************************************/
+ /// Failure to find neither audio input or output device.
+ ovrError_AudioDeviceNotFound = -2001,
+ /// Generic COM error.
+ ovrError_AudioComError = -2002,
+ /// Failure to find the specified audio input device.
+ ovrError_AudioInputDeviceNotFound = -2003,
+ /// Failure to find the specified audio output device.
+ ovrError_AudioOutputDeviceNotFound = -2004,
+ /**************************/
+ /* Initialization errors. */
+ /**************************/
+ /// Generic initialization error.
+ ovrError_Initialize = -3000,
+ /// Couldn't load LibOVRRT.
+ ovrError_LibLoad = -3001,
+ /// LibOVRRT version incompatibility.
+ ovrError_LibVersion = -3002,
+ /// Couldn't connect to the OVR Service.
+ ovrError_ServiceConnection = -3003,
+ /// OVR Service version incompatibility.
+ ovrError_ServiceVersion = -3004,
+ /// The operating system version is incompatible.
+ ovrError_IncompatibleOS = -3005,
+ /// Unable to initialize the HMD display.
+ ovrError_DisplayInit = -3006,
+ /// Unable to start the server. Is it already running?
+ ovrError_ServerStart = -3007,
+ /// Attempting to re-initialize with a different version.
+ ovrError_Reinitialization = -3008,
+ /// Chosen rendering adapters between client and service do not match
+ ovrError_MismatchedAdapters = -3009,
+ /// Calling application has leaked resources
+ ovrError_LeakingResources = -3010,
+ /// Client version too old to connect to service
+ ovrError_ClientVersion = -3011,
+ /// The operating system is out of date.
+ ovrError_OutOfDateOS = -3012,
+ /// The graphics driver is out of date.
+ ovrError_OutOfDateGfxDriver = -3013,
+ /// The graphics hardware is not supported
+ ovrError_IncompatibleGPU = -3014,
+ /// No valid VR display system found.
+ ovrError_NoValidVRDisplaySystem = -3015,
+ /// Feature or API is obsolete and no longer supported.
+ ovrError_Obsolete = -3016,
+ /// No supported VR display system found, but disabled or driverless adapter found.
+ ovrError_DisabledOrDefaultAdapter = -3017,
+ /// The system is using hybrid graphics (Optimus, etc...), which is not support.
+ ovrError_HybridGraphicsNotSupported = -3018,
+ /// Initialization of the DisplayManager failed.
+ ovrError_DisplayManagerInit = -3019,
+ /// Failed to get the interface for an attached tracker
+ ovrError_TrackerDriverInit = -3020,
+ /// LibOVRRT signature check failure.
+ ovrError_LibSignCheck = -3021,
+ /// LibOVRRT path failure.
+ ovrError_LibPath = -3022,
+ /// LibOVRRT symbol resolution failure.
+ ovrError_LibSymbols = -3023,
+ /// Failed to connect to the service because remote connections to the service are not allowed.
+ ovrError_RemoteSession = -3024,
+ /// Vulkan initialization error.
+ ovrError_InitializeVulkan = -3025,
+ /// The graphics driver is black-listed.
+ ovrError_BlacklistedGfxDriver = -3026,
+ /********************/
+ /* Rendering errors */
+ /********************/
+ /// In the event of a system-wide graphics reset or cable unplug this is returned to the app.
+ ovrError_DisplayLost = -6000,
+ /// ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain was called too many times on a texture swapchain without
+ /// calling submit to use the chain.
+ ovrError_TextureSwapChainFull = -6001,
+ /// The ovrTextureSwapChain is in an incomplete or inconsistent state.
+ /// Ensure ovr_CommitTextureSwapChain was called at least once first.
+ ovrError_TextureSwapChainInvalid = -6002,
+ /// Graphics device has been reset (TDR, etc...)
+ ovrError_GraphicsDeviceReset = -6003,
+ /// HMD removed from the display adapter
+ ovrError_DisplayRemoved = -6004,
+ /// Content protection is not available for the display.
+ ovrError_ContentProtectionNotAvailable = -6005,
+ /// Application declared itself as an invisible type and is not allowed to submit frames.
+ ovrError_ApplicationInvisible = -6006,
+ /// The given request is disallowed under the current conditions.
+ ovrError_Disallowed = -6007,
+ /// Display portion of HMD is plugged into an incompatible port (ex: IGP)
+ ovrError_DisplayPluggedIncorrectly = -6008,
+ /// Returned in the event a virtual display system reaches a display limit
+ ovrError_DisplayLimitReached = -6009,
+ /****************/
+ /* Fatal errors */
+ /****************/
+ ///< A runtime exception occurred. The application is required to shutdown LibOVR and
+ /// re-initialize it before this error state will be cleared.
+ ovrError_RuntimeException = -7000,
+ /**********************/
+ /* Calibration errors */
+ /**********************/
+ /// Result of a missing calibration block
+ ovrError_NoCalibration = -9000,
+ /// Result of an old calibration block
+ ovrError_OldVersion = -9001,
+ /// Result of a bad calibration block due to lengths
+ ovrError_MisformattedBlock = -9002,
+/* Other errors */
+} ovrErrorType;
+/// Provides information about the last error.
+/// \see ovr_GetLastErrorInfo
+typedef struct ovrErrorInfo_ {
+ /// The result from the last API call that generated an error ovrResult.
+ ovrResult Result;
+ /// A UTF8-encoded null-terminated English string describing the problem.
+ /// The format of this string is subject to change in future versions.
+ char ErrorString[512];
+} ovrErrorInfo;
+#endif /* OVR_ErrorCode_h */
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/ovr_sdk_win_23.0.0/LibOVR/Include/OVR_Version.h
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+ \file OVR_Version.h
+ \brief This header provides LibOVR version identification.
+ \copyright Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+ *************************************************************************************/
+#ifndef OVR_Version_h
+#define OVR_Version_h
+/// Conventional string-ification macro.
+#if !defined(OVR_STRINGIZE)
+#define OVR_STRINGIZEIMPL(x) #x
+// Master version numbers
+#define OVR_PRODUCT_VERSION 1 // Product version doesn't participate in semantic versioning.
+#define OVR_MAJOR_VERSION 1 // If you change these values then you need to also make sure to change
+// LibOVR/Projects/Windows/LibOVR.props in parallel.
+#define OVR_MINOR_VERSION 55 //
+// This is the ((product * 100) + major) version of the service that the DLL is compatible with.
+// When we backport changes to old versions of the DLL we update the old DLLs
+// to move this version number up to the latest version.
+// The DLL is responsible for checking that the service is the version it supports
+// and returning an appropriate error message if it has not been made compatible.
+// This is the minor version representing the minimum version an application can query with this
+// SDK. Calls ovr_Initialize will fail if the application requests a version that is less than this.
+/// "Major.Minor.Patch"
+#if !defined(OVR_VERSION_STRING)
+#endif // OVR_Version_h